Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 540: Battle


“Hurry, hurry, hurry!”

“His Royal Highness the Grand Prince has an order! The Ankola family is harboring assassins. All of them must be arrested and interrogated. No one shall be let go!”

“Tap! Tread! Tread!”

The Iron Guards, who were close associates of the eldest prince, moved very quickly. After the eldest prince gave the order, it took less than two hours to mobilize and surround the Ancora family’s mansion. Led by more than a dozen knights, the Ancora family’s mansion was completely surrounded. The Ancora family was blocked in the mansion by the Iron Guards without any reaction. All the main members stayed in the mansion and could not escape.

“Damn it!”

“There is a traitor in the family!”

“The matter must have been exposed!”

When the army came to surround the Ancora family’s mansion, Viscount Ancora himself was like an ant on a hot pot, walking around and around in the hall. The Iron Guards surrounded them with such force. Apart from that, there are almost no other possibilities in the Ankola family’s mansion.

“Sir, is there any misunderstanding? There are only a few family members who have seen the master, and they are all trustworthy, maybe because of other things.”

The housekeeper on the side also wanted to defend the children of those families. After all, he was also a child of a family, so he was naturally closer to those children.

“Is there anything else that would warrant the dispatch of the entire Iron Guard under the First Prince? I underestimated the Black Prison, and I didn’t expect these minions to be buried so deep in my Ankola home.”

Although Viscount Ankola has heard of the name of Black Prison for a long time, he naturally lacks awe because he has never really seen Black Prison. Black Prison is somewhat different from the Jin Yiwei that Richard knows, not so arrogant and domineering. It’s more like a hidden blade. Only those who face it directly when it is unsheathed can realize its horror.

“Lord Viscount, what should we do next?”

With the Iron Guard army basically controlling the streets near the Ankola family manor, escaping now became a luxury, and even the usually clever housekeeper had no idea at this time.

It stands to reason that as the Ankola family are natives of Clay City, their influence has penetrated into all aspects of the city. They should get some information about the kingdom’s actions and prepare in advance, which can at least provide Ankola with information. The direct family members were given some time to escape. No matter whether they could escape from the surveillance of the black prison, at least they would not be trapped and die in the manor.

But the eldest prince obviously also knew that the kingdom’s power in the city of Clais was not completely trustworthy. He directly escaped from the garrison system and gave the order to his own Iron Guard. This foreign armed force was closely related to Claes. The nobles in the city had no connection at all, so it was naturally impossible for them to leak the information to Viscount Ancora.

“What to do, what to do.”

“Let the guards guard the manor and don’t allow anyone to come in!”

“This? Lord Viscount, do we want to resist the eldest prince’s Iron Guard?”

The steward knows how much the Ankola family’s escorts weigh. On weekdays, it is more than enough to bully the tenant farmers in the territory and help the Ankola family’s common people. After all, there are more than two hundred people with equipment. A complete set of soldiers is not something that a group of weaklings can fight against.

But they are limited to bullying the people. The Ankola family is not like the warriors in the North who have to fight from time to time, nor are they like the nobles near Longxi Pass who are all newly promoted. The martial nobles still maintain their military heritage and are ready to deal with the orcs at any time. Even they are not as good as the group of nobles near the sea in the south. At least those people have to deal with harassment from the sea tribe from time to time.

Although the nobles of the kingdom can raise private soldiers, it depends on whether it is necessary. Inland nobles like the Ankola family, who are not even determined to rebel, have no motivation to maintain strong armed forces, and the family has long been He fell into the eyes of money and was reluctant to spend so much on raising soldiers.

Compared with the murderous Iron Guards under the eldest prince, these gorgeously dressed guards are just like the flowers in a greenhouse, both in terms of quantity and quality. It’s a big difference, and anyone with a discerning eye knows it’s impossible to resist.

“If we don’t resist, will our Ankola family be captured without mercy?”

“Now that things have come to this point, there is no possibility for us to retreat. We should wait for time and go to that adult for help immediately. As long as that adult takes action and kills the eldest prince, we still have a glimmer of hope.”

Under the crisis of life and death, Viscount Ankola became extremely clear-headed. Looking at the posture of the eldest prince, there would be no good results if he was captured without mercy. It would be better to hope that the unfathomable strong man would take action and kill him. He killed the eldest prince and made the situation chaotic.

There may still be a chance of survival if you completely surrender to the church. At least you can seize the opportunity of chaos to escape.

