Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 510: Ending 2


The night is getting darker, and the night wind blows across the earth, bringing with it a strong smell of blood. The night is completely unable to stop the enthusiasm of the human soldiers to fight.

Since the beginning of the battle, human soldiers have had the absolute upper hand with a small number of people. Although there are many soldiers in the orc camp, the orcs who have not eaten for several days have long lost the strength to fight and have lost their ability to fight. Some of them have order and fighting skills, but they just gather in the camp instinctively. Some orc warriors have even left the camp alone and scattered on the plain in order to survive. They want to find a chance of survival on their own. Of course, they can do it here. The possibility of finding life on this plain is extremely slim, and I don’t know how lucky it is to be able to find some leftover food due to human efforts to fortify the walls and clear the wilderness.

No matter how many such orc warriors there are, they still have little fighting ability. Especially after Ron led the first batch of system warriors into the orc camp, those who could organize a resistance were completely defeated by those led by Ron. Defeated.

Although the people Ron brought were few, they were all elites, especially the four snake monsters. Those weapons wielded were simply not something that the orcs in their current state could withstand. They could not even organize a siege. arrive.

After Ron led the vanguard into the orc camp, which had almost no defense, the remaining more than 20,000 soldiers followed Gru and attacked the orc camp without reservation.

Although there were still orc officers who fought hard to resist, some orc warriors with some unknown strength even launched several waves of counterattacks in an attempt to stabilize their position. But after all, the big thing could not be reversed. From the moment Sean died, the fate of this orc army was actually doomed.

In the entire camp, the only one that can effectively resist is the guard camp near Devi’s tent. The more than a thousand orc warriors in the guard camp have received more food supplies than other orcs, although they are still hungry. It was a rough ride, but it was still better than those orc warriors who had been hungry for several days. In addition, they were guarding the tent, with the legion commander, and had a bit of a morale bonus. Finally, they were able to organize some resistance.

It’s just that they are facing a group of completely unreasonable enemies. Among the vanguard army of less than a thousand people, the most basic combat power is the Crusaders and the peak knight-level experts, and there are five earth-level experts. , with these people, at least a legion is needed to hope to eat them.

It was really difficult for them to let these more than a thousand hungry orc warriors fight against them. Shortly after the war, the only orc army guarding Devi’s tent with an organized resistance was completely annihilated. Ron almost They were eliminated without much effort.

However, this orc army showed the determination of a sad soldier in the end. Although it was massacred by the system army led by Ron, almost no one escaped, and they all died facing the enemy.

After all the personal guards died in battle, Devi was also very decisive. The injured Devi did not feel that he could cause any harm to these powerful human soldiers, and as a senior officer, he was the target of capture. When all the guards were killed in the battle, he gave himself a hard blow with the battle ax in his hand without hesitation.

When Ron came to the big tent, he only saw an unrecognizable corpse wearing a high-ranking officer’s armor.

When Ron led people to take away the main tent of the orcs, the sky had not yet darkened, and the sun was still hanging on the mountainside. It was already late at night, but the killing sound still did not stop. After all, it was close to ten Even if the Orc warriors have completely lost their fighting power, it is impossible to kill them all in a short while.

“Lord Gru, the leader of the orcs left here is dead. Only the orcs in the big tent resisted for a while, and all the other orcs in the camp have been dispersed.”

“Continue to pursue, as long as you still have some strength, don’t let a living orc appear in your sight!”

“Yes, sir!”

The orders given by Gru are normal in the eyes of humans. There is no habit of keeping prisoners when the two tribes fight. In this big victory, these soldiers of the Northern Route Army had to vent their anger that had been suppressed by the orcs in the past. When they came out, they all chased them vigorously without Gru’s orders.

And Gru himself no longer stays as a commander in the army. There is nothing to command in a chase at night. As long as officers at all levels maintain basic order, the orcs are no longer a threat at all. .

Gru, who was still close to leveling up his experience, gave the order to hunt down and then personally picked up a long bow. He kept drawing the bow and shooting arrows in the dark night. The effect of the night on Gru’s vision was almost zero. A long arrow can penetrate an orc’s vital part accurately, and occasionally a few orcs will let out a weak whine after being hit by an arrow.

With Gru personally fighting, it stimulated the ordinary soldiers even more. Every orc can obtain military exploits at their fingertips. How can there be such an opportunity to easily harvest the heads of orcs on weekdays? To kill an orc, it is necessary to kill an orc. At the expense of the lives of four or five human soldiers, unlike now, it is enough to just guard against the weak counterattack of the forced orc warriors.



Although after several days of marching and fighting from day to night, the human soldiers had little rest, but their spirits were extremely high. Many of them had bloodshot eyes, but they could still roar and chase. Slash the fleeing orcs.


The sun slowly rises from the east and drives away the darkness.

A plume of black smoke rose from the orc camp. Orc corpses were piled up around the camp. The ground was almost covered with orc corpses. In some places, there were even several layers stacked up, like a small hill.

