Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 519: Incoming


The north wind kept pouring into the hall of the City Lord’s Mansion from the outside. This wind no longer had any gentle feeling, but had the coldness of winter wind, which hurt my face.

The guard wanted to close the door to block the cold wind, but Ross stopped him. The cold wind might clear his mind.

At this time, Ross was digesting a piece of information that was even more disturbing to him. According to the soldiers who sent the message, the four giant dragons had left on the first day of winter. According to them, the golden dragon clan was fighting for mankind. The deadline for the battle has come, and it’s time for them to go back. Except for Thor’s golden dragon Asuo and Thor, who were killed on the battlefield, all the other dragons have left.

“When did they leave?”

“That’s early this morning.”

“That means many soldiers saw it, right?”

The person who sent the message did not answer, but Rose’s words were indeed knowingly. In broad daylight, four giant dragons crossed the main city of Longxing Pass and left. Such a big target was probably not only seen by the human soldiers, but also the orcs. It’s time someone saw it.


Ross let out a long breath and tried his best to calm down. Jin Long’s departure was already expected, but he didn’t expect that the other party would leave so decisively, without even a trace of consultation, and leave in such a arrogant manner. It has some impact on morale.

Fortunately, humans now have other dragons. Richard has more dragons under his command, and they are much more reliable than those dragon knights in combat.

“Lord Richard, please let the dragons circle around the city for a while.”

Richard’s body has recovered to the fullest, and he will naturally not miss this kind of military meeting. Sitting side by side with Ross in the main seat of the hall, he heard the giant dragons of the Golden Dragon clan leaving. At that time, there was almost no fluctuation in my heart.

Ross asked him to send the dragon around Longxingguan City to announce to the soldiers the existence of dragons, and he nodded in agreement. This kind of thing was just a piece of cake for him.

At this time, in the hall, in addition to Richard and Rose, there were Natalies and Keshid sitting below, as well as several senior generals from Longxingguan, and an internal official from the royal capital. .

However, the successive kings of the Golden Dragon Kingdom were all very capable monarchs, and at worst they were of average or above-average talent. They did not have the tradition of reusing internal officials, nor would they send supervisors to monitor the army. Most of the time, these internal officials did not They are just microphones. In front of ordinary nobles, these internal officials representing the king are somewhat decent, but in front of nobles of Ross and Richard’s level, the internal officials can only sit at the bottom.

The people with the most say in the entire Longxiguan are the two people on the main seat. Senior officers including Richard are gathered here today. Of course, they are not here specifically to make arrangements for the departure of a few giant dragons. Angry, Rose has more important things to arrange.

The more the orcs calmed down, the more uneasy Ross felt. The orcs had brought many “surprises” to the human army before. Ross actually had no idea how to defend Dragon’s Breath Pass, and more careful arrangements were needed.

“The orc army has been sluggish these days. What do you think?”

When Ross asked, the generals below all looked thoughtful. In fact, they were also thinking. As senior generals at Longxingguan, they were indeed not as optimistic as ordinary soldiers. , the short-term cessation of the orcs’ actions can be said to be a short-term adjustment after the orcs suffered a loss, but as time passed, they began to feel that something was wrong.

A million-strong army stopped in front of Longxi Pass, neither retreating nor attacking. The daily consumption of food and grass was astronomical. The orcs did not have such courage to maintain such consumption. They could only be brewing something bigger. action.

I just know that the orcs can also rely on the Rising Sun Cult to provide some intelligence on humans, and humans’ understanding of the orcs is really dark. It is almost impossible for humans to have any reliable intelligence sources on the orcs. Without enough intelligence, it would be difficult for anyone to accurately judge what the orcs were planning.

“No matter what, the next attack by the orcs will definitely be thunderous. We must continue to strengthen our preparations.”

Under Ross’s glance, a general finally broke the silence and said nonsense.

Ross nodded noncommittally, not knowing what he was thinking. The senior generals below, especially the generals of the Western Army, were like a group of students waiting for the teacher to call their names in front of Ross. Only Li Li, who was sitting next to Ross, Old God Cha narrowed his eyes slightly. In fact, if Richard was asked to speak, he would not be able to say anything more than the general just now. He could only judge that the next offensive of the orcs would be more fierce.

“Lord Peggy, what do you think of the next war?”

