Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 545: Assassination


“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

Longxing Pass, after a few days of rest, the orcs once again launched a powerful offensive. The orcs set up a trebuchet and carried out a comprehensive attack on the city. Stone bullets fell like raindrops on the city of Longxing Pass. There was a loud crashing sound.

However, no matter how many attacks from stone bombs and kerosene bombs it withstood, the sturdy Dragon Breath Pass remained unmoved. After covering the blow, the orc soldiers launched a large-scale attack.



The thundering sound of killing rang out, and the human soldiers who had been hiding under the cover of stone bullets emerged one after another. The gate of Longxing Pass was crowded with people.

“Fire the arrow!”

“Fire the arrow!”

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…”

Under the command of the commander, dense arrows were fired at the orcs near the city wall, because there were too many orcs under the city. From the city, they were densely packed like ants, and the soldiers who fired arrows did not even need to To take aim, just keep pouring down the arrows in your hand. Longxingguan is absolutely rich in supplies and is not afraid of this waste.

Under the dense arrows, even if the orcs were wearing heavy armor, it was inevitable that a few unlucky ones would fall to the ground after their armor was broken by the arrows. The orcs still left many corpses about a hundred steps away from the city wall. .

However, more orcs quickly approached the city wall. Some orcs in the front row even had more than a dozen arrows hanging on their bodies, like hedgehogs. However, their movements were not greatly affected, and they still carried the siege to the city. The equipment rushed up the wall.



The orcs are becoming more and more sophisticated in their siege methods. After the first batch of attacking troops set up ladders to attract a wave of attention, the subsequent wells quickly followed suit. These strong wells could not easily be destroyed. After the destruction, more than a dozen wells were soon approaching the city wall to build a path forward.



In fact, the human defenders have no good way to deal with the siege of the well. They can only deploy some troops in advance according to the advance route of the well. It is best to form a formation at its passage and be the first batch of orcs. When soldiers come down from the well gate, they usually face a formation of spears. The defenders will use their numerical advantage to continuously squeeze the orcs’ offensive space, trying to maintain a local numerical advantage to prevent the orcs from breaking through. The orcs, on the other hand, used several elites in heavy armor to clear the way. They completely ignored the dense human spears and rushed into the crowd with shields on their backs. They did not seek to kill the enemy, but just to disrupt the formation of the defenders and secure a foothold for the following troops. Space.

Usually, the defenders would fight back and forth with the attacking orcs for several rounds. Either the orcs would be blocked in the passage of the well and unable to advance, or the human formations would be completely disrupted. After a fight on the city wall, the humans would be counterattacked. The reserve army pushes back and fights until dusk. If it is still unable to break through, it will retreat amidst the golden sound of retreating troops and end the day’s battle.

Only today, the orcs’ attack was so powerful that it stunned the defenders from the very beginning.


The dress of an orc warrior who jumped down from the well was no different from most of the orc elites. From the appearance, it seemed that his muscles were slightly developed, and he was stronger than the average orc warrior.

But when he waved the weapon, a streak of fighting spirit swept across from the battle axe. More than a dozen human warriors fell down in response, and some gaps suddenly appeared in the originally dense gun array.

“Yes, he is the orc’s royal warrior!”

Facing an orc warrior, the defenders in front of them were a little panicked, but they quickly stabilized their formation under the scolding of the officers.

“Hold still, don’t retreat!”

“Those who retreat will die!”

“Behind us is the Kingdom!”

“Attack! Drive them down!”

The defenders of Longxiguan, especially those who have experienced several rounds of wars, are all old soldiers who have taken a dim view of life and death. In a sense, the war has made them a little numb. After instinctively feeling a little fear when facing a strong person, they quickly replenished the queue under the officer’s order, and even took the initiative to attack the opponent.

The spears coming from all directions and the sword-shielders rushing up with shields can indeed cause some trouble to the orc warriors, but this is war. The orc warriors did not continue to fight alone after being brave. Instead, they paused for a moment, waiting for more orcs to rush forward.

“Orc warriors! All orc warriors!”




A large group of orc warriors rushed down from the well railing. These orc warriors wearing double-layered heavy armor immediately smashed the defenders’ formation into pieces. The heavily armored orc warriors are really difficult to deal with. Even if they stab you with a spear, you may not be able to penetrate them. You can only rely on your own flesh and blood to delay time.

“Let the reserve team come in!”

“Send the Cavaliers up too!”

“This… Sir, the orcs have just started to attack, are they going to use both the knights and the reserve team?”

The importance of the reserve team is self-evident in battle. Taize always holds three cards in his hand, one is the elite reserve team, the other is the mobile high-end force composed of knights, and the other is the mobile high-end force composed of knights. There is an Ogre King’s Ring that can summon fifty Ogre Warriors at any time. Originally, Taize did not use the reserve team until the end, but this time, he almost immediately dispatched the reserve team and the Cavaliers at the same time. , no wonder the officers next to him were hesitant.

