Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 505: Attack


While the orcs were preparing to escape as planned, the defenders of Dragon Scale Castle finally got a chance to rest.

A large number of soldiers did not care about the corpses piled around them and rested on the city wall. Even the outstanding swordsmen hugged their giant swords and fell asleep with their backs against the city wall.

In the past few days, the orcs’ consumption of Dragon Scale Castle has been so great that they have barely given them any time to breathe. Even strong men like the Excellent Swordsman have been exhausted to the limit.

Fortunately, Talis and others led the champion knights in a night attack and destroyed almost all the orcs’ siege equipment, thus stopping the orcs’ attack. Otherwise, in broad daylight, the orcs would have still maintained a high pressure of siege from all sides. situation.

Although the soldiers got a short rest, several heroes knew that the battle was not over yet. Outside the city were more than 100,000 orc warriors armed to the teeth, not more than 100,000 pigs. What can be done in a desperate situation It’s not surprising if anything happens, you still need to maintain the necessary vigilance.

Several heroes gathered together to discuss the next matter.

“Although the orcs’ siege equipment was successfully burned this time, the soldiers were exhausted. In particular, two champion knights were seriously injured and needed to recover for a long time.”

“The soldiers of the Northern Route Army have suffered heavy casualties in the past two days. Thousands of them were killed in battle alone. At this time, we only have the power to defend the city.”

Although compared with the tens of thousands of casualties suffered by the orcs, the casualties of the Northern Route Army are really nothing, but it must be considered that the total number of troops of the Northern Route Army in Dragon Scale Castle is only 5,000 people per flag regiment. The death of more than a thousand people accounted for less than 20% of its total strength, which has reached the red line of casualties tolerated by ordinary armies.

“According to speculation, the orcs will run out of food in a few days. We must prevent the orcs from jumping over the wall in a hurry in the past few days.”

“Hey, no matter how hard they jump, they can’t get over our high wall.”

The expressions of several heroes in the hall were relatively relaxed. In addition to the smooth battle, they also benefited from the improvement in their levels and strength, which made them more confident.

After this period of fighting, the levels of several people have improved, and their strength has also improved to a certain extent.

Just talking about Elena, her level has been upgraded to level 20, and her talent skill Angel Arrival has also been upgraded to a high level. She can directly gain the strength of an archangel, plus Elena’s own various skills. With the addition of treasures, his strength is definitely stronger than that of Archangel. In terms of combat power, he is on the same level as Gru and Natalis.

Although the previous battle was fierce, Elena still had some strength left. She relied on her high-level combat power to securely hold the city wall without using her natural skills. Now she still has confidence.

Taris and Sir M’Lak have also been promoted to one level, their strength has been slightly improved, and they have basically stepped into the threshold of the high-level sky.

Even Xi Aier, who has always been like a bastard, has greatly improved his strength recently, perhaps because his basic level is the lowest. He has recently been upgraded to ten levels in a row, reaching level 18, and his strength has barely reached the level. reached the sky level.

Although Dragon Scale City does not have many troops at this time, there are as many as seven sky-level masters. Although the orc army under the city is large, it lacks both food and siege equipment, and it is really impossible to provide them. They are too stressed.

“By eating this orc army, our level may be able to catch up with Moriel and Natalies, and maybe Gru and Ms. Elena can return to the holy level.”

“On the battlefield, you should not be careless until the last moment.”


Although Elena said this, she still had some expectations in her heart. After all, the feeling of being limited in strength was not pleasant.

“It’s getting dark soon. Let’s go up to the city wall and take a look. Be careful of the orcs taking advantage of the night.”


“Let the soldiers cheer up and be vigilant. The closer we are to victory, the less we can take it lightly.”


“Lady Elena, there seems to be some movement over at the orc camp!”

Just before the few heroes stepped onto the city wall, the veteran Arcee, who had just been patrolling the city wall, ran over to remind him, but his expression was a little weird, as if he had seen something incomprehensible.

“Let’s go up and have a look.”

Already approaching the city wall, Elena didn’t ask any questions. The few people quickened their pace and walked to the city wall.

At a glance from the city wall, Elena and others understood why Arcee had such an expression.

