Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 55: Success


“Kill, kill ~ cough cough.”

Weru’s voice was already hoarse. His helmet was knocked off by an ogre warrior in the battle just now, and half of his body was stained red with blood.

It’s unclear whether he was injured or stained red by the ogre’s dirty blood.

Rhea disappeared after being knocked off his horse by an ogre warrior, and he probably wouldn’t survive.

After Marquis Wade ordered the retreat, the ogres conducted a symbolic pursuit and then concentrated their efforts on encircling and suppressing the cavalry of Veru.

Under the pressure of the ogres, a large number of kobolds rushed under the hooves of the Jingbei Army cavalry,

These little things are a little weak, but they are really fierce and not afraid of death.

At the cost of tens of thousands of kobold lives, quantitative changes finally led to qualitative changes.

The speed of the cavalry was still slowed down and they were stuck in the mud of the ogre army.

It’s just that now that the ogres’ victory has been determined, they don’t want to suffer more losses, so they don’t stand in front of the cavalry like before, but continue to drive the kobolds to consume.


Weru slashed away another kobold who was trying to stop him with one sword. The kobold was sent flying two or three meters away by Welu’s heavy force, and blood spurted out for several meters.

But Weilu felt as if he had punched cotton. He wanted to kill a few more ogres instead of wasting his energy on these cannon fodder.

If the ogre continues to ignore it, it would be better to let him rush out with the cavalry,

But since the ogre gave up chasing Marquis Wade and decided to kill the cavalry with all his strength, how could he let it go so easily.

Finally, just as they were about to break out of the enemy group, the large group of ogres began to move.

The first ones were two tall ogre chiefs who blocked Weiru’s path.

“Sure enough, I still can’t get out.”

Looking at the desperate situation in front of him, Weilu showed a relieved expression.

No one wants to die, and Weiru is no exception,

With a noble birth, a peak knight at a young age, the pride of the Lanster family, and with a bright future, there is certainly no reason to want to die.

But when all hope of life had been extinguished, Veru did not have much fear of death. In other words, the responsibility and honor for Lanster in his heart defeated the fear of death.

Weilu raised his sword high again.



More than half of the cavalry have been lost, but their morale has not decreased at all. They all shouted along with Weiru!



Weru led the remaining cavalry and launched a final charge towards the ogres in front.


The long sword in Weilu’s hand collided fiercely with the ogre chief’s weapon,

In this first blow, Weilu used his horse power to fight evenly with the ogre chief, and the ogre chief even took half a step back.

Unfortunately, after losing the collision force of the war horse, Weilu was unable to withstand the second attack of the ogre chief.

I was immediately knocked off my horse and rolled around on the ground.

The gap is really too big. A half-step knight is still only a half-step knight, not to mention that the ogre with the bonus of rage at this time is also an absolute powerhouse among the knights.

Weru’s tiger’s mouth was completely shattered, and blood flowed down the tiger’s mouth and filled the entire sword hilt. The hand holding the sword’s hilt was trembling slightly, and it was obvious that he could not hold it firmly.

The ogre chief did not give Weilu any chance to breathe, and strode towards Weiru.

Maybe I should die on the way to attack,

Weilu tried his best to hold the sword firmly with both hands, squeezing out the last bit of fighting spirit from himself.


With a hoarse cry of killing, Weilu launched a suicidal attack against the ogre chief who was striding forward.



After easily swinging away Weilu’s sword, the mace hit Weilu **** the chest,

A mouthful of blood spurts out. If you look carefully, you can see that there are some internal organ fragments in the blood.

Although Weilu’s armor was still intact, the force of blunt force directly shattered his internal organs, and he collapsed to the ground, obviously not alive.

Fortunately, I died with dignity, although it didn’t have any effect,

Still unable to lead everyone out.

The last thing Weilu thought of was this.

Five hundred and twenty-one years of the Golden Dragon Calendar, early spring

The Jingbei army defeated the ogres

The leader of the cavalry banner regiment, Welu Lanster, was killed in the battle, and most of the remaining troops were killed in the battle. Only a few broke out of the ogre army and fled back to the north.


“Woo, woo”

The two kobolds stood upright facing each other, baring their teeth and threatening each other. They were fighting for the half-cut arrow on the ground,

In the wilderness, anything made of iron is a rarity. This battle can be regarded as the first time for the kobolds to see so many iron equipment.

Unfortunately, the standard equipment of the Jingbei Army is not suitable for ogres to use. The armor is too small for ogres to wear, and the weapons are too light for ogres to use easily.

It can only be melted and re-forged, but although the ogre tribe has certain forging capabilities, its abilities are absolutely limited, and its level is extremely poor.

However, the requirements of ogres are not high. Armor does not matter, as long as it satisfies ogres who are warriors and above. As long as it can be made into a heavy metal stick, it will be much stronger than the wooden stick in their hands.

“Lord Grugesh”

“This time we destroyed at least 40,000 human troops and captured more than 2,000 prisoners.”

In the ogre tent, an ogre chief was reporting the results of the battle to the two-headed ogre priest.

Gru and Gersh are actually two names. The two-headed ogre priest named himself, one head named Gru and the other named Gersh.

The Ogre Chief directly pronounced the two names together when reporting.

“Screen out the craftsmen among the captives, especially the blacksmiths, treat them well, let them make weapons and armor for us, and send people to learn them well

The others were taken to the coolie camp and learned how to set up camp. They were much easier to use as slaves than kobolds. ”

“Yes! Sir.”

After a great battle, it is inevitable that some prisoners will be produced. Of course, if the ogre’s previous urine behavior was used, it would be impossible to leave any prisoners behind.

This time, under the forced order of Grugesh, more than two thousand prisoners were finally retained.

“Also, order your tribes and other tribes to stop hiding and come to us immediately,

After reuniting, they directly attack human castles and villages. ”

Glugesh had deliberately hidden himself in order to lure the Jingbei Army to take the initiative.

Now that the war is over, the Jingbei Army has been crippled and is no longer a threat. Naturally, Grugesh will not hide anything and directly orders the various tribes to gather and launch an attack.

“Yes, sir!”

The ogre chief in front of him nodded in agreement again.

Grogesh’s wide range of skills on the battlefield today can be said to have completely impressed these ogre chiefs.

If I had only relied on a mythical legend and ancestral **** to gain status,

So now Grugesh can be said to be truly supreme among this group of ogres.

The ogre chief turned and left after Grugash arranged the task,

When Grugesh was alone, his whole body lay down on the chair, looking very weak.

“The consumption was too great, and my body almost couldn’t bear it.”

Only Grugesh himself knows that he may not be able to use the mass rage technique he performed today for a second time in half a month.


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