Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 550: When you feel sleepy, someone will give you a pillow


After the recruitment was completed and everyone left the tavern, the lights of the tavern went out again, returning to its original dilapidated appearance.

The huge body of the Holy Dragon was still waiting on the school ground. Richard asked Christine to wait for a moment, and walked into the door of the Congress Hall alone.

The Congress Hall has two functions. One is to provide a considerable amount of kinnars every week. Although those kinnars are now just the icing on the cake, when the Hunter family was financially strapped before, the funds provided by Congress were not enough. Nar is still very fragrant.

The second function is to release some tasks for Richard in a timely manner. These tasks can not only bring very considerable rewards to Richard, but also obtain some valuable intelligence in advance through the task information.

So although the tasks are refreshed irregularly, Richard always pays attention to the status of the Congress Hall from time to time. This time, when Richard was on his way back to the North, the tasks in the Congress Hall were finally refreshed.

Walking through the magnificent hall, new mission details appeared in Richard’s consciousness.

“Mission: The Snow Giant’s Change

Goal: Destroy the Snow Giant Royal Court and make the Snow Giants completely surrender to your command.

Introduction: In the last Snowfield War, due to the death of the Snow Giant King, the Snow Giant Court fell into chaos. The internal power struggle made them unable to take into account the existence of Snowfield City. Now the new Snow Giant King has When he appeared, his first target was the human city standing in the middle of the snowfield. ”

The snow giant is different from the ogres in the wilderness. The ogres belong to an uncivilized wilderness tribe and follow the rule of big fish eating small fish. The appearance of the two-headed ogre priest originally gave the ogres It brought a little glimmer of civilization, but was soon forcibly exterminated by Richard and his troops. By the way, the four core tribes were also wiped out, completely breaking the ogre’s backbone.

Snow giants are different. Although they are also a tribal system, the Snow Giant Royal Court has been established for hundreds of thousands of years. The rules have long been formed and it also has its own civilization.

Although the Snow Giants suffered a disastrous defeat in the last battle, and a Snow Giant King got in. The Royal Court was seriously injured, but it was not completely wiped out. Snowfield City only temporarily stabilized its existence through a big battle, which was regarded as a battle. A nail has been inserted, and it is still very early to conquer the snowfield. The snow giant is ten thousand unconvinced by the little human beings.

Under normal circumstances, when the royal court quickly elects a new king, it must immediately launch the second round of offensive against Snowfield City. It shouldn’t take so long, but an accident occurred here.

The Snow Giant King’s inheritance token was lost due to the death of the previous Snow Giant King in battle. The key of ice and snow that can mobilize the surrounding wind and snow to change the environment is still in Aragorn’s hands.

For hundreds of years, this has not happened to the Snow Giant. Can the Snow Giant King still be considered a king without the Key of Ice and Snow? Without the Key of Ice and Snow, this kind of legal support, none of the several snow giants in the royal court who were qualified to inherit the throne were willing to give in. After you and I fought for a while, someone finally succeeded in taking the throne. Otherwise, Richard would have been trapped in two places. Line combat is embarrassing.

The first order the new Snow Giant King issued after taking office was for the major tribes to start gathering. Without the Key of Ice and Snow, he must consolidate his position through victory in the war against humans. This is the first order. The first thing is to unplug the city that is like a stuck in the throat of Snowfield City.

And because of his actions, Richard naturally received relevant tasks here.

“I thought of this mission together.”

Richard was just about to concentrate his efforts to completely solve the problem in the snowy field. This task was simply a reward for himself.

After accepting the task naturally, Richard turned and left the Congress Hall, where Christine and others were faithfully guarding the door.

“General Christian, a cruel war is coming soon.”

“It is my honor to fight for you.”


Snowfield City

This city is built in a place that is not suitable for human survival at all. It is almost surrounded by permanent frozen soil. Only some strange ferns can emerge from the frozen soil. Humans basically cannot be here. realize any production.

