Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 551: Snowfield Conquest 1


As the situation in the snowfield became tense, under Richard’s order, the war machine in Northland began to operate rapidly.

Originally, tens of thousands of troops were stationed in Snowfield City for defense, but this time to prepare to completely solve the problem of Snowfield, tens of thousands of troops are definitely not enough. At this time, the military strength of the Northland is actually quite sufficient, because after a long period of During that time, the Hunter family was in a situation where they drew their swords and looked around but couldn’t find any opponents.

The ogres to the west have had their backs broken and can no longer pose any threat to the Demon Suppression City. The city originally used to defend the ogres in the wilderness is actually used to sell kobold slaves and ogres. The rapid construction of the slave transit center in the North was not only due to the extremely high administrative efficiency of the Hunter family, but also related to the continuous supply of labor in the wilderness.

Facts have proved that as long as there is profit, human beings can always show amazing potential. Originally, kobold slaves were the mainstream slaves in the North, because they were not too tiring to work, easy to feed, and they were quite loyal to their masters after being tamed. An excellent miner, favored by major chambers of commerce and nobles in the North.

But the kobolds have a serious shortcoming, that is, lack of labor. It’s not that the kobolds don’t want to work, but they are born with low strength, and it’s almost useless even if they are willing to work.

Some slave traders in the wilderness finally, driven by profit, took action against the ogres who were previously as fearful as tigers. Some ogres and small tribes who hunted alone became the targets of the slave traders. After repeated attempts, they actually found a way to tame the ogres into slaves. Since then, there is another product on the slave market of Demon Suppression City.

As the manager of Demon Suppression City, Lint had a resigned attitude towards this. Under his governance, the core rules of Demon Suppression City were two. One was to allow these slave-catching teams to be lawless in the wilderness. Don’t cause trouble when you return to human territory, especially after entering the Demon Suppression City.

At first, these ruthless people who dared to catch slaves in the wilderness would challenge the rules of the Demon Suppressing City. However, under the strong suppression of the Flying Bear Army, they soon understood that the habits in the wilderness must not be carried away. Come back to the human world. The established veterans of the Flying Bear Army are simply not something that one or two knights can resist. With a sword player holding a big shield and dozens of powerful crossbows hitting his face, a single knight will immediately have to take a break.

So, no matter how cruel these slave-catching teams are in the wilderness, they must be good and law-abiding citizens when they return to Demon Suppression City.

As for the second rule, it is even simpler. No one is allowed to trade humans as slaves, including half-elves and half-orcs. This penalty is heavier than the penalty for causing trouble in the city. The city only uses force to deal with individuals, but if it involves selling humans as slaves, then the entire caravan will be punished immediately, and everyone involved will be sentenced to death.

The Pandora’s box of the slave trade has been opened, and we must find ways to restrict it. Otherwise, under the high profits, someone will always start to make crooked ideas.

Originally, the ogres in the wilderness lost their most powerful tribe and could no longer pose any threat to the Demon Suppression City. Now they are being continuously bled by large groups of slave catching teams, causing them to not even dare to approach human territory. .

The tens of thousands of flying bear troops in Demon Suppression City are completely idle. In order to maintain their combat effectiveness, Quill even takes a few flag regiment men to the wilderness from time to time to actively seek out ogres for training, in order to maintain the combat effectiveness of the army. force.

No matter how elite the army is, it will be easily destroyed if it is kept stationary. Only by moving from time to time to adapt to the battle can it maintain its combat effectiveness for a long time. But even so, the Flying Bear Army was the main force in several battles when the Hunter family started. Now because of the pacification of the wilderness, there is a sense that it is impossible to fight.

In Zhenmo City, a cavalry team of thousands of people poured into the city. Because the signal was given in advance, the soldiers at the city gate had already opened the door and placed their horses to stop them. They were originally entering The city’s caravans also moved to both sides, making way for the advancing army.

This cavalry is not an orthodox cavalry. Most of their riding skills are just a matter of speed. They can travel on horseback, but their riding combat is relatively inferior. Most of the time they have to dismount and fight when they encounter the enemy.

The reason why such a cavalry was established was to have higher mobility in the wilderness and to hunt down sporadic ogre tribes. This time, Quill led the troops to train and maintain their combat effectiveness. The flag regiment under the Xiong Army will go to the wilderness for training every once in a while, for no other reason than to maintain their combat effectiveness.

