Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 514: Servant


“Dragon-hunting crossbow!”

“Let it go!”

“Buzz, buzz, buzz…”

A string of giant arrows were shot from all directions in the valley towards the white dragon in the air. Whenever a white dragon tried to gain altitude, it would be hit by a dragon-hunting crossbow if it left the range of the White Dragon Valley.

Normally, there is nothing that an army of more than 100,000 orcs can do against the White Dragon. After all, as long as the White Dragon wants to run away and refuses to fight you, you have a bunch of ground troops and no matter how many anti-air weapons are of no use. Let’s attack in the air.

But this time is different. Although the White Dragon Valley is named after the word “White Dragon”, it is actually a cage prepared by the orcs and Adelillo for the white dragon. The orcs have arranged two or three cages here. Yue, how could Bailong escape so easily, and with Gro, who was showing off his power in the air, Bailong, who had just tried to break through the blockade of Adelillo and Gro, was instantly killed and injured.


The Spear of GPU is not just a simple weapon. As a weapon of the God of Orcs, the Spear of GPU almost provides a steady stream of power to Gro, which forcibly elevates Gro’s strength to the level of jealousy. Although the level is forcibly raised to a state that is not comparable to the state of Aragorn at his peak, it is definitely the most powerful force in this era. High-level dragon clans such as the Golden Dragon and the Red Dragon may not necessarily have strong men of this level. .

Gero held the spear in one hand and pierced a white dragon that rushed toward him with one blow. The short green spear directly broke through the white dragon’s hardest skull, causing half of the opponent’s head to explode, and he heard a continuous sound. He fell to the ground without even letting out a scream.

Gero’s other hand was not idle either. He dodged two dragon breaths at a ghostly speed and directly penetrated the tail of a white dragon. He reached out and grabbed the tail of the white dragon.

Next, Grotto threw the caught white dragon up like a meteor hammer. His huge strength left the white dragon, which was more than ten times his size, defenseless and unable to escape even with its crazy flapping wings. The command was used as a weapon to throw out, and within seconds he had a close contact with another white dragon.

The huge impact knocked both white dragons to pieces, and they fell to the ground together. Even if they did not die, they would not be able to fight in a short time.

Isl on the side couldn’t help but feel sour when he saw Gro’s violent fighting style. Gro’s strength was stronger than he expected. His strength was not qualitative compared to other white dragons. The difference is that if Gro can easily deal with other white dragons, he can also deal with him.

Twenty or thirty of the more than two hundred white dragons have been lost. Some injured white dragons let out painful whimpering sounds at the bottom of the valley, completely losing the dragon’s pride of being aloof, although there are still a lot of white dragons left. , it is not that he has no strength to fight, but Yisl was frightened by Gro’s strength, and most of his fighting spirit was gone. Not only did he not take the initiative to join the battle, but he had already begun to think about how to compromise.

“Perhaps we should put some conditions?”

“Elder Yisr, be careful!”


Although Isl was afraid and did not immediately join the siege of Gro, Gro was not a fool who would just stand around and be besieged. After dealing with several white dragons, Gro directly Several white dragons passed through the gaps between them and arrived in front of Yisir at an extremely fast speed. The speed of the Holy Level Jealousy Realm was beyond what Yisr could react to.

When Israel saw Gro’s figure, Gro’s fists had already hit his face.


The huge force hit Yisir a little dazed, his whole head was buzzing, and he was lucky that he didn’t faint from being hit directly.

Before Isr could recover from the punch, Gro’s fist hit Isr like raindrops again. The huge difference in strength between the two made Isr unable to even parry. Just stand up and get beaten. If Gro hadn’t restrained himself a little and didn’t want to take Yisir’s life directly, he could have taken Yisl’s life with one blow from the Gru’s Spear.



After beating Isl and spitting blood out of his mouth, Gro finally stopped the attack. He opened his arms and hugged Isl who was still struggling, and slammed it to the ground, carrying him up. A lot of dust.

“Pause, Elder Israel seems to want to say something.”

Almost all the pressure of the battle was borne by Gro. Adelillo on the other side had time to observe the battle on Gro’s side. Seeing Israel being beaten into such a miserable state by Gro, he still said something. A reminder, if Gro fails to stop and beats the opponent to death, they will not be able to find a suitable white dragon to control the entire white dragon clan.

Gero heard the sound and finally stopped attacking. At this time, Yisir was already covered in bruises. Although Gro’s unarmed attack was not as fatal as with the Gru’s Spear, it brought extreme damage to Yisir. Huge pain, more than a quarter of the dragon scales on the body were broken, blood kept flowing along the scars, both eyes were swollen, at least half of the teeth in the mouth were broken, and blood foam continued. came out, the internal and external injuries were not serious, and he still had a breath of life left.

