Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 548: Northland Affairs


There are people coming and going on the streets of Miracle City. Under the unrelenting policy tilt of the Hunter family, Miracle City has shown an almost abnormal prosperity. In less than a year, its development level has not only surpassed the original Ironwood City, but also caught up with Piaoxue City, the original largest city in the North.

Nowadays, Piaoxue City still has a certain advantage in terms of population. Its economic prosperity has fallen behind that of Miracle City. Moreover, one has developed rapidly and the other has completely embarked on a gradual downward path. Although Li The police have never meant to suppress Piaoxue City, and are even trying their best to maintain the prosperity of Piaoxue City. However, with the transfer of the center of the Northland, the decline of Piaoxue City is completely unavoidable.

Not only because the dignitaries of the North have attacked the Miracle City, but also because things within the Miracle City that are more suitable for cultivation have become the consensus of the Northland nobles. The Northland was originally hesitant to give up the land and castle. The nobles began to flock to Miracle City desperately, even selling the land and castles they originally owned to buy a house in Miracle City. In less than a year, the land price in Miracle City increased dozens of times, and the land nearby Almost all of it is in Richard’s hands, allowing Richard to make a lot of money. The Hunter family’s finances can now be said to be extremely rich.

As for the rumors among the common people, Miracle City has become even more evil. Originally, some farmers who did hard work in Miracle City felt that their physical strength recovered faster after doing work here, and they suffered some hidden injuries after staying there for a long time. It seems to have improved, and my strength has increased. Once I return to the countryside, it is as if I can live a long life by living in Miracle City.

The combination of several factors caused a huge siphon effect in Miracle City. The wealth and population of the entire Northland were desperately concentrated in Miracle City. On the periphery of Miracle City, kobold slaves continued to expand the city. One day It has not subsided, but it still cannot meet the demand of the influx of people to buy houses.

This time when Richard returned to the Northland, he was not in a hurry to use teleportation to return to the castle directly. Instead, when he arrived at the boundary of the river valley, he started to stop and observe the situation of the territory from time to time. As the supreme ruler of the Northland and the river valley, Or, it has been a long time since he took a close look at the territory he ruled.

The River Valley has basically returned to its homeland under Catherine’s forceful and soft methods. The group that did not return had been saved by Moriel earlier using physical means. After the implementation of the new ruling system, the population of the River Valley has Not only did it not decrease because of the previous incidents, but because the strict household registration system cleared out the population that had been secluded by the nobles in the river valley. In addition, coupled with the refugees attracted from the territory of the southern kingdom, the population of the river valley increased from before. from more than six million to more than seven million.

Richard also casually asked if there was any backlash from Catherine’s efforts to attract refugees from the southern kingdom, but the answer he received was that none of the surrounding nobles dared to let out a single fart.

The name of a person, the shadow of a tree. In addition to being famous for his top combat power in the kingdom, Richard is also another label for him. No one dares to trouble Richard because of some escapees. They are incompetent and furious. , the most they can do is strengthen the management of the civilians on their own territory.

“In just a few months, Miracle City has taken on a completely different look.”

After leaving the river valley, Richard and others walked around and spent almost a day returning to Miracle City.

Although Richard would return to the Northland every month to buy newly refreshed treasures in the store, because of the war at Longxing Pass, he would leave in a hurry every time and did not dare to stay too long. He did not take a closer look at the miracle for a long time. City.

At this time, Richard and his party, who returned to Miracle City, made some efforts to disguise their appearance and walked together on the spacious streets of the city.

There is a constant flow of people on the main street, which can carry twelve carriages parallel to each other. It is not an exaggeration to say that almost all the people are waving their arms here. Whether they are wearing brocade clothes or linen, the faces of the pedestrians are basically ruddy. , it seemed that at least they had enough to eat and were not hungry, which was in sharp contrast to the plain-looking civilians in other places.

“Traveling all the way from Longxing Pass, I feel that the master’s territory is the real paradise on earth.”