Under the order of Viscount Ancora, the guards in the manor took action quickly. The Ancora family’s manor was similar to the Newman family’s. Although it was a high-walled compound with several turrets, it was The defensive power is definitely not as good as that of a real castle. It is basically not enough in front of the regular army, let alone the elite Iron Guards under the great prince. The Iron Guards outside even blocked the streets. Siege equipment such as shield cars and rams have been pulled out. As soon as these large equipment are in place, the attack will begin quickly, and the Ankola family’s guards will have no chance of resisting.

However, although the combat effectiveness of the Ankola family’s guards is questionable, their loyalty is still there. After all, the only knight-level officer is a member of the Ankara family, and several quasi-knight officers are also sons of the Ankola family. , and although Viscount Ancora is greedy, he has a certain degree of severity. He is usually pretty good to these guards with knife handles, so even when facing the Iron Guard, the guards of the Ancora family still bite the bullet. Carry out the orders of Viscount Ankola.

The heavy iron door was locked tightly. The guards of the Ancora family stood on the wall, holding weapons in hand, as if they were going to fight to the end. The Iron Guards outside were acting step by step, only waiting for the order of the eldest prince. .

“There is really something wrong with the Ankola family. They showed the blade without even answering. Is this the confidence given to them by the remnants of the Rising Sun Cult?”

The eldest prince and Richard rode horses and stood in the open space not far from the Ankola family manor, observing the movements of the Ankola family.

At this moment, a particularly strange scene appeared around the eldest prince. In the late autumn when the sunshine was not harsh, with the eldest prince as the center, dozens of Iron Guard soldiers held up several huge parasols. These parasols , several times larger than the parasols used by the ladies of the kingdom in summer, and it took several strong soldiers to carry them. The big umbrellas were connected together, and not a single person could be seen within a few dozen meters around the prince. of.

You must know that the eldest prince who can lead good soldiers has always been a soldier. He even often trains with the Iron Guards. Not to mention sunbathing, he even waded through ditches with the soldiers and never fought under the scorching sun. Following the precedent of Umbrella, this time it was for the sake of his own life that he took this action.

The distance of tens of meters was enough for Richard and others on one side to react.

The eldest prince’s slightly strange behavior did not affect his prestige among the Iron Guards. The surrounding soldiers stood solemnly, just waiting for the eldest prince’s order.


The eldest prince did not let the soldiers wait too long. After the Ankola family made a gesture of resistance, he had already made up his mind to attack. After seeing several assault vehicles and shield vehicles in place, he immediately ordered the attack. instructions.

“One two! One two!”


The heavy shield cart made a huge noise as it pressed against the stone floor of Clay City. It approached the Ancola family’s manor step by step, giving the defenders in the manor a huge sense of oppression. Many of the defenders on the wall had their foreheads I was sweating all over my body.

Although they have a certain degree of loyalty, in the final analysis, they are just a group of soldiers who have not experienced much actual combat. They are not as good as the elites who fight all year round on the border, and they are not like the Cliff family who are all composed of the God of the Rising Sun. The army composed of followers of the religion also lacked a lot of fighting will. At this moment, being able to stand on this wall and resist against the Iron Guards was worthy of the Ankola family’s usual preferential treatment.


“Fire the arrow!”

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…”

“Dang, Dang, Dang…”

The commander of the Ankola family also has little experience. Although he has the strength of a knight, it does not mean that he has any experience in military command. Under the slow pressure of the Iron Guard, he cannot bear the pressure in his heart. The order to release arrows was actually given at a distance of about a hundred steps.

This distance is within the shooting range of the archers, but it is definitely not within their killing range. The shooting range of these ordinary crossbows may reach more than a hundred steps, but the lethality will be worse after fifty steps. What’s more, as the name suggests, the Iron Guards, as the prince’s trusted troops, are all wearing solid heavy armor, and some of them even wear iron armor customized from dwarves. Within ten steps, they can use crossbows. It all depends on luck if you want to break the armor.

At this distance of a hundred steps, there was really no chance. The Iron Guards in the front row raised their shields, and all the arrows fell to the ground without power, causing no casualties to the advancing Iron Guards.

But the guards of the Ankola family, who have been mentally exhausted to the extreme, need a vent to release their inner pressure. Once the arrows start to be released, it seems that they cannot stop. Under the control of the Iron Guards, Under pressure step by step, the defenders on the wall kept shooting bows and arrows in search of a little inner sense of security.

