Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 526: Darkness


“Boom! Boom! Boom!”

The orcs’ trebuchets poured stone bullets and kerosene bombs towards the city wall of Longxingguan almost all the time, trying to create greater chaos and clear obstacles for the attacking troops that were about to approach the city wall.

Although there were some trebuchets in the city fighting back, the number was not at the same level as the stone bullets thrown by the orcs. The human defenders in the city were basically used to the orcs’ superiority in equipment, and they hid behind the walls. Back or in some tunnels.

The city wall of Longxingguan is quite strong. Even the protruding wall stacks can completely withstand the impact of stone bullets. As long as you are not particularly unlucky, you will not be harmed. However, if you are hit, your death will be extremely tragic. However, these soldiers who have experienced several battles are basically immune to this kind of tragedy, or are numb. Who knows whether they will die next moment.

It stands to reason that the human population is ten times that of the orcs, and the overall productivity should be higher than the orcs, and should not lose to the orcs in terms of equipment. However, wars are not purely based on population and productivity. In this Under the level of productivity, the orcs, who have always struggled to survive, have gone further than humans in the art of war. Humans have not yet tapped one-tenth of their war potential, and the orcs have basically entered a state of all-or-nothing.

About ten minutes later, the rain of stone bombs and kerosene bomb attacks finally stopped. The entire city wall was in a mess, with broken stones, unburned flames, and some scattered corpses…

However, the defenders had no time to clean up the corpses of their comrades on the city wall. The stop of the opponent’s trebuchet attack only meant that the siege troops were close to the city wall.

“Get ready to fight!”


The human soldiers who had been hiding everywhere suddenly appeared, carrying rolling stones and logs.

A fierce battle begins again.

The fastest movers among the orcs were the soldiers with long ladders. The long ladder was first placed on the wall of Longxing Pass with a snap, and then several orc soldiers worked together to pull it. The iron on the head of the long ladder was The hook was deeply stuck into the wall, and several human soldiers couldn’t push the long ladder down even with the combined efforts of push rods.

Then several orc warriors began to climb up the long ladder. Although they were obviously wearing heavy armor, the orc warriors climbed at a very slow speed. They climbed to half the height in a few seconds.

When the team leader at this crenel found that the long ladder set up by the orcs was difficult to push open, he quickly adjusted his thinking and shouted to one side.

“Chai Mu!”

“Smash the orc down!”



The two soldiers quickly brought up a wooden bar inlaid with sharp iron spikes, rolled it down and hit the climbing orc in the face. The other person immediately lost his balance and fell down.

But when an orc fell, the orc below did not hesitate at all and climbed up the long ladder. It was not until a pot of boiling oil poured down that the orc’s climbing was interrupted.

It was not the boiling oil that scared the orcs, but the torches that fell with the boiling oil ignited the entire long ladder. No matter how brave the warrior was, it would be impossible for him to climb up the city wall on a completely burning ladder. .

The orcs paused for a moment under the wall, and immediately they were hit by crackling rocks. These rocks as big as heads fell from the high wall, and their power should not be underestimated. If they were hit, they would be killed or disabled. situation.

However, the long ladder is always just an auxiliary means of attack. The real threat is the stronger ladder at the back and the giant well.

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!”

“Fire the arrow!”

“Use Thunderbolt Cannon!”

“Don’t let the well wall come up!”

“Bang! Bang! Bang!”

The Thunderbolt Cannon can be understood as a weakened trebuchet that can be directly mounted on the city wall. The power and range of the stone projectiles it fires are not as good as those of the tall trebuchets at the rear, but it is better than the ones that can shoot directly and can target those approaching. Orc siege engines pose a certain threat.

The stone bullets hit the well fence with a loud bang. Because they were close to the city wall, the accuracy of these thunderbolt cannons was pretty good. Almost half of them hit the well fence. One stone bullet even hit one directly. On the top of the platform well, the orc crossbowmen who had been shooting arrows at the city were instantly hit, and several people were knocked down at once.

Every time a stone bullet hits the well, the whole well trembles uncontrollably, as if it will collapse at any time.

Although the instruments made by the orc craftsmen looked stupid and bulky, their quality was really good. Despite being hit by these stone bullets, the main structure did not collapse, and it finally reached the city wall step by step.


The wooden bridge over the well fell heavily on the city wall, and another orc warrior led a group of elite orc warriors to rush up the city wall along the well.



“Drive the orcs out!”