Compared to Richard, the sword master next to him was dressed in linen and had almost no characteristics like most civilians in the city. The only thing that caught people’s attention was the simple-looking long sword he went to the north. Those who are interested may be able to tell if they look closely. That long sword is extraordinary. The sword master dressed like this followed Richard like a long follower following his young master out.

Strictly speaking, from the perspective of modern people like Richard, the living standards of the civilians in their own territory are just like that. Most people are in a state of having enough to eat. If you want to eat meat casually like modern people, It is almost impossible to achieve nutritional balance, and if you encounter some natural disaster, your ability to resist is simply pitiful. But in this era, it was definitely a period of great rule. In contrast to the miserable life of the common people under the rule of the nobles of the kingdom, Keshid couldn’t help but sigh.

After admiring the prosperity of Miracle City, Richard also aroused some pride in his heart. When faced with Keshid’s praise, he was not as humble as usual, but responded.

“A paradise is not a paradise. Only when everyone can live a life of food and clothing can it be considered a paradise.”

In front of Keshid and others, Richard had no need to hide his ambitions, and directly stated his ambitions, which made Keshid’s eyes flash with a gleam.

“Keshid is willing to use the sword in his hand to create a paradise for adults.”

“Master Richard is back!”

After passing through the bustling main street, Richard and others arrived at one of the core places of the City of Miracles, the Hunter family’s castle.

Because there was almost no warning for Richard’s return, and no one was sent to greet him in advance, the people in the castle didn’t react until they reached the door.

The waiters and guards in the castle paid attention and saluted all the way. After Richard walked some distance into the castle, they saw Mrs. Kellyn who was full of joy and had come out to greet him.


Before Mrs. Kailin could say anything, Richard went up and bowed first, and then was grabbed by Mrs. Kailin’s hand and began to inspect him.

After confirming that Richard was not injured, he felt relieved.

“It’s good that it’s not hurt, it’s good that it’s not hurt.”

“You went to Longxiguan to fight. I couldn’t eat well or sleep well every day, for fear that something might happen to you.”

“I am the most powerful person in the kingdom, so there will be no surprises.”

Richard comforted Mrs. Kailin indifferently, and picked out some experiences of the battle at Longxingguan. Anyway, he won the battle easily, or it was a battle to protect himself, and as for being assassinated by a shadow assassin Of course, Richard didn’t say a word about this kind of thing that was very thrilling at first sight.

“Where is Father?”

“He went out with your second uncle and third uncle early in the morning, saying they were going on patrol, but who knew that they just wanted to go hunting together? This old guy didn’t know how to share some things with his son. He knew it all day long. Have fun.”

When Mrs. Kailin mentioned Richard’s father, she couldn’t help but complain a few words. Richard was used to it, so he just called the personal guards on the side and said:

“Go and find my father, second uncle, and third uncle together. During this period, my father, second uncle, and third uncle should not leave the city to hunt, but stay in the city. If you must go out of the city, You must bring enough guards.”

“Yes, sir!”

Even shadow assassins have appeared, and Richard is worried about the dangers Sauter and others will encounter when they go out of the city.

“Why isn’t the Messiah here?”

The Messiah will live a little far away from the front yard of the castle, but while Richard and Mrs. Kelly are talking, it is time for the Messiah to come.

“You still remember the child Messiah. She said she must learn magic well so that she can go to the battlefield with you next time. She went to Snowfield City with Mr. Gandolf and the others some time ago.”

Richard nodded. As long as he knew where to go, Snowfield City should be the most active place in the continent for magic because of the energy tower. He was also the one who made the decision to move the magic academy in the North to Snowfield City. , the only problem is that Snowfield City is too cold and not a suitable place for survival.

However, the issue of Xueyuan should also be resolved. When Richard returned to the North this time, the first thing he wanted to solve was the issue of Xueyuan’s rule.

Normally speaking, Richard would not have much interest in a land like the snowfield. The reason is very simple. The climate here is harsh and is completely unsuitable for human survival. It is also impossible to farm. If you go down with a hoe, it will either be a glacier or a frozen soil. , the perennial white wind can blow people into ice sculptures at every turn, and it is too cruel to exile criminals. In comparison, the ogre wilderness can at least graze and settle, and it has no value at all in ruling the snowfield.

