Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 537: Shadow Assassin


Although Richard is also a master of the holy level, his improvement speed is too fast, and his foundation is somewhat unstable. Normally, Richard can cover up his shortcomings with his strong basic attributes and treasures, but in some cases Details are still slightly lacking.

Especially experts with extremely strong perception like the Protector Sword Saint Keshid, before Richard noticed, he felt the strange movement of the eldest prince’s shadow, and immediately pointed the blade at the eldest prince.

“What are you going to do!”

“Protect His Highness!”

Seeing Keshid drawing his sword and pointing it at the eldest prince, the officers around the eldest prince reacted extremely fiercely. The knight-level master also reacted very quickly, and immediately drew his sword to protect the eldest prince.

But the speed of his movements also depends on who he is corresponding to. For a holy master like Keshid who has reached the threshold of the realm, his reaction speed is obviously not enough. The moment he drew the blade, Keshid’s fighting spirit had already left the sword and pointed directly at the great prince not far away.


Under the astonished gazes of everyone, Keshid’s fighting spirit did not directly kill the eldest prince, but rubbed the side of the eldest prince’s face and shot towards a group of black shadows behind him.

This black shadow was even more terrifying. He emerged from the shadow of the eldest prince under the gaze of everyone. He held a black dagger in his hand and tried to kill the eldest prince, which inspired a wave of fighting spirit in Keshid. Only then was he forced to fight back.

Compared to the others around the Great Prince Ward, they were not so lucky. This blow seemed to have sent out a signal. A black figure appeared in the shadows of the people around him, and several officers were angry. The few soldiers who rushed in to protect the eldest prince were killed by the black shadows that emerged from their own shadows before they had time to react.

The guards who can protect the vicinity of the Grand Prince’s Manor are all well-trained elites. Many of them are quasi-knights, and there are even many knights. The captains of the ones who react the fastest are knights, and the rest Several of them are also experts at the quasi-knight level. In addition to being loyal, they are also very responsive. Otherwise, they would not be selected as the bodyguards around the eldest prince.

With such an elite force, coupled with the tacit understanding of combined attack techniques, even the great warriors of the orcs can delay for a while, but when they encounter these guys who emerge from their own shadows, they can’t even react at all. He fell to the ground before he could do anything.

The black dagger quietly opened the back of their necks. The fine armor could not withstand the erosion of the shadow. The dagger penetrated the armor in an instant and severed the spine.

Several armored guards quickly fell to the ground. Although the manor was heavily guarded, they were basically arranged on the outside. It was impossible for the eldest prince to meet with Richard with dozens or hundreds of guards around him, creating a tense scene. Come out, so after the nearest guards fell to the ground, there was not even a guard around the eldest prince.


“Your Highness, be careful!”


The assassin emerged from the shadows again. This time the assassin struck from a more tricky angle. He used the body of the great prince as a cover to prevent Keshid from coming to his aid. Keshid, who was facing the great prince, wanted to help at this time. , he had to injure the eldest prince as well.

However, fortunately, the eldest prince was prepared. When he felt that danger was coming again, he didn’t care about his royal image and rolled directly under the table. Although his back was slashed by the assassin’s dagger, But he managed to escape this fatal blow.

The loyal officers around him even ignored their own safety and faced the strange black shadow with their swords, causing him to lose his best chance of pursuit.

Seeing that the eldest prince had dodged a blow again, the shadow, realizing that he had no chance, planned to sneak into the shadows again, but Keshid’s attacks had already followed.

“Do you want to use the same method in front of me a second time?”

The tyrannical fighting spirit was inspired by Keshid’s simple long sword and instantly penetrated the black shadow. The entire black shadow was instantly chopped into several segments. After falling to the ground, it turned from virtual to solid and turned into a black block. A pool of black liquid immediately flowed out of the block.

These things that emerged from the shadows turned out to be living entities.

“Protect His Highness Ward.”

