Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 556: Snowfield Conquest 6


In Severo’s eyes, there are serious problems with the system of the Snow Giant clan. Although Wang Ting has the advantage, it cannot be sure. Each major tribe has its own ideas and each puts the interests of its own tribe first. , once the interests of the Snow Giant clan conflict with the interests of the tribe, each tribe will give priority to the interests of its own tribe. Just like this time, the soldiers of the Snow Wind Tribe dared to go out privately to respond without orders from the royal court. As for the warriors of his own tribe, he did not feel guilty at all for deliberately consuming the soldiers of the Xuefeng tribe. Typically, he only allowed the state officials to set fires and not allow the people to light lamps.

Severo’s idea certainly makes sense. The snow giant’s tribal system has indeed dispersed the power of the Royal Court. When the Royal Court is strong, it can basically command the large tribes on the snowfield, but when it is weak, the large tribes There were times when he bullied the royal court.

It is a fact that each tribe puts their own interests at the most important position. Otherwise, the barbarians of the Ice Flame Tribe would not follow Richard wholeheartedly. It is because of following Richard that the Ice Flame Tribe will develop further. .

Severo’s idea is correct. The Snow Giant’s tribal system actually disperses the power of the Snow Giant. Even if the Royal Court is not weak now, after the summons is issued, there are still some tribes who are pushy and pushy and do not contribute much. , want to preserve strength.

It would be great if the kingdoms like humans could adopt the method of centralized power. After the two sides fight large and small battles, the snow giants, no matter how arrogant they are, will know something about humans. Everyone uses the common language, There is no language barrier between them. Humans can capture snow giants as prisoners, and snow giants can naturally capture human prisoners. On such a large battlefield, even if the defenders have a tenacious will to fight, some people will inevitably be captured by snow giants. Case.

Severo’s understanding of human beings came from the mouths of these captives. The country in the mouths of these captives was decided by the King of the North, and the talented people appointed by the king managed the country as officials. The whole country was united as one, and the king No matter where the order comes from, everyone dares to fight wherever he goes. The soldiers are effective, and the officers are not afraid of death and are invincible. In the last war, the weak human body caused huge losses to the powerful snow giant. This It is the institutional advantage of human beings.

It was also after listening to the descriptions of the captured human soldiers that Severo increasingly felt that there were serious problems with the current system of the Snow Giants. Each tribe fought on its own, and tribal interests came first. This was the fundamental reason why the Snow Giants were inferior to humans.

To sum up, this new king is very thoughtful and thinks that he has found the stubborn problem of the Snow Giant clan, which is that they are dragged down by the tribal system, and he is urgently needed to complete the reform. The so-called revenge on the Snow Wind Tribe is actually just a cover. He wanted to weaken the strength of the large tribes as much as possible and reduce the resistance to his reforms.

As for this war? Severo didn’t think that 30,000 snow giant warriors would stop at this small human city. As long as he gave the order and attacked with all his strength, victory would be within reach.

Obviously, Severo’s understanding of human beings is still very limited. He regards Richard as the king of mankind and has included Northland among all humans. If the system of Northland is fully functioning in the kingdom, The war potential that the kingdom can unleash is at least several times greater than it is now.

There are still a large number of nobles in the human kingdom as a whole, which are no different from the large tribes of snow giants. Even Richard and the northern forces he leads are actually considered one of the large tribes.

As for the system, more important than whether it is good or bad is whether it is appropriate or not. Although a centralized system can bring out the overall strength of a force, it requires a variety of conditions.

First of all, there must be a complete system and an efficient administrative team. Otherwise, if the power is concentrated in the hands, there will be nothing but chaos. The development level of productivity must reach that level. To put it bluntly, agriculture must develop to a certain extent. OK.

With the current state of the Snow Giants, it is impossible to centralize power. Fundamentally speaking, the production method of the Snowfield is only suitable for the tribal system. The leaders of each family are responsible for their own affairs and respect the royal court together. In case of war, Under the summons of the Snow Giant King, they each contributed their efforts. Although they would not use their full strength due to selfishness, they were still able to mobilize effectively.

And if a centralized system comparable to that in the Northland is applied mechanically, the Snow Giant himself may be seriously injured first. In short, the scariest time is when you have to take action when you have only a partial understanding of something.

“Catch all these deserters!”

“Let’s see who dares! This is a soldier of my Xuefeng Department. If you make any mistakes, it should be punished by my Xuefeng Department. Why should you arrest someone!”

