Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 534: Purge 3


“Be honest!”

“Squat down!”


“Who asked you to speak!”

In Lundinburg, a group of disarmed defenders squatted on the ground with uneasy faces. Amin’s soldiers looked at them fiercely. The slightest movement by the prisoners of war would immediately trigger their suppression.

This castle, which has been passed down by the Cliff family for several generations, changed its owner within a few hours. The original members of the Cliff family were either killed in battle or captured and gathered in the open space in the center of the castle. There were also two hundred Many of the defenders who survived the battle were also cleared out of the castle by Amin’s men. At this time, they were all stripped of their equipment and put under centralized custody.

At this time, most of the people in the castle were driven to the open space in the middle. In addition to the defeated troops, the original slaves of Cliff’s family were also within the custody. All in all, nearly three people were concentrated here. One hundred prisoners, that is, the open space in the center of Lundinburg is large enough to focus on guarding so many prisoners.

“Has Lundenburg’s grain cellar been found?”

“Report to Lord Amin, someone just tried to burn the grain in the grain cellar, but Lady Natalis and the others stopped it. The grain in the grain cellar is well preserved. It is initially estimated that the grain in it is enough to feed a thousand of us. ”

“Oh? Haven’t the defenders of Lundinburg been destroyed by Lady Natalis? Is there anyone who dares to burn down the grain cellar?”

“They are several knights, they should be from the church!”


As soon as he heard the word “church”, A Ming’s face turned cold, as if he was born to be in conflict with the church.

“Where are those people?”

“Most of them were dealt with by Lady Natalis and the others. Only one left, who broke his hand tendon and was escorted together with the defeated troops.”

“You are all knights after all. What you are doing is too rough. Go and break his hamstrings.”

“Yes, Master Amin!”

The reporting officer immediately took the order and led a few soldiers towards the group of prisoners in the middle without them having to scold them. Seeing several menacing soldiers, the surrounding prisoners instinctively avoided it. Several soldiers easily lifted out the church knight whose hand tendons had been broken.

“Our Lord will protect us, and the spirit of the unbelievers will be poisoned by the poisonous fire on the walls of Hell…”


Amin’s officers did not believe this, and did not bother to beep with the opponent. They pressed him to the ground and cut off his hamstrings with a sword. This time, the church knight was completely disabled.

After giving the opponent a severe blow, A Ming walked up to the opponent, squatted down and said:

“Let me ask you an answer. If you want to suffer less, you’d better cooperate.”

“What is the purpose of your church’s action this time! How many more people do you have.”

“Those who have no faith will eventually…”


“Wrong answer.”

A Ming was obviously not someone who had the patience to interrogate slowly and punched the opponent in the face with one punch. The punch was so heavy that he knocked out several of the opponent’s teeth.

“I’ll give you another chance!”

“Followers of the Lord of the Rising Sun…”




The questions were completely useless. Most of the knights trained directly by the church were fanatical believers. Ordinary interrogation methods were basically ineffective. Amin even smashed all the teeth in his mouth with the hilt of his sword. , the other party also kept saying some curse words in a vague tone.

“Lord A Ming, stop fighting and hand him over to our black prison.”

Seeing that A Ming could not ask anything, the people belonging to the Black Prison stood up to dissuade A Ming. Although A Ming was a cruel person, his cruelty was limited to ending the other person’s life, not how to torture him. Man, if you really want to interrogate, you need professionals.

A Ming also understood now that it was difficult for him. He pried open the mouth of this die-hard person and nodded to agree to the other party’s request. Soon several soldiers came up and took the person to a special dungeon in Lundinburg.

However, although Amin’s action did not pry the church knight’s mouth open, it frightened Viscount Cliff who was standing beside him.

Although the Cliff family is also a believer, but unlike people who have been trained since childhood like church knights, Viscount Cliff has lived a life of masters in the family since he was a child. Although he believes in the Lord of the Rising Sun, he is not so fanatical. He quickly becomes intimidated by the threat of violence.

After A Ming turned his gaze to him, before A Ming could speak, he took the initiative and said:

“I say everything…”


“Viscount Cliff doesn’t know anything except about his own mission.”

“The Cliff family is a bit like Newman, trying to hoard food and grass as much as possible,”

“After all, they have been nobles of the kingdom for so many years, and the church does not have absolute trust in them.”

The Church Knight has not yet pried open his mouth, but Viscount Cliff poured out everything he knew like a bamboo tube pouring beans. The people in the black prison here are reporting the interrogation situation to Amin and Natalie.

