Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 520: Retreat


If when White Dragon Yamos was alive, the White Dragon clan could barely count as a cooperative relationship with the orcs and the Rising Sun Cult, then when Isl became the leader of the White Dragon, the White Dragon clan completely Become a vassal.

Among them is the reason why Gro’s strength has greatly increased and he can suppress the White Dragon, and there is also the reason why Yisl’s own greed is involved. Yisl, who has obtained the dragon crystal and been promoted to the holy level, will certainly not be satisfied with this. I also want the dragon scale in Adelillo’s hand.

There were more than 240 white dragons participating in the battle, which was more than Adrilo requested at the beginning. It can be said that the white dragons came out in full force this time.

In front of the Dongling defense line, countless orcs launched an attack on Dongling. A large number of siege equipment were carried onto the battlefield by the orcs. In a short period of time, only stone bullets and kerosene bombs were fired at Dongling. Tens of thousands of bullets were fired within the city walls.

Even though the human defenders made a lot of preparations under the command of Taize, many unlucky people were still hit by stone bullets under this kind of firepower, and being hit by such stone bullets usually resulted in death. Tragic, if it is hit for a long time, it will cause a big blow to the morale of the defenders.

Of course, Taize’s defense line will not be beaten passively. Soon the trebuchets inside the city wall also retaliated against the attacking orcs. The human army was also extremely well prepared. The density of stone bullets during the counterattack was no more than that of the orcs. How much difference there is, the two sides come and go, and it is very lively for a while.


Although the two sides were evenly matched in terms of equipment, the orcs this time had an advantage that Taize could not offset with his commanding ability. When the orc army set up a long ladder and pushed the well railing to attack, hundreds of white heads The dragon flew up from the orc formation, and in conjunction with the attacking orc army, they attacked the city wall of Dongling.

“Divine Crossbow!”

“No need to keep it! Let it go!”

“Let it go!”

“Buzz, buzz, buzz…”

The human defenders on the Dongling defense line are still extremely well prepared. They have been preparing for a full-scale attack by the orcs for a long time, but even Taize did not expect such a number of white dragons to participate in the attack. Dongling The dozens of Divine Power Crossbows deployed on the defense line are unable to effectively block the three-digit white dragons. In addition, these white dragons sincerely want to contribute to the orcs’ siege. Facing the Divine Power Crossbows, even if they have to sacrifice a little They also pounced on the casualties, quickly causing chaos on the city wall.



When a white dragon approached the city wall, it was shot through the flesh wing by a divine crossbow and fell directly onto the city wall. The surrounding human soldiers were also very courageous. Under the leadership of the officer, they directly surrounded and attacked the white dragon who fell on the city wall. White Dragon attacks.

However, the injured white dragon fought even more crazily. It was a monster of about ten meters, and ordinary soldiers could not fight it at will. With a sweep of the dragon’s tail, several soldiers were thrown directly to the bottom of the city wall, and then a The dragon’s breath sprayed over and immediately burned and killed more than a dozen soldiers, instantly opening a gap in the city wall.

Subsequently, a large group of orc soldiers followed this gap and swarmed up the city wall. This time they attacked the city wall too easily. Under the cover of the white dragon, they only experienced some less lethal arrows. Rush up the wall.


“Drive the orcs out!”

Fortunately, the human soldiers’ fighting will was still firm. Even if a large number of white dragons participated in the siege, most of the human soldiers still refused to retreat, using their flesh and blood to block the orcs’ attack.

However, Taize, who observed the entire battlefield situation, knew that the defense line in Dongling could not be defended. Although the **** bravery on the battlefield was effective for a while, it could not stop the general trend. The general trend at this time was on the side of the orcs. , this attack of the orcs is to overwhelm others with force, crushing them with complete strength.

Although Taize is good at defense, his strength is really limited and it is difficult to withstand the fierce attack of the orcs. Although not many people have reached the city wall at this time, their offensive is already difficult to stop.