Most of the orcs died in the day and night of massacre, and some fled around. Ron was leading a part of the army to pursue them. After all, they all had little mobile experience, and they all ran to the wild to starve to death. If you don’t, then your death will really be in vain.

Gru stepped on the blood on the ground and patrolled the battlefield. The deepest part of the blood had even covered the soles of his shoes. A pool of blood would splash when he stepped down. Several soldiers in full armor followed Gru. Behind them were waiting for Gru’s orders. Compared to Gru’s elegance and calmness, most of their armors were stained with blood, and the weapons in their hands were also full of gaps, like saw teeth.

It’s not that the quality of the weapons in their hands is poor, no matter how decadent the human aristocracy is, with people like Ren and Thor suppressing them, they still dare not provide inferior equipment to the defenders of Longxingguan. It was true that the sword was used too much last night. Even if it was a mechanical slash, it would inevitably create a gap if used too much.

Although the soldiers’ eyes were bloodshot, and their fatigue could be seen at a glance, their spirits were not bad at all. The excitement of victory had not subsided, and they were annihilated several times without suffering much losses. For the orcs, they may never encounter such a great victory in their lifetime.

Only under the leadership of Lord Gru can we achieve such results. Thinking of this, several soldiers looked at Gru with even more reverence. This army, which was originally affiliated with the Kingdom’s Dragon Breath Pass defenders, was deeply impressed by the The imprint of the Northland series.

At this time, there was almost no expression in Gru’s eyes, but the joy in his heart made his steps brisk, because shortly after dawn, Gru also received a prompt from the system.

“A brilliant victory.”

After a big victory, Gru gained a lot of experience and his level improved accordingly. Coupled with his previous accumulation, Gru finally successfully crossed the barrier between the Sky Peak and successfully entered the Holy Order. He also became the first hero under Richard’s command to enter the holy level.

“Name: Gru

Race: Half-elf

Level: 23

Strength: 42

Agility: 45

Physique: 44

Spirit: 29

Feature 1: Phantom Shooter

Speciality 2: Jungle warfare expert

Skills: Financial Management (Advanced), Offense (Master), Defense (Advanced), Logistics (Advanced), Breathing (Master), Qi Entrainment (Master), Detection (Intermediate) .

In terms of skills, Gru’s offensive skills and Qi-entraining skills have also reached the master level. In the future, he will be even sharper in leading troops to organize attacks. Although his attributes are slightly worse than Richard’s, his combat awareness is still far behind. Stronger than Richard, if a fight really breaks out, Richard may not be Gru’s opponent now if he doesn’t have a bunch of treasure bonuses.

“Da da da…”

Just when Gru was still a little immersed in the joy of advancing to the holy level, a sound of horse hooves sounded. The cavalry that had gone out to chase Xini’s fleeing orcs had also returned.

The ones at the head were Mrak, Taris and others. Compared to Gru, their bodies were covered in blood. Obviously, although the number of the escaped orcs was small, they still retained their complete combat power. The battle on their side It’s not as easy as Gru’s here.

“General Mrak, have the orcs been dealt with along the way?”

“We chased for a while, and the orcs along the way were all full of elites. In the end, we killed nearly ten thousand of them and did not dare to pursue them any more. We also lost some griffin knights. There should be close to two of them. Thousands of people fled into the jungle.”

“It’s okay. Of the 20,000 people they escaped into the dense forest, it would be good if 10,000 people managed to return to Cave Mountain.”

After all, some of the elites led by Xi Ni were not empty frames who had long since lost their strength due to hunger under the Dragon Scale Castle. The orc army under the Dragon Scale Castle collapsed so quickly not only because they were so hungry that they had no strength, but also partly because of Xi Ni. When Ni evacuated, many orc warriors also left. As a result, the orc army under Dragon Scale Castle was missing most of its middle and low-level officers, and it had no organizational ability.

However, the combat power of the army led by Sydney is higher than that of ordinary orc elites. Mrak and others, with the champion knights and the unicorn holy beasts, have to guard against being entangled and surrounded by the opponent, which gives Sydney a chance to fight. It was a chance to retreat and finally get into the dense forest completely.

However, the detour and return journey was not that easy after all. The supplies were already insufficient and they had to detour into the forest. The test that the orc army had to undergo when entering the dense forest was no better than facing the cavalry led by Mrak and others. The army is small.

“Wait, Mr. Gru?”

Talis, who had remained silent on the other side, suddenly looked at Gru and realized something. Gru’s breath changed.

“Well, this big victory was a lucky upgrade and we regained some strength.”

“Congratulations to General Gru.”

After hearing Gru’s admission, Mrak immediately congratulated him, and then quickly got on his horse.

“I see there are still a lot of orcs fleeing outside. I will lead some people to clean them up.”

“I’ll go too!”

Taris followed closely behind Mrak, taking the newly returned champion knight and unicorn holy beast, and hurriedly chased him out. Apparently he was slightly stimulated by Gru’s recovery of strength.

Everyone wants to cross this holy step…


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