Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 518: Untitled


“Sir Richard, should we rush to Longxi Pass immediately?”

The dim lights in the tavern quickly dimmed after Richard left with the Protector Sword Saint Keshid. Among the seven people, there was no other valuable person except Keshid. At that time, Richard might still try to recruit a few mercenaries who could reach the threshold of knight level, but now that Richard has become wealthy and has a few unstable mercenaries, he is too lazy to spend time to pay attention to them and recruit them. The Protector Sword Saint Keshid then took the other party out of the tavern.

The process of recruiting Keshid was also extremely smooth. After Richard only told him about the current situation of mankind and his identity, the sword master accepted Richard’s recruitment without hesitation. The first sentence is also about asking Richard about the war in Longxiguan.

Richard nodded.

“We will set off immediately and arrive at Longxi Pass before dawn.”

Although the distance between the North Land and Dragon’s Breath Pass is very far, Richard, who has the teleportation skill, can still go back and forth in a short time. It’s not a big problem to bring a Khid now, but it will take a while to recover on the road. Just magic.

Just before leaving, Keshid glanced at the few outstanding swordsmen following Richard, and said in a slightly pityful tone:

“If you can give me more time, they can play a greater role on the battlefield.”

Kshid’s training of outstanding swordsmen into elites is not like the system that upgrades soldiers on the same day, but requires a certain amount of time to train. According to Kshid himself, it will take at least a month. Train these outstanding swordsmen to the elite level.

Now Richard can’t disappear from Dragon’s Breath Pass for a month and wait for Keshid to train the outstanding swordsman. His disappearance for one day is a big deal in Dragon’s Breath Pass, so he can only rush back with Keshid first. Dragon Breath Pass.

Under the dim light, the two disappeared out of thin air, leaving no trace behind. The five outstanding swordsmen were not surprised and followed Richard’s arrangement to report to Catherine who was left behind to enrich Catherine’s strength…


The weather is always sunny and rainy, and it starts to rain lightly before dawn. Many soldiers patrol the pass in the rain, and some are urgently covering the crossbows arranged on the wall with raincloths.

The rain in late autumn is particularly annoying. It has more of an early winter chill than the previous one. After getting wet in the rain and then being blown by the north wind, the biting cold is even unbearable for many strong would-be knights. Many soldiers have fallen ill in the army recently.

However, although the weather is bad, the morale of most of the defenders is pretty good. Most of the haze of Sol’s previous defeat has been swept away. The news of the victory on the northern line has spread to several people at the main gate of Longxi Pass. In a large city, they almost wiped out all the orcs who attacked the northern section of the defense line, and also killed Sean, the orc sky-level general. This victory greatly boosted the morale of the Longxi Pass defenders, and Gru’s name resounded throughout the city. The entire Dragon Breathing Pass.

Shortly after the news of the big victory on the North Road came, Taize created another moderate victory. Under the general trend of the orcs’ full-line attack, they launched a beautiful counterattack and recovered in one round. They broke Dongling’s defense line and pushed the battle line back.

Of course, when mentioning Gru and Taize, everyone will always think of the strongest human being, Lord Richard, the King of the North. These are all Richard’s men, although Richard is recovering from his injuries. It’s been more than a month, but his prestige and presence at Longxingguan are already higher than those of General Ross.

However, Ross himself really doesn’t care about this. The only thing he has to consider is how to defend Dragon’s Breath Pass.

At this time, Ross was braving the rain and patrolling the city on a daily basis. He stopped when passing by a crenel and looked at the direction of the orc army in the distance without saying a word. Different from the optimism of other generals, Ross’ vigilance He never relaxed. He frowned and looked worried, which made the guards beside him a little puzzled.

“Why are you so frowning, sir? The orcs have been defeated twice and have not dared to attack the city for many days. I am afraid they no longer have the ability to attack Longxi Pass.”

The guards on the side were as optimistic as most of the defenders at Longxingguan. The two victories greatly eased their previous pressure under the high-pressure attack of the orcs.

“It’s not that simple. It’s abnormal for the orcs not to attack for several days. When you want to kill the enemy, you should know to take the knife back first and then slash out. Besides, the orcs have no reason to retreat.”

Rose’s thinking is still very clear at this moment. The amount of food and grass that the orcs need to consume to launch such an offensive is absolutely astronomical. With such consumption, it is impossible for the orcs to give up just because of two insignificant defeats. With the Golden Dragon Kingdom The national power of the orcs has been consumed in order to supply the Longxingguan army, which has caused the country to suffer miserably. Launching such a war with the national power of the orcs is no different from gambling on the fate of the country. A gambler who puts all his chips on the gambling table , where is it so easy to stop.

