Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 521: Back 2



Hundreds of monsters with backs and wings appeared in the sky. These harpies with quasi-knight strength were just fine for dealing with ordinary orc soldiers, but they were not enough to face the white dragon.

When the white dragon breathed out, the harpies turned into roasted birds in the sky and fell into small clusters. Fortunately, the harpies summoned by these treasures also had the characteristic of being fearless and fearless of death. After suffering a large number of casualties, Bailong still rushed into the air without fear, which made Bailong slightly distracted and gave the human army on the ground a chance to breathe.


The fifty ogre warriors are also a new force. These fifty ogre warriors rushed into the battle group and blocked the vanguard of the orcs. After all, they were fifty ogres equivalent to the knight level. Warriors, charging forward in this forward-moving manner, still have a certain degree of lethality, because the ogre warriors appeared suddenly, and the orcs in front were already in chaos in order to pursue the formation, and they were scattered by the ogre warriors.

However, these battle-hardened orcs were very adaptable. After suffering a slight loss, they began to form a formation to encircle and suppress dozens of ogre warriors.

There are also warriors and even great warriors in the vanguard of the orcs. Under their leadership, the ogre warriors soon fell into a bitter battle, but these summoned ogre warriors were originally There is no fear of death. Compared with the ogres in the wilderness, their fighting style is more fierce. From time to time, they exchange wounds for wounds and lives with the orc warriors.

The orc warriors who had the upper hand were not willing to trade lives with these ogre warriors. Faced with the fierce ogre warriors, they instinctively retreated, which greatly slowed down the speed of annihilating the ogre warriors in front of them.



A human knight once again slashed an attacking orc warrior and rested for a few seconds. The surrounding human soldiers also quickly gathered around him.

Although the two waves of summons were extremely small in front of the army, fortunately, the orc army could not all rush up at once. The ogre warriors gave the human legions entangled by the orc vanguard some breathing space.

“Legion Commander! General Taize asked us to retreat again!”

Legion Commander Uther glanced around the battlefield again and found that the orcs had retreated slightly under the impact of the ogre warriors, finally giving him a little space to move. Uther, who was originally on the head, was preparing to take advantage of the food The humans and demons were trying to counterattack this wave of attacks, but they still noticed Taize’s orders under the prompts from the guards around them.

He had no friendship with these ogre warriors, and calmed down after seeing Taize’s order to withdraw.




“Our dragon!”

With such a big move by the orcs, there was no way there would be no reaction from the main gate of Dragon’s Breath Pass. Moriel quickly rushed over with several giant dragons. Although these dragons were not many in number, they were all poisonous dragons and ancient dragons. Powerful giant dragons like dragons and weaker ordinary golden dragons have been almost consumed in the previous battles.

The white dragons who had just almost wiped out the harpies had no time to care about the human army on the ground. They surrounded the giant dragons in the sky. Although the giant dragons in the sky looked fierce, the white dragons After all, there is an absolute numerical advantage…

“Lord Taize, the First Legion has successfully withdrawn!”

“Order the entire army to retreat!”

“Withdraw Dragon Breathing Pass!”

“Yes, sir!”

The giant dragons in the sky are fighting in full force. The ancient dragon transformed by Moriel is already at the critical point of the holy level. It is also a crushing combat power against ordinary white dragons. The size of these white dragons is almost larger than Moriel was nearly half the size and was no match for Moriel.

A white dragon was bitten on the neck by Moriel, and it was useless to flap its wings vigorously. In front of Moriel, a white dragon was as weak as a quail. With a little force, the white dragon’s neck was torn apart. Then he let go of his neck, and the white dragon began to fall unsteadily. Although he did not die immediately, he would not live long.

However, the white dragon now has an absolute numerical advantage and is cruel by nature, so it will not be afraid of the death of its companions. Soon, several more white dragons surrounded Moriel.

After all, these white dragons are not real quails. Although they suffered a lot of losses after several sieges, Moriel also suffered a lot of injuries.

In the aerial battle, in addition to ordinary white dragons, several strange ancient white dragons also appeared. These white dragons first sneaked into the battlefield during the battle, and both sides seemed to ignore them.

Then when the battle was fierce, they suddenly bit another ancient white dragon. Under the sneak attack, these ancient white dragons that suddenly appeared quickly succeeded and directly tore an unlucky ancient white dragon into a dragon stick. The two wings allowed them to It was torn off forcefully.

Of course, the only one who commanded such a wretched tactic was Richard. The ancient white dragon summoned by the White Dragon Curse Helmet played a role beyond its strength under Richard’s command, constantly attacking his companions and causing the white dragon’s small size. The chaos in the area reduced a lot of pressure on Moriel and the dragons he led.

“It’s them again!”


Of course, the behavior of several dragon traitors was also seen by Isl. Yisr, who had experienced previous battles, knew how much harm would be caused to the white dragon if these dragon traitors were allowed to run rampant, so he stopped waiting and watching immediately. He roared out and rushed towards the ancient white dragon that was constantly attacking his fellow humans.



After a holy white dragon took action, ordinary ancient white dragons were unable to resist it. After Isl spotted these dragon traitor attacks, some ancient white dragons were quickly burned to death by the angry Isl’s dragon breath. Half dead.

But Richard, who was commanding from a distance, narrowed his eyes slightly and felt even heavier.

After discovering that the orcs had launched a full-scale attack on Dongling, Richard, Moriel and Natalie quickly rushed to support them. As soon as they arrived, they were surprised by the number of white dragons.

But now it is discovered that large numbers are not the only problem. There is another holy-level white dragon among the white dragons. Are all the holy-level dragons wholesaled now? After killing one, another one comes.


