Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 557: Snowfield Conquest 7 (modified)


The behavior of the snow giants present was normal, because the several tribes named by Severo were all tribes that were on the opposite side of him in the competition for the throne. Those tribes that remained neutral and a small number of tribes that were on Severo’s side were not affected.

In their opinion, Severo was still on the wrong side of the tribe before attacking, and it had nothing to do with them. On the contrary, he still seemed to be a bit of a joke. The human city was obviously a tough nut to crack, and it could give way to others first. It is certainly a good thing for the tribe to consume.

Although the tribe that Severo ordered was extremely reluctant, they had to accept the order under Severo’s pressure. After all, in addition to the holy-level Severo, there were other people around this time. There are tens of thousands of royal warriors, and other tribes are not of the same mind as them. It is impossible to fight against Severo’s will together. They have become a minority at this time. Faced with Severo’s obviously unfair order, they can only bite the bullet and accept it. Come down.

Especially Dawu from the Snow Wind Tribe, who immediately accepted the order before they could express any objections, blocking their last remaining space to struggle.

Dau’s reaction was not Stockmore syndrome. Although the new order was still detrimental to the Yukikaze tribe, it was obviously the lesser of the two evils. At least Severo was bringing several tribes together this time. If they are sent out, they can bear some casualties to the Yukikaze Department.

Including the nearly 1,500 warriors that Xuefeng tribe will send this time, three large tribes, plus some small and medium-sized tribes, there will be almost 6,000 troops. They will not be as weak as before. If you want to be better, with such sufficient troops, you might be able to directly attack human cities.

Several tribes did not dare to raise objections. They were on the wrong team, so they had no choice but to accept the task and go back to organize warriors. Wang Ting and the remaining tribes were in this battle. He actually became a spectator.

Severo saw that these tribal leaders whom he hated could only be used as cannon fodder and human consumption according to their own will. There was no change in Severo’s face, but he couldn’t help but feel proud in his heart. The method of drawing one faction to fight another is not very clever, but it is always practical.

“Why should we, the Cold Wind Division, send a thousand troops?”

“It’s okay to let us send troops, but so many people in the royal court are watching like this? The royal court summoned us just to watch us fight, and he didn’t send a single soldier?”

“Say less! This is the king’s order. The leader has already received the order on the spot. Now I want you to select soldiers and prepare for the attack.”

As soon as he heard that it was the king’s order, General Hanfeng, who had been grumbling and expressing his dissatisfaction, stopped talking, but his face still had an indignant look, obviously just suppressing his dissatisfaction. Just go down.

The same situation has occurred in several tribes that have deployed warriors. After all, the Snow Giant tribe is already underpopulated, and it is too difficult to have children. Anyone who loses their young will feel distressed, let alone using it to attack humans. The city was fortified, and they had seen the troublesome aspects of the city just now. The Xuefeng tribe’s losses made them feel distressed. This was because the Xuefeng tribe was a top tribe with a strong foundation.

Ordinary small and medium-sized tribes may not be able to recruit hundreds of warriors in total. For small and medium-sized tribes, losing hundreds of warriors at once is enough for the entire tribe to collapse.

Now, it is obvious that the human city is a tough one. If they are allowed to attack again, no one will be dissatisfied if others watch the show and take their lives. However, the situation is stronger than that of humans. Seeing the tens of thousands of Royal Court troops and holy orders around them In order to save the face of the Snow Giant King, they could only swallow this breath.

Soon, the coalition army composed of the snow giant tribes started to move slowly while grumbling, but it could not be too slow, because on the other side there was Ge Ur leading the soldiers from the royal court to supervise the battle.

Finally, more than 6,000 snow giant warriors were distributed on all sides of Snowfield City, and the leading teams in all directions began to take action…

“Sir Richard, the snow giant has begun to attack.”

“Oh, still a tribal warrior.”

There are certain differences in appearance between the warriors of various tribes and the warriors of the Snow Giant Royal Court. Not only do the weapons in the hands of the warriors of the Royal Court have to be polished more delicately, but their waists are also made of mammoth hair. Belts to show the difference between royal warriors and ordinary tribal warriors.

Of course, these detailed information came from Mangu of the Ice Flame Department. With Mangu’s sincere surrender, Richard also learned a lot of information about the Snow Giant.

“Get ready to fight, General Christian will be in command.”

“Yes, sir!”

“Boom! Boom! Boom…”

The exciting war drums sounded, and the soldiers inside and outside Snowfield City entered fighting mode again. This time the Snow Giant’s attack was even more fierce.


“Let it go!”

“Divine Crossbow!”

“Let it go!”

The attacking Snow Giants were once again baptized by Snowfield City’s long-range attacks. A large number of Snow Giant warriors fell to the ground before they came into contact with the surrounding defenders.

However, this time the Snow Giants attacked more resolutely than the last time, because behind them was the Royal Court Supervisory Team led by Gul. Severo emphasized the order to severely punish deserters in front of all tribal leaders.

It is impossible to retreat. We can only keep attacking forward to fight for a glimmer of hope.



“Fire oil, add fire oil!”

