Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 512: Compromise


The orc camp, with dozens of miles of battalions stretching endlessly, has mountains of siege equipment, and there are at least a hundred towering wells at a glance. Military weapons such as dragon-hunting crossbows are also used by the orcs without reservation. were pushed to the front line, and the densely packed Moriel did not dare to invade with the dragon. There were countless other equipment such as catapults and ladders, and the orc craftsmen continued to build them, far from being led by Sean on the northern line. The orc army can compare.

A million orcs gathered in front of the main gate of Dragon’s Breath Pass alone. The daily consumption of food and grass made the orc kingdom, which had been tightening its belt for more than ten years, unable to bear it. Once the war came to a standstill, the orcs’ top brass would As anxious as an ant on a hot pot, the orcs appear to be powerful but are actually only capable of one strike.

At this time, a group of orc officers were sitting together with serious faces, and sitting above them was the orc great shaman or the former orc king Gray.

“Master Great Shaman, there is a military report from the front. Humanity has launched a counterattack in the Dongling area. The previously captured defense line has been taken back by humans.”

“In other words, in these few days, the army not only failed to make substantial progress, but also lost the defense line it had previously captured?”

The Great Shaman only mentioned the battle on the front line of Dongling. As for the annihilation of the entire army on the North Road, it was not that the Great Shaman was not angry, but that even Sean, who was responsible for the defeat, had died in the battle. This fire Now that Sean can no longer be blamed, he can only let the orc generals at Longxing Pass be used as a punching bag.

“Sir, humans have giant dragons participating in the battle, but we do not have white dragons to help us fight, so we are very passive.”


“Would it be impossible to fight without the support of a dragon? How were we fought in the past?”

The Great Shaman is in a very bad mood now. His previous battle with Richard, which was clearly a sure win, was turned upside down. He was forced to use his secret skills and paid a high price before successfully escaping. And the unlucky guy Yamos was even more upset. It was a direct loss of life.

Although the great shaman basically recovered his strength in the following days, he did not dare to take action easily again. Even if he knew what potion the opponent most likely used to increase his strength, he was not willing to risk his own life. , Not all orcs are not afraid of death. People who live longer have a greater desire for life. What’s more, the great shaman can even be said to be a second-generation human being, and he cherishes his life even more.

But just because he is cowardly does not mean that he can tolerate the cowardice of his subordinates. Originally, he was counting on the masters of both sides not to take action, relying on the orcs’ general momentum to level the opponent, but how could he have imagined that the war has been going on for so long, not only is there nothing Although there has been great progress, there have also been several local counterattacks by humans. If this pace continues, the Orc Kingdom will not be able to enter Dragon Breath Pass until all the accumulated supplies are used up.

However, the orc generals are actually aggrieved. Although in the past, when they faced off against humans, their opponents also had giant dragons participating in the battle, but those cowardly dragons could not compare with the poisonous dragons and ancient dragons brought by Moriel. The previous golden dragons and green dragons, Those are those who are unwilling to fight desperately. They have to be coaxed when going into battle. They are reluctant to use the dragon-hunting crossbows of the orcs when they encounter them. Although it is difficult to deal with them, it is not particularly uncomfortable.

The dragon led by Moriel was not afraid of sacrifice and was truly ruthless in fighting. Its strength and fighting determination were not on the same level. In fact, it was much more difficult to deal with than the previous dragon knights.

However, these orc generals did not dare to find excuses in front of the great shaman, they only dared to lower their heads and be scolded. The following orc generals are all experts at the peak of the Earth Knights. Those who can sit here are basically high-ranking officers of the kingdom. At this time, they dare not even speak out in front of the great shaman.

“Master Great Shaman, give us a little more time, we will definitely be able to break through the Dragon’s Breath Pass!”

“We will organize an attack tomorrow to retake the defense line of Dongling first, using three legions…”

“How sure are you?”

The great shaman interrupted an orc general’s long plan and directly asked him how sure he was. This question stopped him. He hesitated for a long time before speaking.

“50% sure.”

“Is it really 50%?”


It is definitely an exaggeration to say that the 50% certainty is true. Taize’s command of the orcs is basically good. In addition, the opponent has several dragons to help. It is a bit scary to think about taking away the defense line from the opponent. numb. Although the great shaman was angry, he was not unclear about the current situation. When he heard that the other party said he was 50% sure, he knew it was an exaggeration.

“Don’t be the commander of Aker’s regiment. Go to the Pioneer Battalion and be the captain first.”

“Thank you, Great Shaman!”