After Keshid killed an assassin, several more black figures emerged from the shadows and killed several people present. The average strength of these assassins was probably around the peak of the earth level, because they could move from Due to the special nature of launching a surprise attack from the shadows, some sky-level masters may also suffer when encountering a surprise attack.

After several assassins appeared, Keshid subconsciously wanted to turn around and protect Richard. At this time, Richard was piercing an assassin with the Angel Alliance in his hand. The assassin missed the target with one blow. He sneaked into the shadow to escape, but was stabbed in the heart by Richard who was pursuing him. After losing his life, the whole body floated up from the shadow.

But several more assassins surrounded him and attacked Richard. Fearing that Richard would make any mistake, Keshid immediately prepared to turn around to help in the battle, but was stopped by Richard and ordered him to go back and protect the eldest prince.

Although the strength of these assassins is crushing against the eldest prince and his bodyguards, they are still not enough to face Richard. If it weren’t for their strange actions, several earth-level assassins might have been killed earlier. He was solved by Richard. At this moment, Richard seemed to be fighting back and forth with the assassin, but in fact there was no danger at all. Compared with his own safety, Richard was more afraid of the inexplicable death of the eldest prince here. Sometimes a mess was left for him to clean up.


After hearing Richard’s order, Keshid confirmed that there was no problem with Richard, then nodded and turned to the eldest prince’s side. At this time, although the eldest prince was hiding under the table, miraculously he was not assassinated. During the attack, several assassins could only emerge from the shadows further away. There was even an assassin who emerged from Keshid’s shadow without knowing whether to live or die. He wanted to directly attack Keshid, but when he emerged, In an instant, his head was cut off by Keshid’s fighting spirit. After a short battle, the assassin’s side lost three people in a row, but failed to achieve any substantial results.

“Hide under the table and don’t come out!”

Here, Richard seemed to remember something after fighting several assassins for a few more rounds. Seeing that the eldest prince seemed to be planning to get out from under the table, he immediately shouted to him not to move.

Logically speaking, hiding under the table during a war is actually not a good choice. The drill just now was just a temporary escape. Hiding under the table, although it can be avoided for a while, it almost loses the ability to fight back. The table is not just a steel plate. If two assassins break through Keshid’s defense and stab the bottom of the table a few times, they can stab the eldest prince hiding under the table into a gourd of blood, so he can hear the fierce shouting around him. There was a sound of fighting, and the eldest prince instinctively held the sword and wanted to get out from under the table to fight.

But before he could come out, Richard shouted and he immediately shrank back. The eldest prince was not a headstrong person. Although he had his own ideas about fighting, he believed in a master like Richard. Since Richard wanted him to continue hiding under the table, but he didn’t move at all. He continued to lie under the table with a sword in both hands, waiting for the outcome of the battle.

“Protect His Highness!”

“Catch the assassin!”

“Tap tap tap…”

Finally, dense footsteps sounded. Although the guards in the manor were far apart, they were not deaf. It was impossible not to hear such a loud movement here. After a while, groups of armored guards appeared in front of several officers. The leader rushed in.

The cooperation of hundreds of soldiers is quite organized. The officer leading the team knows very well that the assassins who dare to assassinate are definitely masters. A few soldiers rushing forward sporadically will not have much effect. Only by forming a formation can they attack the masters. to a certain threat.

The guards did not see the eldest prince hiding under the table, but they could still tell at a glance who was the enemy and who was one of their own. After all, on one side was Richard, the strongest man in the kingdom, and on the other side they were fighting against a group of people. One look at the unseemly dark figure and it was almost clear which side to help.

Under the guidance of the officers, they almost instinctively surrounded them in a semicircular formation, hoping to block the escape route of these assassins. They rushed forward with their guns and shields held out.

Just when these supports arrived, the assassins who failed in the assassination instantly disappeared in front of them in a way that was difficult for them to understand.

