Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 528: Kill


Bodies were strewn all over Fort Newman. There were even piles of corpses in places where the battle was fiercest. At a glance, there were at least three to four hundred corpses left in the small courtyard. The guards in Fort Newman Being able to fight to this extent is worthy of Count Newman’s usual preferential treatment.

Among the corpses here, the most eye-catching ones are those wearing gray robes and mail armor. These priests of the Rising Sun Cult were also surrounded and killed here.

Blood dripped from Amin’s long sword. His helmet had been damaged in the battle just now, and a long and narrow **** was opened on his forehead. If the sword had been heavier, Amin would have probably become One of the bodies lying on the ground.

The armor on his body was also in dilapidated condition. The armor on the sides was completely dented, and even the armor turned over under the huge force, looking a little embarrassed. But obviously, he was the final winner. Several priests who had high hopes from Earl Newman were all turned into corpses by him, and now they are all lying on the ground.

Several serious injuries on his body were caused by the bishop of the Rising Sun Cult. Originally, the strength of the two sides was evenly matched, but the other side did not want to die together with A Ming. Instead, he fell behind in his fighting style. In the end, A Ming was defeated. Ming seized the opportunity to kill, and the remaining few knights were entangled by A Ming’s superior force, and were killed by a group of elite heavy-armored soldiers. Most of A Ming’s casualties occurred here and here. During the battle between several church knights.

Actually, A Ming’s victory was quite lucky. Although he was still standing with his sword in hand, he was actually relying on his perseverance to hold on. Masters at the bishop level of the Rising Sun Sect are definitely hard-hitting. At the level of the Great Knight, He is also a first-class existence among masters. After fighting the opponent, Amin has been exhausted in both fighting spirit and physical strength. If the Newman family can have some courage and take action directly in the battle, it is very likely that they will become the overwhelming opponent in the battle. The straw that was the camel’s camel’s back.

It’s just that Earl Newman is different from the group of martial lords in the North. Although he has knight-level strength, he relies entirely on resources and has no actual combat experience. He was immediately cowed when faced with such a real fight with real swords and guns. , although he held a knight’s sword in his hand and wore a sophisticated armor on his body, he did not have the courage to go forward and fight. Especially after watching Amin kill the bishop of the Rising Sun Cult, he did not dare to act rashly. , watching helplessly as A Ming’s soldiers surrounded and killed several church knights, the church people were so angry that they vomited blood.

In fact, from Earl Newman’s point of view, what Amin, the rebellious son, did was just to seize power from him. As long as he did not go up to participate in the battle, his life would not be in danger.

Of course, in addition to Earl Newman, the Newman family also has a few knights, but they also have little fighting ability. The ones who can really fight are those wild knights they recruited. Now they are either lying on the ground or simply in Amin. That side.

What’s more, their mentality is actually similar to that of Earl Newman. Anyway, after the battle, Amin will be in power. They, the members of the Newman family, should be superior to others, and they are still superior to others. Even Earl Newman himself If they don’t even try, they will try their best.

The defenders in the castle also gave up resistance. After throwing down their weapons, they were guarded by Amin’s soldiers. The remaining soldiers slowly surrounded Earl Newman and others, and did not launch an attack. Waiting for Amin’s next order.

Amin himself slowly took a few steps closer to Count Newman, holding a **** sword.

“Sir, don’t try to force me to hand over the title of earl to you. There are so many people from the Newman family here watching. What illegal means did you use to control the Newman family? The kingdom will never recognize your title. .”

Earl Newman didn’t seem to understand the situation yet, and he still remained tough in his words. Although he didn’t know his son well, he always had a natural confidence in him.

However, Earl Newman’s words made the relatives present feel their hearts skip a beat. Are you reminding A Ming to silence them?

“Haha, hahahaha…”

Waiting for them to react, Amin first smiled slightly after listening to Count Newman’s words, and finally seemed to be unable to hold back and started laughing wildly. With his blood-stained armor and disheveled hair, he looked like a madman. The people on the side were so frightened that they took half a step back.

“Father, why do you remember the rules of the kingdom at this time?”

