Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 544: Changes


Clyse City

In a luxurious manor.

Dozens of soldiers held up big umbrellas to block out the sun, creating dozens of meters of shade under the noon sun.

The eldest prince was also bitten by a snake once and has been afraid of ropes for ten years. Although he looked calm and composed when facing the shadow assassins, he actually knew how panicked he was. Even though the people in the city have been wiped out now, As for all the shadow assassins, the eldest prince still took adequate precautions. When traveling, there must be dozens of elite Iron Guards holding umbrellas to ensure that there is no one within tens of meters of him. The lights are never turned on in the house at night to avoid being caught in his sleep. Ridden by the Shadow Assassin.

Richard and the eldest prince sat in the shade and talked.

“Brother-in-law, are you really not going to stay for a few more days? I feel a little more at ease when you are here in Clay City.”

What the eldest prince said was definitely from the bottom of his heart. After experiencing the attack by the shadow assassin, the eldest prince always felt a little less secure. If Richard left, no one knew who could guarantee his safety.

“Don’t worry, Your Highness, the Shadow God Envoy is already dead and cannot die anymore. No one in Clay City should be able to threaten your safety anymore. After all, the Holy Order is not a cabbage that can appear casually.”

Having said that, the eldest prince glanced at Richard and Keshid beside him unnaturally.

As if to say

Look, aren’t there just two of them?

Richard ignored the hint in the eldest prince’s eyes. After all, he couldn’t explain to the other party that he was a cheater, so he turned the topic back to the other party.

“If it is an ordinary shadow assassin, I think His Highness’s subordinates should be able to easily deal with it. The general beside you can resist one or two as long as he is prepared.”

“Hahaha, nothing can be hidden from my brother-in-law’s eyes!”

“Let me introduce to you. This is General Irwin. He came from the royal capital a few days ago and is currently serving as the commander of the personal guard battalion by my side.”

“Meet Mr. Richard!”

The general in his thirties behind the eldest prince stepped forward and saluted Richard.

This general appeared next to the eldest prince shortly after he was assassinated. According to Richard’s observation, his strength should have just stepped into the earth level. A few years ago, this level of strength was unmatched by the entire Heng. It was an existence that everyone in the special family looked up to, but now in Richard’s eyes, it was just like that.

“General Irwin is indeed a rare young talent.”


Irwin had a poker face. Judging from his appearance, he should have a serious character on weekdays, but at this time, Richard’s words made him feel a little embarrassed.

The people around him also had strange expressions. After the scene froze for a few seconds, the eldest prince pointed at Richard and said:

“Brother-in-law, you are not praising someone. You are mocking General Irwin. With a twenty-year-old saint like you, who in the kingdom is worthy of you praising a young talent.”

Although everyone thought it was strange, Richard actually said this naturally. Although he had a young face, he couldn’t help but feel that he was old at heart. His two lifetimes combined were almost the age of a middle-aged man.

In addition, since he was in a high position, the people who dealt with Richard were all the top people in the kingdom. The princes and princes were just taking it easy. Richard began to compete with the gods and challenge the masterminds behind the scenes. Naturally, some people are used to speaking in this manner.

“General Irwin, don’t compare yourself to Lord Richard. There is only one Richard in the kingdom, and there is only one Richard in mankind. Over the past few hundred years, the only ones who can compare with Lord Richard are my ancestors. , Mr. Richard praised you for your young talent, that’s true.”

“It will be saved in the end.”

Although he experienced a small embarrassment, Irwin still bowed to Richard very respectfully and retreated behind the eldest prince.

“His Royal Highness is protected by General Irwin and so many loyal subordinates, so there should be no problem with his safety. I have been away from the Northland for too long, and I have to go back and take a look as soon as possible.”

“Okay, when will the brother-in-law leave?”

“We are leaving soon. I am here just to say goodbye to His Highness.”

“Are you so anxious?”

“Since my brother-in-law is in a hurry to leave, I can’t stay too long.”

“Here comes someone!”

Two guards came over holding things. The eldest prince first took a pile of bills from one of the guards and handed them to Richard and said:

“This is part of the money I got from confiscating the Ankola family’s property. In order for my brother-in-law to carry it easily, I converted it all into gold tickets. The total amount is 200,000 gold nairs. I can get it at the trading house in Piaoxue City. Exchange, the price of jewelry and antiques has dropped a lot recently, otherwise it would be even more.”

To say that the nobles in the Central Plains are rich, a viscount in the Northland might not be able to collect 10,000 gold naars even if they emptied their wealth. In this city, a viscount in the city of Clais After copying, two hundred thousand kinnars were copied. These were all floating wealth. For example, the Ankola family’s large fields and manor must have been directly accepted by the eldest prince.

Richard did not refuse and accepted the golden ticket handed over by the eldest prince.

Then the eldest prince took a knight’s sword from another guard. The knight’s sword was overall blue-grey, basically the color of metal. The hilt was wrapped in exquisite cowhide. The overall look was relatively simple, but The blade of the sword glows with a hint of cold light. Anyone who knows the skill can tell at a glance that this sword is extremely practical and is a real battlefield killing sword.

The only problem is that the size of this sword is one size smaller than a normal knight’s sword.

“Brother-in-law, isn’t Blair quite obedient in the Northland?”