However, relying on the system to generate buildings directly from the beginning of the city, and the continuous supplies sent through the teleportation array, Snowfield City still stands firmly in the center of this bitter cold land. Compared with the temporary tents erected in the city before, After a period of development, the construction of Snowfield City has been improved. The city has neatly built brick and stone houses. In order to keep warm, they even use double-layer structures. Fireplaces are built in the houses to resist the snowfield. Damn hypothermia.

There are almost no civilians in the city, and no normal civilians come to live here. The entire city is a military city. The elite of the Griffin Army and the Dragon Army have been stationed in the city for a long time, and there are even more on the periphery. Dozens of large iron horses are ready to deal with the snow giant’s attack at any time.

The only exception is probably the dozens of children in the Magic Academy. Who knows that the energy tower exuding strong magic power is in this snowfield city.

“A sneeze!”

“A sneeze!”

The Magic Academy in Snowfield City occupies a huge area. After all, Snowfield City cannot accommodate civilians. There are many open spaces, and if there is more land, the naughty children can have fun.

Gandalf also liked this place very much at first, but the cold weather occasionally made him feel a little unbearable, and he wondered if his previous decision to move was too arbitrary.

“Little Luo Lin, look at whether the coal in the fireplace is almost burned out. Why is the temperature so freezing?”

After sneezing twice in a row, Gandolf finally felt a little unbearable and asked his roommate Luo Lin to check whether the fire was burning well.

Gandalf himself was wrapped in a quilt, huddled inside and refused to move.

Today is a day off at the Magic Academy, with one day off every seven days. This is a rule set by Richard. People always need to relax a little, and they can’t keep their strings stretched all the time, especially when it comes to energy-consuming things like learning magic.

Dean Gandolf was in high spirits when he first came here. In the fun of magic, he didn’t care whether it was cold or not.

But on the day off, Gandolf suddenly caught a cold. The physique of the magician was not as good as that of the knight, and Gandolf was just a theoretical person. His age was already there, and he had stayed in Snowfield City for so long. , the progress in magic is just that, and it is completely impossible to withstand the extreme low temperature of the snowfield through practice.

“There is indeed a little less coal in the fireplace, I will add more.”


“You kid, you want to blow up my house!”

Luo Lin added a lot of coals to the fireplace. Seeing that the fire was still burning, and fearing that the temperature would not rise, he simply gathered energy in his hands and threw a big fireball at it, instantly killing Xin Tian. All the coals were burning.

It’s just that his action obviously frightened Gandalf, who was huddled in the quilt. What if he threw a small fireball? Magic like a big fireball can be used as a group damage on the battlefield, Luo Lin Throwing it directly in the house might burn the house down.

However, Luo Lin’s ability to control magic is obviously much stronger than Gandolf knew. This big fireball technique was forcibly controlled by Luo Lin within the scope of the fireplace, causing the flames to burn violently, but it did not Burning anything else, the fire seemed tamed in his hands.

Looking at Luo Lin’s exquisite control, Gandolf’s expression became a little resentful.

“You kid, you just want to show off in front of me.”

Although Gandolf’s learning progress is slow, there are two people in Snowfield City who are ridiculously fast at learning magic. One of them is Luo Lin. He can learn all magic almost instantly, and can even learn magic according to some incomplete elves. From the classics, he can deduce the method of releasing magic. He is simply a born mage.

The young Luo Lin has improved in strength since coming to Snowfield City, and has directly stepped into the realm of a great magician. Although the correspondence is equivalent to that of a great knight, a comprehensively developed great magician like Luo Lin Master, as long as you keep a certain distance, you won’t necessarily lose against five or six great knights.

As for the other person, his progress is even more astonishing. Messiah, who wants to fight alongside Richard, desperately grabs every minute he can to improve himself. His progress rate even puts Luo Lin to shame. .

After arriving in Snowfield City, Messiah, a half-way magician, has caught up with Luo Lin and entered the ranks of great magicians almost at the same time as Luo Lin. The only problem is that Luo Lin is a full-time magician. The dominating mage genius, but Messiah only specializes in light magic and has no talent at all for other magics.

