Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 525: Trivial


What Ross said is true. After Thor died in the battle, there were not many generals in the entire kingdom who were qualified and capable of commanding the millions of people at Longxingguan. Ross was one of them, and Richard also relied on his recent His military exploits and super strength have given him this qualification.

Although it is foreseeable that the orcs will eventually break through the dragon’s breath pass, the battle will never end when the orcs break the barrier. The dragon’s breath pass is more than just a dragon’s breath pass. What supports the dragon’s breath pass defense line is an overall defense. Circle, there are eighteen large military cities and dozens of small satellite cities behind it, as well as a larger number of fortresses lying across the path of the orcs’ advance. There are also millions of troops stationed in it.

After the orcs break through the Dragon’s Breath Pass, they still have to compete with humans city by city. At least the orcs must capture a few key cities in the middle. If the humans stationed there resist tenaciously, it will definitely take a while for the orcs to capture these cities. effort.

Although after the Dragon Breathing Pass was breached, the final result of these cities must be that they fell under the siege of the orcs, but there was a qualitative difference between falling within a few days and falling after resisting the orcs for a month or two.

After realizing that Dragon’s Breathing Pass was difficult to hold, Ross and others had actually changed their combat goal from holding Long’s Breathing Pass to trying to gain as much time as possible so that the kingdom could make more preparations. Therefore, a plan was finally formulated to mobilize resistance city by city.

But the question is, how can the defenders continue to hold on when they know they are bound to lose? In addition to mobilizing for justice, at least one of Ross and Richard must be in charge, right? Ross can’t just mobilize the officers stationed in various cities here today and ask them to keep fighting, and then escape the next day. This kind of behavior of the national army cannot be done by any commander who is determined to hold on.

Ross and Richard must have someone stay. Of course, it is okay to ask Richard to contribute, but it is impossible for Richard to stay and coexist. After all, time is on Richard’s side. As long as time delays If he stays for long enough, Richard will become stronger. When Richard stays in the North for a few more years, he will be able to send troops to push the orcs to the ground without using the kingdom’s power. Why bother to fight here.

Ross is a warrior, but he is not rough-minded. He has already noticed Richard’s mentality. In his eyes, he also feels that the value of Richard leaving alive is greater. However, the emotional intelligence of his words is low, and it makes people laugh when he speaks. Richard was slightly embarrassed.

This matter, no matter how you say it, is a bit like running away. Richard didn’t know how to answer Rose’s words for a while.

“After the orcs break through, I will give an order to Sir Richard in the name of the commander of Longxingguan, asking you to lead the army to the central plain to organize a second line of defense as a barrier for the royal capital. During the war, Sir Richard When the situation is unfavorable, you can leave with your men first.”

What Ross said was unpleasant, but what he did was quite nice. At least he found a reasonable excuse for Richard to evacuate, so that it would not be too ugly for Richard to evacuate.


Ross had already reached this point. No matter how embarrassed he was before, Richard nodded and agreed. Like other generals, he turned around and left to make final preparations.

Pedestrians on the street are in a hurry, and soldiers have begun to enforce martial law, but the gate has not been closed yet. There are still some women and children in the city who cannot be of much help during the battle. They need to be moved out at this time, of course. In addition to the old and the weak, there were still some people who should not have left crowded in front of the gate.

“Get out of the way, I am the second son of the Hay family and the nephew of Marquis Kinberg. I want to leave here now! You have no right to stop me!”

At the city gate, in addition to some old and weak people who were allowed to leave, there was also a carriage packed with dozens of fully armed soldiers, surrounded by a young man in gorgeous armor, who was talking to the people at the door. Soldiers confront each other.

The young man obviously comes from a noble family on the Great Plains. Although he is not the eldest son, he is still a direct descendant. In the Golden Dragon Kingdom, there is no clear inheritance rule between elder and younger, so theoretically, he has a certain possibility of inheriting the family title. , originally he came to Longxingguan to participate in the war, just like most nobles, just to get some gold, gain some qualifications, and preferably get some military merit.

Although it is dangerous to join the battle at Longxing Pass, as long as you get through the connections and become a gangster, the risk is not very high. After all, he is not one of those landless knights who fight for his life alone. He is also accompanied by the family’s private soldiers and knights. Good hand protection.

But the current situation has obviously gone beyond the level of risk that he initially expected. The orcs’ strength has increased unprecedentedly this time, and the war has become increasingly unsatisfactory. After the first pass of Longxing Pass was lost a few days ago, he Then we understood the seriousness of the problem. This pass, which had never fallen before, was in danger.

He then made the decision to leave the main city behind Dragon’s Breath Pass. Once Dragon’s Breath Pass was broken, let alone the few people he brought, the entire city would not be enough for the orc army to fill its teeth.

Unfortunately, Ross issued a military order before, restricting people from leaving the city. The elderly, weak, women and children can leave. These nobles and private soldiers who are armed to the teeth are important forces defending the city. How can they be easily let go? leave.

“Sorry, please go back immediately. Lord Ross has an order. All men who can take up arms are not allowed to leave the city without his order!”

Although the Hay family is not a top noble, Marquis Kinberg is one of the senior nobles in the royal capital. This young man is somewhat related to Marquis Kinberg, and the officers at the city gate are quite polite to him. .

However, I don’t know whether it was the officer’s polite attitude that fueled the opponent’s arrogance, or whether the nobleman really felt that Marquis Kinberg’s name could be relied upon, so he ignored the dissuasion and led his soldiers to the city gate. squeeze.

“Get out of the way! I have to leave the city today!”