“Block these big guys and don’t let them get close to the city wall!”

After the snow giants approached the human outer defense line, the scene that had just made the Yukikaze warriors’ scalps numb appeared again. Human soldiers as numerous as ants were pouring towards them in a steady stream. Although these weak humans could be beaten They hammered them gently into meat patties, but the fanatical look in their eyes and the desperate fighting style made the snow giants feel chills in their hearts.



A snow giant warrior had just beaten away more than a dozen human soldiers, but more human soldiers rushed forward. In the end, they were still unable to completely defend themselves, and were doused with kerosene and lit as torches. Compared to Generally speaking, the pain of being burned to death by fire is much more painful than being killed by the divine crossbow on the city wall. The snow giant just wants to quickly cross the human defense line and attack the humans on the city wall.

However, the Snow Giant general who commanded the battle had enough troops this time. He did not force a breakthrough like the Snow Wind Tribe’s previous attack. Instead, he asked the tribe warriors to withstand the long-range pressure on the city wall and destroy the humans on a large scale outside. of fortifications.


This time the Snow Giants no longer directly stepped over the Juma, but instead lifted the Juma in pairs and threw it to the roadside. The surrounding Snow Giants tried their best to deal with the rushing human soldiers to ensure that they were still destroying the outside. The fortified snow giants were not disturbed in any way.

These snow giants, which are more than ten meters high, are like transporters, destroying the fortifications at an absurd speed. Soon, the first layer of the outer ring position has been opened by the snow giants.

Compared to the last time, the Snow Giant’s attack became a little more dangerous this time. The fortifications on the outer edge of the snowfield were peeled off layer by layer by the Snow Giant like peeling an onion.

Of course, Richard will not sit back and watch the snow giant completely destroy the defense line established by Snowfield City on the outside. If the two lines of defense on the outside are lost, Snowfield City will become a completely isolated city.

“Keshid, take the extraordinary warriors to stabilize the defense and try not to let the snow giant get close to the city wall.”

“Follow your will, Lord Richard.”

Although the soldiers from the Snow Giant Royal Court still did not take action this time, the combined combat power of several large tribes cannot be underestimated, and the soldiers on the periphery may not be able to stop them.

In the final analysis, the racial gap between human soldiers and snow giants is too big. That is to say, under Richard’s rule, the soldiers in the North were able to be trained to this level, and they could fight against monsters like snow giants regardless of life and death. biological combat.

Any other regular army in the kingdom would probably not have the courage to fight the snow giant. The snow giant does not necessarily need to kill many soldiers. With its huge size, most of the army will collapse without a fight.

That is to say, the snow giants do not like the hot climate in the south, otherwise the central plains will become their pasture.

The soldiers of the Dragon Army and the Griffin Army were able to delay the pace of the Snow Giant to this extent. Richard was also quite satisfied. When the Snow Giant changed his tactics and prepared to clear the outer positions, he fired the first shot in his hand. A trump card.



Although the strength of the Protector Sword Saint Keshid has not reached the level of the Realm of Domain, he only said that his offensive ability is definitely far beyond the level of the Realm of Power.

As soon as he took action, he showed a terrifying attack power. A burst of fighting spirit directly chopped into pieces a snow giant who was moving away the horse. Then, several more bursts of fighting spirit were launched, and several more snow giants fell down immediately. .

The death of several snow giants was not something special on this battlefield, because they were destroying the outer fortifications under the attack of the divine crossbow. At any time, snow giants were hit by arrows and fell to the ground, and from time to time there were still The snow giant was lit into a torch by the crazy dragon soldiers.

But the snow giant killed by Keshid was different. The snow giant hit by the arrow only had an arrow hole on its body. It could even struggle after falling to the ground. The one who was burned by kerosene could react faster. There is a chance to put out the fire without dying.

But those who were killed by Keshid had one part of the body neatly separated from another part. The wounds were neater than cutting a watermelon, and then the blood flowed out. The degree of bloodiness was even worse than being directly hit by a trebuchet.

Kshid’s killing naturally attracted the attention of the attacking snow giants. Soon the elite snow giants surrounded Kshid, wanting to kill him.

But every time before the snow giants could complete the siege, Keshid would find an opportunity to break through a gap first.

On the battlefield, it is not that the strong cannot be surrounded and killed, but they have to fight alone. Keshid is not fighting alone at this time. Not only the divine crossbows on the city wall are providing long-range support, but also the dragon army on the ground The soldiers and the soldiers of the Griffin Legion did not give up the fight for a moment. After Keshid took action with his elite swordsmen, he quickly followed behind him and launched a counterattack.

That team of outstanding swordsmen were originally mid-level in the sky, but under the influence of Keshid, they have all advanced to the elite level, becoming the same level as the ancient golden dragon and poisonous dragon. Now they are all Combat power at the pinnacle of the sky.

With them following Keshid, the Snow Giants had no chance of besieging Keshid. Instead, they were beaten back steadily. The Snow Giants besieged him from all sides and started to attack, while Keshid used the power in his hands. Concentrate on one place to launch a counterattack, killing the snow giants on one side from the attacking side into a massive rout.


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