Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 552: Snowfield Conquest 2


In addition to a large number of troops trained by himself, the system army is still the trump card force in this battle. At this time, the system force in Richard’s hands is actually divided into two, and most of the military force is even still on the front line of Longxiguan.

Several giant dragons led by Moriel are still assisting in the battle at the main pass, and Gru and several heroes are guarding the northern line of Longxing Pass with more than a thousand system troops.

It can be said that in fact, most of the power in Richard’s hands has not returned to the Northland yet. However, two months of accumulation is still a powerful force even if it is recruited immediately. In addition to the batch of troops he took away before, currently Northland can now recruit eight dragons and eight angels again. In addition to the outstanding swordsmen obtained from the store before, not to mention low-level arms, there is no shortage of top-level arms, and they can fight in the snowfield. There are nearly a hundred fourth- and fifth-level troops that have exerted sufficient combat power on the battlefield, and they are only stronger than when they fought in the snowfield for the first time.

In terms of decisive power, the holy combat power around Richard at this time includes three more, including a holy dragon and the country-protecting sword Saint Keshid. The snow giant now has no ice and snow. I’m afraid I can’t even find a single holy-level combat power.

Perhaps in the eyes of the Snow Giant Royal Court, the previous Snow Giant King died due to carelessness. In the snow field, the Snow Giant still occupies an absolute advantage. This time, he did not succeed and mobilized all the main forces to directly fill the gap with superior troops. Just kill the opponent and no longer give him a chance to fight.

But they obviously do not have a correct understanding of the speed at which Richard accumulates strength, and their understanding of the strength of the human side is still at the level of the previous battle. Therefore, the Snow Giant’s goal is to besiege and uproot the Snowfield City, but Richard’s goal is to directly defeat the Snow Giant Royal Court and make Snowfield completely surrender.

After 300,000 troops entered Snowfield City through the teleportation array with various materials, the system army also assembled in Miracle City. Dragons, angels, unicorns, champion knights, magic mages, silver pegasus, lions Eagle…

Various fantasy arms appeared one after another in the sight of the people of Miracle City. At this time, Richard was too lazy to hide at all. He displayed them openly, not afraid of attracting anyone’s attention. The people of Miracle City had also already It’s not strange at all, and I just cheer for the giant dragon from time to time. Human beings have worshiped the giant dragon for hundreds of years, and it cannot be changed in a short time.

Here, the war is being prepared in an orderly manner, but Richard has not gone to Snowfield City for the time being. Anyway, with the current defense strength of Snowfield City, it will be difficult for the Snow Giant to capture it, not to mention that there are still enemies in Snowfield City at the moment. A general like Christine is in charge.

Miracle City

Amidst the bustling city, there is a house that is always deserted and quiet. This courtyard occupies a large area in the core area of ​​Miracle City. It is next to the Hunter family’s mansion. With the sharp increase in housing prices in Miracle City, the courtyard here has If it were to be sold, it would definitely fetch a sky-high price. The people who could live here were all the top dignitaries in the North. Not to mention the bustling crowds, at least there would always be people there on weekdays.

But in the yard here, if Shi Chang could still see the servants cleaning it, they would have thought that the house was unoccupied. Speculations about the owner of this place have never stopped, but because of Richard’s order, no matter how curious he is, People did not dare to come to visit, which also caused the rumors about the owner of this house to become more and more uncertain.

In the yard, the owner of the yard, Aragorn, was sitting by a pond of more than ten acres in a daze. A closer look revealed that he had a fishing rod in his hand. I don’t know when it was, but Aragorn turned out to be like the old man by the river. , fishing from time to time.

On weekdays, Aragorn would just sit by the pond all afternoon without any waiters coming to disturb him, but today he received another uninvited guest.

“His Majesty Aragon is really in great spirits.”

In the entire Northland, there was no other person besides Richard who could visit him freely.

As soon as Richard’s words came out, the person had already arrived not far away.


However, Aragorn did not respond to Richard, but made a silent gesture.

Then he pulled it with his hand, and a huge black fish came out of the fish pond. From a visual inspection, the fish weighed at least thirty kilograms.

The two waiters standing by didn’t waste any time, and immediately went to take off the fish and put it into the large bucket that had been prepared. It seemed that this was not the first time they had done this.

“I have nothing to do in my spare time, just to cultivate my character. When I was a kid, I didn’t have meat to eat, so I went fishing in the river to fill my stomach. Now I can just miss it, and it’s a bit fun.”

Isn’t the fun of fishing lies in slipping away? Although Richard has no hobby of fishing, he also knows that the joy of fishing is incomplete without the process of fishing.

Look at Aragorn’s fishing method again. A long pole made entirely of fine iron, and the fishing line is made of the most resilient gold silk. As soon as the fish bites the hook, he relies on his strength to throw it up with a big pull. The **** fish weighing more than 30 kilograms was like a small fry in his hands, and he didn’t know what the fun was in it.

However, Richard did not dwell on this matter. After all, Aragorn had nothing to do in the North, and he could not practice, so he had to find some way to kill time for himself. Richard came here for Aragorn. Something else in hand.

“Tell me, what’s going on this time? If you want to fight the snow giant again, you won’t need the help of a rotten person like me, right? The Snow Giant King next to you is not something that the Snow Giant King can resist. ”

As Aragorn spoke, he couldn’t help but look at Keshid aside. He was another unfamiliar master, and now he was even a saint.

When Keshid heard Aragorn mentioning him, he took the initiative to step forward and salute slightly. Aragorn looked at him and was surprised. In Keshid’s eyes, Aragorn was even more unfathomable. With his With his perceptual ability, he could not sense Aragorn’s strength at all. If Richard hadn’t been respectful towards him, Keshid might have mistaken him for an ordinary person.

