Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 516: Angel League



Different from the tense atmosphere at Longxing Pass and the Central Plains to its west, the atmosphere in the entire Northland, including the newly incorporated river valleys, is very relaxed, and the lives of the people are not much different from before.

In addition to the fact that the Northland is further away from Longxing Pass, there is also the reason why the Hunter family group has been very effective in governing the Northland. The Northland and the River Valley have basically been separated from the rule of the kingdom’s nobles, and the people are under much less pressure. .

The civilians on the Central Plains have been forced to bear more taxes and are even considering whether to abandon their land and flee. However, the farmers in the Northland are considering whether to bite the bullet and send their children to college in advance after this year’s autumn harvest. Recognizing these two words will lay the foundation for becoming a knight in the future.

At this time, night has fallen, but the surroundings are very lively. Outside the Stone Castle is Miracle City. As the capital of the North, Miracle City is a city where the curfew has been cancelled. At night, it is also brightly lit, creating a bustling and prosperous city. Although the scale of the scene is not as good as that of Golden Dragon City, it has shown greater vitality.

The reason why most cities had curfews in ancient times was mainly because the control capabilities of ancient yamen were weak. It was difficult to deal with various emergencies at night, and lights could easily cause fires. Even in modern society, fires are very dangerous. In ancient societies with backward productivity, a fire might have affected two streets or even half of the city. It is no wonder that the ancient rulers did not pay attention to it. In addition, there may be hostile forces and spies who may cause damage at night. For such matters, most cities in ancient times would choose a simple and direct method, curfew.

But as modern people, we all understand that nightlife is an important part of spiritual life, and the economic benefits it generates are enough to increase the city’s fiscal revenue by a large margin, so there is no curfew in Miracle City.

Of course, in addition to subjective factors such as Richard’s advanced ideas, Miracle City also has its objective conditions for opening a curfew. This city with a statue of the ancient water **** Lise naturally does not exist under the protection of Lise. The danger of widespread fires.

The efficiency of Miracle City’s urban management system is also several levels higher than other cities of the same era. These management talents trained by the college are distributed in various positions in the city, just like parts on precision instruments, making the entire city efficient. operation, there is no situation that cannot be managed at night.

“Toys, candy figures…”

The hawker walked through the streets, carrying a heavy burden, but he walked very steadily. Although his head was sweating, he had a smile on his face. It was obvious that his business was good tonight.

Most of the first residents of Miracle City were dignitaries from the North, with absolutely first-class spending power. Most of the first people to do business here, as long as they were not too stupid or too unlucky, could Make money.

“Come in and take a rest.”

The hawker passed by a house with dazzling lights, and a pleasant female voice came. He turned sideways and saw several beautiful women at the door of the building soliciting customers. The woman who spoke looked at him and said something. Blinked.

The hawker swallowed first, paused for a second, and then ran away, including Fei. This kind of gold sales cave was not something he, a hawker, was willing to spend. A burst of female laughter also came from behind, obviously looking for fun at his expense. Their targets are still those high-class people in fine clothes and leather shoes.


At this time, there was a different scene in the Stone Fortress separated by a wall from the Miracle City. Because of the isolation of the inner and outer cities, the Stone Fortress was still extremely silent. Only a very small number of residents served in the temple, and most of them were These patrolling system soldiers barely make any sound except for the sound of footsteps.

Richard was sitting in the huge stone castle, and his mood was as beautiful as the bustling scene of Miracle City. He saw Richard holding a blue giant sword in his right hand, and the other hand was gently stroking along the sword’s body. , as if caressing his lover, and the crazy expression on his face made Grandet next to him feel a little hairy.

But Richard’s attention was all on the huge blue sword in his hand, and he didn’t care at all about Grandet’s reaction.

“Artifact: Alliance of Angels

Effect 1: All attributes of the carried hero +10

Effect 2: At the beginning of the battle, a prayer effect will be provided to all friendly units that lasts for ten hours. “(Prayer: Level 4 magic, greatly increasing the attack, defense, and speed of the target unit)

Effect 3: Excited, greatly improving the morale of your own units and friendly forces on the battlefield.