As soon as the attacking Xuefeng soldiers retreated, the Snow Giant General Geul came up with a group of Royal Court soldiers to find trouble, preparing to take these Xuefeng soldiers who had retreated from the Snowfield City into custody.

In fact, according to Ge Ur’s idea, he planned to use these deserters to establish his authority. When they fled to a certain distance and were suspected of attacking the rear camp, he would directly order the soldiers of the royal court to attack and execute them in an open and fair manner.

However, the Yukikaze tribe broke away from the team and left the camp under the order of the leader, and went directly to pick up the Yukikaze tribe soldiers who had escaped, which made his plan fail. The deserters stabilized at a longer distance, without They continued to run away, and some of them even turned around to confront the pursuing dragon. When they came back, they were wrapped up in the main force of the Snow Wind Tribe. Gul had no chance to make a move. He couldn’t let his soldiers attack the Snow Wind Tribe.

Even if he wanted to weaken the Yukikaze tribe for Severo, he would not dare to do such a thing. Killing the deserters would have a high-sounding reason, but directly attacking the Yukikaze tribe would become a naked civil war.

However, although he cannot attack directly, it does not mean that Ge Ur will not go to the Snow Wind Tribe to cause trouble. Just when the Snow Wind Tribe was preparing to place these escaped warriors, Ge Ur went directly to them. Demand that all those who have escaped be taken away.

This time, it was like poking a hornet’s nest. Before the leader of the Snow Wind Tribe could say anything, his officers had already made a fuss, determined not to let Ge Ur take away the soldiers of the Snow Wind Tribe.

“What? Are you going to protect the deserters? The king’s order is to punish deserters severely. These shameful deserters should be punished.”

Seeing that the people in the Yukikaze tribe were furious, Geul knew that he could not suppress these people, so he immediately carried Severo out.

The ordinary warriors of the Snow Wind Tribe are okay. After all, the Snow Giant King is too far away from them. The people they usually interact with most are the leaders of their own tribe. In comparison, they respect their own leaders more, and the leader of the Snow Wind Tribe is more respectful. But his face became ugly.

After brewing for a long time, the leader of the Snow Wind Tribe stood up and said to Gul:

“It is impossible for our soldiers from the Snow Wind Division to be handed over to you. I will personally explain to the king.”

“Things have to be sorted out. The matter of deserters will be solved immediately, and you should think about how to explain to the king that the soldiers of Xuefeng Department acted without orders.”

“Go and take away all the deserters from the Xuefeng tribe. Let’s see who dares to disobey the king’s order and stop them!”

The warriors of the Royal Court were pressing forward steadily under the leadership of Ge Ur. Although there were more warriors from the Snow Wind Tribe here, they were naturally weaker when facing the Royal Court, and a tense confrontation ensued between the two sides.

“Gur, don’t mess around!”

At the critical moment, it was Kawei who stood up and stopped Geul’s actions.

“Don’t move for now. Let Xuefeng take care of these people first. Leader Dawu and I will go to see the king.”

When Kawei spoke up, the soldiers of the Royal Court paused for a moment. Although Kawei, under the order of the Snow Giant King Severo, came to command the miscellaneous teams of various tribes outside the direct lineage of the Royal Court, he was the Royal Court after all. The most senior general, both in terms of strength and prestige, is very high. When he speaks, the soldiers in the royal court will hesitate.

Faced with Kawei’s obstruction, Geul did not continue to maintain a tough attitude. Instead, he waved his hand and asked his soldiers to stop their actions.

“Since General Kawei asked for a step back, if the king pursues it…”

“I’ll take the responsibility.”

After speaking, the soldiers of the royal court stopped taking action, and Kawei led Dawu, the leader of the Xuefeng tribe, towards the high platform where Severo was.


Outside the Snowfield City, the camp where the Snow Giant King is located.

Two rows of snow giant elite warriors stood on both sides, and Kawei brought Dawu, the leader of the Snow Wind Tribe, along the road to Severo.

The Snow Giant King learned his lesson this time. He stayed far away from the battlefield and deployed a large number of elites around him to prevent the human saints from beheading him like the last time. However, this does not mean that he did not notice the situation on the battlefield. When the two walked onto Before I could speak, Severo spoke up first:

“Chief Dawu, if you mobilize your soldiers without my order, don’t you take me as the king seriously?”

Severo’s first words were a bit aggressive, which made Dawu secretly feel bad. He immediately lowered his head and explained:

“The matter is urgent and there is no time to wait for the king’s order. Please forgive me.”