Isr’s presence also attracted the attention of the Holy Dragon. A roar gave Yisr an instinctive fear. This was the pressure from the high holy dragon. The next second, a blue dragon’s breath appeared. Spitting out.


Holy Dragon, who is also a saint, suppressed Yisir as soon as he appeared. Compared with the previous Yamos, Yisr’s holy level seemed to be a lot weaker, and he could not completely suppress Moriel. , as soon as he met the holy dragon, his true colors were immediately revealed.


However, Yisr’s ferocious nature prevented him from flinching after being injured. Instead, he roared and bit the holy dragon. The two holy dragons started a close-range fight in the sky.

Originally, the strength of the Holy Dragon was higher than that of Isl, but the Holy Dragon did not have the environment to challenge the opponent. After the coercive effect passed, all the surrounding white dragons surrounded him. Not only did he have to deal with Yisir, a holy white dragon, but he also had to face the siege of more than a dozen white dragons, and he soon fell into a hard battle.

But Richard had no time to complete any more dragon-slaying actions. When an orc holding a short spear appeared next to him, the hair on Richard’s whole body stood up. The huge A sense of crisis came over me.

The old orc is getting younger!

Although he didn’t know what changes had taken place in the other party, Richard could still identify the other party’s identity through this familiar aura. The terrifying old orc was now even more powerful.

The reappearance of the holy white dragon and the young and powerful orc master made Richard suspect that it was not him who was cheating but the group of guys on the opposite side.


Gero had already appeared on the battlefield in Dongling. He had not taken action originally because it was not necessary. With the giant dragon and the overwhelming ground army, there was no need for him to take action personally to consume his own strength. The most he can do here is act as a supervisor, watching Bai Long fight his best.

However, after discovering Richard’s figure, Gro no longer hesitated. A human saint-level strongman was definitely worthy of his action. He quickly bullied Richard. When Richard reacted, he had already Arriving in front of Richard, a short green spear stabbed Richard in the face.

Richard raised the Angel Alliance and was able to block Gro’s spear. However, the powerful energy coming from the short spear was beyond Richard’s ability to resist. After receiving Gro’s spear, his whole body fell like a cannonball. After getting down to the ground, there was a huge roar on the ground, and Richard smashed a huge human-shaped pit on the ground.

“There are many good things…”

Since getting the artifact of the beast god, the old orc Gro has almost never encountered a single enemy, and no weapon can remain intact under this short spear. Almost all of them are under the powerful energy. It decomposes, and the slightly weaker creatures are directly twisted under this spear full of destructive energy.

But not only did Richard fall down, but the long sword in his hand was not damaged at all. It looked like a weapon that was not inferior to the spear of the beast god?


Gero would not give Richard a chance to breathe, and immediately chased towards the pit created by the ground, but when he was about to set off, he sensed a hint of danger.

Natalis, who was holding Leng Yue, was launching a death trial against Gro. When Leng Yue raised the scimitar, Gro had some feelings.

Originally, the preparation time for launching the death trial is very short. Most of the time, the target is locked and has no chance to react. It can only wait for the judgment to come. Whether it is life or death, it can only obey the will of God.

But the gap in strength between Natalis and Gro was too great. Natalis’ movements were a little slow in the eyes of Gro, who was infinitely close to the state of jealousy.

“Blood Spear!”


After forcibly breaking free from the state of being locked by the death trial, Gro immediately hit Natalis with a blood spear. The blood spear penetrated Natalis’ heart, abruptly interrupting her. During the casting process of Death Judgment, Natalie herself also fell from the sky.

However, Richard finally seized this opportunity and teleported out of the big pit on the ground. The next second, Gro fired several blood spears towards Richard’s position. One step slower, Richard is in danger now.

“How was it?”

Richard who teleported out immediately rushed to Natalis’ side, holding the fallen Natalis with a face full of anxiety. He could clearly see the scene where Natalis was penetrated by the blood spear just now. of.

“It’s okay, Sir Richard, don’t worry, the physical injuries are not fatal to me, it’s just a consumption of energy…”

At this time, Richard saw that the wounds on Natalis’s body were recovering quickly. Natalis had been acting like a normal person. For a moment, Richard had forgotten the identity of the undead. The other party could It is not a creature that relies on blood supply from the heart.

It’s just that Gro’s attack was so overbearing that it destroyed most of the undead energy that sustained Natalis, and then Natalis fell directly from the air.

“You kid, you have a lot of tricks up your sleeve!”

Gero soon discovered that Richard had disappeared and ran into the air again, and immediately chased him from the ground. Gro, holding a short spear, jumped up like a cannonball, and was close to Richard in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, Richard is very aware of the huge gap between the two sides. He used to rely on the magical potion to fight against the opponent, but now he does not have the second bottle of magical potion in his hand, and is completely unable to fight. Moreover, Richard also vaguely feels When we arrived, the opponent’s strength was even higher than before. Even with the magical potion, he would probably not be the opponent’s opponent.


The Thirty-Six Stratagems were the best. Knowing that he was outmatched, Richard did not want to continue to hold on. He activated teleportation again and took Natalis away from Glo.

On the other side, Moriel also gathered several giant dragons together according to the retreat plan arranged by Richard, and disappeared into the air together when Richard moved to their side.

Isr, who left a breath of dragon breath in the air, was a little stunned. How could such a huge dragon disappear just like it did?

“Have you mastered space magic to this extent?”

Gero had more knowledge. Although the Elf Empire had collapsed in the era he lived in, magic was not far away. He naturally recognized the teleportation used by Richard as space magic.

Seeing Richard disappearing into the air with several giant dragons, Gro’s determination to wipe out mankind in one fell swoop became even stronger. Human beings are learning magic too fast and cannot delay it any longer…


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