Brayer is the son of Ward. As early as when Richard entered Golden Dragon City for the second time, Blair made an offer that Richard could not refuse and asked Richard to accept him as his disciple.

But now when the eldest prince mentioned Blair, Richard felt a little ashamed. The reason was simple. As a nominal teacher, he only taught Blair for a few days on his way back to the North.

Li Cha, who returned to the Northland later, had no time to take care of a disciple, and it was even less possible for him to take on the responsibility of a teacher when he went to support Long Xiguan later.

After Blair arrived in the Northland, he was thrown into the mansion of the City of Miracles by Richard. On weekdays, he took classes with the students in the college. At most, he would get private guidance from some masters when he returned to the Hunter family’s mansion. .

Although the education quality of Miracle City Academy is not low, and the new castle of the Hunter family is full of hidden dragons and crouching tigers, it is definitely more than enough to teach Blair, but it is also a real thing that Richard has been working as a hands-off shopkeeper. The prince treated him with great courtesy and accepted his disciple. Now when the eldest prince mentioned it, he was indeed a little embarrassed.

But fortunately, the main purpose of the eldest prince handing over his son to Richard was not to let Richard truly take on the responsibility of a teacher. At first, he had some intention of winning over Richard, but now that the situation is crisis, he regards Northland as a haven of refuge. At least Blair is safer with Richard than with him.

Although the eldest prince was making trouble in Clay City at this time, in his position, he actually knew how critical the situation was.

“This sword was made by me by the dwarf master of Clay City. It is also the gift I promised to Blair. Please help my brother-in-law pass it on to me.”

The eldest prince stroked the sword blade again with his fingers, and then handed the slightly shorter knight’s sword to Richard.


Richard put away his sword and didn’t say much. Although Richard’s loyalty to the kingdom was as solid as plastic, he had to admit that none of the people in the Charman family made him hate them.

Not to mention the previous generation, the heroic and courageous Thor and the calculating Ren were both considered heroes of the moment.

In this generation, he has had more contact with the eldest prince Ward and the fourth prince Parley. They are also outstanding figures with goals, perseverance and perseverance. No matter who of these two ascends to the throne in the end, he will normally be able to continue to stabilize the rule of the kingdom.

It is a pity that the situation is irreversible. If it were not for such special reasons, the Golden Dragon Kingdom would have been able to continue for hundreds of years, and how could such a dangerous situation have arisen.

Richard left without delaying at the eldest prince’s manor with the gold ticket and dagger given by the eldest prince.

When I just left the manor, the autumn wind suddenly picked up and the sky became a little darker.


In the clear autumn sky, there was a rare thunder.

Thinking of Irwin who was beside the eldest prince just now, several words popped into Richard’s mind. “Times have changed” and “storms are coming.”

The energy of the entire world is recovering, and Richard and the Lanster family in the North are actually the first ones to come into contact with this change.

The emergence of the two-headed ogre priest is not an atavism, but a harbinger of the recovery of the world’s energy. However, this change was too weak at the time, and it did not attract more attention except for setting off a few ripples in the North. .

Originally, the process of energy recovery may take more than ten or twenty years to gradually have a universal impact on the world.

But Richard established a water statue and a magic tower in Snowfield City. Under the influence of the system, some operations greatly accelerated the process.

And the changes brought about by the acceleration of this process were somewhat unexpected by Richard. The gods that originally survived Ragnarok basically fell into a deep sleep due to the exhaustion of magic power. Now the Lord of the Rising Sun and the Lord of Shadows Everyone began to wake up, and these guys were extremely unfriendly to humans. As soon as they came up, they united with the orcs to attack humans, and the Golden Dragon Kingdom couldn’t breathe.

In addition to the gods being affected and gradually awakening, humans actually benefited. Although the cultivation of magic and fighting spirit are two different paths, they are essentially connected.

As the world’s energy gradually recovers, the practice of fighting spirit has become simpler. If someone does statistics, they will find that the number of human knights has increased a lot in the past six months. Many of them were originally stuck at the peak of quasi-knights. It is difficult to feel the energy and people who cannot break through the knight successfully advance.

The eldest prince, who was still at the level of a knight, has also successfully advanced to become a great knight. Earth knights like Irwin would have been top human masters before, and they are not something that the eldest prince is qualified to recruit. Since the eldest prince can recruit the other party.

This means that the earth knights are not as rare as before. There should be many masters who have been stuck at the peak of the great knights and have broken through this threshold.

It’s just that the recovery of magic power is fair. Except for the Snowfield City and Miracle City, which are a little tricky, other places are the same. There are more human knights, and maybe even more orc warriors. In addition, The hostility of the gods, and with the recovery of magic power, the situation has become increasingly unfavorable to humans.

“Sir, it seems like it’s going to rain today.”

Although the rain can’t have any impact on Richard, he still doesn’t like rain very much. Maybe it’s because he has practiced the Fierce Sun Qi-Entraining Technique, and he has some problems with rain. When Keshid saw that it was going to rain, He gave Richard a little reminder.

Li Cha glanced at the dark clouds in the sky and cursed:

“This day is also a dog, so it will change.”

“However, only with great changes can there come great controversies!”

“Sir, where shall we go next?”

“Let’s go back to the Northland!”

“Yes, sir!”


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