Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 530: Action


In a wing in Fort Newman

The luxurious velvet blanket almost wraps the entire room, and the exquisite furniture clearly highlights the wealth of the owner’s family.

There are several exquisite pastries placed in front of the table, accompanied by a pot of high-quality tea. There is also an aromatherapy lamp burning beside the table, exuding light fragrance and filling the room. The smell is fragrant but not greasy. Listening to it for a long time makes people feel refreshed.

This incense should be taken from the saliva of the giant whale in the South China Sea, and then processed by pharmacists and mixed with a variety of plants. Its value is quite high. The price of this small piece burning on the table is enough to exchange for Put on some fine armor.

Richard had just finished taking a bath and was wearing a robe, leaning lazily on a chair. The maids on both sides brought snacks to Richard’s mouth from time to time.

Richard rushed all the way from Longxing Pass to Fort Newman. Although he was not too tired, it was still a dusty journey. It was extremely comfortable to take a bath, change clothes and rest in Fort Newman.

Although the Newman family has lost the martial virtues of their ancestors, they are far superior to their ancestors in terms of enjoyment. This enjoyment is also the first among the nobles in the royal capital. A nobleman from the north like Richard is determined to For someone who has never enjoyed the life of the Newman family, at least he would be reluctant to use the scent of saliva that would burn away several sets of armor in a short time, which means that he would not feel bad if he used someone else’s.

Although Amin has an eccentric personality in the eyes of Earl Newman, he is not a fool or pedantic. When Richard arrived at Fort Newman, he quickly received Richard and his party with the highest standards. In addition to Richard, there were also Protector Sword Saint Keshid and others began to enjoy a luxurious life under Amin’s arrangement. Anyway, everything they enjoyed in Fort Newman was ready-made.

The only drawback is that there is always a faint smell of blood in the castle that cannot be eliminated. Even if Amin and his men clean it repeatedly, the blood foam deep into the soil cannot disappear in a short time.

Richard and his party are all people with keen senses. As soon as they entered Fort Newman, they could notice that a killing had occurred here not long ago. However, the people who were killed in the mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood did not care about this at all. Lived in the castle without any scruples.

Outside the door, Natalie stood loyally by the side, guarding Richard’s safety. As an undead creature, she was the one who least needed rest among them.

On the steps not far away, a young man with a hooked nose and bright eyes kept kneeling in front of him and did not move for a long time.

This face is matched with extremely lively eyes. Even when Richard saw it for the first time, he couldn’t help but take a second look. Without him, this face alone looked like he had a fierce temper. Even if He was kneeling on the ground, but also had a fierce look on his face. In this era where faces are more important than later generations, people with faces like this are usually not liked by others. It’s no wonder that Amin has never been valued by Earl Newman.

However, the so-called fierce appearance was just that in Richard’s eyes. It just aroused Richard’s curiosity and took one more look.

After all, in Richard’s eyes, there are only two types of men’s looks, those who are not as handsome as me and those who are as handsome as me. Ah Ming is obviously still far behind.

“The Newman family colluded with the divine religion and attempted to betray the human race. Please punish Master Richard!”

Ah knelt down on the ground, actually asking for forgiveness for the Newman family who had almost been killed by him, but at this time, he was the only adult male in the Newman family, and the rest were women and children. How to punish the crime.

“Haha, let him in. He has done nothing wrong. What is he doing kneeling outside all the time?”

“Master Richard lets you in.”

Natalis outside the door simply conveyed Richard’s order. After a very cold word, she continued to remain silent, with a very cold attitude.


A Ming got Richard’s order and walked into the house. Facing Richard who was leaning lazily, he was a little cautious and stood there as if waiting for Richard’s next order.

With the bonus of his dual status as a saint-level powerhouse and the King of the North, Richard’s power has unknowingly risen to a level that he himself has not yet adapted to. A figure like A Ming is in front of him. It’s all a bit unnatural.


“Sit down.”

Li Cha chuckled lightly and ordered A Ming to sit down in front of him.

A Ming, who was originally covered in blood, had already finished grooming and changed into a neat set of clothes, but the **** smell on his body would not dissipate in a short time.

Li Cha didn’t care. Seeing that A Ming was a little nervous sitting in front of him, he simply took the initiative and asked:

“I heard that you took the initiative to contact the people in Yusidu?”