“Oh, you can disobey my orders if the matter is urgent? What you mean by urgent is to rescue those deserters from your Xuekong Department?”

In fact, after two or three generations of strong Snow Giant King rule, the power of the Royal Court has become quite high. At least the major tribes have made some small moves, but they dare not disobey the Royal Court’s orders. Wang’s posture in front of him was very low.

The Snow Giant King’s current status among the Snow Giants can barely be regarded as that of the Emperor of Zhou before the Spring and Autumn Period. Although he does not directly control the major tribes, he can still easily control one or two of them if he wants to.

But the current Snow Giant King Severo is obviously not satisfied with this indirect influence. He is a Saint-level Snow Giant King, and is more powerful than the previous Snow Giant Kings who barely reached the Holy level with the help of the Ice and Snow Key. What is needed is absolute control.

“King, although they are wrong, there is a reason. The human city is more difficult to defeat than imagined, and compared to last time, human beings have one more holy dragon. Please forgive them. Crime.”

“King, the attacking warriors have no reinforcements and cannot get close to the city wall. If the holy dragon appears again, it will be really difficult to maintain their fighting power. I ask the king to deal with them leniently.”

Kavi also spoke out to persuade. Severo remained silent for a while and looked around. As the royal court’s flag-bearing place, in addition to a large number of elite guards, there are also some royal court officials and tribal leaders. Although they He didn’t say anything, but it could be seen from his expression that he was leaning towards the Xuefeng tribe.

Snow giants generally do not have the habit of executing deserters, but instead carry out other punishments. The population, especially the young and strong population, is very valuable to snow giants

Besides, no one is stupid or blind. The Yukikaze Club’s failure this time was just because they were on the wrong team and Severo slipped their shoes. There is no big mistake. Severo can just give him a little punishment. It would be too much to insist on punishing Dawu and executing deserters.

Obviously, they still underestimated Severo’s ambitions, and retaliating against the tribes who were on the wrong side was just an appearance, an appearance that Severo deliberately created.

However, although Severo intends to continue to weaken the major tribes, he is not stupid. On the contrary, he is very smart and can become a saint. He is not a proud and heroic figure, but he may be a fool. He just has radical ideas. Just a few, too powerful.

With Kavi’s advice, Severo pretended to use this step to come down and said to Dawu:

“No matter what the reason is, it is not a reason to desert, nor is it a reason for the Yukikaze Department to disobey the king’s order. However, with the intercession of General Kawei, I will give the Yukikaze Department a chance.”

“Thank you, King, for your forgiveness.”

Although he didn’t know what chance Severo was talking about, Dawu still lay down on the ground and showed his attitude.

The expression on Severo’s face softened slightly, and he seemed to be quite satisfied with Dawu’s performance. Then Severo continued:

“Let those deserters rest for a while before launching an attack again. Let them rush to the front to atone for their sins. Xuefeng will send another thousand soldiers to join the siege. Those who disobey the king’s orders will not be held accountable.”


After listening to Severo’s request, Dawu showed hesitation on his face. Although the Xuefeng tribe was a large tribe, it could only bring out a few thousand warriors. Half of the Xuefeng tribe’s warriors were mobilized in one go. , the previous losses were already painful enough. If they were tricked again, the Snow Wind tribe might fall to the middle tribe.

“Huh? Doesn’t Chief Dawu agree?”

Severo stared straight at Dawu, glaring at him. It made Dawu feel a huge pressure. Compared with the previous kings who relied on the key of ice and snow to enter the holy level, Severo is a genuine holy level strongman. Being targeted by a holy level strongman, you can imagine the pressure on Dawu. And know.

With the words of rejection on his lips but unable to be uttered at all, Severo may not destroy the Yukikaze tribe, but it is not impossible to kill himself on the spot and replace the Yukikaze tribe with an obedient leader.

While Dawu was struggling in his heart, Severo spoke again:

“Although the Snow Wind Tribe performed poorly before, it can also be seen that human strength is not weak. It may be difficult for the Snow Wind Tribe to defeat humans. This time, in addition to the Snow Wind Tribe, the Cold Wind and Ice Spear Tribes also sent a thousand troops each. Well, and…”

Severo then opened his mouth and named several tribes.

“Yukikaze is willing to be a pioneer.”

Listening to Severus naming a bunch of tribes, Dawu no longer hesitated and knelt down to accept the order again.

The other leaders of the Snow Giant tribe and the officials of the Royal Court had strange and somewhat natural expressions on their faces…


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