Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 522: It took a sudden turn



This majestic pass that lies between orcs and humans has gone through countless wars since its construction. Not only has time not eroded this majestic pass, but it has been continuously reinforced for hundreds of years, making the defenses of Longxi Pass more and more powerful. Becoming more and more perfect.

In addition to the outer defense lines such as Dongling, there are also two walls at the pass that are more than ten miles wide. Among them are arrow towers, bunkers, trenches, bed crossbows, and trebuchet positions for counterattacks. In some places, trenches are even spared. During the work, it was dug into two ring-shaped structures. The widest part is nearly two meters and the depth is nearly three meters. The bottom of one is covered with sharp wooden thorns. The first one to fall has little chance of climbing out. The other is slightly shallower but has no chance of climbing out. It is full of flammable dry materials. Just pour the oil and it will quickly burn out a wall of fire when it encounters an open flame, which can greatly play a role in blocking the enemy.

There are even heavy trebuchets more than ten meters high on the two mountain walls, which not only have a long range, but can also throw boulders with a diameter of more than one meter, which can directly destroy the large siege equipment of the siege party. The attacker can launch a long-range attack on the opponent before they get close.

After approaching Guancheng, you will encounter thousands of crossbows. The intensity of firepower is abnormal. As for conventional defensive weapons such as rolling logs, pounding stones, kerosene, and gate-locking knife carts, even more There are countless.

Of course, the fundamental factor in war is still people. No matter how strong the city defense is, no matter how well prepared it is, if the army has no combat power and no fighting spirit, then no matter how good the city defense is, it is empty talk. However, the army of more than one million people at Longxing Pass is useless. They are the elite of the human kingdom. Thanks to the large number of wise kings in the kingdom, although the kingdom has existed for hundreds of years, the degree of corruption of the ruling class is not too high. Although the army is not as powerful as the founding of the country, it is generally online. If we look at a dynasty in this state in ancient China, it might still be in the so-called ruling and prosperous stage.

It stands to reason that if a large number of troops with tenacity to fight are stationed at such a powerful pass, and with the backing of a country with relatively strong national power, it is definitely difficult to win such a strong city, but the war on this continent is It is far from being as simple as a cold weapon war.

Not to mention those knights and warriors with extraordinary combat power, just the addition of creatures like giant dragons to the war completely changed the situation of the war. In a sense, the dragon is comparable to the existence of a fighter jet on Blue Star. It is also a dual-purpose fighter jet for land and air. This thing can not only fight in the sky, but also can transform into a tank and directly chase soldiers on the ground after falling to the ground.



“The dragon is here again!”


“Prepare the divine crossbow!”

There was almost no stagnation in the pace of the orc attack. After seizing the defense line of Dongling, the orcs only paused for a day to wait for the deployment of siege equipment. After the siege equipment was in place, they immediately launched the first attack on Longxiguan. The attack on Daoguan City.

The trebuchet positions on the cliffs on both sides took the lead in fighting back against the attacking orcs. Dozens of giant stone bombs smashed into the orc formation. These stone bombs caused little casualties to the orcs, but they caused a lot of damage to those who were hit. The death of the orcs was extremely tragic. The boulders thrown from a distance of a thousand meters were enough to turn all heavy armor into iron-clad flesh. It was difficult for even the warrior-level orcs to avoid this attack.

The kerosene bombs mixed in were more threatening. These kerosene bombs carrying black smoke in the air fell into the orc attacking team and quickly started a fire several meters high, causing the orcs to burst into flames from time to time. Small-scale chaos.

Some boulders even accurately hit a moving well. This nearly 20-meter well was approaching Guancheng like a tall monster, but the moment it was hit by the boulder, , the well that could have ignored the heavy crossbow fire directly made a roar, and then collapsed on the spot, the scene looked somewhat spectacular.