Unfortunately, Viscount Cliff obviously didn’t know much. He had no idea about the situation that had been discovered in the Black Prison, the specific layout of the church, and which nobles were colluding with the church.

“Forget it, don’t delay here anymore, take a rest and go to Mosberg!”

This kind of secret intelligence battle is not something A Ming can get involved in now. Now, according to Richard’s order, it is his current task to first detect several suspicious objects around him.

“What about these people in Lundinburg?”

A Ming’s face turned cold when he mentioned this, and he said lightly:

“Since we are colluding with the church, no one will be left behind.”

“Those prisoners of war and the servants in the castle should all be farmers in Cliff’s territory…”

The officer on the side frowned when he heard Amin’s order. Amin did not mean to deal only with the Cliff family members, but to deal with all the prisoners of war and the slaves in the castle. This was threefold. More than a hundred people.

Except for a few tyrannical people, most people are actually a little reluctant to kill prisoners on a large scale, especially those of the same kind. This officer is often located in a prosperous and stable core territory like the Central Plains. , he is not a soldier like Longxingguan or the Western Region who kills all year round. Although the training under A Ming is strict, there is actually very little bloodshed.

Faced with A Ming’s order, he obviously hesitated for a moment and then persuaded him. This time, A Ming rarely gave an execution order, but gave a little explanation.

“It is difficult to identify the followers of the Rising Sun Cult, but for those who dare to resist the kingdom’s orders and still defend the castle, there must be many believers of the Rising Sun Cult among these prisoners of war.”

“Besides, the Cliff family has believed in the Rising Sun Cult for generations, but no one in the territory has reported it. It was only recently that the church’s frequent activities were caught by the Black Prison. Don’t these people in the castle know?”

“We can let them curse the God of the Rising Sun together. If true believers should…”

“Haha, this is the difficulty of the Rising Sun Cult.”

Before the officer finished speaking, he was interrupted by Amin, who obviously had a deeper understanding of the church.

“In the rules of the Rising Sun Cult, you can pretend to surrender when facing a strong enemy, and you can be forgiven even if you insult the gods. If it were as simple as you think, the church would not have existed for so long.”

The Rising Sun Cult was able to survive under the continuous suppression of the Kingdom. In addition to its profound foundation, its flexible canon also played a great role. During the most severe period of the Kingdom’s purge, some devout nobles went into hibernation. , there is definitely more than one family like the Cliff family that has been hidden for several generations. Even the top noble families living in the royal capital have lurking Buddhists, let alone this place.

“Execute the order.”

“Yes, Master Amin”

“Also, question my order, this is the last time.”

As soon as the officer turned around, he heard A Ming say something leisurely from behind, and a cold sweat broke out from his back. He was so ambitious just now that he questioned A Ming’s order.

After A Ming finished speaking, he not only said yes, but also moved a little faster, and quickly led a group of soldiers to carry out A Ming’s orders.

Natalis on the side watched the whole process coldly without any expression. She just said after Amin made his decision:

“Move faster. Although we broke through Lundinburg very quickly, the movement is still a bit loud. Be careful they run away.”

Natalis was indifferent to the killings caused by Amin. An undead creature would have no objection to killings. She was just afraid that Amin would make unnecessary actions and delay the real thing.

“Don’t worry, the nobles will not give up their castles easily.”


The captured soldiers and castle slaves gathered Amin’s men together. These disarmed people were no different from lambs to be slaughtered.

Several formations of soldiers first surrounded them, and then began to charge at the command of the commander. The soldiers who were armed to the teeth easily wiped out all the people with their hands bound.

Some people in the crowd begged for mercy, some yelled and cursed, and some finally stopped worrying about being exposed at the last moment and began to shout “Lord of the Rising Sun”. In the end, there were only screams, and there was no sound at all after the soldiers hit the target one by one. The process didn’t take more than half an hour…


While Amin was leading his men on a killing spree, the bustling city of Clays still maintained a superficial calm.

Although the war at Longxingguan is unfavorable, civilians in this era have the longest time to obtain information. Although the tax burden has increased, most people have not realized the crisis is coming, and they are still repeating their daily lives, but this is calm Underneath, the undercurrent is already surging.

“Human cities are really poorly built…”

A handsome “human” is currently standing on the street of Clay City, looking back and forth curiously. In the eyes of most people, this seems to be a farmer coming into the city from a rural farm. , dazzled by the prosperity of Clay City…



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