Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 547: Worst case scenario



“Lord Ross is in danger!”

“Tap, tap, tap, tap…”

The movement in the Ross Mansion naturally attracted the attention of the Western Army. Tens of thousands of troops were stationed not far from the mansion. As soon as the battle in the mansion began, there were personal guards who passed on the information.

The Western Army stationed outside also responded very quickly. As soon as they heard that Ross was in danger, they completed their assembly in a very short time and rushed towards Ross.

Soon, the streets outside Ross’s mansion were filled with the figures of the Western Army.

“Quick, quick, quick!”

The leading Western Army officer had already rushed into the yard with some soldiers, but the scene in the yard made him feel cold.

Hundreds of corpses lay crookedly in the yard. Most of these warriors from the Western Border Army had ferocious faces and weapons tightly held in their hands. There were not many wounds on their bodies, almost all of which were fatal wounds. It seemed like they had experienced a fight with a huge gap in strength.

The officers of the Western Army know the level of these guards who can guard Ross. They are definitely not the kind of vases that look after the homes of nobles. There are more than a hundred guards lying on the ground, including two If knight-level officers were placed in the desert of the Western Region, such a hundred-man army could even annihilate a small tribe of lizardmen.

But now they are all turned into corpses. What is even more frightening is that all the corpses on the ground are the corpses of Western Army soldiers. Not a single enemy corpse can be seen. It is impossible for the attacker to survive during the attack. He collected the corpses on his side.

The only possibility is that this group of assassins killed so many guards in the front yard without any casualties during the battle.

After thinking about this, the officer leading the team felt chills from top to bottom. It was not that the tragic scene made him scared. There may be some people in the Western Army who are afraid of death, but more of them are Fearless warrior.

At this time, the officer was shocked by the strength of the intruder, and became more and more worried about Rose’s comfort. The speed of his feet even increased a bit for this reason.

The Duke is a strong man at the pinnacle of the earth level. Nothing will happen to him. The officer leading the team kept comforting himself along the way.

Unfortunately, when they rushed to the hall of the mansion, they still saw the scene they least wanted to see. The whole hall was in a mess, with corpses of Western Army soldiers everywhere, and in the most conspicuous position in the center of the hall, appeared the people they know best.

Duke Ross had two fatal wounds on his neck and chest. Although he was holding a long sword in his hand, there were not many signs of fighting in the hall. It was obvious that the attacker was very powerful. His strength, coupled with the fact that several knight-level officers around him did not offer effective resistance.

Facing this one-sided battle, the surrounding Western Army soldiers also performed very bravely. At least none of them escaped. They all died in the battle. Most of them were still surrounding Duke Ross, and they were obviously there before they died. Fight to the death to protect the commander.

“Lord Ross!”

Although Ross already had two obvious fatal injuries, the officer still rushed forward and stood beside Ross’ body, somewhat unwilling to accept the facts.

This is the God of the Western Border Army. It collapsed like this. It would be okay if they all died vigorously on the battlefield. At worst, their subordinates would die together. Many officers of the Western Border Army were in an increasingly bad war. They were all prepared to die in battle given the situation.

But dying under an assassination was completely unacceptable to the officers who arrived. The key was that he couldn’t even see an assassin at the scene, and he couldn’t find anyone to vent to.

“Come to the military doctor quickly!”

“Yes, sir!”

“Surround the mansion and search it for me!”

The unwilling Western Army not only wanted to pose a problem to the military doctor, but also mobilized a large number of troops to surround the mansion regardless of whether the assassin’s strength was something they could deal with, and began to search for the assassin throughout the city. However, they faced the assassins like the Shadow Assassin. Against such an enemy, the frantic Western Army undoubtedly made useless efforts.

“Lord Taize!”

“News from Guancheng! Lord Ross has been assassinated!”

The soldier who reported the news was the original defender of Longxiang Pass and was not a direct descendant of the Western Army. However, a hint of panic could still be heard when he spoke. Rose’s death was definitely a disaster for the defenders of Longxiguan. Bad news.

There were not many generals who had the ability and prestige to command the Longxingguan army. Thor was the well-deserved number one, but he died at the hands of an old orc during the battle out of the pass.

Ross was a little second, but as the veteran Duke of the kingdom, he held 200,000 elites from the Western Region in his hands, and he was also qualified to command the army.

On the contrary, it is Richard. Although he has high strength and prestige, his rise is too fast after all. Compared with Thor and Rose, he is slightly inferior in terms of qualifications. But now even Richard is no longer in charge of the overall situation at Longxiguan. Although there are still several senior generals alive in the main pass, they are all at a loss for the moment. In addition, the frantic Western Army is attacking the whole city in the main pass, which makes people panic. The command center of Longxing Pass appears at the most difficult time. There was brief confusion.

“This battle is indeed impossible to fight.”



Before Taize could react to the chaos in the city, bursts of dragon roars could be heard in his ears.

White Dragon, on the move…

Dozens of white dots appeared on the horizon and began to approach the city of Longxing Pass. The orc army on the ground, which had just been repelled not long ago, launched a new offensive.

“Get ready to fight!”

As the orcs launched their attack, the human defenders on the city wall still showed sufficient military literacy, and dense footsteps sounded as they each arrived at their positions.