“Put on kerosene and burn the wooden bridge for me!”

Humans had enough troops at this time, and the soldiers were also in a stage of physical strength. They had specially arranged the section of the city near Jinglan. When the orcs rushed up the city wall, the two sides started fighting fiercely.

After all, the humans on the city wall had an absolute advantage in strength. Led by the knights, rows of spears still forced most of the orc soldiers who climbed up through the well into corners.


When the orcs stormed the city wall, it was naturally impossible for the white dragon to watch the show from behind. Not long after, dragon roars came from the sky, and more than a dozen white dragons followed the orcs’ vanguard and joined the siege.



The dragon’s breath swept through, and the dense formation of spearmen was instantly burned to death. More than a dozen people were killed. Others did not dare to form formations easily. The orcs who attacked the city quickly occupied some positions on the city wall, creating space for subsequent attacks. The orcs coming up have huge space.

“Divine Crossbow!”

“Divine Crossbow!”

“Let it go!”

“Buzz, buzz, buzz…”

A low string sound sounded, and dozens of sharp arrows flew towards the white dragons in the sky. In an instant, two white dragons were unable to avoid the arrows. One fell to the city wall, and the other fell directly to the ground. They fell to the other side of the ground, struggling. After a few hits, he was completely unable to move. The white dragon on the city wall had two arrows stuck in his body, one on his belly and one on his flesh wing. He was bleeding. It was obviously seriously injured, but he was still alive. Struggling wildly against the wall.

“Kill that dragon!”


It’s just that this white dragon accidentally fell into the human military formation. The already red-eyed human soldiers, led by the officers, did not hesitate to attack the white dragon that had lost its ability to fly. launched an attack.


Another puff of dragon’s breath came out. Although Bailong was seriously injured, the power of this dragon’s breath seemed much smaller, but it was still not something that ordinary soldiers could resist. The first few soldiers immediately fell to the ground.

“Come with me!”

However, the death of his comrade-in-arms did not deter the following soldiers at all. A senior officer with the rank of knight personally charged at the first one with a sword raised, and the soldiers behind him followed closely behind.



The long sword with fighting spirit slashed into Bailong’s neck, breaking the scales directly and cutting into the flesh. This deepened Bailong’s injuries. The huge pain made Bailong roar again, and he opened his mouth to think. He wanted to breathe out the dragon’s breath again, but only a mouthful of blood foam came out.

Seeing that Bai Long could not even breathe out, the surrounding soldiers became more energetic and gathered around Bai Long, trying their best to cause some damage to Bai Long.



After a siege, the white dragon that fell on the city wall finally stopped struggling. He closed his eyes and breathed his last. The knight-level officer cut off his head and displayed it. The surrounding soldiers cheered, and their morale increased. Great news…

The battle continued until dusk. The orcs did not seem to want to fight at night and slowly retreated amidst the sound of gold…

Under the setting sun, the great shaman looked at the standing Dragon Breathing Pass, with neither joy nor sorrow on his face. The losses in today’s siege could hardly move his face at all.

“Your Majesty the Great Shaman, today’s attack on the city revealed that humans have placed many giant crossbows and stones that can threaten Bailongdu at 500 meters, 700 meters, and 1,000 meters in the northern section of the city wall. The location of the car should be two hundred meters northwest of the pass. Humanity also mobilized a reserve team today, otherwise we might have achieved more results today…”


The great shaman nodded, approving today’s siege.

“We will start to increase the intensity of the siege tomorrow. There is no need to keep testing. Even if we pay a few more casualties, we must capture Longxi Pass as soon as possible.”

“Yes, Lord Great Shaman!”

“Also, use Bailong as much as possible, and don’t worry about casualties.”

“Yes, I understand…”

The great shaman waved his hand, and the orc general retreated knowingly.

Longxingguan will be attacked more violently in the coming time…


More than three hundred miles west of Longxi Pass

Fort Newman

Fort Newman is a large fort located on the Longxiguan Plain. It is commanded by Earl Newman. It governs dozens of surrounding villages and commands tens of thousands of people around it.

Although this county is similar to the Ironwood Castle of the Hunter family, the previous fiscal revenue and prosperity of the two sides are not at the same level. Fort Newman, ruled by the Newman family, is in the fertile and warm Central Plains. The land is simply not comparable to the early Hunter family.

