Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 506: Aware




The only well of the orcs became the main target of the defenders’ attack on the battlefield, and it was filled with fire arrows.

However, the level of the orc craftsmen is really good. Even though the entire side of the well facing the city wall was filled with fire arrows, the entire well still did not burn. The fire prevention was very good.



The only well gate successfully approached the city wall. The wooden planks hit the city wall heavily, creating a direct passage to the city wall.

After approaching the city wall, this large-scale equipment actually slightly improved the morale of the orcs. The morale of the orc warriors who had been unable to climb the city wall for a long time had already dropped drastically. If Devi, the commander of the rear legion, had not organized a supervising team The strong pressure, coupled with the ferocity of the orcs themselves, has completely destroyed the morale of the siege.

Seeing that the upward passage was built in the well, the surrounding orcs almost rushed to the well. At this time, they would rather rush up and be hacked to death by the strong humans than be killed by the heat while climbing the city wall. He would be scalded to death by oil or fall directly from mid-air and fall to death.


It’s just that the passage built by the well is not a thoroughfare, it is just another road of death. The first orc warrior who rushed to the city wall was hit by a meteor hammer before he even roared on the city wall. On his head, the heavy meteor hammer directly smashed a big crater into his helmet, and the entire skull was shattered. The red and white stuff flowed out along the gaps in the helmet, and he fell directly to the ground without any struggle.

Sir M’rak swung his bolas and stood beside the well tunnel, becoming an insurmountable obstacle. With his high-level strength in the sky, he stood here to deal with some orcs at the highest warrior level. Bullying the weak.

Besides, Sir Murak is not the only one in the Sky Level here. There are three Sky Level heroes beside him. After the orcs rushed from the well to the city wall, none of them could stand for more than one second. Soon the crenel The corpses of the orcs were laid directly on the ground without any breakthrough.

Even with the bravery of the orcs, they cannot persist in launching such a death-defying attack. After all, any living thing has the instinct to survive. No army can persist in such a deadly attack.

It was a trivial matter to stop moving forward. Many orc soldiers even suffered mental breakdowns and began to desperately want to stay away from Dragon Scale Castle, instinctively fleeing towards the main camp.

“Those who retreat will die!”

The fleeing orc soldiers quickly ran into the war supervising troops arranged by Devi. Facing these scattered soldiers who escaped, the war supervising team showed no mercy at all and did not try to persuade them. They even rushed forward and killed them with a few axes. The deserters were hacked to the ground.

“Does it make sense for us to fight hard here? The people who were elected today have already escaped. Do you think we don’t know anything?”

“Kill him!”


Among the few orcs who collapsed and escaped, there was even a small officer. He was slightly more knowledgeable than the ordinary soldiers. Naturally, he did not believe that the elites selected today were going to perform other tasks. I guessed they had escaped.

It’s just that the more you talk now, the faster you will die. A great orc warrior who was responsible for supervising the team even rushed out of the team himself and killed the escaped young officer with an axe.


“Those who retreat will die!”

“Get everyone back! No retreat is allowed without the order of the Legion Commander!”

The sporadic deserters were still suppressed by the strict supervision of the war, but at this time the morale of the orcs had dropped to the extreme. Even if this wave of deserters could be suppressed, the orc soldiers had no enthusiasm for attacking, and some soldiers had even begun to attack They held up their shields far away from the city wall and were unwilling to move forward. If they continued to press on like this, it would only be a matter of time before a large-scale rout occurred.

“Sir Devi, we can no longer continue the attack, we have reached the limit.”

Seeing that Devi was still sullen and staring at the Dragon Scale Castle in front of him, the officer on the side couldn’t help but persuade him again.

This time Devi did not insist on ordering the troops to continue the attack. He also knew that the army had reached its limit, especially that the well was full of corpses. No orc warriors dared to rush up to the city wall through the well. , it is impossible to launch the previous suicidal attack again.

Sini has been leading people to evacuate for a while, and this is all he can do.


After sighing heavily, Devi ordered:

“Let the troops stop attacking. All armies should strengthen their vigilance and surround Dragon Scale Castle. No one from the army inside should be allowed to come out.”

“Yes, sir!”

Soon, the order to stop the attack was conveyed.




The golden sound of retreat sounded, and the orc army that had basically stopped moving forward retreated like a tide, but it was a bit faster than the attack speed. Originally, the orc army would be more protracted in retreating, and the orc warriors started to fight. They are fierce and easy to get on top of, and their retreat will inevitably be delayed during a fight. But this retreat was extremely clean and tidy. They had been killed long ago and were out of their hot-blooded state. They were extremely sober. After all, I have only heard of people who can take the lead in battles, but never heard of people who can take the lead while being massacred unilaterally.

“There is something wrong with this attack by the orcs.”

Looking at the retreating orcs, Elena was the first to notice something was wrong.

“Yeah, I initially thought they were short of food and wanted to fight to the death, but if I think about it carefully, even if they have to fight to the death, they should be somewhat prepared for the attack. At least they should prepare more long ladders than their flying claws. OK.”

“They attacked too quickly, as if they wanted to cover up something.”

The heroes looked at each other, and Elena reacted quickly.

