Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 527: Ruthless


As the second son of Earl Newman, Amin was actually not very fond of Earl Newman. In contrast, Newman preferred his eldest son who had a similar personality to him.

However, although Amin is not very popular with Earl Newman, he is still the legitimate son of Earl Newman. The Newman family has a big business, and he can always make some profit in his hands. Amin, who has been away all year round, is actually here Unknowingly, he managed a team of about a thousand people. When he gathered the people together, even Earl Newman himself was a little surprised. This guy actually raised so many troops in private.

The eldest son of Earl Newman, standing next to Earl Newman at this time, saw that his younger brother, who had not seemed to be much of a threat to him in the past, suddenly surrounded the castle with so many troops, was even more uncomfortable. Although he was regarded as the heir He was trained, but his talent did not involve force at all. He learned how Earl Newman managed property, and the Breakthrough Knight also relied on the Newman family’s large resources to build up. At this moment, looking at the menacing army outside, his hands and feet felt a little weak.

In fact, it is not surprising that the Newman family has lost the martial arts inheritance of their ancestors. Under the protection of the Golden Dragon clan, the kingdom has been stable for hundreds of years. A family like the Newman family, which is located in the hinterland of the kingdom, basically uses There is no martial arts, so the overall situation is a bit off. If Amin, who likes to wield swords and guns, had not appeared, I am afraid that the entire Newman family would have completely transformed from a martial aristocrat to an aristocratic businessman.

“Treason, what do you want to do! Do you want to rebel?”

Although the eldest son was intimidated by the momentum of the army below, Earl Newman had been in charge of the Newman family for many years. He had a certain momentum bonus against his own son, so he still showed the momentum of a parent and faced below. A Ming yelled loudly.

But A Ming, who was riding a horse, was not moved at all. A Ming, who was riding a horse, was wearing a plain black heavy armor, with a stainless steel sword hanging on his waist. Compared with those on the city wall, A Ming wore The members of the Newman family, who were covered with patterned armor and holding long swords inlaid with gems, looked extremely simple, but this body was the real weapon for killing.

Faced with his father’s scolding, A Ming did not avoid it at all. Instead, he raised his head and looked at him, and said loudly:

“I brought my troops here to have a bitter confrontation with my father. His Majesty Ren has ordered that the food stored in each castle should be transferred to the big city, and no large amounts of food can be hoarded privately.”

“On the order of His Majesty Ren, come and transport the food from Fort Newman!”

“Son! That’s the food of my Newman family. It’s all shipped away. What will our family eat!”

As soon as he heard Amin’s words, Earl Newman became very angry. This guy was obviously from the Newman family, so why did he trick his own family?

“Father, I know how much food is in the castle. Where do we need to store so much food? And we can take it directly to Adelaide City, or directly take the food to the royal capital. Fort Newman can’t A place to defend against the orc army.”

If it were a small military castle with a wall about ten meters high behind Longxing Pass, it might be possible to store supplies in the city and resist for a period of time. Like Fort Newman, it is just a little stronger than a large courtyard. How can it be used as a barrier? Fight off the orc hordes.

“The orc army hasn’t come in yet, so you’re worried!”

“When the orc army arrives, it will be too late! Besides, this is His Majesty Ren’s order!”


“His Majesty Ren has no right to deprive the nobles of their property. I will never let you, the traitor, transport this food away today. Are you going to force your way into Fort Newman?”

When Earl Newman spoke, hundreds of soldiers on Fort Newman were also ready for battle. However, compared to the soldiers below, the soldiers in the castle seemed a little nervous, although these soldiers who stayed in the castle usually ate It tastes good and comes with good equipment, but the training is just that. The only person in the Newman family who can train and lead troops is Amin. He is leading people below to surround the castle. He will definitely not be able to defeat the city. Amin’s.