Effect 4: Angelic Asylum. If the carrier dies, the Angelic Asylum will be immediately triggered and resurrected in the best condition (cooling time: one week)

Effect 5: Sharp, this is an indestructible artifact with the ability to greatly increase the intensity of fighting spirit. ”

After another month, Richard returned to the Stone Castle on time without any delay. The treasures refreshed in the market did not disappoint. Richard teleported back thousands of miles away, and finally the Angel Alliance components appeared. The last treasure, Richard immediately synthesized the Angel Alliance after purchasing the treasure, which is the blue giant sword that Richard now holds.

Bright blue light was faintly flowing on the giant sword. It looked like it was not a mortal thing. It immediately compared with Richard’s original Vulcan Sword. The effect was even more dazzling than its appearance.

The basic effect of adding ten to all attributes can greatly improve Richard’s four-dimensional attributes, directly pushing Richard’s strength to the top of the realm of holy power. In Richard’s eyes, this effect is still relatively average. Effect.

The most terrifying effect of the Angel Alliance is the group prayer effect. As long as he stands on the battlefield holding the Angel Alliance, all the system soldiers in the entire battlefield are equivalent to automatically bringing a level 4 buff magic, making the entire hero invincible. In the magic system, level five is the highest level, and level four magic can be considered advanced magic. This kind of advanced gain magic could only be released on a small scale by heroes to some high-level troops, but with the Angel Alliance, However, the rain and dew are all affected, and all system soldiers on the battlefield have a share.

Units such as the lowest-level halberdier, with the addition of various hero attributes and treasure attributes, already have the peak strength of quasi-knights. Those quasi-knights trained by big aristocratic families since childhood are nothing more than At this level, if they add a fourth-level prayer technique, these halberdiers are fully qualified to challenge knights.

Because the bonus of prayer is a fixed value rather than a proportional bonus, it has a very obvious improvement for low- and mid-level system soldiers below level five. Crusaders who are already at the peak of knight-level combat power will have After the bonus of prayer, it is not a problem to fight a big knight alone. After the sixth level soldier, the effect gradually decreases, but it is still a good bonus.

The key is that this prayer technique is basically fixed. It will be released automatically at the beginning of the battle. The judgment of the beginning of the battle is very spiritual. Anyway, as long as there is a battle, the system soldiers under Richard will definitely use it when the Angel Alliance is present. The bonus of the prayer spell lasts for ten hours. With such a long duration, a battle can end several times.

As for excitement, this effect of increasing morale is equally powerful. Although the morale of all system soldiers is constantly high, the scope of excitement is not limited to system soldiers. All friendly forces can be affected by the effect of excitement. Dragon The ordinary soldiers in Xiguan and the hundreds of thousands of local legions in the North can also receive a morale boost from the Angel Alliance.

On the contrary, the last angel’s protection is a skill that is somewhat useful, but not very useful. This effect is similar to the resurrection of the archangel. With Richard’s caution, there is always an archangel on the battlefield to save him for resurrection. technique.

However, considering that if the battle is too fierce, the archangels may be collectively killed, the final effect of the angel’s protection can be regarded as another insurance for Richard’s safety.

After seeing the effects of the Angel Alliance, Richard stood up again, danced a few times with a sword, and felt the weight of the Angel Alliance.

The fierce sword power erupted with the sound of swords in the air, and as soon as the fighting spirit circulated, the blue angel alliance shone brightly.

“Just right.”

After dancing for a few times, Richard put away the Angel Alliance with some lingering thoughts. The weight of the sword was much heavier than that of the Vulcan Sword. As Richard’s strength grew, the Vulcan Sword was already somewhat It’s lighter, now I just feel that this Angel League is extremely smooth.

After putting away the Angel League, Richard finally turned his attention to other products. There should be other good products this month…




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