“Look at the people in the Second Flag Regiment, all of them have sullen faces. They must have gained nothing.”

When the soldiers on the city gate looked at the cavalry entering the city, they sounded a little gloating, because the team did not lose the battle, but everyone took the credit again. This kind of gloating is not excessive.

“How could it be so easy to gain something? Ever since the slave traders began to domesticate the ogres for the slave trade, the ogre tribes near the border had been disturbed by them and moved inward. They went deep into the wilderness to search for a few days. You can definitely find it.”

“Look, they just captured some kobold slaves, and they can’t even get money back for horse feed.”

“Come on, forget about the Second Flag Regiment. Next time it’s our turn, we may not be able to gain anything. I don’t know when I, the leader of ten people, will be able to go up.”

The Hunter family valued military merit. In the early days, the military merit of the ogres was quite impressive. However, since several large tribes were broken up, the value of the ogres’ military merit has been greatly reduced.

There is no military merit at all in defeating kobolds. Capturing some kobolds and selling them to slave traders often doesn’t even get back the cost of launching an army, so there is no military merit.

“Matt from the village next to us didn’t join the army much earlier than me. Since joining the Dragon Army, he has been promoted to the capital after fighting a few battles. It’s really enviable.”

“What, you want to go to the Dragon Army?”

“How is it possible? We are born in the Flying Bear Army…”

“Come on, it’s no big deal if you want to go to the Dragon Army. They are all the troops under Lord Richard. It makes sense that the Dragon Army will be promoted quickly. I heard that in the battle of Xueyuan, the Dragon Army would die just in battle. Twenty to thirty thousand people were fighting with those big guys who were more than ten meters tall. If they were accidentally slapped, they would fall directly to the ground. When the bodies were finally collected, they had to use shovels to lift them up. ”

“Hey, this doesn’t scare me. You won’t feel anything after you die anyway. Is there any difference between being hacked to death and being beaten to death? I have six brothers, including me. If I could become a giant, With military merit, at least a centurion, and after two weeks of training, he will be a knight as well.”

“Master Richard, don’t forget about our Flying Bear Army. If the Dragon Army can fight a giant, so can our Flying Bear Army.”

“Okay, okay, don’t complain here, Lord Richard has his reasons for doing this.”

“What’s the point?”

“What’s the truth? If I knew what the truth was, I would still be here guarding the gate with you Qiuba!”

“Stop talking nonsense, the army has passed, hurry up and close the horse.”

The ten-man leader finally stopped complaining that his men had nothing to fight. Anyway, whatever Sir Richard did was reasonable, although he couldn’t figure out the reason.

After Quill led the team back to the city, without much delay, the soldiers entered the camp and he headed directly towards the city lord’s palace.

Nowadays, Quill’s strength has reached the peak of the Great Knight. As a local talent who emerged in the early stage, Quill’s performance has been good. Richard also used the various resources obtained from the system without hesitation on these early confidants. .

A peak knight in his twenties can be called a super genius no matter where he is placed, but unfortunately in this local system, peak knights are so common that even Quill often has them I never dare to slack off in my sense of crisis. To put it simply, with the huge investment of resources from the Hunter family, the entire Hunter family has become somewhat involution.

This is also the reason why Quill is eager to gain military merit. Only by continuously accumulating merit can he exchange for more resources.

Quil walked into the city lord’s palace with his armor still on. The soldiers around him did not stop him. They saluted and let him in. Quill’s face did not look good. The soldiers at the city gate guessed it right. , this time he led the army into the wilderness and failed again, only wiping out a small tribe of dozens of people. The larger tribes had fled long ago, basically without any fighting achievements.

He came to the City Lord’s Mansion this time just to find Lin Te and get a chance to fight.

Quil was finally stopped when he walked to the door of Lint’s yard.

“What’s wrong, Lord Quill?”

“Mr. Sander, I want to see Lord Lint!”

Sander followed Lint from Lanster’s house to Hunter’s house, and has been acting as Lint’s personal guard. The knight’s peak strength can be regarded as a respectable strong man, and Quill was not there either. Show confidence in front of the other party.

“Let him in, Xander.”

“Yes, Master.”

Xander nodded to Quill, and Quill walked into the house.

“Congratulations to General Quayle on his triumphant return.”

