Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 508: Pursuit


Facts have proved that the orc wolf cavalry was still afraid in the end. If they could really fight to the last soldier, the five thousand wolf cavalry could exhaust the fighting spirit of this human cavalry and give Mrak It caused a lot of trouble with Taris and others.

But after the fourth charge, the Orc Wolf Cavalry collapsed completely. Although their leader was much more timid than the previous Orc officers, he was still recognized by Sir M’rak during the fourth charge. Sir Lark released the long chain of the meteor hammer in his hand, swept away the surrounding wolf cavalry, and killed the wolf cavalry leader with two hammers from a distance of seven or eight meters.

After being unilaterally abused for four rounds, the losses of the Orc Wolf Cavalry have expanded to nearly 2,000. The 40% casualty rate has reduced the morale of the Wolf Cavalry to the extreme. Originally, these Orc Wolf Cavalry had a fierce fighting style and a tenacious will. , although the 40% casualty rate is high, it will not cause them to collapse.

But if you lose nearly 2,000 men but are unable to cause damage to the opponent, then the morale of any army will plummet. In addition, its commander was killed by Sir Mulak, and he lost his general. The demoralized Wolf Cavalry naturally collapsed.

Although there are still some middle-level officers of the Wolf Cavalry trying to gather the team, the collapse of the situation is beyond the control of a few middle-level officers. Moreover, the cavalry is no better than the infantry. When leading the infantry, the officers can still gather their cronies and cut down several If a deserter is shocked, there may be a chance to maintain the army.

But once the cavalry collapsed, a large number of deserters could carry away those who did not want to run away, and no one could go upstream among the large group of cavalry.

“Chase! Try to drive them towards the orc army!”


In fact, after several rounds of killing, the consumption on the human side is also huge. These wolf cavalry are more fierce than ordinary orc elites. The ace army of the orc kingdom, fighting them is still more difficult than fighting ordinary troops. . In addition to the sky-level combat power of Mrak, Taris, and the outstanding swordsman, the fighting spirit of the champion knight has been basically exhausted, and the unicorn holy beast has basically released all the magic of blindness, but still retains some basic It’s all about physical strength.

Their combat power at this time is much lower than in its peak state. If the remaining two or three thousand wolf cavalry continue to attack, it is impossible to say that in order to avoid suffering too many casualties, Sir Mrak will command the cavalry temporarily. Avoid the edge.

Unfortunately, the completely collapsed wolf cavalry did not have the courage to turn around and fight. In order to drive away these wolf cavalry, the human cavalry even dispersed into single-file and dispersed formations, blocking the orc wolf cavalry from escaping in other directions. road, and most of the orc and wolf cavalry also instinctively fled in the direction of the main army. Under the intentional driving of the human cavalry, they ran straight towards the orc army. Dozens of cavalry drove more than two thousand wolf cavalry away. The scene was like a group of shepherd dogs driving the sheep.



“Arbalest ready!”

“Let it go!”

“Swish, swish, swish…”

In the sky, a large number of gryphon knights and silver pegasus knights hovered above the orc army. They were responsible for monitoring the movements of the orc army, and also harassed them and delayed their escape.

However, the delay effect of these gryphon knights and silver pegasus knights on the orc army was not good. As soon as a small group of gryphon knights descended and tried to harass the marching orcs, they were targeted by the orcs’ strong crossbowmen and fell to a certain point. After reaching a certain height, more than a hundred powerful crossbows flew towards them.

Gryphon knights are no better than heavy cavalry on the ground. The Red Flame Horse can wear two hundred kilograms of heavy armor and run effortlessly with a cavalry, but the Royal Griffin can only ride with a cavalry with basic equipment. When flying, even the knights themselves cannot wear armor in order to reduce weight, let alone the griffins. The Silver Pegasus Knight, like the Griffin Knight, has no protective capabilities.

It’s okay to use them to chase scattered orcs, but it’s a little more difficult for them to harass the group of orcs. The gryphon knights suffered a bit before, and they were killed and seriously injured by the orcs’ intensive crossbows when they dived and harassed them. Riding, now seeing the orc crossbow attacking again, he immediately ordered the gryphon to increase the distance, and avoided this round of crossbow bolts without any danger.

“Lord Sandrine, the orcs’ crossbows are a great threat. They have deployed crossbowmen in all directions, but we have not found their loopholes.”

Sandrine is the leader of this gryphon cavalry, a local female general. Originally, Sandrine was the commander of the sword eagle knights of Piaoxue City. Because Piaoxue City was peacefully resolved, she took her sword eagles with her. All the knights defected to Richard.

