Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 513: White Dragon’s movements


Near the Orc King’s Capital, in the White Dragon Valley.

This is a forbidden land for the orcs, and has been used to house the white dragons that migrated from the snowy fields. Hundreds of white dragons migrated here and there, especially after Yamos was promoted to the holy level. , the number of white dragons living in the White Dragon Valley reached its peak, and most of the white dragons moved here. Cave after cave was dug out on the mountain wall, and the White Dragon clan even planned to settle down for a long time.

After all, although the weather here is a bit hotter, it is still on a plateau after all, so the heat doesn’t get much hotter. The white dragon’s body can withstand it. There are orcs living here who constantly provide meat. There is no need for Bailong to hunt by himself. When he was driven to the edge of the snowfield by the snow giant, Bailong never had enough food. If he didn’t have enough prey, he would always be hungry.

When we arrived at the orcs, the orcs were completely supported by the whole country. They provided Bailong with thousands of cattle and sheep every day. This kind of life where he could get a lot of food without going out to hunt was actually not a bad idea in Bailong’s opinion. pretty good.

It wasn’t until Yamos died and the white dragons who followed the battle suffered a lot of casualties that the white dragons came to their senses. The orcs did not support them unconditionally, they had to risk their lives.

At this time, all the white dragons in the White Dragon Valley, including the injured, gathered at the top of the White Dragon Valley. At a glance, at least two hundred white dragons gathered here.

“Elder Yisrael, shall we leave now?”

“Go back to the snowy plain immediately. Don’t hesitate any longer. If you wait any longer, I’m afraid you won’t be able to leave.”

The White Dragon Clan has a total of three elder-level dragons. Their strength is at the peak of the Sky Level. They are not much different from the strength of Yamos before he obtained the Dragon Crystal. They have a large say in the White Dragon Clan. Until After Yamos was promoted to the holy level, the White Dragon clan basically became Yamos’s one-spoken family. But now that Yamos is dead and one of the White Dragon elders who participated in the battle is dead and one is injured, Yisl has become the most prestigious talker in the White Dragon Valley.

The reason why Isl used the majesty of his elders to gather the remaining white dragons together today is also very simple. He wanted to take the remaining white dragons away from here and return to his old nest in the snowy field.

“But, Chief Yamos has an agreement with the orcs…”

“Yamos is dead. For his own benefit, he risked the safety of the whole clan. Do you still regard such a guy as the clan leader?”

Isr was unwilling to let the white dragon get involved in the muddy waters of the conflict between the orcs and the humans from the beginning, but the holy-level Yamos was not something that any white dragon in the clan could question. Now that Yamos is dead, Only Yisr dared to stand up and question Yamos’s decision.

As soon as Isl finished speaking, the other white dragons no longer questioned. The white dragon that hesitated before was actually just a little bit greedy for the life of being provided with food every day. Seeing Isl’s attitude was so determined, he stopped speaking. Objection, after all, the one with the biggest fist here is Isl.

“If there is no doubt, prepare to leave. Go and join the tribesmen on the snowfield as soon as possible. If you are late, you may not be able to leave.”

“Where is Elder Yisrael going?”

Just when Isr was about to leave with Bai Long, a voice came from the air and interrupted their actions. After hearing this familiar voice, Isr secretly screamed that something was wrong. This is The voice of that divine messenger Adelillo.

Looking back following the voice, I saw Adelillo floating in the air, with an old orc beside him. The two of them came to the White Dragon Valley at some point, surrounded by two hundred people. The multi-headed white dragon didn’t even notice.

At the same time, the orc army that was originally guarding outside the valley also broke in. At least more than 100,000 orc troops entered the valley. A large number of bed crossbows and dragon hunting crossbows that were originally hidden were revealed, and they were all pointed at the top of the valley. The white dragons above.

It was not a simple matter to hide so many bed crossbows and dragon hunting crossbows. If Bailong had paid more attention, he might have noticed it. However, Bailong had always looked down on the orcs before, and there was no such thing. After paying attention to what the orc garrison was doing outside the valley, the orcs completely turned the White Dragon Valley into half a prison. These white dragons did not know it. It was not until the orc army surrounded them that the white dragon discovered that there was actually something in the valley. There are so many murder weapons hidden.

“What do you mean, Mr. Adriello? We just miss the snowfield and plan to go back and have a look.”

After seeing Adelillo and the old orc, Israel was instinctively angry at first. Because the force is strong enough, the dragon has always had a bad temper. Even the golden dragon, which is known for its gentleness, has to be smoothed down. Dissatisfaction often comes out of nowhere.

Although the White Dragon is not as powerful as the Golden Dragon, its character is more cruel and violent. As soon as Isl was interrupted by Adelillo, he had the urge to spray out a breath of dragon breath.

But fortunately, the dragon is wise after all, and can finally use reason to suppress his cruel instincts. Israel has seen the power of Adelillo and the old orc, and suppressed his urge to breathe dragon breath. , patiently making excuses for the White Dragon clan to leave. On the other hand, the other white dragons around them glared at the two in the sky, and some even bared their teeth, as if they were about to attack. These ordinary white dragons with lower strength also had low intelligence, but were more dominated by instinct.

“Go back? The agreement between the White Dragon Clan and me has not been completed yet. Did my Lord’s things come for free?”

“But, Patriarch Yamos is dead…”

Adillo still shook his head.

“Just because he is dead doesn’t mean you can violate the covenant…”

“We have no intention of violating the covenant, we just want to return to the snowfield first. The weather here is too hot, and the tribesmen are not used to it.”

Isr told some clumsy lies, and it was really difficult for them to let the dragon who was used to settling disputes with dragon breath lie.

And Adelillo was completely indifferent, standing in the sky, looking at Israel like he was a fool.

While the two sides were talking, the orc army was gradually approaching, and the situation became increasingly unfavorable to Bai Long.

“Adrillo, don’t go too far, we, the White Dragon Clan, are not your servants!”

Adrilo’s attitude also made Israel angrier and angrier. His impulsive and violent instincts became increasingly uncontrollable, and he even had the idea of ​​using force.

Although Adelillo is strong, there are two hundred white dragons here. Even if it is a saint-level powerhouse, two hundred white dragons can defeat the opponent. The only problem is the size of the loss.

“Tear him to pieces!”

Isr knew that the situation was impossible, so he decided with a sudden heart and gave the order to attack to the white dragons around him. He would not let Adelillo retreat in spite of the difficulties. I am afraid they would not be able to leave so easily.


After Isl issued a clear command to attack, the surrounding white dragons that had been eager to attack suddenly rushed towards the two figures in the air like wild horses. They had long disliked Adelillo.


In an instant, more than ten white dragon breaths were sprayed towards the positions of Adelillo and Gro.

It was impossible for Adelillo and Gro to receive more than ten dragon breaths head-on. The moment a dozen dragon breaths came out, Adelillo and Gro got out of the way in advance and appeared in the air. the other side.

The white dragons pursued him relentlessly, as if they wanted to carry out Yisl’s orders to the end.

It’s just that neither Adelillo in the sky nor the old orc Gro is a person who just takes a beating without fighting back. Seeing that Bailong dared to attack them, Adelillo pulled out a long red whip from his waist, and The short spear in Gro’s hand glowed with green light, and strings of mysterious runes loomed around the short spear…



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