However, in addition to the personal guards in the castle, Fort Newman also has another force that has become the support of Earl Newman. A bishop-level priest from the Rising Sun Cult and several followers he brings. Although they are small in number, they are Among the nobles of this level, they are all good players. A big knight and several knights are definitely the key force that can affect the situation of the battle in this small-scale battle.

And after all, Earl Newman is still the de facto lord of the territory. No matter how bad the Newman territory is, there are still several knights outside. As long as they persist for a while, these knights of Earl Newman will eventually find something wrong and they will organize their own troops to come to the rescue. Ming just caught Count Newman off guard.

“Father, are those rebellious members of the Rising Sun Cult your support today?”

“The Rising Sun Cult has religion but no country, and is the least trustworthy. I am very disappointed that you cooperate with them.”

Seeing Count Newman’s tough attitude under the siege of the army, Amin directly revealed the identities of several people in the city. Now even Count Newman’s eldest son turned around and stared at him in surprise.

Colluding with the Rising Sun Cult is a much more serious crime than disobeying the king’s order. Resisting orders such as transporting grain is actually the norm for the nobles on the Great Plains. After all, if this order is taken into consideration, it can be regarded as a failure of the kingdom. According to the rules, this is an infringement of the private property of the nobles. Except for the Newman family, many nobles did not cooperate with this order. Even if the accounts were settled later, the law would probably not be held accountable.

But colluding with the church is not the case. Since the break between the church and the kingdom, colluding with the church has been a serious crime that can be vetoed with one vote. Any nobles who collude with the church will be exterminated directly. Even the servants at home will not be spared. They are extremely ruthless. .

The Newman family are not devout believers. Earl Newman himself was only cooperating covertly when the church came to him because of his speculative mentality. He hid this from everyone. At this time, he was suddenly Ming shouted, not to mention the others who were surprised, Count Newman felt a sudden change in his heart.

The kingdom may not be able to defeat the orcs, but before the orcs come in, it is easy to deal with the Newman family.

Earl Newman felt furious in his heart. This second son was simply unworthy of a human being. Although he didn’t know where A Ming got the news, he screamed in public and simply wanted to kill his own family.

Of course Earl Newman would not admit this situation and immediately responded:

“What nonsense are you talking about! How could my Newman family collude with the Rising Sun Cult!”

Seeing Count Newman’s denial, Amin did not bother. Although he got the information from the informants arranged in the castle, he did not have any clear evidence. However, as long as he broke through the castle and caught the opponent, he would be alive. The evidence is there.

At that moment, without saying anything, he retreated directly into the formation. With a wave of his hand, the army behind him held up their shields and pushed their carts towards Fort Newman.

“Fire the arrow!”

“Fire the arrow!”

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…”

In the dark night, the defenders on Fort Newman used the firelight to fire several waves of arrows at the attacking team outside. Although these soldiers were averagely trained, they still had basic qualities as guards stationed in the Newman family castle. Yes, the accuracy of the archery was pretty good. A wave of arrows fell and still knocked down a dozen of A Ming’s soldiers.

However, these casualties could not stop A Ming’s elite group, especially the two centurions in the lead. Everyone was wearing heavy armor, and the arrow rain had almost no effect on them. Instead, during the march, he would occasionally slap his heavy armor with the sharp blade in his hand to make a clear sound, to provoke the defenders on the city.

Compared with the grand scene on the Longxingguan battlefield, the attack and defense of Fort Newman seemed much inferior. Apart from firing arrows, the defenders on the outer wall did not prepare any sharp weapons to deal with the attackers, and even set fire to them. There is no preparation for such basic operations as oil.

The attacking team actually didn’t have any clever tactics, but they were slightly higher than the defending team. When approaching the city wall castle, the soldiers behind the shield car began to shoot arrows densely towards the high wall, covering The attacking team continued to approach. As soon as the three-meter-high castle approached, these trained archers could easily throw arrows up, causing considerable chaos to the defending soldiers who had hardly seen blood.

“Block the door!”




