Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 507: Pursuit


North of Dragon Scale Castle, less than fifty miles away from the trail into the dense forest, is a flat land. There is nothing special here. It is just a buffer plain entering the dense forest mountains in the north. But at this time, an eruption is about to happen. A battle between cavalry.

A large group of wolf cavalry appeared at the end of the plain. Five thousand wolf cavalry looked like a black cloud when they ran.

“Master Flag Commander! That human cavalry army is right in front!”


After discovering the human cavalry, the flag regiment of the wolf cavalry said they were not in a hurry to attack, but instead ordered their troops to stop.

If it were in the past, facing such a small group of human cavalry, the flag commander would never be so cautious. He might even directly divide his troops to outflank and eat all the human cavalry. However, after experiencing the previous battle Later, the orcs also gained a certain understanding of this human cavalry, which was composed entirely of strong men above the earth level. When facing this cavalry, they were somewhat frightened.

The orcs have quite good control over the giant wolf. The charging giant wolf is also more agile than the horses. After only a very short distance, the orc wolf cavalry stopped without making any movement. Just like this, Yaoyao and Mulak The others confronted each other from a distance.

This flag captain of the Wolf Cavalry is also a master at the peak of the Great Samurai. In the past, when fighting the human army at Longxing Pass, he was definitely the one who dared to directly lead the army to charge. There are not many strong humans, and a peak The Great Samurai is said to have high-end force. As long as it is not surrounded by a heavy army, there will not be much danger. But now it seems that times have changed. At least the human army they face has high-end force. They had been completely crushed, and the orc officers began to learn to be cautious.

This wolf cavalry commander is riding on a giant wolf with shiny coat. The armor on his body is not much different from that of ordinary soldiers. He has also taken off the iconic helmet of a senior orc officer. In addition to sitting down, the giant wolf is larger and cannot be seen at a glance. There is no big difference from ordinary soldiers.

“Send the order to the entire army, move closer together, and launch an attack using the overlapping wave tactics.”

“Yes, sir!”

The so-called cascading wave tactic is a way of fighting between the orc wolf cavalry and the numerically superior human cavalry. As the name suggests, the attack is like three cascading waves, advancing layer by layer, narrowing the force and strengthening the attack. With the strength of the attack, there are more and more troops in the rear, like a stack of waves, one wave is stronger than the other.

“The orc wolf cavalry is coming up.”

Here, Mrak, Talis and others naturally discovered that the orc wolf cavalry was blocking their way.

“Should we avoid them? They want to prevent us from pursuing the orc army. If we fight them here, the main orc force will probably run away.”

Mlak and others were not worried about whether they would be able to fight or not. Although the number of the five thousand wolf cavalry was quite large, they were still a little unsatisfied in the face of the high-level system soldiers they led. There were more than 5,000 wolf cavalry in their team this time. There are champion knights, unicorn holy beasts, and three outstanding swordsmen who are more capable of fighting. Even if they can’t completely annihilate the wolf cavalry on the opposite side in a head-on collision, Mrak and others are confident of defeating them.

But if they struggle with this wolf cavalry for too long, they may not be able to catch up with the fleeing orc army.

“You can’t go around them. It would be too dangerous if you go around them and pursue them.”

Mlak thought about it for a moment, but still rejected Taris’s suggestion to bypass this wolf cavalry. If they could avoid this wolf cavalry, the high-level troops they led would be faster than the orcs. The Wolf Cavalry is much faster. Coupled with Sir M’rak’s special skills and accelerating treasures, this small cavalry can easily get rid of the Wolf Cavalry. As for the three outstanding swordsmen on foot in the team, there is no need to worry about them. Well, these superb swordsmen wearing heavy armor can run even faster than the champion knights.

Despite the speed advantage, Sir Mrak still did not dare to bypass the wolf cavalry and continue to pursue them. They could confront the five thousand wolf cavalry head-on, but it was impossible for them to fight with the thirty thousand elite orcs. If they bypassed these wolf cavalry, If the wolf cavalry catches up with the orc infantry, they will easily fall into a situation where they are attacked from both sides. No matter how strong these dozens of cavalry are, they cannot deal with tens of thousands of elite orcs.

