Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 539: Tail


“Dong dong dong…”

“Come in.”


The door of the room was gently opened. The room was neat and clean. A young man in black robe was reclining on a recliner and eating the fruit that had just been brought into the room.

The servant carefully walked into the room after getting his permission.

“Are you here to clean the room?”

“Yes, my lord!”

“Well, the floor, walls, and ceiling are all covered in dust. They really need to be cleaned. I’ll make some space for you and clean the room as soon as possible.”

After saying this, the young man in black robe actually stood up from the recliner, opened the door and walked out, leaving the servant who came to clean the house alone in the messy house. The servant looked at the nearly spotless room and stood there for a long time before he finally realized what he was doing and started working. No matter how outrageous the request was, he just had to execute it, even if it meant thinning the floor. Gotta keep cleaning.

The young man in black robe on the other side went out and walked into the yard. This is the manor of the Ancora family. As a viscount family, the Ancora family has pretty good financial resources. A manor was built in the city and the garden was decorated very luxuriously. Not far after the black-robed young man walked out, he saw entwining trees and a marble fountain in the yard. The carved patterns on it had a strong elf style, which made this sleeping man The long-awaited divine envoy was slightly dazed, and actually fell into memories.

After a few seconds he came back to his senses and said with a mocking smile on his face:

“The noble elves have actually fallen to this level, and finally allowed these lowly humans to rule the core territory of the Elf King’s Court.”

While the young man in black robe was talking to himself on the spot, several people around him had already noticed him. This was no longer the remote house just now. Although it was actually the inner courtyard of Ankola Manor, there were several A servant was working here, and a strange and handsome face suddenly appeared, which inevitably attracted the attention of several people.

The young man in black robe didn’t care about these looks, he just wandered around in the garden without thinking that there was anything wrong with him.

“Lord Viscount, the amount of money and food sent to the First Prince’s army was not enough, and the First Prince’s staff sent people to urge them again.”

“Again! The Charlemagne family is so greedy.”

Viscount Ancora didn’t feel that there was anything wrong with occupying the land at all. Instead, he regarded these lands as his own property. The eldest prince wanted to take a large piece back, which was like cutting off his flesh. Similarly, two days ago, I tentatively handed in some less food in an attempt to get through, but was soon discovered by the eldest prince’s shrewd and capable subordinates, who immediately sent someone over to urge him.

“Forget it, let’s make up for them. I want to see how long the Charman family can survive.”

“Yes, Lord Viscount!”

Viscount Ancora complained, and the butler beside him was used to it. The butler himself is the son of the Ancora family, and his fate has long been bound to the Ancora family. Viscount Ancora can definitely trust him. of cronies.

In addition to their status as nobles of the kingdom, they are also secretly believers of the Rising Sun Cult. However, relatively speaking, the Ankola family belongs to the wall-riding sect. Apart from a relatively small number of people who have firm beliefs and are willing to raise troops for the church at any time, Ankola The head of the family can only be considered a pan-believer. Maybe the head of the family a few generations ago was a firm believer, but after the Ankola family has enjoyed a wealthy life for several generations, there is only a little bit of faith in the Lord of the Rising Sun. , in the view of the current Viscount Ancora, which side to take is entirely based on interests.

Now that the kingdom is facing a huge crisis, and the royal family is constantly “damaging” the interests of nobles like them, the Ankola family’s **** has naturally tilted towards the side of the Rising Sun Cult. A nobleman with no bottom line like the head of the Ankola family has no psychological burden on surrendering and leading the way. As long as there are enough benefits, he can betray anyone.

It is definitely in line with his wishes to cooperate in the assassination of the eldest prince. However, although he is willing to cooperate in the assassination of the eldest prince, it does not mean that he is willing to sacrifice his wealth and life. Even when Viscount Ankola is still paying the When Qian Liang was feeling distressed, a confidant suddenly ran to Viscount Ankola and whispered something in his ear. Viscount Ankola’s expression immediately changed.

“Didn’t you let him stay in the house? Why did he run out! Didn’t he know that the entire Clay City was looking for him?”

“What are you doing for food and you don’t know how to persuade him?”

“How did that adult come out? No one saw him at all…”

The divine envoy of the Lord of Shadows is at least a Saint-level strongman, and he is also a Saint-level strongman who is good at hiding. It is indeed not something that one or two ordinary people can watch.

Viscount Ancora does not care to pursue too much now. He is greedy, but not stupid. On the contrary, he is quite smart and has a full understanding of the power of the kingdom in Clais City. Now the spies in the city He is frantically looking for this person who is hiding in his house. As long as he doesn’t show his face, Viscount Ankola is still sure to hide him completely, but if the other person comes out at will, it will cause great risks to Viscount Ankola. .

Viscount Ancora is fully aware of how strong the kingdom is in Clay City, otherwise he would not have cooperated honestly with the eldest prince in clearing taxes and inspecting land.

“How many people have seen him now?”

Knowing that anger was of no use, Viscount Ancora quickly began to think about the aftermath. At first he thought it was just a simple job. He could show his favor to the church first, and then wait for the orcs to attack and the church gained power. The La family could continue to be wealthy, but unexpectedly, this man was like a time bomb. Not only did the assassination attempt fail inexplicably, but before he left, he actually hid in his own home and prepared to carry out a second assassination attempt. Putting the Ankola family in danger.

“Only a few people saw it, and they were all trustworthy family members.”

Hearing this, Viscount Ankola breathed a sigh of relief, as things were still within control.