The attacking team successfully approached the gate after paying an almost negligible price. The iron gate was crumbling under the impact of the rushing car. This gate was not comparable to a serious city gate, and the Newman family He didn’t take it seriously, but with just a few clicks, the door was knocked open.

Subsequently, a group of heavy-armored soldiers who followed the car rushed in, shouting and rushing in. The whole process of breaking down the door went extremely smoothly. A Ming, who looked far away, showed a look of disdain. He was really surprised. Not with this group of people.


After the gate of the castle was opened, the defenders in the castle finally showed a certain degree of loyalty, worthy of the pay that Earl Newman had given them over the years. Under the leadership of a knight-level officer, they and the invading army There was a fight in the front yard.



The knight guarding the castle first gathered his fighting spirit and killed a soldier wearing black heavy armor, trying to block the advance of Amin’s soldiers.

However, Amin’s men were superior to the defenders in the fort in terms of number and combat power. They quickly defeated the defenders and retreated steadily. Seeing that they were not far from collapse, Earl Newman retreated to the backyard. All the relatives in the Newman family looked anxious.

Normally speaking, Earl Newman and his eldest son are actually knight-level masters. If they join the battle, they will definitely be two good combat powers. However, how can the two fathers and sons who rely on resources pile up be willing to fight, even though they are wearing gorgeous battles? A, holding a knight’s sword in his hand, but unwilling to take a step forward, was forced into the backyard of the castle.



Suddenly, the defense line, which was already in a state of collapse, suddenly moved forward, and several streaks of golden and red fighting spirit suddenly lit up in the dark night. More than ten people of the attacking defenders were killed and injured in an instant, and the offensive stalled.

“Humph, you finally couldn’t help it!”

A Ming, who had not taken action in the distance, saw several strange knights suddenly appeared in the yard. Without any surprise, he had already been aware of the existence of these people.


The appearance of a great knight-level master and four knight-level masters was a great encouragement to the defenders. The knight-level officers commanding the defenders were not completely mediocre people. They saw several strong reinforcements from their own side. If they take action, they will not be surrounded by ordinary soldiers, and immediately lead the soldiers to rush to support.

Everyone in the Newman family who was originally anxious was relieved when they saw this scene, but then a few people reacted and looked at Count Newman with complex eyes. The golden-red fighting spirit of these masters who suddenly appeared was very… There are church knights who are all fighting, especially when several strangers appear one after another, and there is also a master of the knight level. This really looks like colluding with the church, but they dare not say anything at this time, even Earl Newman’s eldest son , at this time, he also looked at the battle ahead and remained silent.




The leading bishop has no enemy with his long sword. The strength of the big knight is completely crushing compared to these small soldiers. He can easily knock away a soldier without even using fighting spirit. With him He led a few knights into the battle and quickly pushed back the battle line.

The toughness of A Ming’s soldiers is pretty good. I don’t know how A Ming trains these soldiers. He is able to overcome his fear when faced with masters of the knight level. When his companions fall one after another, , and can even charge forward with weapons in hand.

“Team three and four, come on!”

“Behead those who retreat!”

The bishop of the Rising Sun Cult led his men to disperse two groups of soldiers under Amin, and the remaining soldiers rushed forward without hesitation under the command of the officer.

It’s just that the morale of most armies has a limit. If some soldiers are killed and injured by these strong men of the church, Amin’s men will not be able to withstand such casualties.

Earl Newman looked at the battle situation and finally relaxed his clenched fists. Although there were signs of an affair with the church, at least the current hurdle was passed. He was already thinking about how to deal with A Ming, the traitorous son. Even if you don’t kill him, you will at least destroy his fighting spirit and keep him in captivity for the rest of his life.

However, before Count Newman could think it through, the battle situation suddenly changed dramatically. After using ordinary soldiers to kill the opponent’s fighting spirit, Amin took action.


Amin’s long sword clashed fiercely with the divine bishop’s weapon, without any loss. Unbeknownst to everyone, Amin had been promoted to the rank of Grand Knight…


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