Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 533: Purge 2



“Aim at those people in the sky!”

“Fire the arrow!”

“Fire the arrow!”

Viscount Cliff on Lundinburg was finally no longer so calm. He shouted loudly and ordered his archers to attack the approaching Night Angel. If you listen carefully, you can find that although Viscount Cliff’s voice is still loud, it is slightly It’s a little trembling. Just because it can fly, it’s probably difficult to deal with. Coupled with the opponent’s astonishing speed, I’m afraid the attacker is evil.

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…”

Under the orders of Viscount Cliff, the two hundred or so archers on the castle quickly turned their targets towards the Night Angel in the sky.

Although these archers have not seen many big battles, they are also qualified soldiers who have undergone long-term training. At least they have good arm strength. The long bows in their hands are continuously thrown, and hundreds of arrows are shot in a short period of time. , wanting to completely cover the five Night Angels with arrows.

However, the strength gap between the two sides makes it basically impossible for these archers to pose any threat to Night Angel. Not to mention that Night Angel, as an undead creature, has no real vital points on its body. Even if such ordinary arrows hit a few arrows, It’s no big deal.

With the speed of movement of Night Angel, at the moment when these arrows are thrown out, they can slightly increase the height to completely avoid these arrows. If all the archers on this castle are archers of the level of Phantom Archer, Nata Liz might still be wary, at least she wouldn’t fly in so arrogantly.

But these did not pose a threat to ordinary archers. Natalis and four Night Angels evaded the arrows for a while and then quickly took advantage of the gap to rush into the crowd.



There were screams one after another instantly on the city wall. These black figures shuttled among the crowd of Lundinburg defenders, bringing out a bunch of blood flowers with almost every step.

Although the archers of Lundinburg hold longbows, they are not without the ability to fight in close combat. In actual combat, the truly well-trained archers are actually elites with outstanding arm strength, and there is no chance that they will be approached by the enemy. After that, the only thing left was to be killed, especially since the archers on Lundinburg were actually wearing armor and carrying long knives at their waists. The moment the Night Angel approached, they subconsciously drew out their long knives and prepared to fight. .

But even if many people besiege a Night Angel, they still can’t touch a corner of the Night Angel’s clothes. For these small nobles, the great knight is often the top master they can come into contact with. Even the strength of the Earth Knight The masters here are considered to have only been heard in rumors.

For masters of the sky level, they had no idea at all. The soldiers on the castle rushed towards several Night Angels in a steady stream, and then fell down in circles, barely touching a corner of the Night Angels’ clothes. He fell down clutching his neck. In just a few minutes, hundreds of people fell down.

The morale of the defenders has experienced a steep decline from high to collapse. When they were able to deal with the attacking army with almost no injuries, the defenders of Lundinburg seemed very motivated. It’s howling.

After the Night Angel fell on the city wall, the situation changed fundamentally. This was a completely irresistible force. After relying on inertia to besiege for several minutes, the remaining defenders were completely overwhelmed by the tragic scene. As if they had woken up, no one dared to attack anymore. They just held the knife and stood there blankly, looking at the five intact Night Angels and the corpses of friendly soldiers on the ground.


The defenders of Lundinburg no longer attacked, but it did not mean that the Night Angels would stop their actions. After dealing with the last few enemies around them, several Night Angels, led by Natalies, decisively rushed towards the more Enemy troops in the distance.

At this time, the defenders of Lundinburg no longer had the courage to fight at the beginning. When the Night Angel flew towards them, most of the defenders turned around and ran away. The officer who was originally in charge of the command had long since fallen to the Night Angel. Under the knife, in the hands of Night Angel, there is really not much difference between an ordinary soldier and a knight-level officer. They can wipe out their necks with one knife, and then release a fighting spirit to extinguish all their vitality.




The weapons of the defenders on the city fell to the ground. In order to run faster, some even threw away their armor while running. Metal objects fell on the masonry and made a clanging sound. The defenders of Lundinburg A real act of abandoning one’s armor and armor was staged.

“Let the fighting spirit out!”

“How is that possible!”

There is still one person on the city wall who has not escaped, and that is the owner of the castle, Viscount Cliff. In fact, it does not matter whether he runs or not. With the entry of the siege army, Viscount Cliff will sooner or later lose the castle’s defensive barrier. He has to be searched out by A Ming’s men, and besides, there are five winged monsters with such high strength that they can crush everything. He is not even qualified to retreat to the castle and fight in the streets.

At this moment, Viscount Cliff experienced the ups and downs of the battle in an instant. From a sure victory to a complete collapse, it only took a few minutes.

Natalis did not care about Viscount Cliff who was absentminded on the city wall, but continued to chase into the castle, not giving the defeated army a chance to regroup. It was her task to defeat the enemy, and the rest was Leave it to A Ming.


As Natalis flew up to the city wall with Night Angel, the soldiers who were standing under the city wall and being beaten suddenly felt their pressure greatly reduced, or in other words, there was no pressure at all. The soldiers on the city were under Natalie’s control. Who can still have the energy to deal with them after killing them? Either they are lying on the ground and become corpses, or they have fled, and it is impossible to stop them from entering the city.

With a few simple long ladders, the soldiers below the city successfully climbed up to the city wall of Lundinburg. Because the Night Angel killed so quickly, Amin, who subsequently led the troops to attack, had only just approached the city wall.

The soldiers who were the first to board the city shouted “kill” loudly to embolden themselves. Due to the limited field of vision below the city, they did not see the Lundinburg garrison collapsed after being killed by the Night Angels. They thought there would be a fight on the city wall. A fierce battle was ahead, but the moment they scaled the city wall, the shouts of killing stopped abruptly.

There is no room for them to play on the city wall. As far as the eye can see, there are corpses scattered on the ground. Some people who are not dead yet occasionally let out a cry. Only a few fish that have slipped through the net seem to be scared out of their wits. It seemed that he had already lost his weapon and looked at the soldiers who had boarded the castle without any reaction.

These soldiers who were the first to rush to the city wall did not know how to take the next step at this moment. They could only control the people who were left behind by the Night Angels on the city wall, including Viscount Cliff who was standing in a daze. . Then he instinctively divided his troops to control several gates to prevent people from entering or exiting easily.

It wasn’t until Amin also climbed to the top of the city that the soldiers who suddenly occupied the castle began to act in an orderly manner…


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