Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 532: Purge 1


“Do they really dare to attack?”

Amin’s actions were of course noticed by everyone in Lundinburg. First, Viscount Cliff looked in disbelief. With the strength of Lundinburg and hundreds of carefully trained soldiers, , even if there are thousands of people, Viscount Cliff will have the confidence to defend the castle before the supplies are exhausted.

Now Amin dared to attack Lundin with only 500 men. Looking at this posture, he attacked the castle directly without even catching the farmers filling the moat. How many lives can be sacrificed?

“Hahaha, this kid doesn’t know how to fight, right?”

Viscount Cliff was stunned for a moment on the castle, and then laughed out loud. He was laughing at A Ming’s stupid behavior and at his own inexplicable nervousness just now, letting out his suppressed emotions.

Looking at Viscount Cliff laughing, several officers around him also laughed.

“Sir Viscount, isn’t it normal for people in the Newman family not to know how to fight? Earl Newman is a businessman. He only cares about how to make a few gold nuggets every day. How can he know how to fight? As his My son, I am afraid that he is also a merchant and thinks that he can win if there are more people than us.”

There was some sarcasm in the officer’s words, and Viscount Cliff also felt that there was no problem. Among the nobles in the Western Plains, apart from the new members of the Xiangshen Cult, how many of them were specializing in fighting? A Ming Fan’s completely unreasonable command confirmed his inner thoughts.

However, even though they looked down upon A Ming’s poor fighting skills, they still fought as they should. They turned around and ordered the officers on the city wall:

“The soldiers coming up from the Newman family are also elites wearing armor. Don’t take it lightly. Let the crossbowmen and the crossbows on the arrow towers be ready. Don’t let them cross the moat easily!”

“Yes, Lord Viscount!”

On the other side, A Ming felt a beat in his heart when he saw the soldiers waiting on the city wall. Although he was a ruthless man, it was his first time to fight a serious battle. Although his soldiers were well trained, they had no actual combat experience. In short, the most I can do on weekdays is to beat gangsters to maintain law and order.

The biggest battle they have fought recently was to capture Fort Newman, which is more like a garden than a castle. To say how much combat experience they have, it is actually at the level of having just seen blood. The Cliff family soldiers were half-assed at best.

But there is an essential difference between one side having a strong castle to defend and one side to attack. At this time, the soldiers on Amin’s side can carry simple siege tools close to the city wall, which is considered a sign of serious military discipline.

Although A Ming is not a fool, his military quality is indeed not that high. There are not so many natural military gods, and most of them still have to hone themselves slowly.

After giving the attack order, Amin began to glance at Natalis beside him from time to time. It was not because of Natalis’s beauty. Although Natalis was indeed beautiful in terms of appearance, The thick cold air on her body makes most people who are close to her not think anything wrong, and given their identities, Amin doesn’t dare to have any thoughts about Natalis.

Now he just wants to see how far Master Richard can deal with the super master he has sent to him. Although he is not a battlefield veteran, he also knows that with just the few hundred men under his charge. A soldier, if there is no external help, it would be difficult to climb the city wall, let alone destroy the city.

He didn’t want to leave Master Richard to him and mess up the matter as soon as he came. At this time, A Ming had already made a decision in his heart. If there was no breakthrough with all these people, he would quickly pull them back. , just move slowly and wait for reinforcements to be transferred from Clais City around Lundenburg.

“Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!”


“Raise your shield!”

During the short period of time when Amin was struggling, the soldiers attacking the city had entered the attack range of the Lundinburg shooters. The sharp arrows on the city wall poured down unceremoniously, and ten people fell immediately. Call me the unlucky guy.

But fortunately, the equipment of the attacking troops is pretty good, and they are basically covered with iron armor. Although the equipment is not as sophisticated as that of the Northern Dragon Army, the protection against arrows is pretty good, with hundreds of arrows. When the arrow fell, it caused a small commotion and did not cause any major casualties.

Under the organization of the officers, they quickly raised their shields to stabilize their position and continued to move in the direction of Lundinburg.

“Big crossbow!”

“Get ready!”

However, the arrows were just an appetizer. Seeing that several rounds of arrow rain were not effective, the defenders on the city wall quickly used the crossbows placed on the castle.

These bed crossbows have obvious shortcomings. Not only are they fixed in position, they are also very troublesome to operate. It requires more than a dozen warriors to string them together at one time, and they can only be used in defensive battles.

However, the power of these bed crossbows is indeed not comparable to that of ordinary arrows. After the low “buzzing” string sounded, several giant arrows flew towards the advancing attacking army, and half of them landed accurately on Ah In the formation of Ming’s army.