The leading noble directly pulled out his long sword and led his men to squeeze towards the city gate. The order of the civilians who were still queuing up to leave the city was completely disrupted. How could these old and weak people squeeze through dozens of fully armed men? The elite soldiers were pushed to both sides of the road, and those who reacted a little slower were knocked to the ground.


There were many children at the scene, and this conflict made many children cry.

Faced with the forcible invasion from the opposite side, the officer guarding the city was obviously not a person who took matters into his own hands. He was a little confused and didn’t know what to do. He watched helplessly as the people on the other side moved away the horses blocking the road, thinking Let their carriages pass.

In addition, Richard also keenly discovered that there was someone quietly snooping in the distance. This person was obviously just a newbie. In fact, there were many nobles with similar status in the city. They were all secretly observing at the moment. If the other party After successfully leaving the city, I am afraid that the next moment, half of the nobles in the city and the private soldiers they brought will run away.

“Who allowed you to leave!”

Sighing, Richard could only go up and stop him in person. What Ross did was a secret. He placed an indecisive master in such an important place as the city gate. What if it were Richard who did this job? Son, I guess I ordered the people on the city wall to shoot arrows after persuading the opponent not to leave. How could I give the opponent a chance to forcefully break through the level here?

However, Richard’s words did not stop the group of people trying to leave. How could these people be persuaded by one word? It was not until the officer guarding the city stood at attention, saluted, and shouted “Sir Richard” , these people who had basically broken through the roadblock stopped.

The name Richard is as important as Ross in Longxingguan. Even in the hearts of many low-level soldiers, the prestige of Richard, who has a giant dragon and is extremely powerful, is still higher than Ross.

Hearing the other party call him “Richard”, everyone including the heir of the Hai family was shocked and immediately turned around to confirm.

One look at Richard’s young face, the distinctive dragon-horn armor, and Natalie following him, immediately confirmed Richard’s identity, whether it was Richard’s attire or Natalie’s The black wings on the back are so recognizable.

“Lord Richard…”

This aristocratic boy from the Hay family did not dare to be as domineering as before when he spoke. He buried his head and was obviously a little uneasy. He was arrogant, but he was not stupid. He also had to look at the target of his show of authority. The whole kingdom , even the king had to coax Richard, how could he, a little nobleman, dare to show his authority in front of Richard.

“Tell me, who allowed you to leave?”

Regardless of the other party’s softening of attitude, Richard still pressed the question with a serious face.

“Master Richard, this…”

The people in the Haiyi family also knew that they were in the wrong and did not dare to act arrogantly in front of Richard, so they hesitated when speaking.

Then, the young nobleman took out a letter from his arms. The letter contained the family crest of Marquis Kinberg’s family, and then handed it to Richard with respectful hands.

“Sir Richard, this is a letter from Marquis Jinberg. It contains…”


It stands to reason that the Marquis Jinberg’s family, as one of the top nobles in the royal capital, is somewhat respectable. It is really a family of the same level as the previous Lanster family, and Marquis Jinberg is in the royal capital. In terms of political status, the government is still higher than the Lanster family, and most of the senior officers in Longxingguan will give it a try.

But the honor of a Marquis family was totally unavailable to Richard. Richard took the letter in his hand and without even looking at it, he tore it up in front of everyone.

“Except Lord Ross’s warrant, no one’s letter is of any use. You can’t get Lord Ross’s warrant, can you?”

“Sir, I…”

Not only was the young noble hesitant when asked by Richard, but the surrounding soldiers were also silent, with no one daring to speak out.

Seeing that the other party was unable to answer, Richard turned his head and asked the useless city gate official:

“What should I do if I disobey military orders and forcefully break into checkpoints during wartime?”

“Sir, according to military law, the law should be rectified immediately on the spot.”

Richard brought a lot of courage to the officers at the city gate, and he spoke with more confidence than before.

“Then how did you do it?”

“Sorry, sir!”

“Sir Richard! Let’s go back to the camp immediately!”

On the other side, the knight of the Hay family had heard the unkindness in Richard’s words from the conversation, and hurriedly wanted to take people away. Although in his opinion, being trapped in this city would sooner or later mean death, but the situation It is better to die later than others.

Unfortunately, Richard just wanted to use him to establish his authority. He could not let the other party escape. He immediately gave a signal to Moriel beside him, and Moriel quickly drew his sword and struck out.


Moriel took action, and a knight-level noble had no chance to react. The long sword penetrated from the chest, and his internal organs were shattered by the fighting spirit. He couldn’t even scream, and he couldn’t turn back even if he tried hard. arrive.

Moriel then kicked the corpse away and pulled out the sword. It was as simple as killing a chicken.

After the knight of the Hay family died, the surrounding private soldiers did not dare to act rashly. It was not that they were not loyal to the Hay family, but that the man in front of them was too tall compared to the Hay family, so tall that it made them angry. There was no thought of resistance, and those who were watching around basically gave up their thoughts after seeing Moriel directly killing people.

“Those who escaped from battle have been executed on the spot, and the rest have been sent to punishment camps.”

“Yes, sir!”

With one word, Richard decided the fate of dozens of people at the door. No one dared to resist. The carriage was quickly moved away, and dozens of private soldiers of the Hay family were taken to the punishment camp to report. , they will be in the most dangerous position.

As for Richard himself, after taking care of the nobles who tried to escape at the city gate, he naturally left the city as originally planned.

Ordinary double standards, ultimate happiness…


Outside the Dragon Breathing Pass

The orc army, which had rested for two days, began to make new moves. Several legions of orc soldiers were launched from the continuous camp. Various siege equipment such as shield vehicles, ladders, and trebuchets were also used by the orcs. The army pushed to the front of the formation.

The orcs began to launch a tentative attack on the city that had blocked them for hundreds of years…


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