“Execute the order! This orc attack is not easy!”

“Yes, sir!”

Soon, Taize’s order was issued, and the reserve army and knights, who had been recharging their strength for a long time, rushed to the front line at the same time.

It was only after the two sides fought that the viciousness of Taize’s vision was revealed. The power used by the orcs this time was almost as strong as the previous rounds of attacks combined. There were nearly ten warriors in the siege team. There are many, and the warrior-level combat power has reached hundreds. If these people are distributed into the legion, they can become officers supporting more than ten legions. At this time, they are all regarded as assault forces and invested in the attack on the city wall at once. middle.

The elite reserve team and the knights went into battle together, but they were only able to stabilize the situation, and the battle line was still being plundered by the orcs.

At this moment, Taize has raised his finger. If he can no longer drive away the orcs’ attacks, he will prepare to summon ogre warriors to help.

While Taize was paying close attention to the situation on the battlefield, a sudden feeling that made his heart palpitate sent a chill down his back, and his strong premonition ability made him instinctively roll on the spot to avoid it.


Looking back, a black figure appeared behind him. The figure was holding a broken blade, and he was still making a gesture of drawing a knife. Judging from his posture, he just wanted to insert the knife directly into his neck. Cause him to die.

“Shadow Assassin!”

Although Taize is powerful, as a commander, he is not located too far forward on the battlefield. He is surrounded by human soldiers. Logically speaking, he should not be attacked, even if an orc master wants to force his way to this position. It should have been discovered long ago.

The elusive figure, coupled with the pitch-black figure, allowed him to quickly combine the black figure that suddenly attacked him with the inexplicable shadow assassin who appeared in the intelligence sent a few days ago.


After missing a hit, the Shadow Assassin quickly sneaked into the figure and attacked Taize again. As Taize had been upgraded in previous battles, his strength had already reached the level of the sky. In terms of hard power, he was stronger than the Shadow Assassin. Yes, once you are prepared, you will never be able to let the other party succeed easily.


“Protect the general!”

Taize was suddenly attacked, and the surrounding soldiers were a little confused at first. Some of them watched the shadow assassins emerge from the shadows. They thought they were hallucinating for a moment, and they realized after a brief daze.



“Another one!”

There was more than one shadow assassin who came to assassinate Taize. After several failed attacks by one person, two more shadow assassins appeared, trying to kill Taize by force.

But they obviously misjudged Taize’s strength. Although Taize recovered his sky-level combat power not long ago, his combat experience is much higher than this level. He fought with three assassins for a long time without losing, and even found Chance counterattacked and seriously injured one of the assassins.


“Stop these assassins!”

Seeing that they could not take Taize, the three shadow assassins did not want to fight anymore and tried to retreat into the shadows together. Ordinary soldiers formed an encirclement to intercept them.

However, Taize was unwilling to let them retreat easily. When the last shadow assassin wanted to evacuate, Taize jumped over regardless and locked the opponent tightly in his arms with a bear hug.

“Come on you!”


Taize’s tribe is a barbarian with surprisingly strong strength. This time he captured the shadow assassin and restricted the opponent’s movements with huge power. The shadow assassin who was hugged by Taize let out a sad cry. A neighing sound like a human voice, a frantic struggle.

The steps that touched the ground began to disappear into the shadow, and the whole figure was still trying to get down. Taize only felt that the person he was holding was as slippery as a loach. He obviously had no strength but was still a little unable to control it. .


When the opponent was about to escape, Taize no longer considered capturing him alive, and opened the opponent’s throat with a single stroke of his sword.

“Lord Taize! Did the assassin hurt you?”

“It’s okay!”

Looking at the black body on the ground, Taize actually had another worry in his heart.

These assassins appeared at Longxi Pass so quickly. It is very likely that they are not the same assassins as those who assassinated Richard. How many of these guys fell to the ground? If there are more assassins of this strength, they can directly steal Why fight when the city is over?

Is he the only one who was assassinated? If other senior generals in the garrison were also assassinated, the consequences would be disastrous. Not everyone has the strength of the sky level to survive in the hands of the shadow assassin and kill the opponent. Retired.

“Immediately send someone to Mr. Ross to inquire about the situation and ask Mr. Ross to pay attention to his safety. It is best to come and meet with me!”

“Yes, sir!”

Then, Taize once again turned his attention to the battlefield of Longxing Pass. Although he arranged it well, in the face of the absolute strength pressure of the orcs, the battle to defend the pass was still extremely difficult. This was the battle that Bailong dispatched in the past two days. Not often.

“Order the 3rd Reserve Flag Regiment to also press forward and drive the orcs down!”

“Yes, sir!”

While using his mobile power again, Taize also did not forget to use the Ogre King’s Ring directly. Fifty ogre warriors appeared on the city wall. These rough-skinned ogres were stronger than the orc warriors. I need to be stronger, and with the help of the new troops, I can finally suppress the attack of the orcs…


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