These black shadows actually penetrated directly into the shadow of the ground and disappeared without a trace.

“His Royal Highness the Great Prince!”

“Protect His Highness!”

Although the disappearance of these assassins was shocking, after being stunned for a moment, the guards realized what their mission was and immediately began to search for traces of Ward. However, after scanning around, they found that they were actually looking for Ward. There was no trace of Ward, and the few corpses on the ground were obviously not the eldest prince Ward.

Richard was also lost in thought at this moment and did not say a word to remind him, leaving the officer who had not seen Ward in a daze.

Until the only table in the venue squirmed, a figure opened the curtain covering the table and crawled out from underneath.

“Your Highness!”

“My subordinates failed to protect themselves well and let in assassins. Please punish me, Your Highness!”


When the officer saw Ward emerging from under the table, his tone was full of surprise. He immediately led several of his men up with large shields to protect Ward. He was really frightened just now. After all, as a As an officer of the garrison, if Ward is assassinated, he will definitely be involved, and the most severe punishment awaits him.

The eldest prince’s face was a little embarrassed. After all, climbing on the table was not a glorious thing. Although he crawled as fast as he could in order to survive, he was suddenly seen climbing up from under the table by hundreds of his subordinates. He was more or less still. Somewhat embarrassing.

However, the eldest prince’s Qi-nurturing Kung Fu can be regarded as practiced. After a little adjustment, he said without changing his expression:

“It’s not your fault, you can’t stop these assassins.”

To put things into perspective, these assassins who can emerge directly from the shadows have indeed challenged the eldest prince’s three views. It is understandable that his guards did not guard against such assassins. Although the eldest prince is a bit impatient, He is not an unreasonable person, and he has no intention of punishing his subordinates.

After confirming that he was safe and calming down a little, the eldest prince turned his attention to Richard, who was still silent, and asked:

“Brother-in-law, do you know the origins of those assassins?”

Just now, Richard reminded the eldest prince to hide in the table and not come out, as if he knew something about these assassins. The eldest prince successfully escaped after listening to Richard’s words. Now he got up and naturally wanted to learn about these terrible things from Richard’s mouth. assassin.

After the eldest prince asked the question, Richard also came back from his meditation, paused and replied:

“I’m not sure what these guys are, but judging from their methods, they seem to be existences that have disappeared for thousands of years.”


“Like a subordinate of a certain **** in the elven age, a shadow assassin…”

The Shadow Assassin is a special kind of creature, a dependent of the Lord of Shadows. Although its own strength is usually only at the earth level, it was not the top creature in the era of the Elf Empire thousands of years ago, but with its ability to With the special ability to come in and out of the shadows, the Shadow Assassin was the most terrifying assassin of that era.

In various classics of the Elf Era, there are records of this kind of creature that is the nemesis of mages. Richard also saw descriptions of shadow assassins when he was in the library in the capital.

Elf mages below the holy level are likely to be assassinated by shadow assassins. Such killers who suddenly appear from the shadows are really difficult to guard against. When the shadow assassins are at their most arrogant, some senior mages are in their own mage towers. You have to spend a lot of magic power to solidify several defensive spells on your body to prevent yourself from dying tragically for no reason.

The way to prevent shadow assassins, apart from using overwhelming strength to defeat them, is to stay vigilant as much as possible so that you are not exposed to light when you are resting, and do not cast shadows around you.

Just now the eldest prince got under the curtained table, which actually blocked the light. After the shadow was gone, the shadow assassin could no longer emerge from the eldest prince’s shadow to assassinate him.

These shadow assassins who tried to assassinate the eldest prince could only emerge from the shadows of others to carry out the assassination. They lost their suddenness. Although they were not far from the eldest prince, it was difficult for them to break through Keshid’s obstruction due to their strength. Well, after all, even if you put a chariot and a horse to fight, ten shadow assassins are no match for Keshid.


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