Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 54: Decision


What’s the use of charging again now?

Of course it works,

Launching another charge will allow the First Army Corps and Marquis Wade to seize the opportunity to withdraw and avoid total annihilation.

As long as Weiru rushes forward with his cavalry, the ogres will certainly not dare to pursue the first legion in a scattered formation,

Although they lack military knowledge, they also know that the impact of cavalry is powerful and needs to be taken seriously in formation.

Only when Weiru led the cavalry to charge, did Marquis Wade have the opportunity to lead the remaining soldiers to break away from the battle in an orderly manner, minimizing the losses of this defeat.

“Rheya, are you afraid?”

Rhea is Weru’s deputy and a good knight-level player. Although he is weaker than Weru, he is still a first-rate existence among the knights. He escaped unscathed in the first round of charge.

Hearing Weilu’s question, Rhea’s expression did not change at all, but he said slowly:

“For Lancet.”

Rheya didn’t have any extra words, he already expressed his determination in one sentence.

Weru nodded,

Perhaps he was not just asking Rhea, but also himself.

If you charge forward again, it may be an exaggeration to die ten times but not survive, but it is definitely more than nine deaths.

Are you afraid of death?

Of course I’m afraid, there are a few normal people who don’t want to live.

Can I withdraw?

Of course not,

The glory of the Jingbei Army cavalry and the glory of the Lanster family will not allow Weilu to escape before the battle,

There can be Lansters who die in battle, but there can never be Lansters who run away from battle.


The long sword was raised high between his eyebrows.

“Qiang, Qiang, Qiang…”

Then there was the sound of weapons being unsheathed.

The cavalry who had just taken a short rest followed the general and raised their weapons again.


Weilu took the lead and rushed to the front of the team as an arrow,

Lea and others followed closely, and the entire cavalry formed a cone-shaped formation with Weru as the sharp angle, and once again launched a charge towards the ogre’s flank.

The rumble of horse hooves resounded across the battlefield again, although the losses in the first round of charge were not small,

But the morale of the Jingbei Army’s cavalry did not drop much.

On weekdays, these cavalrymen enjoy the best treatment. It can be said that they are proud soldiers who have been fed with money and food for a long time.

The grassroots officers are filled with a large number of Lanster clansmen, almost one of the most reliable forces of the Lanster family,

Morale will not be greatly affected by attrition,

The cavalry of the Jingbei Army are all experienced soldiers, so they naturally understand what this charge means.

Their expressions were solemn, like a group of desperate soldiers, launching an attack with no intention of retreating.

The sound of horse hooves even encouraged the infantry of the Jingbei Army that was fighting and some that had retreated. Some officers of the Second and Third Army took the opportunity to gather a group of defeated troops to reorganize their formation.

They don’t dare to think about counterattack. They try to maintain an orderly retreat, instead of being wiped out from behind in the humiliating way of being herded like sheep. This is their only goal.

Marquis Wade also took this opportunity to organize a small counterattack, stabilizing the slightly shaken front again.

Of course the ogres would not ignore such a big noise from the cavalry charge,

It is even said that the cavalry of the Jingbei Army have always been the biggest threat to the ogres. After all, ordinary Jingbei Army infantry,

It takes at least ten people to fight against an ogre warrior, and they will be at a disadvantage,

A high-speed charging cavalry has the opportunity to cause fatal damage to the ogre warrior.

The ogres on the periphery began to form a simple formation. Although their formation was loose, their huge racial advantages could offset this shortcoming.

The sharp wooden stakes pointed outwards, forming the first death barrier for the Jingbei Army cavalry.

Under the pressure of the Jingbei Army cavalry, the ogres had to temporarily give up their pursuit of the 2nd and 3rd legions.

If they continue to pursue without warning at this time, I am afraid that Weiru will wake up laughing in his dreams and directly expose his back to the charging cavalry. No matter how strong the ogre is, he will be directly overwhelmed by the cavalry.

Unfortunately, the ogres were not stupid. The pursuit quickly stopped and began to guard against the cavalry attack.

The defeated soldiers finally managed to escape with their lives for the time being. Some officers had gathered many of the defeated soldiers and slowly withdrew from the battlefield in an organized manner.

“Pass my order, the whole army will take turns to cover the retreat, and retreat to Fort Hel for reorganization!”

Marquis Wade, who had just commanded a counterattack, saw the ogre offensive slowing down and immediately took the opportunity to issue a retreat order.

“Lord Marquis, what should Master Weiru do?”

The person who asked the question was Angus, the commander of the First Legion. After receiving the support of Marquis Wade, the two fought against an ogre chieftain.

Although he had some upper hand, it was indeed difficult to actually kill the opponent. He just barely managed to repel the opponent.

As a senior officer, Angus could naturally see what their retreat at this time meant to Weilu and the cavalry he led, and couldn’t help but question them.

“Angus! Veru is my son, he is a member of Lanster! He is also a soldier of the Jingbei Army.”

Marquis Wade paused slightly when he said this.

“If others die, my son will die too.”

Marquis Wade is still sullen,

“Execute the order, withdraw!”


Feeling the determination in Marquis Wade’s tone, Angus did not dare to say any more.

I just raised my head and vaguely saw that the corner of Marquis Wade’s mouth had been bitten with traces of blood.



The Jingbei Army cavalry slammed into the ogre line again,

Although the number of Jingbei troops in this charge has been reduced, they are more decisive and fierce. They drove their horses straight into the enemy without any intention of evading, and there was a fierceness that changed their name.

Weru took the lead and rushed into the formation. In front of him, an ogre raised a wooden stake in his hand and tried to sweep Weru off his horse.

Seeing this, Weiru directly activated his fighting spirit. He first cut off the incoming wooden stake with one sword, and then used his horse speed to decapitate the ogre warrior in front of him with one sword, and continued to charge forward without any pause.

The following cavalry also rushed into the ogre formation one after another, and some lances stabbed the ogre through.

There were also ogre warriors who directly caught the lances and lifted the Jingbei Army cavalry off their horses. For a moment, people screamed and horses neighed on the battlefield, and blood and red and white things spattered everywhere.

“Rush! Rush forward! Just rush out and don’t stop!”

Weru understands the mission of himself and the cavalry,

Create pressure on the ogres and create conditions for the Jingbei Army to retreat.

Although you have the consciousness to die in battle, who is willing to die if you can live?

If you can directly penetrate the ogre’s line, then those who rush out will still have a chance to survive.

As Weiru led the team into the ogre formation from the flank,

The first legion, whose pressure was greatly reduced, and the reserve force led by Marquis Wade began to retreat in an orderly manner, gradually breaking away from the battle and putting a distance between themselves and the ogres.

“What a pity”

At this time, the two-headed ogre priest was a little weak and reluctantly looked at his head to observe the situation,

Obviously he was very unwilling to let Marquis Wade lead his army to retreat, but it was already difficult to do anything else.

Then the two-headed ogre priest muttered something to an ogre next to him.

Several ogres roared loudly at the same time, and several ogre chiefs who were originally preparing to pursue them turned back at the same time and attacked in the direction of the cavalry.


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