Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 52: Anxious



The ogre warriors who had been forced back by Weru once again came forward to fight with Weru,

If you look carefully, you can see that the body surface of the ogre warrior is faintly glowing with a faint red light, and the muscles on his body are bulging, as if he has grown suddenly.


The long sword collided with the metal mace, causing flying sparks and a sour sound from the friction.

Weru’s full burst of fighting spirit blocked the mace in the ogre warrior’s hand.

The ogre warrior couldn’t bear Weilu’s strength and took a step back, obviously still at a disadvantage.

Velu, who had the upper hand, didn’t feel any relaxed at all, and even his heart sank.

Although these ogre warriors were not weak, they were at the middle and upper reaches among the knights.

If there are no other factors interfering, Weiru, who has half the strength of a great knight, is confident that he can defeat such an ogre warrior within thirty moves.

But now, the ogre warrior who was affected by some unknown reason suddenly became stronger.

Weru was shocked as soon as they fought. With the bonus of the red line just now, this ogre warrior had a strength that was comparable to the peak of the knight level. Only Weru could still suppress his opponent. One end.

The remaining knights who followed Weru in the charge were soon unable to resist.

There were not many people who could follow Weilu to this position. They were all good players with at least quasi-knight strength. At this time, they were also knocked off their horses.

Although these officers with the strength of knights would not die if they fell off their horses, many of them could even get up and fight again after rolling around.

But the cavalry who have lost the ability to charge are getting further and further away from the strategic goal of approaching the two-headed ogre priest,


Weru held a long sword in both hands and launched a fierce offensive against the ogre warriors on the opposite side, making the ogre warriors on the opposite side retreat step by step.

It has to be said that Weilu is the top-notch existence in the knight class in terms of swordsmanship and his own fighting spirit. To some extent, he has even crossed the ceiling of the knight class.

The ogre warrior, who possesses the peak strength of a knight, can only parry when faced with the full strength of Velu.



After more than ten moves, Weiru found a flaw in the ogre warrior, and the long sword fiercely blocked the ogre warrior’s weapon.

Then he turned his back and thrust the sword into the belly of the ogre warrior.


The ogre who was stabbed in the stomach by the sword let out a muffled groan, but he has not lost his ability to fight.

I saw his empty hands clenched into fists, trying to hit Weiru in front of him,

With the strength of the Ogre Warrior at this time, if he were to receive this punch, it would probably be no less than being hit by some blunt object. Even if he survived, he would probably be seriously injured.

However, Weiru would not give the ogre warrior any chance. Weiru used his whole body to directly hit the ogre warrior, and then pulled out the sword.

Before the ogre warrior had time to hit his fist on Weiru, he was knocked away by this mountain-like support.

The long sword he pulled out brought a burst of bright red blood, which splashed all over Weilu’s body. A set of bright plate armor was directly dyed dark red.

Weilu didn’t care so much. Instead, he was unforgiving and jumped directly to the ogre warrior who was lying on the ground and trying to get up. He cut the ogre warrior’s throat with a sword.

However, trying his best to kill an ogre warrior did not improve the current battle situation.

All the ogre warriors have been greatly strengthened by the influence of the red light, but not all the Jingbei Army knights have Weiru’s strength.

On the contrary, the human knights are inherently weaker than the ogre warriors, and they are already at a disadvantage. They were basically struggling to support themselves before,

Now that the ogre warriors have received another wave of reinforcements, the battle situation quickly lost balance. The knights of the Jingbei Army began to suffer more and more casualties, which led to many ordinary soldiers facing the ogre warriors. The casualties were growing.

The cavalry led by Weilu also completely lost the advantage of the cavalry charge in the last few dozen meters. They were completely blocked one step away from the two-headed ogre priest.

The kobolds who had been frightened by the cavalry before seemed to have come to their senses, and swarmed towards the cavalry who had lost their speed advantage.

The ogre warriors overturned many Jingbei Army cavalry men and horses to the ground.

In a sense, the cavalry that has lost its speed advantage is not as good as the infantry. At least the infantry can form a formation to fight the ogres, while the cavalry can only face the ogres alone most of the time.


Seeing the two-headed ogre priest approaching, unable to clear the obstacles in the middle, Weiru, who approached the two-headed ogre priest, picked up a war bow from nowhere,

Stretching the bow like a full moon, a sharp arrow filled with fighting spirit flew accurately towards the two-headed ogre priest,

However, the two-headed ogre priest was more stubborn than expected. After sensing the danger, he lay down on the ground to avoid Weru’s arrow.

Several ogres then stood tightly around the two-headed ogre priest, forming an airtight human wall. Weiru completely lost the chance to kill the two-headed ogre priest.

“Damn it.”

Weilu threw away the bow in his hand bitterly, and continued to fight the ogre with his long sword.



“The whole army charges to the flanks!”

After killing an ogre again, Weiru shouted loudly and gave orders to the remaining cavalry.

Seeing another relatively important subordinate being beaten to death by the ogre warriors, Weiru was unable to rescue him. He himself was besieged by two ogre warriors and his fighting energy was too much consumed. At this time, he was already a little Danger abounds.

Weru could only completely give up on breaking through the ogre front and kill the two-headed ogre priest, and instead ordered his men to slightly change the direction of travel. After all, there were only some kobolds on the outside, except for the protection around the two-headed ogre priest. It was so tight that it could not stop the Jingbei Army’s cavalry in other directions.

It is better to wait until the team is organized outside and then charge again than to get stuck in this quagmire.

If the Jingbei Army in Weilu’s direction is only showing a slight decline, then the Jingbei Army in other directions is basically on the verge of collapse.

The first legion is okay. It is the most elite legion of the Jingbei Army. It is also supported by Marquis Wade’s reserve team. Its morale is relatively stable, even if the ogres on the opposite side suddenly become stronger by more than one point. The Legion inflicted heavy casualties, but the soldiers of the First Legion remained tenacious.

But the other two legions could not hold on any longer. The ogres suddenly went berserk and stunned the soldiers in front of them. The soldiers who were thrown away by the ogres caused huge damage to the soldiers behind them. Psychological stress.


Marquis Wade once again killed an ogre warrior and looked up at the battlefield. The situation was worse than he imagined. Weilu, who had high hopes for him, failed to achieve satisfactory results.

“Kill! Those who retreat will die!”

Marquis Wade had no choice at this time but to continue to let the Jingbei Army hold on, although he didn’t know what the red light was,

But the ogre’s state of greatly improved combat power cannot be maintained forever. As long as the ogre’s state subsides, the Jingbei Army will still have a chance.

It has to be said that Marquis Wade is quite insightful and the effect of the two-headed ogre priest’s violent spell will not last more than an hour, and will even cause a period of weakness after the time.

Time has become the key to the entire battle. As long as the Jingbei Army can sustain it until the effect of the violent spell ends, the crisis will naturally be lifted.

Cries of killing and screams echoed over the battlefield. The strengthened ogres were destroying the Jingbei Army’s front line like battlefield bulldozers. Soldiers were constantly being smashed away, and soldiers were mechanically replenished. on,

The two sides are caught in a strange tug of war, but the ogres spend most of their energy, while the Jingbei Army relies on human lives…


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