Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 511: Main level


At the same time, Richard, who was far away at the main level of Dragon’s Breath Pass, also knew about Gru’s promotion to the holy level. The status of all heroes in the system was clearly displayed on the panel. As long as Richard You can tell by paying a little attention.

Compared to the mountains of corpses and seas of blood on the front line, the small courtyard where Richard was located had a different scene. The sunlight put a golden edge on everything in the courtyard, and the flowers and plants in the courtyard were soft in the breeze. Shaking it gently makes people just want to lie down on the chair and be a salted fish.

Richard was slumped on the chair at this time. The maid on the side would bring a peeled fruit to Richard’s mouth from time to time. In this comfortable life, it was hard to tell that Richard was here to fight. After swallowing a After picking up the fruit, a smile appeared on Richard’s face. He had another holy-level warrior under his command, which was something worth celebrating.

Natalis on the side is loyally waiting by Richard’s side. There is no way. Richard used the magic potion this time, which did a lot of damage to his body. Although he has regained his ability to move, his combat effectiveness has still not been completely restored. , it is difficult to deal with a sky. In addition to the thousands of Western Border troops on the periphery as a guard force, there must also be a powerful bodyguard to ensure its safety.

“Did Mr. Richard think of anything happy?”

Although Natalie has a cold personality, she and Li Cha can still chat occasionally, and she is a little curious when she sees Richard suddenly laughing for no reason.

“Well, Gru has been promoted to the holy level, so my pressure should be less in the future.”

Richard is not afraid that his heroes will surpass him in strength, and he even wishes that they would all enter the holy level, so that he would not have to fight against the strong ones at the front and in every battle.

However, when Natalis heard the news, her expression changed slightly. When it comes to the desire for strength, Natalis is undoubtedly the most eager among the group of heroes. Originally, she was also the strongest under Richard. With combat power, he had always been the strongest man under Richard’s command who was most likely to step into the holy level first. Unexpectedly, he was left behind by Gru at this time.

“Master Richard, I…”

“Don’t worry. With your accumulation, you will be able to level up in at most one more battle. The Holy Level is also a matter of course. When Moriel comes back, you can bring a few angels to help Taize fight.”

“Yes, sir!”

Recently, Natalies and Moriel have been taking turns fighting. Richard’s strength has been damaged. Even under the protection of a flag regiment of the Western Army, he cannot leave any protective power behind. Either Moriel leads Poisonous dragons and ancient dragons were around, or Natalis and several archangels stayed behind to ensure Richard’s safety.

At this time, Moriel was assisting the defense with some of the remaining dragons. Although the orcs attacked fiercely as a whole during this period, under Taize’s command, the defense around the main pass of Dragon’s Breath Pass was almost impeccable. In addition to paying a lot of casualties, the orcs made few substantive breakthroughs.

On the front line of Longxi Guandong Ridge, fierce shouts of killing continued, and the lazy autumn day could not reduce the intensity of the war at all.

A sudden counterattack was completely unexpected by the orcs. Taize was originally responsible for guarding the Dongling line. The orcs were unable to attack for a long time. Later, due to problems with other defense lines, in order to avoid being outflanked by the orcs, Taize Ordered to voluntarily give up Dongling’s defense line.

After Taize led the army to withdraw, the orc army settled in Dongling as a matter of course. The defense line of Dongling was aimed at the east. Attacking from the east was quite laborious, but the west was also Dragon Breath. In the direction of Guan, Dongling is almost open and undefended.

Logically, even if the orcs captured Dongling, they should have taken more precautions. However, due to their confidence in their own combat power, the orcs did not believe that humans would dare to attack after they had just retreated. This led to the invasion of Dongling. The orcs were unprepared for the attack.

But they don’t know what kind of existence the general they face is. It is true that Taize is good at defense, but this defense is definitely not a rigid defense. Instead, when you seize the opportunity, you must give the attacker a hard blow, weaken the opponent’s strength, and damage the opponent’s morale.

The somewhat lax orc army was stunned by the sudden counterattack by the human army, and retreated continuously. These orcs who only thought about how to attack, after taking Dongling, only considered attacking, without even taking some basic precautions. They were all done so loosely that Taize immediately seized the opportunity.

The first to launch a counterattack was the 50,000 elite troops organized by Taizé. They rushed eastwards for several miles, killing orcs in vain along the way, causing the collapse of the two flag regiments that the orcs had placed at the front preparing to attack.