But regardless of the single cultivator, he is still a great magician. Today’s young people are really the envy of the elderly.

“Is Teacher Gandolf here?”

Just when Gandolf was sighing, a female voice came from outside the door. As soon as Gandolf heard the voice, he knew that the Messiah had come.

“Good day, Mrs. Hunter.”

After Messiah entered the door, Luo Lin said goodbye first and did not feel arrogant because of his magic talent.

Messiah smiled and nodded in response, then turned his gaze to Gandalf.

“I heard that Teacher Gandolf is ill. Would you like me to try some light healing magic to cure the teacher’s illness?”


It stands to reason that it is a good thing for students to come to treat themselves, but what is going on with the excited look on Messiah’s face? Is he trying a new magic on me?

“No need, I am considered sick, there is no trauma, the treatment should be useless.”

“Can we try the recovery technique?”

“Forget it, forget it…”

Under Gandalf’s firm refusal, Messiah finally gave up the purpose of casting magic on the other party.

At the same time, outside Snowfield City, several snow giant tribes began to frequently enter the fifty-mile radius of Snowfield City to test.

The atmosphere in the city became increasingly tense, because the snow giants began to move around more frequently.

“Master Barbarian Bones! They are from the Xuefeng Tribe. Do you want to drive them away?”

Outside the snowfield city, Mangu led dozens of snow giant warriors as scouts to observe the movements of the surrounding snow giant tribes.

After the Ice Flame Tribe replenished some captives, the number of young and strong warriors has greatly increased. Even if only a few of the captives are willing to surrender, the power in Mangu’s hands has been slightly enriched.

After two battles, the Ice Flame Tribe has been completely tied to the human race. Even if they want to withdraw now, they have to ask the Snow Giant Royal Court whether they will let them, the biggest traitor, go.

If the Ice Flame Tribe wants to completely absorb the previous captives, it must follow humans and completely defeat the Snow Giant Royal Court. Therefore, the leader of the Ice Flame Tribe, Man Gu, is very concerned about the safety of Snowfield City, and the humans also trust them very much. other side.

Looking at the dozens of snow giants not far away, Mangu hesitated for a moment. If he really wanted to take down the opponent, he could do it. Snow giants are originally magical creatures. Staying within the confines of Snowfield City for a long time will bring benefits. It started to show, especially since Barbarian Bones can still get a large supply of mana crystals. In addition, Barbarian Bones’ talent is not weak, so their strength naturally rises in a straight line. Although the Ice Flame Tribe is still just a small tribe, Barbarian Bones’ strength can definitely rival some large-scale tribes. The leader of the tribe.

The opponent is just a regular reconnaissance team. With their strong strength, taking down the opponent is not a problem.

In the past, Barbarian Bones would have gone up to eliminate the opponent or drive them out of the Snowfield City. This area was the hunting ground of their Ice Flame Department, but this time Barbarian Bones hesitated and did not take action.

“There are at least three large-scale tribal reconnaissance teams around. We can’t fight easily. We don’t get much support here. Let’s monitor them first. If they enter within ten miles, we will take action.”

“Yes, Master Mangu!”

This is the advantage of conquering the Ice Flame Tribe. It is very difficult for humans to move in the snowfield. The troops stationed in Snowfield City will basically not leave the city within ten miles. If there is no Ice Flame Tribe, Snowfield City will probably have to Becoming blind here.

When Mangu and his men were halfway through surveillance, the investigation team on the opposite side turned around and left.

The prepared battle did not happen, but Man Gu did not relax in his heart. This was the third team he encountered today. The major tribes were attacking Snowfield City step by step under the orders of the Snow Giant King Court. Press.

“Go and report to the city. Another large tribe has arrived, this time it’s the Yukikaze tribe.”

Man Gu has a hunch that this battle will completely break the current deadlock and decide who can be the real master of this snowfield…


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