Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 554: Snowfield Conquest 4




Dense stone bullets smashed into the attacking snow giant team, and the snow giant that was hit fell to the ground almost immediately.

Although the Snow Giant is equal to the human knight in terms of rank, in a real fight, it is almost impossible for an ordinary human knight to defeat a snow giant warrior alone. The snow giant’s size advantage is too great for humans. .

But being big is sometimes a good thing, and sometimes it is a bad thing. When you are big, the target is naturally bigger, so the hit rate of the thrown stone bullets becomes much higher. There are hundreds of stone bullets in this round, and the hit rate is It actually reached an astonishing 20%, and more than ten snow giants were directly hit and fell to the ground.

This kind of stone bullets flying thousands of meters will definitely not hurt even the masters of the earth level. The strong body of the snow giant warrior looks extremely fragile in front of the stone bullets.

In addition to the snow giants who were directly hit and fell immediately, a considerable number of snow giant warriors were injured by the ejections of stone bullets, because the ground in the snowfield is almost all solid frozen soil, and the ground has nothing to absorb the kinetic energy of the stone bullets. The power of all the stone bullets after hitting the ground will bounce up violently. Although its power is not as powerful as a direct projectile hit, hitting the snow giant after bouncing up can still cause serious injury to the opponent. Most of them hit the lower body and can immediately cause leg fractures.

One round of trebuchets reduced the number of the attacking Snow Giants to nearly thirty, and made the leader of the Xuefeng Tribe who was watching the battle behind feel a burst of pain.

However, there was no turning back when the bow was fired, and at some point, soldiers from the Royal Court came behind to supervise the battle. The Xuefeng tribe could only continue to direct the soldiers to attack and speed up the advance.

“Divine Crossbow!”

“Get ready!”

“Let it go!”

“Buzz, buzz, buzz…”

A low machine sound sounded, and the snow giant had already entered a distance of 500 meters from the first line of defense. It was considered to be the best attack range of the divine crossbow. These divine crossbows that can damage giant dragons are quite powerful in low-level shooting. Surprisingly, it is not much weaker than the trebuchet just now.

There were not many divine crossbows arranged on the periphery, only about twenty, but their shooting accuracy was higher than that of the trebuchets. After one round of shooting, a dozen more snow giants fell to the ground.

“Speed ​​up!”

“Rush over!”

“Smash those weak humans into meat pies!”

The figure of the snow giant is getting closer and closer. The distance of a few hundred meters does not even take ten seconds for the snow giant to enter the running state. The Shenwei crossbow that has fired a round of arrows is still being loaded nervously, and the responsible person Under the command of the officer, the soldiers who were fighting hand-to-hand had already raised their spears and picked up the oil drums, and were ready for a hand-to-hand fight.

“Dong, dong, dong…”

The sound of the running snow giants shook the earth, and every sound was like knocking on the hearts of the soldiers at the front. Only when facing these behemoths nearly ten meters high can one feel the powerlessness, even if the soldiers There was a large and sturdy horse in front of them, which made it difficult for them to feel safe enough.

Discipline and morale maintain their courage in facing the snow giant.




The first snow giant successfully rushed into the human horse formation. The four-meter-high large horse resistance could not stop the running snow giant. Most of the snow giants running in front jumped up directly. Jumped over the thin peripheral horse-rejecting formation.

But before they started killing, the stinging pain on their soles made them roar in pain.

To cooperate with the Juma, ground spikes were placed not far behind. These spikes were carefully covered in the snow by the defenders. Some unlucky snow giant warriors stepped on the spikes as soon as they jumped in.

Originally, due to their rough skin and thick flesh, it would be difficult for ordinary soldiers to cause much damage to them even if they stabbed them with a spear. However, using their own weight to step on the spikes made it easier to break through the defense. Many snow giants had their feet pierced directly by spikes, shrinking to the ground in pain, and their mobility was greatly reduced.

“Kerosene Team! Come on!”

The Dragon Army soldiers who were well prepared here immediately rushed towards the snow giant in their hands under the leadership of their respective captains, carrying kerosene and torches.

This is also the experience summed up by humans in the last battle of Snowfield City. Except for knight-level masters with fighting spirit, ordinary soldiers can’t really cause any harm to the snow giant with the weapons in their hands. They use weapons to attack the snow giant like Like those soldiers who used rifles to fight tanks in World War II, they could only hear the sound.

To injure the Snow Giant as much as possible, you must hold a bucket of kerosene and pour it on it, and then ignite it to cause real casualties to the Snow Giant.



Several huge torches soon appeared on the human outer positions. The ignited snow giant fell to the ground and rolled in pain without dying, which cleared some traps for the similar people behind.


However, the sacrifice required to ignite the snow giant is definitely not small. The fallen snow giant is not really powerless to resist. Looking at the humans approaching, no matter how much pain he endures, he still knows how to pick up the stone spear in his hand. Stone Ax resisted.

Often, four or five human soldiers were swept away with one sweep of their stone spears. These soldiers had almost no chance of surviving, and even leaving a whole body was a luxury.

What’s more, the snow giants from behind are also pouring in. In addition to the snow giants that jumped over Juma at the beginning, the snow giants behind began to move away from Juma and destroy the traps. There were even snow giants using ice blades to destroy the sharp points on the ground. Thorn, obviously also somewhat prepared.