Until the Iron Guards marched to less than fifty steps away from the Ancora family’s manor.

“Get ready!”

“Let it go!”

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…”

The officers of the Iron Guard are obviously much more experienced. These officers who came from the Royal Capital Knight Academy are not bad in theory and practice. They have almost perfect arrangements for various flying tactics and maneuvers, and they are at the most suitable distance for archers. He ordered the arrows to be released, and a string of arrows were shot towards the guards on the wall.

Although the guards of the Ancora family also wear armor, the defensive power of their fancy armor is much worse than that of the Iron Guard. At a distance of less than fifty steps, the probability of being penetrated by the armor is greatly increased. , as many as a dozen people fell down from the top of the city, causing quite a bit of chaos.

The Iron Guards did not stop because of the release of arrows. While the archers were shooting several rounds, the team pushing the cart advanced more than 20 steps and saw that they were close to the high wall of the manor. , everyone knew that the gates and high walls of the manor could not withstand this strong charging vehicle. Once the charging vehicle approached, it was time for the Iron Guards to invade the manor.

On the city wall, several officers of the Ankola family pressed down on the guards and made desperate resistance. The manor was also in chaos.

The bows and arrows of the Iron Guards not only shot at the defenders on the wall, but also landed directly inside the manor. Many servants and women in common clothes were shot through by arrows and nailed to the ground, causing bursts of screams. .

Viscount Ankola placed all his hopes on the black-robed divine messenger, hoping that he could take action to bring a chance of life to the Ankola family.

“Sir, the eldest prince’s Iron Guards are about to rush in, please take action!”

Viscount Ankola lowered his posture very low and knelt directly in front of the opponent.

“If I kill the eldest prince, can your Ankola family escape from these soldiers?”

“At least there is a glimmer of hope!”

“What a boring game.”

At the tearful request of Viscount Ankola, the black-robed divine envoy finally stood up. He didn’t care at all about what happened outside, although he didn’t want to kill thousands of Iron Guards. , but no one can stop him from leaving, but if the Ankola family is exterminated like this, he will be somewhat embarrassed.

I stood up and ignored Viscount Ancora beside me. The envoy of the Lord of Shadows instantly disappeared into the house…






“The eldest prince has an order. Anyone who resists will be killed without mercy!”

The rush car finally advanced to the gate of the manor. The kerosene originally prepared by the guards of the Ancora family was not used. Just before it fell over, it was shot by the Iron Guard shooters who had been prepared below. sieve.

The outer wall of the manor is not as good as a real castle city, and the Iron Guard’s archers can easily suppress the guards on the wall.

The ramming car started to hit the door without any hindrance. With the combined efforts of more than a dozen Iron Guard soldiers, it only took two blows to make the door of the Ancora family manor crash to the ground. A large number of Iron Guard soldiers were at the door. The moment he fell to the ground, he rushed into the manor.

The guards with the high wall as a barrier could still muster the courage to fight. At this time, the door was opened. Facing the wolf-like Iron Guard soldiers, the guards of the Ancora family were completely unable to fight. Courage, after more than a dozen die-hards were chopped down to the ground by the Iron Guard soldiers like melons and vegetables, the rest of the guards dispersed in an instant. To the Iron Guards, this battle was more like an armed parade. .

After entering the manor, the Iron Guard soldiers quickly divided into several groups, occupied key points, controlled the prisoners, and some continued to advance towards the inner courtyard of the manor. The whole process seemed extremely smooth.

Only the eldest prince who has been watching the battle on the other side has not relaxed at all. He knows very well that the Ankola family itself is not worthy of his careful treatment at all, and the real enemy has not yet appeared.


At this moment, Keshid, the country-protecting swordsman who had been standing side by side with Richard and others, suddenly drew out his long sword. With the sound of the sword, more than a dozen figures emerged from dozens of meters away from the eldest prince. A black shadow came.

“It’s finally here.”

Facing the incoming shadow assassins, the eldest prince did not feel too nervous, but felt relieved. In fact, he was more afraid of destroying the Ankola family and not showing up.

“Protect His Highness!”

The Iron Guard officers beside the eldest prince also reacted and gave orders loudly with a loud voice.

The surrounding Iron Guard soldiers quickly attacked the dozen black figures.

The real elite of the Iron Guard did not participate in the attack on the Ancora family’s manor at all, but were all arranged around this huge umbrella…


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