Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 53: Charge


“Lord Lord!”

“Lord Lord!”

Amidst the exclamations, a human knight was knocked upside down by the ogre chief.

Laud is the commander of the second legion of the Jingbei Army and one of the main forces in containing the Ogre Chief. Although it was a bit difficult to fight against an Ogre Chief, he was able to do so with the assistance of several knights. Barely supporting the situation.

But after the red light passed, the ogre chief’s strength skyrocketed, and his strength could be said to have reached the top of the Grand Knight level, even approaching that of the Earth Knight.

Among the entire Jingbei Army, perhaps only Marquis Wade can barely contend.

The pressure on Laud suddenly doubled. To make matters worse, several of the surrounding knight-level subordinates who were assisting him were lost. All fronts faced tremendous pressure at the same time. Even if Laud asked for help, he would not receive help within a short period of time.

Ordinary soldiers are not even qualified to participate in the battle. If they are casually scratched by the mace in the hand of the ogre chief, they can fly several meters away, which does not relieve Laud’s pressure at all.

After forcing Zhou Xuan to resist, Lauder finally couldn’t resist it. His long sword failed to deflect the ogre chief’s heavy mace. Lauder tried his best to avoid it but was still hit directly on the shoulder and flew far away. .

Laud struggled to get up from the ground. The severe pain in his left shoulder forced him to hold his sword in one hand to stand up.

Of course the ogre chief would not miss this opportunity and rushed forward with a few quick steps. His huge body could make the ground shake with every step, but his speed was not slow at all.

Several soldiers around wanted to step forward to support them, but were thrown away several times without any delay.

In a few breaths, the ogre chief had rushed in front of Lauder, raised the mace in his hand and slammed it down.

Laud ignited his last bit of fighting spirit and raised his sword with one hand to resist.


The heavy force directly caused Laud’s right hand to make a crisp sound. One hand was completely unable to withstand this huge force, and his right arm was directly dislocated.

The ogre chief’s blow was deflected a few points, but finally did not hit Lauder’s head.

Unfortunately, this time Lauder completely lost the power to resist again,

When the ogre chief raised his mace high again, Lauder closed his eyes tightly,

For a moment, my thoughts ranged from the hardships of practicing martial arts at a young age to the glory of becoming a knight for the first time, to the advanced knight and successfully becoming a legion commander of the Jingbei Army, and becoming the top people in the North. After all…


Laud’s thoughts were interrupted, the mace flew with red and white objects, and Laud’s body fell heavily to the ground.

Laud’s death was like the straw that broke the camel’s back. The Second Army, which was already in a difficult situation, completely collapsed.

The ogre chief rushed into the formation of the second army, and no one could resist it. The soldiers of the Jingbei Army who originally formed a formation to fight against the ordinary ogres received the ogre chief’s special care.

The uncontained ogre chief became a sharp spearhead, leading the ogres to completely defeat the Second Legion’s defense line.

The rout inevitably occurred. One or two soldiers stopped, turned around and fled, and finally led the entire team of soldiers to flee.

Although the soldiers in the rear had not yet faced the terror of the ogre chief, they were carried away by the tide of broken troops.

The supervising team at the end, after killing the first few fleeing soldiers, was no longer able to withstand the wave of thousands of deserters. In the end, the deserters smashed the front line into pieces and was forced to Also joined the wave of deserters.

The retreat of the Second Army had an even worse impact, which directly shook the morale of the Jingbei Army on the entire battlefield.

The Third Army, which was originally adjacent to the front and was still struggling to support itself, was also affected by the Second Army and inevitably collapsed.

Sometimes war is so dramatic, and a warrior who was fighting with a determination to die a second ago can become a deserter without his armor under the coercion of the defeated troops.

In the end, they were chased by the ogres and harvested like chickens and sheep. The soldiers of the Jingbei Army, who were originally said to be heroic and capable, were no different from ordinary farmers at this time. They only regretted that they had lost two legs. Running too slowly.

“Damn it!”

At this time, only the directional front of the First Army, which was supported by Marquis Wade, was still considered stable.

The First Corps is the most elite legion of the Jingbei Army, and it is supported by Marquis Wade’s 10,000 reserve troops. It has the least pressure in several directions.

But the stability of the front is only a temporary phenomenon now. The soldiers are not blind, and they soon saw the defeat of the second and third armies.

The reason why we can continue to fight now is because of the pride of the First Army and Marquis Wade personally holding the battle.

We have to find a way to retreat.

Marquis Wade knew very well that this situation was already beyond control. If he could not find a way to withdraw, when the ogres on both sides surrounded him, the First Army would not be able to avoid the fate of being defeated.

But how to make an organized retreat is a big problem. Although the ogres don’t understand the art of war, beating up a drowned dog is a basic operation that everyone can do.

If he dares to order a retreat easily, the ogres will definitely stick to him tightly, and the retreat will inevitably turn into a rout.

Cavalry, only cavalry…


Weilu led the cavalry of the Jingbei Army to reorganize outside the battle circle.

The charge just now suffered a heavy loss. At least two thousand riders were lost in the battle formation. Of course, their powerful impact also caused great damage to the ogres.

Shortly after Weiru rushed out with the cavalry, the situation deteriorated to such an extent that Weiru could not believe it, so that Weilu was a little confused about the next action.

Originally, he planned to launch another charge to attack the ogre front after a short period of reorganization, but at this moment, the second and third legions had retreated, and the first legion was also in danger,

To rush forward now is to face the ogre brigade directly. It will definitely be a charge with no return.

But soon, something even more unbelievable happened to Wei Lu. The flag bearer next to Marquis Wade raised the flag high,

The meaning of the semaphore is very clear

Launch a charge…


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