“Buzz, buzz, buzz…”

However, the soldiers in front fought hard and bought time for the loading of the Shenwei crossbow. More than twenty Shenwei crossbows were fired again. Although the two sides were now mixed together, there was no need to worry about accidental damage to a target as big as the Snow Giant, and Because the distance was close enough, more than twenty crossbow bolts were fired, and at least a dozen more snow giants fell to the ground.

“Why do these despicable human weapons feel more terrifying than before.”

The leader of the Snow Wind Tribe had participated in the attack on Snowfield City before. At that time, although the human war equipment was powerful, its accuracy was not that high, which made him feel a little uneasy.

But the outer defense line cannot stop the impact of the Snow Giant. The soldiers of the Snow Wind Department have a high tolerance for casualties. Perhaps they were created as war weapons. Even after being out of control for many years, the Snow Giant still retains its good The fighting nature was aroused in the face of the dragon army’s resistance. Because of its strong individual strength, the first circle of defense was quickly smashed to pieces by the snow giant.

“Sir Richard! There is a gap in the third section of the defense line of Beiwai! Hundreds of snow giants have crossed the defense line!”

“Lord Richard! The outer five sections of defense have been breached by the Snow Giant. The Snow Giant is only 500 meters away from the city wall!”

“Sir Richard, something is wrong!”

Christine, who was commanding with Richard here, seemed to notice something unusual when the Snow Giant broke through the defense line, and suddenly said to Richard:

“I don’t see what the purpose of the Snow Giant is. If it is a test, we should not send so many troops. Even if we only send half of the troops and attack a few points on the outer defense line, we can still break through smoothly. The outer defense line is just a way to delay the Snow Giant. It’s just a buffer to prevent them from attacking the city wall directly.”

“If it is a large-scale attack, sending so many troops is not enough. At least they should be followed by a part of the reinforcements to attack in a relay, without giving the defenders a chance to breathe.”

“Haha, it seems that their internal problems have not been solved.”

Compared with Christine’s doubts, Richard took the snow giant’s problem very seriously. The snow giants attacking this time were tribal warriors, and there was a bit of the chairman’s intention of using the enemy to consume other people. He looks smart but is actually stupid.

But Richard won’t be polite. If the other party wants to consume it, he can just accept it as ordered.

“Let the golem and the mighty crossbow activate.”

“Yes, sir!”

At a distance of five hundred meters, magic mages and archers are still out of reach, but they have already entered the attack range of magic mages and divine crossbows. The hundreds of divine crossbows in the city are several times the number in the last war. Only King Kong There are only about twenty golems due to lack of materials.

Richard gave the order, and the entire Snowfield City seemed to be activated. The number of several hundred Shenwei crossbows was already quite terrifying. They were obviously heavy weapons at the level of bed crossbows, but they fired like a volley of bows and arrows. There were also The red energy rays emitted by the King Kong Golem caused hundreds of casualties to the warriors of the Xuefeng Tribe outside.

The performance of the two rune crossbows enhanced by Christian’s skills is also quite impressive. If the divine crossbow is a covering strike, the rune crossbow is a precise sniper, and it is fully automatic. Although it is not as powerful It is much higher than the Divine Power Crossbow, but its killing effect is several levels higher.

After the Divine Power Crossbow fired one round and entered the reloading stage, the Rune God Crossbow could continue to attack non-stop, causing casualties to the Snow Giant even with even one arrow. It felt a bit like a dull knife cutting flesh.



“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…”

“Bang, bang, bang…”

Of course, the Snow Giants can’t just stand and take a beating. Although they are hampered by the disgusting horse-defying defense line on the outside, it doesn’t mean that they don’t have the means to launch a counterattack against the city wall. The Snow Giants don’t have fancy siege equipment. First, the resources and productivity in the snowfield cannot reach that level, but most of the time, the snow giant itself is a powerful siege machine. Most of them have stones slightly larger than human heads hanging on their bodies. The effect is not much worse than the catapult.

Stones flew like rain from the air, and most of them hit the heads of the defenders on the city wall. Even though the defenders had prepared to put up the curtains, those who were hit were still turned upside down, especially the soldiers operating the divine crossbows. In order to ensure Due to the shooting frequency, they could not hide behind the wall and could only carry the stone bullets and continue fighting. At least more than two hundred soldiers were killed by the stone bullets, and more than ten Shenwei crossbows were damaged.

There was even a stone bullet that accidentally flew towards where Richard was standing, but before Richard could make any move, the sword master on the side had already unsheathed his sword, and a burst of fighting spirit hit the flying stone. The bullet split in half.

Faced with the casualties on the city wall, Richard and Christine hardly showed any emotion. They still stood firmly at the top of the city, urging the soldiers operating the divine crossbows to continue attacking.

If the fight continues with this casualty ratio, the first person to be unable to withstand it will definitely be the Snow Giant.

“Buzz, buzz, buzz…”

The mighty crossbows on the city wall once again exerted their power. These carefully trained crossbowmen were not affected by the snow giant’s stone bullets at all. If a companion fell to the ground, no matter how tragic the death, the crossbowmen prepared next to him would immediately He rushed to take his place without any fear of exchanging lives with the snow giant.

Hundreds of giant arrows were fired at the Snow Giant again, causing dozens of casualties. Coupled with the attacks of the rune ballista and the Vajra Golem, the Snow Giant once again cost nearly a hundred casualties.

Before touching the city wall, the Snow Giant suffered more than 20% casualties.

The soldiers of Xuefeng Tribe are still fighting with gritted teeth, trying to get over the entanglement of the humans at their feet, while the leader of Xuefeng Tribe who is watching the battle from a distance is already so distressed that he can no longer stand it.



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