After they took refuge with Richard, they were arranged to become gryphon knights. After a period of training, they went into battle with the army.

At this time, Sandrine was ordered to monitor and delay the movement of the orc army. After several harassments had little effect, Sandrine was a little anxious as she watched the orcs continue to retreat towards the dense forest.

“How many throwing axes do the warriors have!”

“I still have two more on me! Soldiers should be like me.”

“Wait for my order and throw the ax together!”

“Yes, sir!”

Sandrine wants to make meritorious deeds. She has been working under Richard for a while and has long known the benefits of working for Richard. There are resources here that are completely unimaginable elsewhere.

Pharmacions that can increase the probability of a would-be knight breaking through to the knight level, training camps that can greatly improve their strength, and even potions that can increase the probability of breaking through the earth level. Those are resources that can really drive knights crazy, let alone the past. In Piaoxue City, even the kingdom only has the resources to assist in training to become a great knight, otherwise it would not be so short of earth-level masters.

“Sir, look over there!”

Just when Sandrine was about to let the air cavalry try again, a large group of wolf cavalry appeared in the distance. A closer look revealed that these wolf cavalry were in chaotic formation and were completely driven and squeezed together. , is a group of broken soldiers, with some human knights chasing them sporadically behind them.

“It’s Lord Mrak and the others, those knights, so strong…”

No matter how many times I watched it, Sandrine was still shocked when earth-level warriors like the Champion Knight and the Unicorn Holy Beast appeared in teams. The Lanster family, which she thought was extremely powerful at first, It was just a group of great knights holding up the facade. How could I have seen such a scene of earth-level powerhouses charging together.

“Wait for my order and prepare to cooperate with Lord Mrak and their actions.”

Sandrine led the air cavalry towards the rear of the orc army, preparing to cooperate with the cavalry on the ground. Although the orcs’ view was not as wide as that of Sandrine and others in the air, they still discovered the escaping group soon after. Wolf Cavalry.

Because the leader of the Wolf Cavalry died in battle, the Wolf Cavalry collapsed suddenly without giving any warning to the army. Fortunately, Sydney and others were not careless and had arrangements in place.

“What’s going on! It didn’t take long for us to be defeated by humans!”

Despite the arrangement, Sydney was still a little shocked and angry when he discovered that the wolf cavalry collapsed. It took five thousand wolf cavalry to delay the army. Normally, these wolf cavalry’s nostrils would almost reach the sky. The infantry always feels like they are superior, but now they are showing such waste at the critical moment.

However, no matter what happened to the Wolf Cavalry, the most important thing now is to stop the chaos and prevent these scattered Wolf Cavalry from attacking the army.


“Flag! Order the defeated troops not to attack the army, otherwise they will be killed without any regard!”

The orc flag soldiers waved the flags in their hands wildly, ordering the running wolf cavalry to stop and retreat to the two wings.

At the same time, the orc army at the rear formed several gun and shield formations. Six-meter-long spears were mounted on large shields, pointing at the fleeing wolf cavalry. There were rows of crossbowmen in the queue who also pointed their weapons behind. , if they dare to charge into the battle, these orc soldiers will never show mercy.

Looking at the posture of the friendly forces, the wolf cavalry in the front row fell into despair. They knew very well that as a defeated force, if they dared to attack the army, those friendly forces would never show any mercy.

With those rows of spears, even when they were in strict formation, they did not dare to collide head-on, not to mention the current chaotic formation. If they rushed forward, they would basically be turned into meat skewers. Compared with dying under the trapped spears, Might as well fight with humans.

However, although their front row could see clearly and wanted to stop, they could not control the broken troops in the back row so much. When Mrak and Talis led their troops to drive them away, they deliberately made their formation extremely crowded. At this time, the fleeing wolf cavalry completely became a whole. They only knew that they were retreating towards the direction of the army and could not think about anything else at all.

“Fire the arrow!”

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…”

The orcs’ crossbowmen were not polite. Seeing that the wolf cavalry could not stop and surged towards the army, they fired directly at the opponent. Thousands of crossbow bolts shot down dozens of riders at once.

“Retreat to both wings!”

“Those who collide with the army will be killed without mercy!”

The orc army was making its last call. Some of the wolf cavalry in the front row had been hit by a wave of powerful crossbows and were sober. If they rush forward, they will die!

Some of the wolf cavalry began to struggle to stop their pace, but were pushed by their companions behind them, causing chaos for a time. Sir Mrak also deliberately accelerated the pace and tightened the formation again.