Although the Newman family won the fiefdom based on their early military exploits, this generation of Earl Newman is more like a qualified and calculated businessman. With the title of earl and the location of Fort Newman, which has great location advantages, he seized With a large amount of wealth, in terms of financial resources, the Newman family was one of the best among the nobility on the Great Plains.

Fort Newman occupies an extremely large area. The outer city wall is only more than three meters high. There are almost no designs such as arrow towers. The military function cannot be said to be undetermined. After all, there is a three-meter-high stone wall. However, compared with Among the castles of the military nobles in the North, Newman is more like a large vacation yard.

However, the interior decoration of Fort Newman is far from comparable to that of the aristocratic castles in the North. Carpets made of fine velvets cover all the rooms, and expensive silks are used as tablecloths and curtains, as well as gem embellishments. There are as many as stones, and with shining crystal hanging lamps, the aura of wealth almost spreads across the floor.

However, there is a huge crisis behind this blossoming prosperity. When the orcs attack Dragon Breathing Pass, Fort Newman will almost bear the brunt. How can it withstand it?

In the dark night, Earl Newman, who was in his forties, was discussing something with a mysterious guest in a small living room.

“My Lord Earl, have you thought about it? As long as you leave all this season’s food in the castle’s granary, the cult can guarantee that the Newman family will not suffer any losses in the war.”

How much food does the Newman family have in one season? This year is already a good year. The food in this season is enough to feed tens of thousands of people in the territory for two years. Coupled with Fort Newman’s original grain harvest, the Newman family’s food is definitely suitable. The orc army would also be a great addition.

“Transport all the food to the big city. This is His Majesty Ren’s order. If I don’t transport the food, I’m afraid that Longdu will…”

“My lord, the earl, you only need to delay for a period of time. You can just stall and perfunctory in the middle. As long as you delay the time, the orc army will soon break through the Dragon’s Breath Pass and come in. You can only hold on if you have a large amount of food in your hand.” The wealth and status of the Newman family.”

Earl Newman was silent again, then asked:

“Will the orcs listen to you?”

“Of course, our religion has been established as a state religion by the orcs. As long as they have helped the orcs, the orcs will never do anything wrong after breaking through. I swear in the name of the Lord of the Rising Sun.”

The other party finally used the oath of the Lord of the Rising Sun to completely impress Earl Newman. Because Earl Newman was a little nervous, he simply stood up and said:

“Okay, Lord Priest, I can’t guarantee anything else. At least the food in Fort Newman will not change within a month.”

“Enough, the orc army led by our Lord will soon invade the Central Plains…”

Under the firelight, the priest wearing a light-colored robe also stood up and shook hands with Earl Newman, whose hand was covered with gems, and they basically reached an agreement.

Just when the priest thought the dust had settled here, there was a sudden noise outside the castle…

“What’s going on outside!”

Outside the parlor of the castle, there were still guards standing awake. After hearing what Earl Newman said, he immediately came in and said:

“Master A Ming is outside!”

“A Ming? What is A Ming doing here now?”

Amin’s full name is Amin Newman. He is in his twenties this year and is the second son of Earl Newman. However, his personality is different from that of the all-around Earl Newman. He is naturally a bit straight-forward and often makes Earl Newman unhappy. I also prefer living outside in Amin than in Fort Newman. It’s just that it’s getting late today, and I don’t know why I came back suddenly.

“Amin, why is he here so late? Is he the only one making such a big noise?”

“Your Majesty, Earl, Master A Ming also led an army to surround the castle…”

The cronies who made the report were obviously over-stressed and stammered when speaking, but it was Earl Newman who suffered the greater impact.

Although A Ming led people to surround the castle, although the specific reason is not yet clear, A Ming’s actions are obviously not to be filial to his father and son, but more like he wants to kill his father to gain power…

However, A Ming did not seem to realize the seriousness of the matter at this time. He just stood up and gave instructions to his close followers:

“Ask the guards to guard the door and don’t let him in!”

“Yes, Lord Earl!”

Then he turned his head and said to the similarly confused priest:

“Some accidents may have occurred in the territory. Please take a rest here, Master Priest, and I will deal with it immediately.”

“I will go with the Earl.”

Earl Newman hesitated for a moment and nodded.

The two of them quickly arrived at the gate of the castle surrounded by their cronies. Looking down from the four-meter-high balcony, Earl Newman suddenly felt a sense of crisis.

The people holding torches below are all warriors in armor. Thousands of them have surrounded Fort Newman. There are even rush cars and boarding ladders at the front. This is a sign of preparation. …


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