It’s just that these heavy trebuchets did not take long to be effective. When they defeated a well, they were immediately regarded as a threat by the orc commander. Several white dragons on both wings quickly separated from the team and attacked Trebuchet positions on both sides of Guancheng.

“Buzz, buzz, buzz…”

The bed crossbows and Shenwei crossbows placed on the cliffs on both sides were ready to fire at the incoming white dragon.

In fact, there were no giant crossbow guards next to the trebuchet positions on both sides. There was no need for any guards at all. They only needed a group of soldiers to operate the trebuchets, because originally the orcs were the first to break through the Dragon Breathing Pass. Before Guancheng, it was difficult to approach the heavy trebuchets on both sides. In order for them to stop, they had to wait until they exhausted their reserve of stone bombs.

But it didn’t work now. With the help of the white dragon, the orcs had an absolute advantage in the air. Before the infantry broke through the city, the white dragon in the sky began to try its best to remove obstacles for the orcs. Naturally, the human officers also understood the war. Due to changes in the situation, a large number of bed crossbows and divine crossbows were temporarily allocated near the trebuchet positions on both sides when the defense was deployed.

It is a pity that there are not many of these things and their mobility is not strong. Thousands of Shenwei crossbows are definitely not enough to defend this line of defense that stretches for dozens of miles. Even if it is a key defense, it is difficult to take into account everything.

Dozens of giant crossbows were shot from the cliff, but Bailongduo in mid-air avoided most of the arrows by relying on his flexibility. The giant crossbows of this era actually have the same virtue as the trebuchet, and cannot They are expected to be as accurate as modern anti-aircraft guns, and can only barely determine the direction and range. Only the most experienced crossbowmen can barely improve the hit rate of such giant crossbows.

The first round of the giant crossbow was not without any results. The white dragon rushing at the front on the left wing was pierced by a giant arrow because it couldn’t avoid it. The giant arrow broke through the white dragon’s hardness with force. The dragon scales penetrated more than one meter deep into Bai Longdu’s abdomen.

It caused Bailong to let out a roar of pain. In this situation, if it were the group of cowardly dragons from the previous Kingdom Dragon Knights, they would probably have to passively avoid the fight when they discovered that the enemy was capable of causing fatal damage to themselves, but Bailong It’s different. These white dragons, who were forced into the battlefield by their family heads, came with a life-threatening mentality as soon as the war started.

After his companion was seriously injured, he not only did not retreat, but rushed towards the trebuchet positions on both wings at a faster speed. At this time, the second weakness of the giant crossbow appeared again. The loading and preparation speed was too slow. This design can The heavy crossbow that can damage the dragon, even after Richard’s optimization, requires several soldiers to **** it at the same time. It takes at least a minute from loading to re-aiming and shooting.

One minute may not seem like a long time, but it is too long in a rapidly changing place like the battlefield. One minute is enough for the cavalry to complete two charges, and it is also enough for the white dragon to fly the remaining distance…

In the desperate shouts of the soldiers on both sides of the cliff, fires were ignited on the mountains on both sides of Guancheng. It was the white dragon that used its dragon breath to ignite various defensive equipment arranged on both sides. At the cost, the two white dragons were injured. And a white dragon fell on the mountain.

But the death of a white dragon was completely worth it to the orc army at this time. They eliminated the threat to the attacking army on both wings, and large siege equipment like Jinglan had almost no threat…

“Boom, boom, boom…”

The stone bullets thrown by the orc trebuchets wildly slapped the city wall of the first pass of Longxing Pass, but this pass, which was built completely according to the terrain, was almost completely immune to the attacks of the trebuchets of this era. The city didn’t even cause a few vibrations. The base alone was a majestic pass of more than ten meters. Even the cannons from World War II might not be able to blast it away quickly. The huge stone was no different to it than scratching an itch.

But having to be hit without being able to fight back is a very demoralizing thing. Facing the overwhelming stones, some unlucky ones are always hit and then scream and fall to the ground. This kind of depression makes some hide in the corner. The soldiers who avoided the stone bullets were eager to fight hand-to-hand with the orcs instead of waiting here for God’s will.