“Let the gryphon knights and silver pegasus cavalry continue to monitor the orc army. If there is an opportunity, they can harass them and try to delay the movement of their army.”

“The rest, charge with me! Defeat the orcs on the opposite side!”

Mlak, Taris and others no longer hesitated and immediately issued the order to charge. Dozens of cavalry formed a sharp contrast with the dark orc wolf cavalry. It looked like the human cavalry had launched a suicidal attack.

“Da da, da da da…”

Although the human cavalry started a little later than the wolf cavalry, the speed increase was very unreasonable. It had already reached rapid speed at a distance of two hundred meters between the two sides.

“Ho, ho…”

The running wolf cavalry let out a low roar, as if they wanted to threaten the enemy in front. In the past, human war horses were very prone to this trick. War horses that were not well trained were very likely to panic in front of these giant wolves. In more serious cases, he may not listen to instructions at all times and may even run around randomly.

But it was obvious that the human cavalry they faced at this time did not accept this trick at all. Neither the unicorn holy beast nor the red flame horse ridden by the champion knight could be threatened by the giant wolf, and even the grumpy red horse could not be threatened by the giant wolf. Yanma also regarded the threatening roar of the giant wolf as a provocation, and vaguely increased his speed a little.

“Throwing axe!”

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh!”

When approaching a distance of fifty meters, the wolf cavalry in the front row took off the throwing ax from their waists and threw it directly at the charging human cavalry. Hundreds of flying axes completely covered the human cavalry.

Although the attack distance of this kind of throwing throwing ax is much shorter than that of a bow and arrow, its power is unquestionable. Even if it hits heavy armor, it can have a defense-breaking effect. If an ordinary heavy cavalry is hit by such a burst of flying Ax, there will be some casualties.

Unfortunately, facing the cavalry led by Mrak and Taris, the flying axes in the sky could only be reduced by the thunder and rain. Most of them were directly blown away by the outward fighting spirit, and a few couldn’t be hit even if they fell. When it came to the human knight with high martial arts skills, he was blocked in a few blows.

Next, the Wolf Cavalry did not have a second chance to throw the axe. The distance of dozens of meters was reached in an instant. There was no time to check whether there was any victory. They picked up the scimitar in their hands and rushed forward. Mrak and Taris He also led the cavalry directly into a large number of wolf cavalry.


Although there were few people on the human side, they rushed into the wolf cavalry’s line without any hindrance. Under the stack of several acceleration effects, the speed of the human cavalry had reached a terrifying level. With the heavy cavalry’s The body ran at a speed far exceeding that of the light cavalry, and this power tore through the wolf cavalry’s queue as easily as tearing paper.

The meteor hammer in Sir Mulak’s hand rotated rapidly. With the force of the charge, he did not need to use the hammer to hurt anyone. The four to five-meter iron chain swept over and several wolf cavalry were swept away from the giant wolf. Falling. Landing at this time, unless you are a great master above the level of a great warrior, is almost linked to death, basically the fate of being trampled to death.

The outstanding swordsman who ran and fought showed violence to the extreme. The giant sword in his hand even directly cut the wolf cavalry and the sitting giant wolf in half. The giant sword danced among the enemies. Heaping up the broken corpses, they may not have killed as many wolf cavalry as Sir M’rak, but in terms of shock level, they were still more powerful than Sir M’rak’s bolas. The surrounding wolf cavalry even began to deliberately avoid them.

Others such as Taris and the Champion Knight were not much inferior. With the speed of charging, the wolf cavalry was kicked off the wolf as soon as they collided with them. Some champion knights were seven or eight meters away from the lance. There were even cases where several Wolf Cavalry corpses were hung.