“Bring some people and seal off the inner courtyard first. No one is allowed to come in or out. Those who have seen the people have their children under control first, confine them to the inner courtyard, and don’t let them come into contact with anyone.”

“Yes, Lord Viscount!”

“Let’s go over and have a look.”


As soon as the envoy of the Lord of Shadows appeared in the inner courtyard, he was noticed by someone who was interested. A note was handed out before Viscount Ankola sealed the inner courtyard.

Although the Ankola family has been passed down for several generations, and there are many loyal family sons in the family, the black prison has a longer history. Some of the children were actually placed by the black prison from the first generation. people.

The Black Prison is definitely the first-class intelligence agency of this era. In a place like Clays City, no noble family lacks spies from the Black Prison. These spies may be the family owner’s trusted servants, or they may be colleagues. The person you sleep with, or even one of his unappreciated offspring, may develop into a spy in the dark prison.

The Black Prison is definitely an existence that the officials and nobles of the kingdom hate and fear. Although these nobles and officials have made a lot of efforts to abolish the Black Prison, the successive kings of the Golden Dragon Kingdom have There is no fool, and the leader of the black prison can be changed or even executed, but this organization has only been strengthened and never weakened.

In cities like Clays City that are close to the royal capital, the power of the Black Prison is particularly huge. Among the sons of the Ancora family guarding the inner courtyard, there happens to be a spy from the Black Prison. After discovering After seeing this handsome new face in the inner courtyard, he immediately thought of the previous order to find the person, and then used the special messenger method of the black prison to pass the news out.

Less than two minutes after the news was delivered, Viscount Ankola rushed to the inner courtyard with his people.

Before several servants in the inner courtyard could react, they were controlled by the guards brought by Viscount Ancora, and they might not be able to regain their freedom in a short time.

“Sir, you shouldn’t come out. There are people searching for you everywhere. It’s too dangerous.”

“Oh, are you ordering me?”

The elf envoy in black robes turned his head and stared at the arrogant Viscount Ankola. His eyes narrowed slightly, sending an extremely dangerous signal.

Viscount Ancora, who was still a little angry, suddenly woke up as if he had fallen into an ice cave after being glanced at by the other party. Don’t let the other party stare at him. He is a knight-level force. It was as if he was locked, unable to move at all, the hairs all over his body stood up, and his back was soaked with sweat.

It was only then that he realized what kind of existence this person was. Although the other party failed to assassinate the eldest prince inexplicably, crushing him to death was no more difficult than crushing an ant.

“Don’t dare, don’t dare.”

“But sir, sir, for the sake of safety, you should stay in the house as much as possible and avoid being discovered by outsiders. The prince’s men and the people from the black prison are looking for you all over the city.”

After waking up, Sir Ancora paid a lot of attention when he spoke, and even stuttered under the intense gaze of the other party.

“Why, are you afraid that I will implicate you?”

Viscount Ancora could only remain silent. He did think so in his heart, but he was afraid of irritating the other party by directly admitting it.

Fortunately, the black-robed envoy did not continue to be willful. After Viscount Ancora dissuaded him, he saw the waiter cleaning the room coming out. He turned around and walked towards the room. Viscount Ancora breathed a sigh of relief.

This envoy of the Lord of Shadows actually did not take Viscount Ancora seriously. His superior mentality was much more serious than that of the priests of the Rising Sun Cult. At this time, the Ancora family was in his eyes. It’s just of some use value. After all, the accurate location information of the eldest prince has to be provided by such local snake nobles.

Finally, the envoy of the Lord of Shadows said something that gave Viscount Ankola some peace of mind and hope:

“I will personally take action this time and I will not let him run away again.”

In another mansion in the city, the note sent from the Ankola family’s manor has been quickly delivered to the eldest prince and Richard.

A note was circulated between Richard and the eldest prince.

“Brother-in-law, do you think that mysterious man in the Ancola family is the envoy who controls those shadow assassins?”

“Eight and nine are inseparable from ten!”

“Damn the Ancora family, they are the worst family to invade public land, and this time they even colluded with assassins!”

“I’m going to mobilize the Iron Guard right away. I hope my brother-in-law will also take action against those assassins!”


Richard nodded and agreed.

Although there is no absolute evidence, the eldest prince has decided to take action immediately. He has already determined the fate of the Ankola family in his heart. Although this assassination seriously threatens his life, at the same time, the eldest prince He also regarded this case as an opportunity, an opportunity for an attack. He wanted to use this assassination to make the nobles of Clay City spit out some benefits.

Richard’s judgment is probably based on the appearance characteristics obtained by the spies in the black prison, as well as the Ankola family’s behavior of hiding it. Although it is almost the same, it does not rule out the Ankola family. The eldest prince has decided to take advantage of this opportunity to set an example by dragging out the Ancora family and show blood to the nobles of Clay City.

The Charman family is indeed full of ruthless people. After being assassinated, they immediately considered how to use the assassination to gain more benefits.

Richard realized that the eldest prince wanted to take this opportunity to expand the scope of the attack, and even wanted to use him, Richard, the strongest man in the kingdom, as a sword to clear away obstacles.

But Richard still agreed. Anyway, he had already offended the old nobles of the kingdom, and he didn’t care if he offended him more severely. The eldest prince wanted to suppress the nobles but was afraid of causing a violent backlash, so he had to find some excuse. play. He, Richard, directly killed Shunchang Ni.

After receiving Richard’s affirmative response, the eldest prince was obviously more confident.

Said in a firm tone:

“Then we must not let him run away this time.”



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