“Get ready to fight!”

“Drive the orcs away!”

Finally, when the orcs got closer and closer to the city wall, the trebuchet also stopped firing. This long-range weapon with impressive accuracy would hit one of its own people if it continued to hit.


A large number of orcs set up extended ladders at the corners. Although they were mentally prepared, many orcs still felt dizzy when they looked up from the city. The height of Longxing Pass, which is more than 20 meters, is almost the highest in the entire era. The orcs had never attacked such a terrifying city. They climbed up the ladder from under the wall to a distance of almost forty meters. The time it took was enough for the human soldiers to wash their hair several times with kerosene.

However, military orders are hard to disobey. No matter how high the city wall is, the orc soldiers who have arrived in front of the city wall cannot retreat or charge forward with weapons or shields on their backs.

“Chai Mu!”

“Let it go!”



Several orcs who were halfway up the ladder were directly knocked down by the hammer. If they fell to the ground from this height, they would be dead or disabled. Of course, the defenders on the city were even more ruthless.

“Here, pour down the golden juice!”



The boiling golden juice is even more terrifying than kerosene when poured down. All the orcs who are soaked by it roll on the ground. The terrifying thing about this thing is that it will not only cause burns, but also cause a large number of infections. The almost primitive treatment method of the orcs is basically a death sentence after being poured with golden juice. The only problem with using golden juice is that there is a stench on the city wall. The soldiers operating on both sides even have to cover their noses with wet cloths. Just dare to breathe normally.

The orcs’ ants took a lot of casualties when they attacked the city, but everyone knew that this was just the beginning. The casualties of more than a thousand people could only be regarded as a small splash in a war of this scale.


The real siege beast finally approached the city of Longxinguan not long after the ladder was erected. This kind of siege well, which is the same height as Longxinguan, is actually not easy to build. The height has gone up. To maintain its structural stability, the requirements for craftsmanship will become higher and higher, which cannot be built by ordinary craftsmen. In this round of attacks in front of Longxi Pass, as many as ten such giant wells appeared…

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…”

When Jinglan approached Guancheng, first a burst of intensive fire from the crossbowmen on the well knocked down many human soldiers on the city wall, and then the plank connecting the well and the city wall hit the wall, causing a loud noise. .


Without any pause, a large number of orc elites rushed out from the belly of Jinglan.


The first batch of orc warriors who were able to climb the city by the well were all elite, and the leaders were all warriors and even masters of the great samurai level. They almost jumped over the three-meter passage and landed on the city wall, and the surrounding people The human warriors fought.

Facing the approaching well, the human defenders would certainly not be unprepared. With the giant arrow unable to destroy the well, a large number of knights and quasi-knights were already waiting near the well. The moment the orc warriors boarded, The strong humans cooperated with the formation to suppress the orcs with all their strength, not giving the opponent too much space, and trying their best to limit the opponent’s range of activities.

For a time, a fierce offensive and defensive collision fell into a stalemate. This stalemate was actually quite unfavorable to humans. As the attackers, the orcs had already fought with humans on the city wall not long after the war began. Attrition has begun, and the casualties of human warriors are much higher than those of orcs. If this pace continues, sooner or later the orcs will wear down the defending humans first…

However, this stalemate does not satisfy Gro.

In the distance, Gro held a spear in one hand and looked at the battlefield where fighting continued in the distance. Almost every second, two digits of orc warriors fell from the city wall or lost their lives.

But in the eyes of Gro, this is a normal thing. What he is dissatisfied with is the slow progress of the entire attack…

“Chief Yisr, let the white dragon come up.”


Yisir on the side squealed slightly dissatisfiedly, but in the end he still did not refuse Gro’s proposal. Hundreds of white dragons carried the giant arrows on the city wall and rushed toward the city wall. This was a force that could The power to directly break the deadlock…



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