“According to the rules of the kingdom, colluding with the Rising Sun Cult, and even preparing to surrender to the orcs and betray the human race, which is not a serious crime of seizing the title and exterminating the clan? Now you still want to use the kingdom to suppress me?”

Amin mercilessly told the public what Count Newman had done. This time, the bodies of several priests were still lying there. Count Newman couldn’t deny it at all. After hesitating for a few seconds, he simply shouted with a strangled neck. :

“What, do you want to be a loyal minister of the kingdom? If you hand over the evidence, you will also be executed!”

“I will go and explain to the kingdom.”

After Amin finished speaking, he took a deep look at the dozen remaining Newman family members on the field, and finally stayed on his father, Earl Newman, for a few seconds.

Because they were all relatives of Amin, the soldiers under his command did not disarm and guard them like prisoners of war, but silently surrounded them.

When A Ming passed by a knight-level officer, the other party asked A Ming with some confusion:

“Lord A Ming, are they going to be imprisoned?”

A Ming did not answer this question, but turned around and asked:

“What is the crime of colluding with the Rising Sun Cult?”

“Death penalty!”

“What is the crime of betraying the human race and colluding with the orcs?”

“Death penalty!”

The officer answered two capital crimes in a row and seemed to suddenly understand what A Ming meant. He raised his head and looked at A Ming with a shocked expression on his face.

However, A Ming’s blood-stained face showed no expression, and he uttered a single word with a movement of his lips.



Amin is indeed good at training the army. Although this knight-level officer was a little surprised by the order, he still carried out the order seriously.

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…”

“Ah, ah, ah…”

The dense rain of arrows completely covered the area of ​​more than ten square meters. The density of the arrows could kill almost every ant on the ground. Such a powerful crossbow shot at close range could not be resisted without a large shield. The knight couldn’t bear it. More than half of Newman’s family members present had no armor. They were shot into sieves in an instant. After screaming, they twitched and fell to the ground. Some of them were even elders whom Amin had known since childhood.

A few knights in the field relied on their fighting spirit and armor to withstand a hail of arrows. Although a few arrows were inserted into their bodies, they still did not fall down immediately.

Several knights, including Count Newman, saw that Amin was about to kill him, and finally cured his coward. They all drew their swords and wanted to break out. Even Count Newman couldn’t care less about his anger at this time. He summoned up all his fighting spirit to break through the surrounding soldiers on the side, storm into the nearest flower hall, and use the buildings to maneuver around.

At this time, Earl Newman and several knights of the Newman family had several arrows inserted into their bodies, but they could still move freely. Knight-level masters wearing heavy armor were indeed difficult to be harmed by ordinary arrows, even strong bows. At most, it penetrates heavy armor, but eventually gets stuck in the muscle layer, unable to cause any damage to the knight.

If they had followed the church’s masters at the beginning, or before Amin’s soldiers completed the siege, they might have relied on their own strength and wanted to retreat into a building like the Flower Hall, but it was delayed. In so much time, Amin’s soldiers not only completed the overall siege, but also brought in some powerful equipment.

“Buzz, buzz, buzz…”

After several soldiers got out of the way, the Newman family’s knights saw nothing in front of them. They finally no longer felt like they were surrounded, and it seemed that a breakout was just around the corner. However, when they took a closer look, they found several bed crossbows side by side. Following the low sound of the machine, several giant arrows flew towards several knights of the Newman family.


These knights who have almost ignored the dense rain of arrows are like paper in front of the crossbow. The giant arrows more than one meter long are coming, and you can’t even with heavy armor on your body.

Some of the knights hit by the giant arrow were carried backwards for more than ten meters, and were finally nailed to the courtyard wall behind them.


Amin’s soldiers swarmed forward again. It was very difficult for a few knights to deal with hundreds of elites, let alone the parallel knights of the Newman family who had little combat experience. They had no idea how to use fighting spirit better. It consumes a lot of energy as soon as it starts, and the battle energy is exhausted within a few minutes of the battle.

In addition, one person was nailed to the wall, and soon there were several more corpses on the ground. The knights who had exhausted their fighting spirit were hacked to death under the siege of ordinary soldiers, including Earl Newman. No one dares to show any mercy under A Ming’s orders…


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