Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 542: Kill 2



As a living person, Richard was naturally always under the radar of the black-robed divine envoy. The black-robed divine envoy had already been prepared for Richard’s sword attack.

But after the weapons of the two sides exchanged blows, the black-robed divine envoy retreated and suffered a small loss. Keshid’s fighting spirit slashes came one after another, forcing the black-robed divine envoy who was originally relatively calm. Somewhat embarrassed.

It stands to reason that the gap between the holy level and the holy level is actually extremely huge. Just like when the Snow Giant King faced an incomplete Aragorn, he had no power to fight back. The realm of the holy level The gap between the realm and the realm of power is wider than the gap between the earth knight and the sky knight.

It should be extremely easy for the black-robed envoy who can skillfully use the rules of shadow to form the realm of shadows to deal with two saints of the realm of power, but neither Keshid nor Richard are ordinary saints. .

The black-robed divine envoy was forced to take a few steps back before he stopped and raised his head. Richard and Keshid raised their swords to protect the eldest prince, maintaining absolute vigilance.

“One is preparing to enter the Realm of the Realm with the understanding of his own weapons, and the other is preparing to enter the Realm of the Realm with pure power. I have encountered such a rare holy level. Adriello is indeed right, Human beings are the greatest threat to the gods.”

To touch the threshold of the realm with his understanding of weapons, he should be talking about the sword saint Keshid who protects the country. This is a strong man who uses the sword to the extreme. In another world, he is also a human being at the national level. For a strong person, the difference in leaving the realm is really just a last resort.

But it is a misunderstanding to regard Richard as a strong man who attacks the realm with pure strength. Although Richard has a strong physical foundation and can easily wrestle with giant dragons, he is actually a comprehensively developed hexagonal warrior. Compared with those who are pure strength experts, he is still a little behind, but Richard also used the giant ring in his hand when he slashed at the black-robed divine envoy with one sword.

Under the superposition of the two forces, the black-robed divine envoy felt an unmatched force coming from his hand and had to step back to release the force. Faced with such a powerful force, the black-robed divine envoy naturally regarded Richard as a Now comes the strong man who wants to attack the realm with strength as the rule.


The black-robed **** envoy was talking to himself, but Richard did not have the bad habit of talking nonsense to the enemy in battle. He raised the blue angel alliance in his hand and attacked the black-robed **** envoy again, while Keshid followed closely. Follow behind, preparing to attack each other with Richard.

“Hmph! Do you really think you have taken advantage? Do the people in the domain still want to challenge those outside the domain?”


Facing the attack of the two men, the black-robed divine envoy instantly turned into a shadow and disappeared. When he reappeared, he was already at Richard’s side.

The black short blade went straight towards Richard’s neck, much faster than those shadow assassins.


Li Cha blocked the attack with a sword, and with a slash, the blue angel alliance split the opponent into two pieces.


Seeing Richard split the opponent with a sword, the eldest prince and several officers who had become cheerleaders couldn’t help shouting loudly, but both Richard and Keshid knew that it would never be so easy.

Especially for Richard, the sword strike just now seemed to split the opponent into two pieces, but in fact, Richard had no sense of reality at all. The sword strike was as if it had struck the air, without any trace of Sense of effort.

“Oh, how can the blade split the shadow.”

The mocking voice of the black-robed divine envoy came from two directions. The black shadow that was split into two pieces by Richard just now turned into two figures.

“What’s going on!”

Everyone was stunned by the changes on the field. One enemy turned into two, and the two attacked again while talking.




The two black shadows actually existed, and there was no illusion. Richard and Keshid each stopped one person, and the feeling of handing over weapons during the fight was extremely real.

What is even more frightening to the two of them is that the black-robed divine envoy who transformed into two figures did not lose any strength at all, which doubled the pressure on the two of them.



As the saying goes, every inch is stronger and every inch is shorter. After the black-robed messenger got close to him, the short blade in his hand was even more threatening. Even though Richard and Keshid reacted quickly, several spots quickly appeared on their bodies. As for the wounds, Richard was protected by the Dragon King and Shenlong, which could protect him from many fatal wounds. The black-robed divine envoy could only attack through the gaps in the armor, otherwise Richard would only have more wounds.

Keshid’s situation was slightly better. Even when he was fighting against a strong man from the Realm of the Realm, he still showed the powerful strength of the Sword Master. Although there were a few bloodstains on his body, they were only slightly injured. The power was not damaged.



It is not the style of a swordsman to just take a beating without fighting back. Keshid, who is experienced in fighting, took advantage of the opponent’s aggressive attack and seized an opportunity to counterattack. He slashed the opponent’s face with a fighting spirit. At the waist, this golden fighting spirit slash slashed towards the opponent’s waist in a semi-arc shape, with a horizontal range of two meters, almost eliminating all the opponent’s hiding space.

The power of this charged slash is almost as if it is tearing apart the space, causing the surrounding scene to be slightly distorted. Its power is so powerful that even a strong person in the Realm of Domain will not feel comfortable following it.

However, the next scene made Keshid’s heart sink a little more. Although the strongest fighting spirit slash with a charged blow successfully hit the black figure, it seemed to have passed through a void. Like a body, Dou Qi Slash flew to the distant manor without any hindrance, and struck the high wall of Ankola’s manor with a bang, causing the entire wall to shatter.

