Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 509: Ending 1


Dragon Scale Castle

Five days have passed since Xini and others left. At this time, the orc warriors who stayed under the Dragon Scale Castle knew that they had become the abandoned ones, even if they were slow to react. Most of them were led by Xini. Food began to run out the night the elite left. Except for a small group of legion commander Devi’s men, the remaining orc soldiers had not had a proper meal of food for five days.

Most of the soldiers were dizzy with hunger and were not picky about what to eat. They had eaten all the rats, insects and other protein-containing foods around them, and even the turf and leaves had become their food. Gru also made a great choice. During the retreat, he abandoned all the surrounding castles and burned all the supplies. The orcs could hardly find any food within a radius of several hundred miles.

“Lord Legion Commander, the food in the Guards Battalion has also been eaten up. Starting today, the Guards Camp will also be without food.”


Devi had almost no expression on his face. A food shortage was expected. They were just an abandoned army. Although the Guards Battalion was supplied with food for a few more days by him as the last force to maintain order, But there is only so much food in total, and even if there is preferential treatment, it is time to run out of food by this time.

“One more thing…”

The officer reporting to Devi on the side hesitated to speak. It seemed that what he was going to report next made it difficult for him to speak.

“Go on, there’s nothing else you can’t say now.”

Devi’s mentality at this time was already quite Buddhist. Ever since he took over the task of staying here to cover, he had put life and death aside, and there was no bad news that he couldn’t hear.

“The bodies of our soldiers buried in the east of the camp were stolen. The soldiers patrolling this morning found a large hole in the cemetery…”

Even the devastated legion commander Devi instinctively frowned after hearing the news.

Although there are many scavenging beasts on this plain, the lively beasts nearby have been almost eaten by the hungry orcs in the past two days. Facing tens of thousands of orcs armed to the teeth, how can there be any jackals? The wild beasts dared to approach the orc camp and dig up graves to steal corpses. The only choice was the orc soldiers who were so hungry that their eyes turned green and stole the corpses of their own people.

Although orcs are more ferocious than humans, in essence, they can be regarded as a civilized race. In the short period of time after the demise of the Elf Empire, orcs can be said to be the dominant force on this continent, and there are also Their own unique civilization is actually separated from the primitive barbaric race. Under normal circumstances, their diet will not include humans who are enemies of them, let alone eat their own people.

But things are different now. When they are extremely hungry, some people can stick to their principles and resolutely not eat anything other than their own diet. Some people can also break their principles and eat some unconventional foods in order to survive. food. It’s just that after so many days of fighting, humans didn’t leave many corpses, and almost all of them were on the walls of Dragon Scale Castle. Only the orcs left a large number of corpses outside the city. Some extremely hungry orcs had no choice, so something happened. Of course.

“Don’t worry about it, let them go…”

After instinctively feeling a certain amount of resistance, Devi felt a little moved in his heart. If he turned all the corpses abandoned in the past few days into meat patties, maybe he could survive for a few more days?

“Yes, sir!”

Devi’s attitude obviously acquiesces to the behavior of certain soldiers and does not force them. They can eat whatever they want, so that some people can preserve their physical strength for a while longer to fight against humans.

Corresponding to the orcs’ side is the human army in Dragonscale Castle. Dragonscale Castle was originally a food storage place for the orcs. When Mrak and others led the army to seize the city, it was so sudden that the defenders The orcs didn’t have time to completely burn the food and supplies in the city. The food reserves prepared by the orcs in Dragon Scale Castle were enough for thousands of human defenders to eat for half a year.

Now the defenders in the city can not only eat three meals a day, but even occasionally eat some meat. Although they are currently surrounded by orcs in the Dragonscale Castle, their lives are much better than those of the orcs outside the city. . They even sometimes deliberately have meals at the top of the city, trying to let the orcs see them eating.

Just when most of the orcs were already hungry and their eyes were glowing green, a human army appeared and also appeared around Dragonscale Castle.

Shortly after Sean’s withdrawal, Gru led the elite of a legion selected from Dragon Wing City and gradually approached Dragon Scale Castle.