When the power of the lance was brought to its limit, the champion knight simply threw away the lance in his hand, drew out the knight’s sword and slashed. The champion knight who threw away the lance was still not something that the wolf cavalry could deal with. The wolf Most of the scimitars in the hands of the cavalry will come out after just a slight contact with the knight’s sword. The strength of the two parties is not on the same level. Some scimitars are even directly cut off by the sophisticated knight’s sword. Even the champion knight does not need to make unnecessary movements. , slightly adjusting the angle of the sword, and using the momentum of the horse, the head of the wolf cavalry was taken away.


The wolf cavalry roared and rushed towards the human cavalry, but as if they were sending their necks to the opponent’s sword, they were cut down one after another. Soon, Mrak and Taris led The man killed the first echelon of wolf cavalry.

At this time, the commander of the Fanglang Cavalry in the middle and rear of the team was a little confused. Knowing it was one thing, but seeing it in person was another. The cavalry had taken the initiative to avoid it during the night attack. The wolf cavalry on the periphery have never fought against them head-on. They only know that the opponent is very strong. Now that they have officially fought against each other, they know how strong they are. A team composed of dozens of super masters can completely defeat them. It is a qualitative change effect. Their charge in a group is simply not something that ordinary troops can resist.

After the human cavalry penetrated the first wave of wolf cavalry, the wolf cavalry commander was supposed to lead the most elite wolf cavalry in the middle to launch the second wave of charge, but at this time the wolf cavalry commander was a little timid. , after seeing the opponent’s combat power, he knew very well that he was just a food delivery person.


It was rare that the commander gave the order to attack but did not charge with the large troops. Instead, he led the troops to charge a certain distance and then put on full speed, allowing the wolf cavalry in front to charge forward, while he retreated. Some.

Orcs pay attention to orders and prohibitions in combat, especially the elite wolf cavalry. After receiving the order to attack, even if there is no commander to lead the team, they still faithfully execute the order. After the human cavalry penetrated the first formation of wolf cavalry, Their will to fight has not been broken yet.



Blood splattered on the battlefield again. The blood of the orcs was scattered all over the ground. The corpses of the orcs rolled to the ground. There was not a single human corpse in sight. The human cavalry undoubtedly penetrated the orc wolf cavalry again. The second wave of attacks continued unabated and broke through the orcs for a while. They rushed out from the wolf cavalry and the two sides completed an exchange of positions. Only the corpses of the orcs were left on the ground in the middle of the fight.

Subsequently, the two sides stopped their charge with a tacit understanding, reversed their direction, and faced each other again.

The human cavalry still had expressionless faces. They had never seen experienced warriors like champion knights and superb swordsmen. Crushing these wolf cavalry was just an appetizer.

As for the orcs, wolves and cavalry, everyone from their commander to the ordinary soldiers looked at the human army opposite with a sense of fear.

Although in this round of impact, the Orc Wolf Cavalry suffered a total loss of several hundred, and the casualty rate was only 10%, which was far from the warning line for the Orc Wolf Cavalry to withstand casualties. They were a team that could hit 50% of the casualties. Elites who can continue fighting regardless of the casualty rate.

But the elites cannot maintain their morale when they are being massacred unilaterally. Even if the opponent loses one cavalry, it will give them some hope. Now one human cavalry is not lost, and the corpses of orcs and giant wolves are piled in the middle. , for the Wolf Cavalry, this battle is simply impossible to fight.

However, Mrak and Taris did not leave too many opportunities for the wolf cavalry to doubt their lives. The clatter of horse hooves sounded again like the whisper of death. Their attack forced the wolf cavalry commander to give another order. Charge.

As a cavalry general, the wolf cavalry leader still knows that there is no way to escape at this time. The opponent is already faster than them. Now that he charges, as long as he dares to retreat, the opponent will keep biting behind him and harvesting him. It is better than directly Charging to death is even more undignified.

Besides, the opponent is not invincible. Even a master will get tired. He still has a numerical advantage, so he may not have a chance.

“Warriors, attack!”


Although the morale of the wolf cavalry was low, they still faithfully carried out the orders. They were the most elite wolf cavalry of the orcs. They had their own pride, so how could they be afraid of the enemy on the battlefield.

Raising the scimitar, he also charged towards the human cavalry…


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