“Why is it a shadow again?”


However, when the opponent slashed down, it proved that this was a real entity. The collision between Keshid’s long sword and the short knife made the sound of metal clashing. Keshid who hurriedly resisted almost got cut by the opponent. wrist.

“From reality to virtuality, from virtuality to reality?”

“You do have some discernment!”

“The unexplored territory is full of ants, and you will all die here today.”

The well-informed Keshid soon discovered the special feature of the two black shadows. Not only did the black-robed divine envoy split into two, but the two black shadows of equal strength could actually separate themselves from the entity and the shadow. Transform between each other, becoming a physical entity when attacking, and turning into a shadow when attacked, perfectly avoiding all damage. At least physical attackers like Keshid and Richard find it difficult to cause effective damage after the opponent turns into a shadow state.


While speaking, the black-robed divine envoy added another wound to Keshid’s body, and the battle situation was already in danger.

“Sir Richard, we must hit him at the same time for the attack to be effective!”

Keshid quickly found a way to hurt the black-robed divine envoy, but this method is easier said than done. First of all, the black-robed divine envoy is not a wooden stake. He can stand where you are and let you shout. “One, Two, Three” attack together. In the melee, it is difficult to imagine the difficulty of two people hitting the shadow at the same time. With the black-robed god’s conscious avoidance, the probability of hitting each other at the same time is actually infinitely close to zero.

So, even if Keshid found this flaw, he would not be able to cause any actual harm to the opponent.




Compared to Keshid’s side, the battle situation here with Richard was even more tragic. Richard’s strength was originally not as good as Keshid’s, and he relied entirely on some treasures to support him. After being passively beaten for more than ten rounds, Li Cha There were at least seven or eight more wounds on Cha’s body, but the Dragon King’s divine power had a dark red appearance, so the blood flowing onto the armor was not that obvious.

“The armor you are wearing is a treasure, but it will soon be mine.”

Although the key effect of Dragon King Shenlong is to improve the army, it does not affect its super defensive ability as a suit of armor. It has blocked several attacks for Richard. Of course, the black-robed divine envoy also discovered this An extraordinary piece of armor.

Under his black blade, even the three layers of chain armor and plate armor are as protective as paper. One bucket can break the defense, but this dark red treasure However, A perfectly blocked all his attacks. If this precious armor did not protect his head or feet, Richard would not even be injured at all.

In his opinion, to achieve this effect, only defensive artifacts can completely block his attack.

“A mere human being dares to try the method of breaking through the realm with strength. It’s really overestimating one’s capabilities!”

Here, after completely gaining the upper hand, the black-robed envoy even took the time to mock Richard, and he had developed a bit of a cat-and-mouse mentality.



As he spoke, black broken blades came one after another, and this time the blade went straight towards Richard’s face.


Richard tilted his head and narrowly avoided the knife. The sharp blade made a shallow mark on his face. It took less than a second for blood to flow out from the wound.

Li Cha was also startled when he felt the attack on his face. Fortunately, the wound was not deep, otherwise his appearance would be disfigured.

“Huh, you made me a little angry. Are you jealous of my appearance?”

The black-robed divine envoy didn’t know how the man in front of him, who was covered with injuries and was constantly approaching death, could still joke with such a relaxed attitude, but he continued to attack Richard without stopping. .

After so many rounds of fighting, Richard has basically figured out the opponent’s strength. He is very strong, but not as overwhelmingly powerful as the old orc. If it were a master with the strength of the old orc, Richard would be like this. He won’t care about the life or death of the eldest prince for a while. He has probably teleported away with several of his men. Now he still has Keshid and there is still room for resistance, but the most difficult thing about him is that he can physically Switch between shadows.

In other words, the characteristic of this shadow angel is that its combat power is not the strongest, but it does not take much damage and can slowly wear down the enemy. It is hard to say which one is stronger than the old orc, but Richard In fact, I was a little sure of it from the beginning.

“Fierce Sun, kill!”


Regardless of the consumption, an arc-shaped fighting spirit forced the opponent to suspend his attack. Then Richard immediately activated the effect of the sacred blood bottle. Under the opponent’s gaze, the injuries on his body quickly recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye. The obvious scratch on the face quickly disappeared without a trace, leaving only dried blood to prove that the knife was not completely missed.

The black-robed divine envoy who was hit by the vindictive slash did not suffer any damage at all. After avoiding Richard’s full-strength vindictive slash, he quickly turned back to his physical form and watched with interest as Richard fully recovered.

“Recovery treasures, you have a lot of good things.”

“But what if the status is restored?”

State-restoring treasures can indeed work wonders in battle, but this is based on the fact that the two sides fight back and forth and can cause damage to each other. Now Richard has not caused damage to the black-robed divine envoy. In the eyes of the opponent, even if the ability is restored ten times, it does not pose a threat, it just takes more effort.

However, Richard did not use the sacred blood bottle to restore his condition just to continue fighting with the opponent.

“It seems that you are just a poor guy being taken advantage of.”

Although he had always had an absolute advantage, after seeing Richard’s mocking expression, the black-robed divine envoy felt a strong sense of uneasiness in his heart.

Richard touched a simple ring on his finger and continued.

“It seems they haven’t told you that all those guys with divine characters should not be arrogant in front of me.”

“This battle should almost end here.”


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