Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 546: Danger


Northern Line, Dragon Scale Castle

Although they are both on the defense line of Longxing Pass, compared to the main pass, winter enters faster on the northern line and the climate is colder. At this time, heavy snow has fallen on the northern line, covering the entire Dragon Scale Castle. Dressed in white.

Gru stood on the high platform of Dragonscale Castle and looked far away. The cold wind slapped his face, but it had no impact on him at all. Not to mention the powerful saints, as long as he reached the stage of the great knight Basically, the cold and heat can be avoided.

Although bad weather cannot have much impact on the strong, the army still relies on countless ordinary people. Bad weather will definitely have a certain impact on marching operations.

The dense forest not far away is completely desolate. The trees have either lost their leaves and become bare, or they are completely covered with snow and have turned into ice cream. Everywhere you can see it is endless. In this environment, it is more difficult to mobilize troops.

The northern front was also one of the attack directions chosen by the orcs before, but compared to the fierce battles at the main pass, the northern front seemed much duller. In addition to the difficult terrain for the army to deploy here, another important reason was that the orcs The army’s stumble here was so heavy that the orc army on the north road now no longer dared to attack easily.

After Gru led his army to eliminate more than 100,000 orcs and killed the orc warriors in one fell swoop, the strength of the orcs on the northern front was greatly reduced. Although the orc kingdom quickly replenished its troops on the northern front, They just continued to control the frontline defenses of the stockades in the dense forest and Cave Mountain, and were wary of humans once again invading the orc hinterland through the northern dense forest.

“With this snow, I’m afraid the orcs won’t try to attack again, right?”

“General Gru, not only do the orcs not dare to continue the attack, their scouts now dare not even leave the village gate. They are trapped in the village every day for fear of being killed by an arrow from the phantom archer.”

After the orcs were repulsed, Gru would certainly not let the other side retreat comfortably into the dense forest. Although there was no need for a deep pursuit due to strategic deployment issues, sending an elite team to shoot cold arrows in the forest could still provide some relief. The orcs caused a lot of casualties. At first, the orcs had to fight back, but were quickly defeated by the mixed team of system soldiers in Gru’s hands in the woods. After all, the system soldiers still had insufficient strength in the open areas and were easily besieged by the army. Possibly, but in the woods, the orcs’ numerical advantage would not be able to be used.

“That’s it, let’s get the scout team back on this snowy day.”

After thinking about it for a while, Gru ordered the people in the forest to withdraw. In the endless white, the small-scale elites were much more conspicuous than before, and the attack lost its surprise.

The orcs have not reacted now. When the orcs do, there will still be a certain danger.

“Yes, General Gru!”

“Come on, let’s go down. General Arsi doesn’t have to stay here with me to blow the wind.”

“Hahaha, does General Gru think I am old? After all, I am also a great knight.”

Although Arcee is a veteran, he is still a solid knight. It is not a big problem to stand here and blow the wind for a while.

The two of them are basically familiar with each other, and Gru’s character, which has undergone a drastic change, is not as extreme as before, and he is more able to get along with his subordinates.

As he said that, Arcee followed Gru down the tower.

“General Arsi, are the army ready to leave?”

“Ready to go at any time!”


“But, General Gru, do we want to abandon the defense of the northern front?”

Gru’s order somewhat confused Arcee. Originally, their 100,000-strong army followed Richard to fight in the northern dense forest. After the army retreated to the front line of Dragonscale Castle, they joined up with some of the defenders and formed the northern line. The backbone of the defense, if they leave, the defense on the northern front will become quite empty.

If Gru had dared to lead his army to leave before, Alsi would have fought tooth and nail to oppose it. However, after successive victories with Richard and Gru, Alsi’s mentality has changed slightly. Cha and Gru have developed a certain degree of blind obedience, and he will execute even some unreasonable orders, but he still couldn’t help but ask.

“There is no need to leave for the time being, I just need to make preparations first, and the orcs should not be thinking about the northern front.”

“If something unexpected happens at Dragon’s Breath Pass, it won’t make much sense for us to continue to hold the northern line. If we retreat slowly, we will easily be surrounded by orcs.”