In the face of heavy weapons such as bed crossbows, sophisticated armor and large shields could hardly play any defensive role. The soldiers in the front row holding up the large shields collapsed directly to the ground, and both hands holding the shields were fractured.

And he was already lucky, as he was just rubbed by Ju Ya, and his life was not in danger except for his broken hands. The few soldiers following him were not so lucky.

The giant arrows tore apart the armor on their bodies like tearing paper, then penetrated directly from the body, and shot at the soldiers behind them. One giant arrow shot at least two or three times before stopping, and several arrows shot The arrows entering the formation directly caused more than ten casualties.

“Hold on!”

“Hold on!”

“Those who retreat will die!”

“Lord A Ming has never treated you badly!”

“Think of your family!”

Coupled with the damage caused by the crossbows from the arrows falling on the city, the casualties of the attacking troops were already close to 10% as soon as they reached the moat. The team inevitably hesitated a little. Even if they had no experience at this time, These soldiers also realized how difficult it would be to cross the river and then attack the castle under the constant attacks of the defenders on the city.

However, Amin may be weak in commanding and fighting skills, but his military discipline is definitely not bad. Similar to the military system in the North, the families of these soldiers from subordinate farms are under Amin’s control. In peacetime, There are many preferential treatment because of their status as soldiers, but if any soldier dares to escape in violation of military discipline, not only will he be executed immediately by the supervising team, but the life of his family will immediately fall from heaven to hell.

After the officer shouted a reminder, these soldiers also realized that they had enjoyed a lot of benefits from following A Ming on weekdays, but now they had to risk their lives.

“Quick, build a bridge!”

“Rush over!”

After slightly dispersing the formation, some wooden strips that had been prepared were put together to form a simple bridge, forming several channels to cross the river. Although Lundinburg has a moat, it is only a small castle after all, Cliff The family did not have the financial and material resources to dig a moat that was too wide, but Amin’s soldiers quickly broke through this line of defense. Of course, when passing through the moat, a hail of arrows was inevitable.

If the arrow falls into the water, the heavily armored soldier has almost no chance of survival.

After passing the moat, Amin’s soldiers bravely rushed up with a simple long ladder. Even if they knew they were dying, they did not dare to retreat at this moment.


Several simple long ladders were set up on the city wall. The attacking soldiers had only climbed halfway when hot oil poured down on them. The burning pain caused the soldiers to fall directly from the air. Before they could follow up, The soldiers continued to climb, and a torch was thrown down from above, setting the entire ladder on fire.

The people under the city pose no threat to the castle at all. Although there is strict military discipline, the attacking soldiers grit their teeth and have to cross the moat to launch an attack. But everyone knows that if the fight continues like this, the attacking troops will Sooner or later it will collapse.

Viscount Cliff even looked at the sky boredly on the castle at this time, and muttered:

“May the great Lord of the Rising Sun forgive these sinners.”

On the other side, Amin also knew that attacking like this would lead to the death of soldiers, and there was no possibility of breaking the city. He looked at Natalis again, thinking that if the other party could not come up with any solution, even if the other party was Lord Richard’s confidant will also act according to his own wishes.

But fortunately, Natalie didn’t make him wait any longer.

“It’s almost time. The combat effectiveness of these guys is really worrying. No matter how small the mosquitoes are, they are still meat.”

After muttering a few words to herself, Natalis raised the hand in her hand, as if she had activated some skill, which made Natalie feel a chill. At this moment, Ming felt that there was a deathly energy lingering around Natalie.

Subsequently, four night angels who looked similar to Natalie and had black wings on their backs appeared simultaneously in the air.

“This is?”

The four Night Angels were naturally summoned by Natalis’ skills. As her level increased, Natalis’s mental power also greatly improved, and she could summon four Night Angels at once to assist in the battle.

“Send all your men out and take control of the castle quickly later.”

After saying that, regardless of Amin’s surprised look at this moment, Natalis flew directly from the horse, juxtaposed with the four night angels in mid-air, and flew towards the city wall at an extremely fast speed.

Before the stunned A Ming could recover, several Night Angels had already approached the city wall.

“The whole army attacks!”

“Follow me!”

After reacting, Amin looked at the ghostly speed of the five night angels and knew that the defenders on Lundinburg had no ability to resist them. He no longer was suspicious and quickly followed Natalie’s instructions. Following the instructions, he personally led the remaining five hundred people towards Lundinburg…


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