Except for a small number of wolf cavalry who escaped from both wings, most of the escaping wolf cavalry inevitably ran into the army. It was impossible for these wolf cavalry with chaotic formations and lack of determination to charge to break through the gun and shield formation. One of them was strung to death on a spear.

But after all, there were such a large number, even if they were squeezed, several gaps were squeezed out of the gun and shield formation of the orcs in the back row. However, the prepared orcs quickly filled the gaps. After a while, the orcs died. There were hundreds of wolf cavalry in the hands of the orcs themselves, and the rest were forced to turn around or flee around the two wings.

Because of the decisiveness of the orcs, the human cavalry who have been following them have never been able to find any chance. If they were in full strength, Mlac and others would dare to attack, but now that they are in poor condition, Mlac and others can’t Don’t dare to take risks.



At this time, the gryphon knights in the sky took the opportunity to attack the orc army on the ground.

“Throw out all the tomahawks!”

Hundreds of tomahawks hit the orcs on the ground from the air. These tomahawks weighing several kilograms fell from a height of tens of meters. Their power was enough to break through the orcs’ solid armor, directly creating a tornado for the orcs. Hundreds of casualties.

“Heaven! The human air cavalry is here again!”


“Crossbowmen prepare!”

Sandrine’s timing was excellent. There was an oversight in the orcs’ command. After repelling a round of harassment by the gryphon knights, she fired a direct volley at the escaping wolf cavalry, and a Free time.

Sandrine seized this moment and launched a close-range throw, causing a certain amount of chaos to the army behind the orcs. Then she led the gryphon knights and silver pegasus knights directly into the orc formation to attack.

It is very uneconomical to use air cavalry to directly attack the waiting ground troops. Even if it can cause a lot of casualties to the opponent, air cavalry is expensive, and even if you exchange it for five, it will be a loss.

But at this time, the flag regiment at the rear of the orcs was in a brief chaos. Sandrine led hundreds of air cavalry troops to fall in a good position and at a good time. She did not directly face the orcs’ spears and crossbows. He started a close fight with the other party.


Whether it is a Griffin Knight or a Silver Pegasus Knight, although their advantage is in the air, their combat power after landing is not weak. When choosing a Griffin Knight, they must at least be a quasi-knight master. Among them, the Knight The proportion is also huge, and the Royal Griffin itself, apart from having no fighting spirit bonus, can crush the combat power of ordinary quasi-knights.

Not to mention the Silver Pegasus knights, the elf knights above are all knight-level masters. When they risked their lives to break the formation, they instantly killed hundreds of orcs around them, and a huge orc appeared in the originally strict line. flaw.


“Gather towards me! Cone formation! Charge!”


“Da, da da…”

Sir M’rak, who was originally going to pause and slowly look for opportunities, saw that the Air Cavalry had created an opportunity. He no longer hesitated and immediately ordered the Champion Knights and the One-Horned Holy Beast to gather together and move towards the army behind the Orcs. Launched a charge.



The first person to rush into the orcs was not a champion knight riding a war horse, but an outstanding swordsman who ran on his own feet. These strongest human warriors in the world of Invincible Heroes showed what it means to be almighty, wearing the Wearing heavy armor, he still moves like flying.



The giant sword of the outstanding swordsman stirred up a physical **** storm among a group of orcs. The three dancing giant swords rotated like three meat grinders, often splitting the orcs into pieces even with armor. A few paragraphs.


“Come together and stop them!”

The orc warriors were also brave. The first moment they faced the three outstanding swordsmen, they still wanted to fight back.


Before they could surround the outstanding swordsman, Sir Mrak and others, who were a little slower, rushed in with the champion knights, completely breaking through the chaotic front of the orcs. Although the champion knights were exhausted of fighting spirit , but his strength is also at the peak level of a knight. With a sophisticated war horse and superb martial arts, he will not be at a disadvantage even against an orc warrior.

Dozens of human knights who were comparable to great warriors rushed in, and it was not something that the chaotic orc army could resist.


Sandrine and her air cavalry fought extremely fiercely, and the royal griffins couldn’t help but cry. These royal griffins, which are larger than adult bulls, can also cause a lot of damage to the orcs. , they occasionally fly to low altitude and suddenly fall. Under the sharp claws, even the orc warriors will suffer big losses if they don’t pay attention.

“Kill! Go towards Lord Mrak and the others!”

There are air cavalry in the formation breaking through outwards, and human knights rushing outside. The orc phalanx that just stopped the fleeing wolf cavalry also began to collapse…


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