Because a large number of white dragons were dispatched this time, the soldiers operating the divine crossbows quickly began to pull the noose and pointed the giant arrows into the sky. The shooters responsible for aiming did not dare to blink for a moment and looked at the direction in which the white dragons were flying. , no matter how dangerous it is, this is the only way they can threaten the orcs.

“General Taize, are we going to evacuate?”

As the battle started, Moriel quietly appeared beside Taize at some point. The human form of Moriel was still in a capable military uniform, but her face was a little heavy.

The sound of fighting was thick on the battlefield, with drums shouting for death, bows, strings and thunderclaps all mixed together. No other soldiers heard what Moriel said beside Taize.

After hearing what Moriel said, Taize silently shook his head

“If you want to retreat, you can’t retreat now. You must repel the orcs’ attack and retreat quietly after dark. Otherwise, being stuck by the orcs will directly lead to a huge rout.”

At this time, Taize did not dare to say that he could hold Longxiguan, so he could only implement the second plan, try to delay the time, and find a way to retreat with the hundreds of thousands of troops from Longxiguan, and bring them to Longxiguan. Among the big cities behind the Xiguan defense line, one city and one area were defended to prevent all the elites from being ruined in one battle.

“Sir Richard’s order is that if there is danger, we must evacuate first. General Taize, don’t be confused.”

“If there is an emergency, I will take you away forcibly according to Lord Richard’s order.”

“I won’t embarrass General Moriel.”

Richard is quite familiar with the heroic character of his subordinates. A fierce character like Moriel can definitely leave when things cannot be done, and will not do so because of any inner responsibility or kindness. Stay and live and die with Longxinguan.

But Taize is different. The quality of this barbarian-born hero is absolutely passable. If it were not affected by the system, it would be almost impossible for Taize to abandon the army and escape alone.

Richard didn’t want to lose a hero with excellent abilities for no reason, so although he kept him to help direct the defense, he also acted as a backup. If Taize hesitated during the evacuation, Moriel would step in and take him away by force. .

“General Moriel! Defeat the orc attack first, and leave the dragon to you!”


Although she had no intention of fighting to the death for Dragon’s Breath Pass, Moriel’s tactical skills were not bad. Naturally, she could see that she had to repel the orcs’ attack. Without any hesitation, she roared and transformed into an ancient black dragon. Come up to the sky.

Several giant dragons, including the Holy Dragon, then rushed into the sky with Moriel. In order to stop the orcs’ attack, in addition to the fighting on the city wall, the key was the giant dragons in the sky, dozens of white dragons. It is no longer something that the remaining divine crossbows on the city wall can withstand.



Because the dragons in the sky were flying fast enough, they fought before the troops on the ground. Because of the losses in the previous battles, the number of dragons under Moriel’s command had dropped sharply to single digits.

However, the quality of the dragons under Moriel is ridiculously high. Most of them are poisonous dragons and ancient dragons, whose combat power is equivalent to high-level dragons in the sky. They can easily deal with several white dragons, and even holy dragons. This giant dragon that has just entered the holy level, and with the addition of the ancient white dragon summoned by the white dragon helmet for a few days, can still withstand the white dragon that has an absolute numerical advantage.


In this attack, White Dragon deployed almost half of its combat power, including the new leader of the White Dragon clan, Mace, who also appeared in the battle. As soon as the two sides came into contact, they fought with the blue holy dragon. Their combat power was equal, and it was impossible to tell the winner in the air for a long time. The battle on the ground was barely sustained under Taize’s command.

In the distance, the top orcs and the envoy of the Lord of the Rising Sun, Adelillo, stood at an observation point on the peaks on both sides and watched the soldiers from both sides fighting like ants.

“Master Great Shaman, won’t you take action? Humanity should have reached its limit. I just need to help get rid of a few giant dragons…”

“If a human holy master doesn’t take action, I won’t take action either. I don’t want to use this body to its limit again so soon. Not every time I can be so lucky to find a suitable container.”

“Humanity’s coach is dead. As long as this continues, the level will be broken in the next few days.”

“Why don’t Mr. Adelillo go and help those white dragons.”

Adrillo said nothing, shook his head, and rejected the proposal of the orc great shaman. He was afraid that as soon as he made a move, a human holding a god-killing ring would appear in front of the formation, even if it was a one-thousandth chance. He was willing to try, but he didn’t want to follow in the footsteps of the two divine envoys, Rand and Rune.

Seeing Adelillo shaking his head without explaining, the orc great shaman was a little more attentive. He had predicted Adelillo’s strength. He definitely had the combat power of the Realm of the Realm, plus he had the possibility of It is not impossible to possess a magical trump card and exert a combat power close to the level of jealousy.

The humans clearly have no combat power that can threaten him, but he has always been afraid of something. He has to find a way to figure out what Adelillo is afraid of, so that he can finally take the lead when he invades the Central Plains. That was something that Adriello was afraid of.

Although he thought so in his heart, the great shaman showed no expression on his face. After Adelillo also refused to take action, the two continued to watch the ground troops and Bai Long fighting on the front line.

The fighting continued until the evening. The orcs who had the advantage did not need to take risks and had no plans to continue attacking at night. Just before the sun was about to set, the golden sound of retreating troops sounded, and the army retreated to the camp to rest.

The human defenders also took advantage of the darkness to get a brief respite…


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