Akel, who originally commanded an army of more than 100,000, was promoted to captain in one fell swoop. However, Akel himself did not dare to show any dissatisfaction. After all, with the great shaman’s current power, even if Killing him is just a matter of words. If you go to the vanguard and become a captain, you still have a chance to make meritorious deeds again.

“Stop the attack temporarily and let the troops rest for a few days.”

Although the orcs are short of supplies, the food preparations for a country of this level are not bad these days. When there is no improvement, the great shaman does not want the orc soldiers to waste their lives in vain.

And the change he needs must find another person.

When the orc generals left the tent, a figure appeared in the tent.

“Your Majesty the Great Shaman, or should I call you His Majesty Gro?”

“This is not important. Now the war has reached a stalemate, which is very detrimental to our clan. We must find a way to break the stalemate.”

Humanity would definitely like to see this waste of national power. Humanity’s food harvest can even last for two or three years. If the orcs cannot enter Dragon’s Breath Pass, they will starve if they cannot survive the winter.

“Then have you thought about my request?”


The Great Shaman also thought about it for a while. After all, establishing the Rising Sun Religion as the state religion and allowing and supporting its preaching would be inviting wolves into the house no matter how you think about it. This is a completely different concept from the previous cold treatment.

Originally, the great shaman hoped that the orc army could crush the humans and break the Dragon’s Breath Pass, so that he would not have to reach a compromise with Adelillo. After all, he thought, the humans had lost many troops in the previous round of attack. The coach is also dead. Logically speaking, the defensive strength of Longxingguan should be extremely weak. Even if Yamos is defeated here, Longxingguan should be broken by conventional force alone.

Unfortunately, there is a Richard on the human side who has been breaking common sense. He not only added a large amount of high-end combat power to the human army, but also narrowed the strength gap between the human army and the orc army. In addition, key There was also a Taize in the position who only wanted to play defensive battle t0, but he forced the orcs to hit his head and make any progress at Longxingguan.

The defeat of the North Road, coupled with Taize’s counterattack at Longxiang Pass, made the great shaman no longer have much hope in relying solely on the orc army to break through Longxing Pass and defeat mankind, and instead continued to seek Ah DeLillo’s help, even if he knew it was to drink poison to quench his thirst, the great shaman had no choice. Adelillo may also want to deal with humans, but obviously the other side is more patient than him, and the orcs don’t have much time.

Seeing that the great shaman nodded and agreed to his conditions, Adelillo directly grabbed a short spear from mid-air.

The appearance of the short spear is light green, with a shimmering light, and a circle of mysterious runes is looming on the surface. At first glance, it is not an ordinary thing.

Adillo played with the short spear in his hand for a while, then threw it to the great shaman in front of him.

The great shaman first took the short spear into his hand, but Adriello’s next words made his hand tremble and he almost dropped the short spear to the ground.

“This is the original weapon of your orc god. He has been kind to you orcs. This weapon should be able to exert its greatest power in the hands of the orcs.”

“Is this a weapon that Mr. GPU once used?”

The great shaman held the short spear in his hand blankly, still digesting a lot of information, and Adriello added.

“Get familiar with how to use weapons as soon as possible. Although the orc **** died in the Twilight of the Gods caused by the mad emperor, the weapons he left behind can still exert a certain power and have extra favor for you orcs. .”

Then, Adelillo seemed to remember something again and added again.

“By the way, your body may not be able to withstand the consumption of the GPU Spear. If you use the GPU Spear again, you won’t die completely, right?”

“Don’t worry, I will live well until I destroy the human kingdom.”

The great shaman raised his head, and his expression finally returned to normal. After all, he was a man who had experienced big storms, and his surprise was only temporary. He quickly began to study the use of the short spear.

Looking at the calm-looking Great Shaman, Adelillo realized something.

“It seems that His Majesty Gro has found a new candidate.”

At this time, Adelillo no longer called the other party the Great Shaman, but directly called him by the name of the orc king hundreds of years ago.

The great shaman did not refute, but continued to study the GPU Spear in his hand, which was regarded as acquiescing to Adriello’s statement.

Communicating with ancestral spirits is an extremely sacred thing among the orcs, and the great shaman is therefore extremely respected. However, in fact, the arrival of the ancestral spirits is an extremely cruel thing. The arrival of the ancestral spirits has serious consequences for the great shaman himself. It is a huge physical burden, and the initiative after the advent does not lie with the great shaman, but in the hands of the ancestral spirits. Now it is really inappropriate to call him the great shaman…


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