As soon as Ross finished speaking, a middle-aged man sitting in the last seat was stunned. He obviously did not expect that Ross would name him and ask him to express his opinion. This fair and tender middle-aged man was sent by the royal capital to contact Long Xiguan. He is just an internal official, nominally responsible for liaison and coordination, but in fact he is just a useless decoration.

He himself knew his position very well, and it was not his turn to comment on military matters, so he immediately said after the initial surprise:

“Your Majesty asked me to only take care of the liaison. The war matters will be decided by Mr. Ross and Mr. Richard. Your Majesty does not have any orders to convey.”

Pecky’s attitude actually represents Ren’s attitude. As the king, Ren delegates the power of command to the generals on the front line. He can only be responsible for the rear wholeheartedly, commanding the army from thousands of miles away. No one with any brains can do this kind of thing. Peggy can only play a coordinating role here, not even supervising the army.

“Then can the nobles on the Central Plains also be under my command?”


Peggy did not follow Rose’s train of thought. Logically speaking, the coach of Longxingguan could only be responsible for commanding the troops on Longxingguan’s defense line. He certainly could not order the nobles and the Kingdom’s garrison on the central plains.

However, Renn had previously ordered all the noble officials on the Central Grand Friend to fully assist the defenders of Longxi Pass, so Peggy replied after hesitating:

“It should be possible…”

“It seems that it won’t work.”

“Let’s do this. In the name of His Majesty, Lord Peki ordered the officials and nobles on the plain to the west to quickly collect food and try to concentrate the food. Don’t leave it in villages and castles. Lay out hay and fire. Oil…”


It was only now that Peggy realized that Ross was waiting for her here, using Ren’s name to give orders to several big cities behind the Central Dragon Breathing Pass. This was too exciting.

Page wanted to refuse instinctively, but Rose immediately said:

“The situation is urgent. Mr. Peggy can immediately send a message to inform His Majesty, but the order must be issued immediately. The military situation cannot be delayed. If Your Majesty blames me, I will bear the responsibility myself.”

After listening to Rose’s words, Richard also understood Rose’s plan. This was the worst plan. After the orcs broke into the Dragon Breathing Pass, they would inevitably face a shortage of food and grass. The orcs’ idea was to break into the Dragon Pass. After breaking the barrier, Ross’s idea was to rob the food on the central plains. Ross’s idea was to gather the food together. If the war went unfavorably, the orcs would not be able to obtain sufficient supplies after breaking the barrier.

Seeing that Peggy was still hesitating, Richard simply said:

“If Your Majesty is to blame, Lord Ross and I will bear the blame together.”

Yes, Peggy didn’t hesitate much now. The two of them nodded at the same time. Even if Ren had to agree in person, how could he be blamed? If these two people were together, they could turn around and knock down the capital. .

“Okay, I’ll go deliver the order right away…”

After saying that, Peggy did not hesitate and immediately turned around to leave. These internal officials sent by Renne all have a decisive spirit. They are usually a bit unsexy, but they are not sloppy when doing things. .



Donling Frontline

The continuous rain finally stopped, and the sky cleared up a little. The continuous precipitation brought not only muddy roads, but also a sudden drop in temperature. Fortunately, the supplies at Longxingguan were quite well prepared, and the human soldiers had all distributed them. Clothes to keep out the cold were now covered with large coats on top of their armor to resist the howling cold wind.

Taize was patrolling the defense line of Dongling with several officers. During the period of retaking the defense line, the human army not only repaired the defense facilities previously destroyed by the orcs, but also deployed many more under the command of Taize. The defensive methods, trenches, traps, and caltrops were so dense that it was simply ridiculous.

The angles of the bed crossbow and Shenwei crossbow are also very tricky, leaving almost no blind spots. This is a line of defense that any general will have a headache if he sees it.

But Taize was still not dissatisfied. After walking around the city wall, he instructed the soldiers around him to strengthen several defensive facilities. This tall barbarian had a more delicate temperament than most generals. Heart.




Just when Taize was about to continue his inspection, a harsh sound sounded. When he looked up, he saw thick smoke rising from more than a dozen observation towers outside at the same time.



Intense dragon roars were heard in the distance at the same time. Hundreds of black spots gradually grew larger from the horizon. The orcs’ all-out attack began without warning…


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