Although this legion only has more than 20,000 people, its combat power is extraordinary. In addition to this legion itself being the main legion of the Northern Route Army, there are also most of the masters above the knight level in the Longyi City garrison under General Gru. All of them are concentrated in this legion. The number of knight-level experts in the entire legion has reached an unprecedented three hundred. Coupled with some of the system troops brought by Gru, there are at least more than six hundred in the army of 20,000. A knight-level master.

“Lord Gru, the orc camp is less than twenty miles away from us. The camp is in chaos and does not seem to be on alert.”

Of course the orcs were unguarded at this time. An abandoned army did not have enough food, and was in a sluggish state both mentally and physically. How could it still maintain normal operations? On weekdays, regardless of whether Gru led No matter how low-key the 20,000-strong army is, they should have been discovered by the orcs when they approached the range of 20 miles away from the orc army. However, most of the orcs now are hungry and have no strength. A small number of them rely on the corpses of their companions to maintain their strength and have no time to go. Regardless of whether there was still a human army approaching, after Gru approached with his army, the orcs didn’t even react at all.

“Keep investigating!”

“Command the army and prepare for battle.”

“Yes, sir!”


“Lord Gru!”

“After a while, you will lead the Crusaders and Zealots to attack directly into the orc camp. The four snake monsters will also be under your command. You must destroy all the organizational power of the orcs.”

“Yes, Lord Gru!”

As the first hero to follow Richard, Ron is still a system hero with a heroic template although his basic qualifications are not good. After so many battles, coupled with the investment of various resources, his strength has reached the level of the earth. If he leads a group of crusaders in battle, he will definitely be able to kill three in and three out among a group of chaotic orcs.


“Legion Commander! A human army is approaching us again!”

Finally, when the human army approached within several miles, the orcs finally discovered the approaching human army, and finally a few dedicated soldiers passed the news to Devi’s camp.

“It’s finally here, earlier than I thought.”

When Devi heard the news that the human army was approaching, not only did he not panic, but he looked relieved. He was not afraid of the human army coming to attack, but what he was more afraid of was that the humans would just stand still and starve them all to death. Here, they don’t even have a chance to die in battle.

However, he didn’t know what Gru’s needs were. How could Gru be willing to let them starve to death naturally after spending so much effort to surround the experience packs?

“Can the Guards Battalion still fight?”

“The Guards Battalion is still the sharpest knife in the hands of the Legion Commander!”


Devi stopped talking nonsense and put on his battle armor with the help of his soldiers. He took the tomahawk from the weapon rack and walked out. More than a thousand orc warriors from the guards camp were already neatly dressed and staying in the tent. outside.

Devi’s main tent is almost separated from the soldiers outside. Compared with the chaos in the main camp, the orc soldiers around Devi’s main tent still maintain basic order. After all, these guard camps have not been hungry for long enough. , there is still some sense left, and some resistance can still be organized at this time. However, when the orc army on the periphery faces Ron and others as the vanguard, they can’t even hold their weapons.



As a pioneer, Ron encountered little effective resistance when he led the Crusaders and Zealots into the orc camp. It was a completely disgraceful massacre.

Under the command of officers, some orcs reluctantly raised their weapons to resist, but the war in the cold weapon era required more physical strength than the hot weapon era. The weak orcs could not launch any decent attacks at all, while the Crusaders could Easily block their weak attacks and reap the lives of the orcs.

In addition to some of the resisting orcs, there are also some orcs who are already in a state of numbness. They just stare helplessly at the human soldiers who come in and kill them, not even escaping, as if dying by their swords is a relief. Same.

If Ron were to evaluate the situation of this camp, it would be lifeless. If there were no skeleton soldiers in the camp, Ron would have thought it was a camp controlled by Dia’s necromancer.

“Go directly to the big tent in the center of the orcs, don’t get entangled here!”

Ron was not very interested in killing some orcs who could hardly resist. After killing a few waves of orcs that resisted weakly, he led his men directly to attack Devina’s camp.




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