“Lord Taize! The North Slope can no longer withstand it, and the Fourth Army is asking for support.”

“Order the Fourth Army to abandon the defense on the northern **** and retreat according to the initial plan, and all units will gradually prepare to retreat.”

“All divine crossbows and trebuchets launch arrows and stone bullets as quickly as possible, and then withdraw. The divine crossbows must be destroyed when retreating.”

“Yes, sir!”

For the retreat, Taize had a plan. The army even had drills. There were detailed arrangements for which army to cover, from which direction and how to retreat. Retreating on the battlefield is definitely not a simple matter. If you are not careful, a retreat may turn into a rout.

Of course Taize would not make such a mistake, but the plan always failed to keep up with the changes. There were too many white dragons. With the help of the white dragons, the orcs attacked much faster than expected. At the same time as Taize gave the order, some orcs had already broken through the city wall outside Dongling and broke into the defense line.


“I am the fifth legion, the commander of the third flag regiment! Come closer to me, come closer to me!”

A human officer summoned his fighting spirit and fought hard to kill the orc soldiers who rushed up. He was followed by dozens of personal guards. Originally, he was going to support the defenders on the city wall, but he ended up with the orcs who rushed in. The army collided. Under the attack of the white dragon, the army he led quickly scattered into several pieces and mixed with the orcs.

The banner commander’s roar seemed to have some effect on gathering the chaotic soldiers. Three to four hundred defeated soldiers quickly gathered around him. Most of the soldiers in Longxingguan were not weak in fighting will. Many of the soldiers who fled were just in chaos. They were just confused. An officer stepped forward to organize, and he would soon join them to continue the confrontation with the orcs.

But this gathering soon attracted the attention of the white dragon in the sky.



White Dragon’s intelligence is not low, and he also knows that he must first defeat the gathering human soldiers. Seeing the newly dispersed human soldiers gather together again, he immediately swoops down and cooperates with the orc soldiers on the ground to disperse them again.


“The dragon is coming!”


Not to mention ordinary soldiers, even knight-level masters have no other choice when facing the giant dragon except running away. If they cannot rely on the large equipment in the military formation to kill and drive away the opponent alive, then ordinary soldiers will not be able to face the giant dragon. The dragon just endures a one-sided killing.

Although the flag captain led his soldiers to resist vigorously, the effect was obviously not good. A few dragon breaths caused more than half of their casualties, and they soon fell into chaos again…

“Lord Taize, the first legion is entangled by the orcs and cannot retreat! It is still fighting the orcs! Commander Uther told us to retreat!”

The situation at this time became extremely bad, perhaps because Taize’s previous performance made the orcs attach great importance to it. When the orcs attacked Dongling, they went all out without any reservations. The number of troops directly invested exceeded Ten legions, if more armies were not deployed, this number might be doubled. Hundreds of white dragons came, and it only took half a day to break through the city wall outside Dongling, and they were still dead. He tightly entangled several legions under Taize, as if unwilling to let them go.

Taize looked at the white dragon in the sky and felt agitated for no reason. This kind of crushing situation left little room for his military talents to be used. There was no priority in the orcs’ attacks. The superiority in military strength was fully realized, and every section of the city wall was their main attack direction. With the support of the white dragon in the sky and the advancement of massive infantry on the ground, Taize was completely doubtful in half a day.

Taize pulled out his weapon several times and wanted to kill the two white dragons himself, but he thought of Richard’s instructions and endured it.

Afterwards, Taize first took out a blue horn and blew it, then touched the ogre ring on his hand, summoning the harpy and fifty warrior-level ogres directly Order them to actively attack in the direction of the orcs.

“Let the Second and Third Legions retreat!”


The second and third legions were supposed to support and cover the retreat of the first legion, but if they were not more decisive at this time, they were afraid that these two legions would be trapped.

The only chance for the First Legion to withdraw is the ogres and harpies sent by Taizé. With their active attack, they may be able to buy the First Legion some time.


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