Gru knows what Richard is thinking. Richard is not going to give up on the elite people who have been fighting with them for several months on the North Road. Otherwise, no matter what goes wrong at Longxing Pass, Gru can easily With the system troops retreating to the North, at their speed, there was no need to worry about being cut off by the orcs.

But the North Route Corps led by Alsi and others is different. No matter how elite it is, they are just ordinary soldiers. If they don’t prepare early, when the orcs break the Dragon’s Breath Pass, they will easily be cut off by the orcs from the central plain.

“Sir, is it true that Longxing Pass cannot be defended?”

When talking about this topic, Arcee’s tone was a little heavy. After a long time, these senior generals could actually see some clues as long as they were not stupid. Even a great man like General Gru actually made a retreat. Plan, it shows how difficult the situation is.

Gru was silent for a moment and could only say something ambiguous:

“Maybe there is still some hope…”



Just when a few people came down from the high tower and walked back to the Dragon Scale Castle, Gru suddenly broke out and stabbed several people behind them.

Although Gru is famous for his archery skills, his knife is not much slower than his arrows. Before anyone could react, the scimitar in Gru’s hand had already made the sound of piercing flesh.

“Shadow Assassin?”

“You actually found me here, I just don’t know what to say.”

The moment the shadow assassin emerged from the shadow, he was noticed by Gru. He was killed by Gru before he could even draw his sword.

By the time Arcee and others reacted, there was already a dark corpse on the ground.

“Is this the shadow assassin that Lord Richard reminded me of?”

“Appeared here so soon?”

Although for some reason, the Shadow Assassin appeared in the heart of mankind for the first time, Richard immediately shared the information about the Shadow Assassin with the senior officials of Longxingguan to let them be on guard, so in When the shadow assassin appeared, neither Taize nor Gru was surprised, even Arcee had heard about it.

Just seeing this kind of guy emerging directly from the shadow with my own eyes, I still couldn’t help but marvel.

“Be careful, there’s more than one!”



Although the shadow assassin is strong, he has obviously found the wrong target. Among the people present, except for Arcee, no one is easy to mess with, not to mention Gru, who is already a saint, and neither Elena nor Sir Mulak What’s so easy to deal with? Several shadow assassins who appeared one after another were killed one after another without even having a chance to take action. For a moment, Arcee, who was watching, felt that these guys were weaklings.

“Damn it!”

“Holy level, such a strong perception is not an ordinary holy level. That **** Adelillo gave me wrong information again.”

According to the plan, the people of the Shadow God System must cooperate with the orcs’ attack on humans. This time, the envoys of the Lord of Shadows will lead the shadow assassins to assassinate several important human generals. Taize’s commanding ability is definitely He was registered on the assassination list, so he was assassinated by the shadow assassin.

Originally, there were no generals on the northern front who were valued by the orcs, but Gru’s performance was so brilliant that he also appeared on the assassination list, as well as some senior generals on the main pass and the southern front.

The church will provide intelligence, and the shadow angels will lead the shadow assassins to complete the cleanup at designated points. The orcs will also increase their offensive intensity and use several pronged methods to defeat the humans in Dragon Breath Pass in one fell swoop.

But the information provided by the church on other people may be accurate, but little is known about these heroes under Richard. Heroes including Gru, who had no reputation before, suddenly appeared and had no connection with the world at all. , where can the church find information?

The orcs don’t know the strength of these heroes at all, so they not only hit a wall with Taize, but they even failed with Gru.

Although Gru is the first to enter the holy level, Gru’s original strength is not at the level of the first to enter the holy level. According to the division of this world, the original Gru should also be at the holy level of the Realm of Jealousy. In the case of domain, in the eyes of others, it is definitely the performance of a veteran saint.

The envoys who came to be responsible for the assassination saw that they had no desire to take action first. The envoys under the Lord of Shadows were in a similar situation to the envoys under the Lord of the Rising Sun. Several of the envoys had unequal combat power, some were stronger. The strength is close to the level of jealousy, and the weaker ones, such as the divine envoy who came to deal with Gru, are only at the level of the first Saint level. After seeing Gru’s performance, he gave up the task directly.

After an assassination that ended in an anticlimactic manner, leaving several corpses behind, the assassins disappeared without a trace.

But although the Shadow Assassin has hit a wall with the system heroes, other generals are in great danger.