Halfway through Rose’s words, his facial expressions relaxed a lot, while the faces of the soldiers on the side were full of doubts. It was difficult for him to understand things at Rose’s level based on his position.

Ross did not explain much, looking at the quiet sky under the rain, feeling agitated for no reason. If the orcs continued to attack after two rounds of failure, Ross might feel more at ease. The orcs’ actions now are more like temporary The hunter, who had disappeared into the darkness, was waiting for the opportunity to launch a fatal blow at Dragon Breathing Pass.

“Let Sir Richard…”

“Forget it, I’ll go there myself…”

“Go and summon all the commanders of the Western Army who are currently at the main pass of Longxi Pass and ask them to wait outside Lord Richard’s small courtyard.”

“Yes, sir!”




On the outskirts of Monaya, the orc king’s capital, in the White Dragon Valley, a huge dragon roar echoed in the valley. Even the king’s capital not far away could faintly hear this huge roar, and the white dragon living in the valley They all poked their heads out of their caves and unconsciously looked in the direction where the roar came from.

This roar is faintly carrying the pressure of the Holy Order. It is a kind of catharsis and a demonstration. It is telling the white dragon in the valley that a Holy White Dragon has appeared…


The roar of the dragon sounded again, and a huge white dragon stood on the top of the valley. Its size was even larger than the ordinary white dragon. It was only slightly thinner than the previous white dragon king Yamos, but smaller than the previous white dragon king Yamos. Compared with other white dragons, they are all crushing types.

After the second dragon roar sounded, the other white dragons in the valley no longer hesitated. They emerged from their caves and flew towards the top of the valley. At this time, most of the white dragons had gathered here. In the valley, hundreds of white dragons suddenly appeared in the air. The sight was so spectacular that the orc warriors guarding them all became nervous.

At the same time, Gro, who was having breakfast with Haldane in the orc palace, also heard these two huge dragon roars.

“It’s finally done. This little dragon really made me wait.”

Gero was obviously dissatisfied with the speed of Yisier’s breakthrough and thought that the other party wasted too much time. Now it is really time for the Orc Kingdom to race against time. To maintain a million-strong army at Longxing Pass, the food consumed is tens of millions of stones. With the rich accumulation of the Golden Dragon Kingdom, the pressure is so great that the Orcs are already almost ready. It is common for the older orcs to starve to death. Except for the army on the front line, there are starving orcs almost everywhere. The orc kingdom can no longer afford it at Dragon’s Breath Pass.

“What happened?”

The orc king Haldane on the opposite side asked with some confusion.

“Good thing, hasn’t His Majesty been asking recently when he will launch another attack? It’s now!”

“Then I wish the great shaman success.”

Although Haldane didn’t understand what happened specifically, he knew that the Great Shaman was finally willing to lead his troops to attack. It wasn’t him, the king, who was in a hurry to direct the rear. It was because the domestic supplies could not keep up. If the Dragon Breathing Pass is not taken down, the whole country will collapse first. Hearing that Ge Luo said that he was preparing to attack, he immediately expressed his congratulations.

Gero was also aware of the situation in the Orc Kingdom at this time, so he didn’t stay much. He got up and rushed to the White Dragon Valley. However, after taking a few steps, he seemed to think of something again, and turned back to Haldane. .

“Does the Great Shaman have anything else to explain?”

Facing the Great Shaman, Haldane seemed to be used to being humble, and his words and sentences no longer sounded like a king’s.

Gero patted Haldane

“You are the king of the orc kingdom, show your courage that night…”

Haldane: “???”

Gero’s words shocked Haldane. He was about to explain something, but he stopped him with a wave of his hand. Then he continued:

“Don’t shirk the affairs of the Rising Sun Religion Temple, let alone secretly obstruct it. We need the help of the Rising Sun Religion.”



“Do you understand?”

“Don’t worry, Great Shaman, I know what’s going on.”

“I hope that one day, the elders of my tribe will no longer have to leave their tents and walk to the snow in winter…”

“This is also what I hope for…”

Gero nodded to Haldane again, turned around and flew in the direction of the White Dragon Valley. Not long after, a series of roars came from the White Dragon Valley, and a total of two hundred white dragons flew out of the valley. Fly quickly towards the direction of Longxing Pass…




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