Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 536: Movements in the shadows


“Brother-in-law, why did you ask someone to report you when you came to me? Come in directly, no one dares to stop you.”

The eldest prince, who had tidied up a little, hurried over to greet Richard. He didn’t seem to have his helmet on properly, and a few hairs were hanging out, looking a little messy. I don’t know if it was intentional or unintentional.

“How can you be so rude when you come to visit His Highness?”

“Brother-in-law is a hero of the kingdom and a dignified dragon knight. It is my turn to salute you.”

For Richard, the eldest prince can be said to be extremely enthusiastic. No matter whether he seemed eager to recruit Richard at the beginning, at least his attitude was sufficient and his heart was sincere. Even though Richard’s height has now made him He was no longer qualified to recruit, so he quickly changed his mentality and tried to build a good relationship with Richard.

“You people, you have no discernment at all, and you actually asked Mr. Richard to wait outside the door. Don’t inform him next time, just bring Mr. Richard in directly. If you let Mr. Richard wait outside again, you will You don’t have to work under me anymore.”

“Yes, Your Highness!”

The armored guards outside the manor are not so fancy. They just answer yes to the eldest prince’s words. If Richard comes to visit again next time, they will most likely not inform him and will bring Richard in directly. .

“They are also loyal to their duties, so please don’t criticize them harshly, Your Highness.”

As the saying goes, don’t hit the smiling person. The eldest prince’s attitude also made it impossible for Richard to show off his posture as soon as he came up. Moreover, not only did he give him a vital treasure, he also sent his sons to study in the North. Because of this relationship, it was impossible for Richard to avoid him.

This time the two of them also need to cooperate on the rectification of the Central Plains garrison and various armed forces. They have to communicate more. Fortunately, with Richard’s current status, he doesn’t need to avoid suspicion at all. You can follow your own ideas on how to do it, and you don’t need to think too much about other people’s opinions.

A few people did not hesitate at the door, and walked towards the manor while talking some useless flattery.

The eldest prince did not arrange for Richard to go to the previous reception room, but welcomed Richard to the garden in the backyard. The waiter had already prepared tea.

“I haven’t seen him for a few months. I only know about the battle at Longxinguan from the newspaper. I don’t know what my brother-in-law thinks about the battle at Longxinguan.”


What can I say about this? If I had my way, I wouldn’t leave Dragon’s Breath Pass first to prepare for the fall of Dragon’s Breath Pass.

Richard shook his head and said directly to the eldest prince:

“Can’t hold on.”

The eldest prince did not ask the reason, and after a moment of silence he said:

“Actually, judging from the actions of my father, you and Lord Ross, I should have guessed it.”

“The orcs are powerful in battle, and with the help of white dragons, the kingdom is not prepared at all, so it is no match for them.”

“Not only that, we also have to guard against the Rising Sun Cult internally. Even if the orcs can get help from the White Dragon this time, it should have a lot to do with the Rising Sun Cult.”

There are powerful orcs, white dragons who are fully assisting in the battle, and even a powerful cult of the Rising Sun who acts as a traitor. The situation is so difficult that the eldest prince, who was complacent when he received the mission at the beginning, could not help but feel bitter. In the face of it, the enemy is too powerful and it is easy to breed negative emotions.

“Well, brother-in-law, do you think there is still hope for the human race?”

There is hope, you guys can hold on to me first, and after I return to the Northland for a few years, I can come out and push the orcs flat.

Of course, this is just what Richard thinks, and there is no way to explain it. But if humans really can’t beat the orcs, that’s not necessarily true. No matter how powerful the orcs are, humans still have a tenfold population advantage. This is completely true. With a crushing population advantage, if they could all be mobilized, the orcs could be killed by a pile of them.

But the actual situation is that the Golden Dragon Kingdom, with Ren’s full mobilization, has only mobilized an army of about three million, of which only half have guaranteed combat strength. Although this number seems to be a lot, it is Compared with the huge population of the Golden Dragon Kingdom, it is obviously too small. Although the population of the orcs is only one-tenth that of humans, the army mobilized at this time is already equivalent to that of humans. In terms of combat strength, the orcs are not only more powerful. , even in terms of numbers, they are not at a disadvantage, only humans can defeat them.

“Imitate what I did in the North, seize the land from the nobles, liberate the tenant farmers on the land, incorporate most of the people in the kingdom into household registrations, use the fields to raise soldiers, use the fields to reward the soldiers, mobilize the army to the greatest extent, and spend the In a few years, tens of millions of troops came from many places to fight back the orcs.”

Li Cha’s method is roughly speaking. According to our understanding, it is to implement the farming war system before the Qin Dynasty destroyed the Six Kingdoms, pull the country onto the chariot of farming war, and build the entire country into a war machine. According to this This method can squeeze out at least half of humanity’s population potential.

“This system is like a volcano that can erupt at any time, which is to say, brother-in-law, you can hold it down.”

The eldest prince, Jedi, was known as an outstanding figure in the past, and he also studied the system of the Northland. He soon discovered the shortcomings of the farming and war system. It was not sustainable. The military would eventually form a terrifying power group. If there is no powerful figure to step on the brakes, the army, seeking promotion and rewards, can in turn kidnap the country.

“We’ll talk about the future later. As long as we can defeat the orcs, you don’t care if the volcano erupts.”

In the face of the general trend of orc invasion, other issues should be put on the back burner.

“It’s a pity that the foundation of the kingdom is the nobility, so it’s too late.”

The eldest prince sighed. The current situation did not allow the kingdom to adjust its system. Moreover, if such a thing harmed the interests of the nobility, as long as Richard could rely on absolute force, the power of the nobility was still relatively weak. The Northland can be spread.

Just to steal some food and support soldiers from the nobles of Clay City, he has to use all his tricks to implement according to Richard’s farming and war system. He simply wants to dig out the roots of these nobles, let alone fight against the orcs. , as long as the kingdom dares to fully roll out the farming and warfare system, it should be prepared to fight a civil war first.

“If I expect the nobles to cooperate, I might as well count on my brother-in-law that you will improve your strength and break through the formation alone to reverse the situation.”

The eldest prince said something nasty, but it sounded like Richard was reciting it silently in his heart, which was not impossible.

“Forget it, there’s no need to mention this matter again. What can I do about something that even my father wouldn’t dare to do? Why don’t you tell me, brother-in-law, why you came to my place for any big reason?”

The eldest prince is also self-aware. Although he is enthusiastic, given their relationship, Richard is definitely not here to reminisce and chat with him.

“As for the elimination of the forces of the Rising Sun Cult near Clay City, if these guys don’t eliminate them in advance, they will definitely be delayed when the orcs come.”

“Well, I have also received the information about the Black Prison. I will wait until the nobles of Clay City hand over the money and food honestly…”

“Well, we need to harvest the food on the Great Plains as soon as possible and try to get it in our hands. If the orcs break through the Dragon’s Breath Pass, we will…”

Just as Richard and the eldest prince were discussing the details of the next action, the shadow under the eldest prince twisted unnaturally. It was shortly after noon, and the sun was still high in the sky. The commanding sunlight Limiting everyone’s shadow to a small area under their feet, no one will notice the slightest movement.

But just this slight movement was discovered by the person with the most sensitive perception in the city.

The Protector Sword Master who had been following Richard suddenly ejected the sword from his waist, pointing the sword’s edge directly at the eldest prince opposite Richard.

“Lord Richard! Be careful!”



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