“At that time, you already knew that it was your father who was colluding with the remnants of the Rising Sun Cult?”

“There are already speculations.”

Using the power of the Northland and Richard’s money regardless of the cost, Yusidu expanded very quickly in the kingdom. Not only did it weave a large net in the Northland, but it also extended its tentacles to the entire Central Plains. , this time under the orders of Richard, he cooperated with the Kingdom’s Black Prison to clean up the spies inside before the orcs broke through Longxi Pass.

To clean up the spies on the plains, or to monitor the unstable nobles, it is necessary to contact some nobles, and Amin is one of the people who takes the initiative to contact them.

“Don’t you regret it?”

A Ming shook his head firmly.

“If I had to do it again, I would still do it. I cannot tolerate anyone betraying the human race, not even my father.”

“Tsk tsk”

He is a pure person. Even if this kind of person is not his direct descendant, it is reassuring to use him.

“There is something I need you to do. I wonder if you are willing to do it?”

“As long as it does not harm the interests of the human race, Sir Richard can give you orders.”

“Don’t worry, according to the intelligence from the Black Prison, there are at least three noble families nearby that are dealing with the remnants of the Rising Sun Cult. You need to lead someone to investigate.”

“Just checking?”

A Ming asked doubtfully.

“Of course not. If you encounter resistance or solid evidence, you can act cheaply.”

“I understand, my lord.”

If it were in the Northland, Richard could find a hundred people who could do this kind of work, but after all, the Central Plains was not Richard’s home ground. He needed to find a knife that was familiar with the situation, and Ah Ming’s performance is the most suitable candidate for this role.

“Go ahead. In addition to your men, the garrison of Clay City is also at your disposal to clean up these borers for the kingdom as soon as possible.”

“Also, Natalie.”

“Lord Richard!”

Natalis heard the sound and walked in.

“Please cooperate with A Ming’s actions and eliminate the spies around you as soon as possible.”

“Yes, sir!”

The middle and high-level military forces of the church are not weak. At least it would be difficult to fight against aristocratic armed forces like Amin. This time Amin was able to surround and kill several church knights. In addition to his own successful breakthrough, In addition to the fact that the knight was not weak, it was also because he concentrated his strength and caught the church off guard, and directly surrounded and killed several church knights with superior force.

It is impossible to deploy so many troops in the next operation, but with Natalie’s cooperation, it will be a dimensionality reduction blow, and a group of capitulationists who colluded with the church should be able to be quickly eliminated.


At this time, A Ming still did not take action even after receiving Richard’s authorization. He sat in his seat and seemed hesitant to speak, which made Richard a little confused.

After Richard asked about the business, A Ming asked:

“Lord Richard, you are the strongest man in the kingdom, why did you leave Longxi Pass when the war was most urgent?”

Well, what A Ming asked was basically questioning that Richard had become a deserter. It’s no wonder that this art of speaking has never been liked by Earl Newman. It was too direct.

Natalis noticed that A Ming was a little offensive in his words. She flicked her fingers and unsheathed the Lengyue Knife at her waist. A Ming only felt a strong pressure of death. If Natalis took action, A Ming would be dead. Ming couldn’t even turn around.

But A Ming still stared at Richard, wanting to get an answer from Richard.

Fortunately, Richard did not pay attention to the slight offense in A Ming’s words. He waved to Natalis to signal her to calm down. Natalis sheathed her scimitar, and the pressure on A Ming suddenly disappeared. , at this time, his whole back was covered in cold sweat.

“I can only tell you that the effect of me leaving Dragon’s Breath Pass is greater than staying at Dragon’s Breath Pass. This is a decision jointly made by Mr. Ross and I.”

At this time, the importance of Ross’s endorsement of Richard’s departure was reflected. At least when someone questioned, Richard could only provide evidence.

Sure enough, A Ming felt a little relieved after Richard finished speaking.

“I understand, sir!”

Subsequently, A Ming saluted Richard and then exited. Natalie followed Richard’s order and followed A Ming away.

With almost no delay, A Ming went outside the castle to gather his troops after leaving Richard, and started to act according to the instructions given by Yu Sidu…

Li Cha, on the other hand, lay back comfortably on the soft armchair, continuing to relieve the fatigue from this period of time…


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