It wasn’t until an orc army commander arrived with reinforcements to organize a resistance that the decline was finally stopped.

However, it is obvious that Taize did not want to take advantage of this and leave this time, but wanted to play a big game. As 50,000 elites led by Taize personally launched an assault, shouts of death were also heard from both wings of Dongling. Listening to this movement, the number is only much larger than the human army that broke through head-on.

However, although the counterattack of the human army was somewhat unexpected, the orcs were not prepared and were killed by surprise. However, the orcs are not just freeloaders. Even though the organization is somewhat chaotic, their fighting will is still very determined. Many orcs The soldiers resisted at all levels under the organization of the officers. On the small front line of Dongling, the human and orc armies were fighting together, and there was no clear outcome for the moment.

“Lord Aker, please take a step back first. The humans came prepared, but we were careless.”

Akel, the general of the orcs, is in charge of the five legions and more than 100,000 troops in the Dongling area. Akel, who has been organizing attacks recently, is obviously a little careless. However, after being attacked, Akel’s performance was still good. After passing the test, he personally organized a resistance with his own soldiers and stood in the front, as if he vowed to stop the human army.

“My soldiers are still fighting! I can’t leave!”


Just after Akel finished saying these words, a dull roar came from the sky, which instantly extinguished his courage. The human dragon is coming. In this raid, humans and the dragon are fighting together.

Since the death of Yamos, the White Dragon clan has not been as strong as before in supporting the orcs. Recently, the dragons on the human side have been suppressing the orcs and bullying them. Now the army is in chaos, plus the humans The giant dragon came to help, and the battle could not be fought.



At this time, it was not so easy for the orc army to retreat. Several places where the orcs organized resistance became the focus of the dragon’s attack. The army gathered near the orc commander was the place where Moriel focused on taking care of. A few mouthfuls of Dragon Breath caused hundreds of orc casualties. This casualty was nothing to the more than 100,000 orcs here, but it was a huge blow to morale. In particular, the retreat of the main general affected the morale of the orcs who were fighting. The human warriors gradually gained an absolute advantage with the cooperation of the giant dragons. After fierce fighting until dusk, they actually drove the orcs out of the Dongling defense line and recaptured it. Take the position here.

“Quick, move the rocks and rolling logs up.”

“The catapult here has not been destroyed yet. Find someone to repair it. It can still be used!”

“Clean up all the orc corpses…”

After successfully retaking the Dongling defense line, the human soldiers seemed very busy. They had to treat the wounded and clean up the orc corpses and clean the battlefield at the same time. The orcs may attack again at any time, so it is also very important to rearrange the defense.

“Thanks to General Moriel’s help this time, the battle was so smooth.”

Although Taize is a barbarian, he is talkative. Among the heroes with character flaws in Richard, he is considered the most normal. At this time, he and Moriel were patrolling the battlefield and even took the initiative to talk a few words.


“The orcs have withdrawn to the east. It may be difficult to launch a counterattack without a few days of consolidation. These few days are enough for General Taize to stabilize the defense line.”

“Although the orcs are powerful, the soldiers under our command are quite tenacious in fighting. With Lady Moriel and Lady Natalis supporting us at any time, we are not afraid of the orcs’ counterattack.”

Taize has been guarding for such a period of time and has basically figured out the background of both sides. Longxingguan is well prepared. Even a general who is good at guarding can’t find any major faults. The material reserves are even crazy. To this extent, he is not afraid of a long battle at all.

Although the orcs have strong combat power, it is partially offset by the city defense and lacks the support of the dragon in the air. If you want to break through the Dragon’s Breath Pass, especially if you capture the Dragon’s Breath Pass in his hands, that is A very difficult thing.

“But don’t be careless. The strong orcs and white dragons who appeared before may suddenly join the battle. General Taize must remember what Mr. Richard told him and protect himself.”

“Yeah, I understand.”

She was afraid that Taize would be dazzled by the recent victory. She and Richard had a better understanding of the overall situation and vaguely knew who was behind the scenes, so they had always been worried about the defense of Longxingguan.

However, Taize is obviously not a person who gets easily dizzy. After mentioning this, Moriel stopped talking and continued to follow Taize to patrol the Dongling defense line.


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