And even if you control a strong fighting race like the Snow Giant, it doesn’t mean much. These guys are strong, but their performance is greatly affected by the climate. They are severely afraid of heat. The limit of their range of action is where the snowfield is next to the wilderness border. It’s so big that it’s basically unbearable if you go further south, and there’s no point in using it as a soldier.

Snow giants and humans basically lived a life of harmony between wells and rivers before, but it has changed since the establishment of Snowfield City. No matter what others think of Snowfield, it is very important to Richard to rule Snowfield anyway. , at least in name, to complete the rule of the snowfield, for no other reason than to complete the task of unlocking the seventh-level tower force soldier, rule the snowfield, and make the snow giant clan surrender to him.

Of course, before setting out to completely conquer the snowfield, Richard had a more important thing to do first.

After picking up some information that Mrs. Kailin liked to hear, and continuing to chat with his mother for a while, Richard left the Hunter family’s mansion and went to the core of the City of Miracles, the Rock Castle.

This month’s new products and new heroes that will appear soon have been refreshed there…


“Treasure Category: Shackles of War

Effect: Special treasure, used on the designated target. If the user survives, the designated target must fight to the last moment.

Introduction: A very special treasure. Under the watchful eyes of Asha and Namtaru, both sides have no way to escape. The battle must end with the death of one party. Please fight until the last moment.

Price: 20,000 gold.

Pharmacies: Knight Stigma Potion X1

Effect: It can increase the probability of the top Sky Knights entering the Holy Level.

Introduction: This is another pinnacle work of the alchemist masters. The holy order is the power of the strong no matter in any time and space. It is truly free from the existence of ants. The alchemist masters are struggling for countless people under the holy order. A new door has opened.

Price: 50,000 Jinnar

Weapon Type: Holy Dragon X1

Introduction: Neutral troops are also the topmost existence among the dragons. They are recognized as the strongest troops in the entire world of Invincible Heroes. They can possess holy-level combat power as adults.

Resource type:……

After glancing at the new products in the store, holy-level troops finally began to appear among the arms, which was considered a step forward.

The potion is no longer a basic potion, but a potion that can help break through the holy level. Of course, this thing is still of little use to Richard. If it had appeared earlier, it could still be regarded as a treasure by Richard. , now it can only be used as a carrot, a huge carrot, hung on the credit exchange for resources.

The Knight Stigma Potion is indeed of little use to Richard, but for the talents of the entire kingdom, it is undoubtedly like throwing a king bomb on a calm lake.

In the context of energy recovery, many sky-level masters will inevitably appear in the future. There may even be hidden earth knights who have succeeded in breaking through. However, at the threshold of the sky to the holy level, I don’t know how many outstanding people have been blocked. Outside the threshold.

Rand, one of the three peak sky knights under Aragorn, was suspected of betraying him because of an opportunity to break through to the holy level. This shows how rare this opportunity to break through the threshold is.

As for the treasure war shackles, although it does not seem to have any attributes, it does not seem to have many special benefits. In Richard’s eyes, it is a great weapon.

The game is not like reality. In a real war, Richard can use war shackles according to the battlefield situation. If he can’t beat him, he will run away. If he can’t beat him, he can directly use war shackles on the opponent’s important figures to put the opponent in a dilemma. Use it well. It is simply a strategic artifact.

As the quality of the treasures continues to improve, the prices of the goods are also rising. The total price of the goods this time has reached one hundred thousand gold. A similar expense once a month is enough to overwhelm a marquis-level company. The nobles may even have trouble with the kingdom’s finances.

In the past, Richard had to live a tight life when purchasing these goods, but with the development of the Northland, especially the increase in value of the large land around Miracle City, Richard is now so wealthy that he can hardly afford more than 100,000 gold. I take it seriously.

I bought these new products from the market without any hesitation, and then patrolled the Stone Castle for a while, waiting for nightfall…


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