“An orc has escaped!”

“Immediately send the Griffin Knight and the Silver Pegasus Knight to search in the direction of the northern dense forest!”

If the orcs want to escape, they will only run towards the northern dense forest. They cannot run back to Dragon Wing City. Like Dragon Scale Castle, it is a dead end.

On the other side, in order to cover up the movements of the army, the orcs, 30,000 troops, plus a flag regiment of wolf cavalry, only used very few torches to guide the direction, and kept circling north in the dark, preparing to enter from the northern path. dense forest.

The small road is actually not suitable for large armies to pass through, and it takes more time. This is definitely not an easy road for the orcs with insufficient food and grass, but it is better than all being killed under the Dragonscale Castle, especially this The army of more than 30,000 people also took away most of the food and grass. In a short period of time, they did not even have to worry about food, but there was some hope of escaping.

“The attack on Dragon Scale Castle seems to have stopped.”

“Sir Devi has bought us enough time.”

“How far are we from the jungle now?”

“We can enter the dense forest by walking in three days, but it may take even longer to reach the garrisoned village.”

“Speed ​​up. When humans react, we may not be able to leave easily.”

“We still have more than 30,000 people here. Do humans dare to chase them out?”

“Don’t regard that human army as an ordinary human army.”

“The cavalry, composed entirely of human earth knights, chased and harassed me. I don’t know how to crack it.”




Just when Sydney and another legion commander beside him wanted to discuss how to deal with the champion knight, several chirps suddenly came from the sky.

Such a sharp whistle suddenly came from the night sky, breaking the silence and attracting Sydney’s attention. He instinctively raised his head and looked in the direction of the sound in mid-air.

“No, it’s the human air cavalry!”

“Quick, put out the torch!”

At this time, the other legion commander next to Sydney reacted quickly and immediately asked a soldier next to him to put out the torch.

Sini just turned around heavily and shook her head.

“Those weird birds have great eyesight at night.”

“There is no need to put out the torches, we have been exposed, so the army no longer has to hide, light up the torches, illuminate the road, and speed up towards the dense forest!”

Sini had observed the human air cavalry in previous siege battles. Those strange birds did not suffer any visual impairment at night and could still swoop directly from dozens of meters high to attack the orc warriors on the ground. Now Those strange birds appeared above them, and he was almost certain that the other party had discovered them. Since there was no point in hiding, there was no need to continue to advance in the dark. It was better to show the torch openly and enter the forest as early as possible. the best choice.

After the more than 30,000 orc army suddenly lit up their torches, the scattered light sources on the ground suddenly turned into a long flaming snake moving quickly towards the dense forest.


On the other side, the gryphon knight who discovered the whereabouts of the orc army did not waste a moment and quickly returned to Dragonscale Castle and reported the movements of the orc army to several heroes.

“There are more than 30,000 people. I’m afraid the essence of the entire orc army is concentrated in these 30,000 troops. No wonder we didn’t even see a few orc warriors when we attacked the city tonight.”

“I’ve seen the tactic of cutting off one’s tail to survive, but I’ve never seen the tactics of cutting off one’s tail and giving up two-thirds of one’s army.”

“This is already considered a defeat.”

“What to do next? There are nearly 100,000 orcs outside the city. Should we eliminate those orcs outside the city first?”

“The orcs outside the city must be wiped out, and the 30,000 orcs who have evacuated cannot let them leave easily.”

After planning for so long, both Gru and Elena hope to do their best. Now that they have discovered that more than 30,000 orcs are trying to escape in a detour, Elena is naturally unwilling to let each other go easily.

“Give the information to Lord Gru first. The orcs probably want to go around to the back and directly enter the forest.”

“Talis and Mrak, you immediately lead the champion knights and unicorn holy beasts to set off, take the outstanding swordsmen and air cavalry with you, try to entangle the retreating orc army, at least don’t let them go too far Leave easily.”


Although the number of orc troops still remaining in Dragon Scale Castle at this time is large, they are almost no threat. It is enough for Elena to lead the ordinary soldiers of the Northern Route Army to sit in the city. Almost all the system troops are used to pursue the west. Ni took away the army.

After making the decision, Mrak and Talis immediately went back to lead the army and quickly chased out from the north gate of Dragonscale Castle.

“Lord Devi, there is movement on the human side!”

“That cavalry went north! The soldiers from the north couldn’t stop them!”

Although the orcs stopped attacking the city, they left soldiers behind to besiege Dragon Scale Castle on several sides. However, the morale of the orcs at this time was really low. The orcs in the north were unable to intercept the system soldiers leaving the city and could only watch them helplessly. Out in pursuit.

“Let each flag regiment restrain its own team.”

Devi raised his hand and stopped issuing new orders. In fact, his mission at this time was completely over. The troops will be out of food starting tomorrow, and he will no longer be able to help with the evacuation of Xini. busy.

“Let the First Flag Regiment build a defense line around the big tent. Maybe it will be of some use in the end.”

“Yes, sir!”

The officer left and transferred an elite flag regiment directly under Devi, which was the army that had previously served as a supervisory team.

When they are about to run out of food, they have to separate themselves from the orc army outside…


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