The last time Aragorn came to help, Richard didn’t even have the power of a Saint. The Snow Giant King had to be solved by Aragorn, but this time it was different. Not only did Richard himself successfully advance to Saint With a holy step beside him, Aragorn felt that there was no need to take action himself.

“It’s best if Your Majesty is willing to take action. If Your Majesty is not willing to take action, can you lend that thing to me?”


“The Snow Giant King’s key to ice and snow!”

“You actually came up with the idea of ​​the Ice and Snow Key?”

“Your ambition is really big!”

After thinking about it for a moment, Aragorn understood what Richard was thinking. He originally thought that Richard would only be passively defensive and just thwart the Snow Giant’s offensive like last time, but it was obvious that Richard wanted to deal with the Snow Giant once and for all this time. things.

Passive defense, it doesn’t make much sense for Richard to hold the Ice and Snow Key, but taking the initiative is different. If Richard can successfully defeat the Snow Giant Wang Ting, then the existence of the Ice and Snow Key can eliminate some of the problems. The Snow Giant tribe resisted. After all, the Key of Ice and Snow has always been a symbol of authority on the snowy plains. Who said that the one who holds the Key of Ice and Snow cannot be a human being. As long as his fist is strong enough and he has the Key of Ice and Snow in his hand, there will always be a tribe who will find a way out for him.

“The environment in the snowfield is not as simple as you think. Don’t steal the chicken but lose the rice.”

Aragorn is very aware of the environment of the snowfield. The low temperature all year round is not a place for ordinary people to stay, let alone the bad weather that appears from time to time. When the white-haired wind blows, even the snow giants who like the cold by nature have to avoid it. If the human army were to avoid it, it would be highly likely that the entire army would be annihilated.

Richard’s ability to build a city and a stronghold on the snowfield is already a miracle in Aragorn’s eyes. Taking the initiative to conquer the snow giant is really unimaginable, even with Aragorn’s peak strength. , it is an extremely simple thing to kill a snow giant, but it becomes very difficult to make the snow giant surrender. The key is that in Aragorn’s view, conquering the snow giant has no benefit, so he endures I couldn’t help but give some advice.

“I have a reason to conquer the snow giant, and I have made full preparations this time.”

Richard could not explain to Aragorn that it was for the Titans, so he could only ignore the topic. Aragorn was silent for a moment, and did not ask any more questions, but silently took out a blue and white crystal clear key. Throw it to Richard.

“I will no longer take action between you and the snow giants. The orcs and other gods that should have been buried in history are the big trouble. You have to remember this.”

Richard found the Ice and Snow Key and nodded, his attention completely attracted by the Ice and Snow Key.

“Treasure: Ice and Snow Key (partially damaged).


Effect 1: The town where the treasure holder belongs can unlock the special building Ice Giant Temple.

Ice Giant Temple: You can recruit an ice giant every week.


Effect 2: Can control the weather and create a blizzard of considerable intensity within ten miles.


Effect 3 (damaged): With the power of the Ice Giant King, the holder can transform into the Ice Giant King to fight, and gain all the strength of the Ice Giant King while retaining the original attributes.

Duration: One hour.

Cooling time: one week.


Effect 4 (damaged): Command, in the state of the Ice Giant King, all ice giants will instinctively obey the holder’s orders.


Introduction: The Key of Ice and Snow, during the ancient Elf Empire, was a holy magic weapon built by the Elf Holy Wizards in accordance with the standards of artifacts. It was used to control the magical creatures they created, corresponding to the families of the gods. ”

After seeing the effect of the Ice and Snow Key, Richard had only one thought in his heart: regret, very regret.

At that time, Aragorn killed the Snow Giant Queen and put away the Key of Ice and Snow. Richard had no objection. After all, he was the one who asked Aragorn to take action. There was nothing wrong with him taking the spoils. In Richard’s eyes, this was nothing more than a scam. Something symbolic.

If he had known the effect earlier, Richard might have tried every means to deceive the Key of Ice and Snow from Aragorn first. He would have lost 100 million, but it is not too late to get it now.

At least in the next war, the Ice and Snow Key can play a huge role. I don’t know if the effect of commanding the Ice Giant can be used on the degraded Snow Giant. If it can be controlled, then this battle There is no suspense anymore.

Li Cha went through several uses of the Snow and Ice Key in his mind. He originally came to get this Snow and Ice Key, just thinking of the icing on the cake, but unexpectedly he found that this treasure had miraculous effects.

I didn’t care to talk to Aragondo. After a few pleasantries, Richard said goodbye and left with Keshid.

Part of the Ice and Snow Key is damaged. In this era when mages are extinct, no one can repair it. The height of the Elf Saint Magician may not be reached in another hundred years. The Snow Giant has already been Got free.

But who is to say that Richard is a cheat? Just because others can’t repair it, doesn’t mean that he can’t repair it. The blacksmith shop in the Stone Castle has repaired all artifacts of the God-killing Ring level.


“Ice and Snow Key (Partially Damaged)

Repair cost:

Kinnar x5000, magic crystal x5, cold spring gem x5, mercury

Repair? ”


At this point in material consumption, Richard did not even blink an eye when confirming it.

With a burst of noise in the blacksmith shop, the repaired Ice and Snow Key reappeared in Richard’s hands. The appearance of the treasure did not change much, but the several damaged functions were all restored to normal.

It seemed like a shackle was put around the snowfield overlord’s neck again.



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