Lint sat in the house and handled the official duties of Demon Suppression City. Although this place is far away from the City of Miracles, it is very important. As a transit place, Demon Suppression City supplies almost all the beef and mutton in the North. and kobold slaves, which can bring huge jinnar income to the Hunter family, and even involve the mining of the strategic resource of magic crystal

For this important source of financial revenue, Richard not only arranged the entire Flying Bear Army here, but also placed Lin Te here to take charge. Lin Te was familiar with all aspects of the Demon City’s affairs and could handle all aspects of it. After these things are sorted out, there will be enough gold in the account every month for Richard to spend.

When Lint saw Quill come in, he gave a perfunctory compliment and then immersed himself in the matter at hand, but it was okay if he didn’t say it. As soon as he mentioned this, Quill began to pour out his bitterness.

“Lord Linte, please stop talking. Killing dozens of ogres is not a military achievement. Some of my men have not seen blood for almost half a year. If we don’t fight, they will be useless.”

Of course Quill’s words are a bit exaggerated. Although a long period of inactivity will indeed cause the army’s condition to decline, the Flying Bear Army maintains good training, and from time to time they go to the wilderness to fight with wind and play with ogres. Playing hide-and-seek, the combat power will not drop so fast, and the team will definitely not be destroyed in at least half a year.

However, what Quill wants to express is still very clear, he wants to fight.

“Oh? What does General Naquil mean?”

“Should we go to the snowfield to fight again this time? Do you think you can suggest to Sir Richard that our Flying Bear Army also go to the snowfield to see those giants?”

“General Quill is well-informed.”

“There is no news. Materials have been mobilized frequently during this period, and we in the north cannot go south to attack the kingdom. We can only say that the wilderness is not worth such a big war. We can only fight against those giants in the snowfield again.”

“I do have an order from Lord Richard, but I may disappoint General Quill.”

“What command?”

“The order arrived this morning for the Flying Bear Army to quickly deploy defenses at the border connecting the wilderness and the snowfield. General Kerry will also bring the Tiger and Leopard Army to support.”

“It’s the flag waving again, alas!”

Quil did not dare to question Richard’s order, but he inevitably showed disappointment. If he went to the border between the wilderness and the snowfield to set up defenses at this time, there would be no big battle. The snow giant had no special circumstances, and there was no need to They will cross the border, and the wilderness is not a suitable environment for them to survive.

“Don’t be careless, Mr. Quill. There is a crystal mineral vein where the Ice Flame Department was originally stationed. If there is a problem with the mineral vein…”

“Don’t worry, Mr. Linte, there is something wrong with the mine, and I won’t come back alive!”

“It’s always better to nip things before they happen.”

Richard’s arrangement was not to let Quill lead his men to attack from the wilderness to the snowfield. He was not that crazy. With the extreme temperatures in the snowfield, half of the army might freeze to death before Quill led the army to the battlefield. .

What he was thinking about was that if he defeated the snow giant again this time, the snow giant without the royal court would definitely fall into chaos. It is winter again, and it is nothing for the snow giant to cross the snowfield and hunt in the wilderness in winter. A strange thing happened, some sporadic tribes went south, and the crystal production in the Influence Wilderness was a big problem.

Just when Quill turned around and went back to make preparations, Lint was relieved.

“Don’t worry, General Quill. Fighting the snow giant is just a small fight, the real drama is yet to come!”

In the wilderness, the Flying Bear Army is just to prevent the small tribe of Snow Giants from scurrying over, but here in Miracle City, they are preparing to defeat the main force of the Snow Giants.

“Quickly, transport those divine crossbows over there. We can install more on the teleportation array.”

The main forces of the Dragon Army and the Griffin Army have been assembled. The original 100,000-person Snowfield City now has more than 300,000 troops stationed there. Coupled with various war equipment, Snowfield City begins to look crowded.

Fortunately, the supply of Snowfield City relies on the input of the teleportation array in Miracle City, otherwise even the power of the North would not be able to support an army of 300,000 to fight on the Snowfield.

At this time, a large number of divine crossbows were deployed in Snowfield City, and their positions and angles were all adjusted according to Christine’s wishes. Compared to the last hasty battle, the Hunter family was much more prepared this time. , nearly 500 divine crossbows that can at least make the snow giants fearful were prepared this time.

Both sides are preparing for this battle with the mentality that they must win…


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