“Stop fighting, stop fighting, the White Dragon clan is willing to abide by the covenant…”

Isr, who finally had a chance to speak, immediately begged for mercy in a weak voice, and was no longer as irritable as before. In the face of death, the arrogance of the Dragon Clan is really nothing, and besides, it was Bai Long who was almost punished. A giant dragon planted on Yalong.

Hearing Isl’s begging for mercy, the white dragons who had been frightened by Gro also stopped attacking. Adrilo calmly fell to the ground from mid-air and walked to Isl. Standing in front of the huge dragon head, he said:

“Wouldn’t it be better to do this earlier? You have to suffer a crime. Fortunately, His Majesty Gero has a good temper, otherwise you would be a corpse now.”

I am not far from a corpse now.

Isl opened his eyes with difficulty and looked at the two people in front of him. Gro still held the short spear tightly, looking like he was ready to fight at any time. Yisl shuddered when he saw him, and he was also touched by Gro. The psychological shadow came, and he never wanted to experience the despair of being beaten passively without the ability to fight back. Perhaps the leader of the Golden Dragon who was beaten by Aragorn could understand Gro’s feelings.

“Place all your tribesmen in the White Dragon Valley. Daily food will be provided by the orcs. They are not allowed to leave without authorization. In two days, you will personally bring one hundred and fifty white dragons to Longxi Pass to join the battle.”

“Sir Adriello, it will be difficult to lead the tribe to fight in two days.”

Isl, who was lying on the ground, struggled to make a sound. It was not that he had the courage to refuse Adelillo, but that he really couldn’t do it. Not to mention that he was seriously injured at this time and would not recover at all in a few days. , he doesn’t have the prestige of Yamos now, who can subdue all the different voices in the tribe and directly lead most of the tribe to join the war.

Adrilo glanced at Yisier and roughly understood what was going on.

Then he took out a dragon crystal from his hand and threw it to the other party. Yisl almost subconsciously swallowed the dragon crystal into his mouth.

“This is the dragon crystal left by Yamos. Digest it in these two days. In two days, I want to see you leading your tribe to the war.”

All holy dragons will produce dragon crystals, and Yamos is certainly no exception. Yamos died in battle and his body fell into the orc army outside Longxi Pass. It was impossible for Richard to go and search for the body. So Adelillo was asked to recover the dragon crystal, and even the scales of the Dragon God were returned to Adelillo’s hands.

Dragon crystal is used by dragons at the peak of the sky level of the same race. It can quickly help the opponent enter the holy level. Although the strength is definitely not as good as the natural promotion of the holy level, it can at least save hundreds of years of accumulation. Time comes, which is definitely a good thing for the dragon stuck at the critical point of the peak of the sky level. Of course, it’s just a bit useless.

After Isl swallowed the dragon crystal, he instinctively began to absorb the energy from the dragon crystal. Because it was also a white dragon’s dragon crystal, Isr absorbed it very smoothly, and the pure power spread to every part of his body. At this point, the body that was originally bruised by Gro’s beating began to recover. First, the bleeding stopped, and then the broken scales began to fall off at a speed visible to the naked eye, and new dragon scales grew.

At this rate of recovery, Isl will definitely be able to recover from his injuries within two days, and his strength will be just as strong as before. It is even possible for him to enter the holy level as long as he is given some time to digest the energy of the dragon crystal. .

“I understand, Bai Long will be there on time in two days.”

Although he recovered from his injuries, Israel, who had been educated by Gro Iron Fist, no longer dared to maintain his previous arrogance and arrogance. He lay on the ground obediently and obeyed Adelillo’s order.

Even after getting this dragon crystal, Isl’s inner resistance to fighting was no longer so strong. After all, in the face of the benefits of being promoted to the holy level, losing a few tribesmen was nothing.

“By the way, you should want this too, right?”

Adillo turned around as if he suddenly remembered something, and took out the Dragon God’s Scale from his body. Although this thing is not as good as the artifact in Gro’s hand, it is still worthy for the giant dragon. The above is a treasure. If you get this Dragon God Scale, it will definitely be of great benefit to Yisr.

Isr, who was still pretending to be cowardly on the ground, immediately became energetic. His eyes were fixed on the scales held by Adrilo in his hand. His desire was completely unhidden. If force allowed, Isr would I will definitely grab it directly without hesitation.

Unfortunately, due to the huge disparity in force, Yisr could only stare at the Dragon God and did not dare to take action. In the end, it gradually turned into a desire to please.


Adrilo ignored Yisl’s longing eyes, chuckled lightly and took the Dragon God Scale back into his arms.

“When the Dragon’s Breath Pass is breached, this Dragon God’s Scale will be yours.”

“You take a good rest. In two days, I want to see Bailong appear on the front line.”


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