Longxiguan Main Pass

In the handsome mansion of Duke Ross

“Sir, there is a letter from General Taizé, and the orc attack has been repelled again.”


The soldier who reported the news had a brisk tone. Obviously, he thought that repelling an attack by the orcs was a good thing worth being happy about.

But Rose’s tone was calm and there was no excitement. As the coach, he knew the situation better. Taize had already used almost all the reserve teams and the Cavaliers to defeat the Orcs’ attack.

A small number of white dragons destroyed many divine crossbows, and the battle situation will only get worse.

“Send an order and ask the logistics department to prepare more meat so that the soldiers can have a hearty meal without saving.”

“Yes, sir!”

Ross’s order was not only because he had abundant supplies and was not afraid of loss in a short period of time, but also partly because he felt that the main gate could not be guarded for too long, and it would be a waste if the supplies were not used.

“Lord Ross, General Taize wants you to pay attention to your safety and be careful of your shadow.”

“I understand, Sir Richard’s letter is very clear.”


Suddenly, the messenger who had just left the house was stabbed in the heart by a black blade, and the black blade tip emerged from in front of him. He did not notice how the enemy approached him until his death.

The Shadow Assassin emerges from his shadow and kills him with one blow.

“Beware of shadows? Have you heard of us?”

Ross stood in the house with no shadow under his feet, but when the messenger left the big house, there was naturally a shadow under his feet. The shadow assassin used his shadow to appear directly at the door of the hall of Commander Ross’s mansion.

“There is an assassin!!”

“Protect your lord!”

The people responsible for guarding Ross’s mansion were all the elites of the Western Army. Seeing the appearance of the shadow assassin, they reacted very quickly. In addition to shouting for reinforcements, the personal guards also responded quickly.

A dozen guards in the room immediately drew their swords and stood in front of Rose, ready to use their bodies to defend Rose from possible sudden attacks. Some guards outside the door simply attacked the shadow assassin.

There was a hint of blood in their loud shouts of killing, and they were truly more ferocious soldiers than ordinary elites.

It’s just that their approach is obviously not effective against shadow assassins, especially those whose shadows are exposed on the ground.

A few black shadows flickered, and the guards fell to the ground. Guards from further away were still coming. A small number of guards could not stop the shadow assassins. Although they could not directly Shadow’s back room appears, but he can easily sneak into Rose’s handsome mansion.

Furthermore, as Ross is one of the most important characters in the orcs and church intelligence, the lineup to assassinate him is much stronger than the lineup to deal with Taize.

To deal with Taize, only a few ordinary shadow assassins were used, just like the random action of the Lord of Shadows’ envoy passing by, but for Rose, an envoy of the Lord of Shadows approached Rose with several shadow assassins.

At this point, it no longer mattered whether the person in the back room had a shadow or not. A saint-level strongman and several earth-level shadow assassins directly broke through the obstruction of the guards outside the room, preparing to assassinate Rose from the front.

“Lord Ross, retreat first! I will bring people to hold them back!”

The captain of the guard next to Ross is a master of the knight level. There are more than ten soldiers in the room who are also elites. He can see that those dark shadows that do not conform to common sense are not simple. Ross cannot let him go at this moment. Stay here and take risks, urging Rose to leave.

However, Ross did not appreciate it, but drew his sword and stood in front of him:

“I couldn’t run away because I was careless. Lord Richard clearly made it clear in his letter.”

It was really hard for Ross to believe this kind of absurd thing before he saw it. He is different from the system heroes. Gru and others believed in Richard unconditionally, so they were naturally more wary of the shadow assassins. Ross, on the other hand, was in a state of doubt. The letter had only arrived two days ago. He didn’t know that the assassin could come so quickly, and he was not prepared at all.

“Sir, you still have a chance, we will cut it off for you!”


Ross simply drew his sword and took a step forward, then asked the officer beside him:

“Do you remember the rules of our Western Army?”

“How to deal with fatal injuries in the back?”

“Deprived of pensions, parents and children at home will have their taxes doubled in the coming year, and they will not be allowed to enter the cemetery of the fallen.”

“So, I can’t die easily.”

“I swear to protect you to the death!”

The guard captain gritted his teeth and continued to take a step towards Ross, insisting…



Die in front of Ross…


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