The orcs actually lit up torches again and made a gesture of attacking the city. No, they were already attacking the city, or they were attacking from four directions.

Looking from a distance, tens of thousands of torches were lit up in all directions. A rough estimate showed that the orcs had dispatched at least another 30,000 to 40,000 people to attack the city. This number was not much more than the previous two days.

But if you take a closer look, you will find that these orcs have no siege equipment at all. Compared with the large-scale deployment of more than a dozen Jinglan each time in the past few days, the orcs attacking tonight are shabby. Jinglan only has A solitary one.

There were only a few long ladders, and some seemed to be temporarily spliced ​​together. The orc soldiers in the front row did not have shield vehicles, and even dismantled some tents and fences in the camp to form a simple shield.

What is the difference between attacking a city like this and committing suicide? This style of play is just like using line tactics to attack in the machine gun era. Firstly, it is courageous, and secondly, it is mentally ill.

Is it because the orc leader was killed last night that the remaining orcs were confused? Or maybe the orcs have no other options at this time and want to die with dignity while they still have the strength to attack.

Of course, no matter what the possibility, any offense should be taken seriously.

“Prepare to fight, let the soldiers who are resting also prepare, don’t let the orcs come up!”


Due to the attack of the orcs, the soldiers who were still sleeping were awakened one after another. The outstanding swordsmen who had been sleeping with their swords in their hands also stood up, pulled down their visors and got ready for battle.

“Fire the arrow!”

“Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…”

The supplies accumulated in Dragonscale Castle are quite sufficient, and the reserves of supplies such as arrows are enough to fight several battles. When the orc army approached within a distance of about fifty meters from the city wall, arrows fell like rain.

Although these arrows are not very effective against orc warriors wearing heavy armor, when there are too many, there will always be some unlucky ones. After thousands of arrows fell, nearly a hundred orcs still fell to the arrows.



“Charge forward!”

The orcs in the front row still had a few long ladders that they could use. The ladders were quickly put up on the city wall. The two orcs pressed down and pointed their crossbows at the upper wall stacks to cover an orc warrior who rushed up.

“Fire oil!”



However, the defenders of Dragon Scale Castle had already made thorough preparations. Before the orc warrior climbed halfway up, a pot of fire oil poured down, and the hot oil immediately poured on him and made a sizzling sound. , However, this orc warrior has stepped into the threshold of extraordinaryness after all, and his physical fitness is much stronger. He even endured the pain of being burned by kerosene and continued to climb up.

It wasn’t until a torch was thrown down from above that the entire long ladder burned down and collapsed from the middle. Only then did the orc warrior fall down with the long ladder.



Using this kind of ordinary long ladder to attack is inherently disadvantageous, and even this kind of ordinary long ladder is extremely lacking in the orc army. Some long ladders temporarily modified from fences still have serious problems. Due to quality issues, some long ladders collapsed before the humans above could throw stones.

There are even more orcs who don’t even have long ladders. They throw their flying claws directly onto the city wall and pull a rope to climb up. Fortunately, the orcs are generally strong and can throw the iron flying claws. The city wall is about ten meters high.

“Cut the rope!”

“Pour the oil down!”



Climbing with flying claws is more difficult than a long ladder. First of all, the climbing speed is much slower. Orc warriors wearing heavy armor have to use their hands and feet to climb up on ropes, even with weapons. They can only be carried behind their backs.

The defenders above may only need a few swords to cut the rope, causing the climbing orc warrior to fall directly from mid-air. If he falls from a height of seven to eight meters, he will be seriously injured even if he does not die.

“Are these orcs crazy?”

Arsi has been fighting for so many years, but he has never seen such a crazy orc. This kind of fighting style that does not take life seriously is very difficult for any normal general to understand.

“Quick, go bring some more logs up!”

“Be aware that the opponent’s well is approaching!”

Although I don’t understand why the orcs launched such a suicidal attack, the human soldiers on the tower will not show any compassion and will only find ways to kill more orcs.

On Dragon Scale Castle, the orcs’ suicidal attack continued, but it was a different scene in the orc camp.

A 30,000-strong orc army appeared at the rear of the camp with only scattered torches, keeping a certain distance from the army that was attacking the city.

“Lord Xini, the army has been assembled and can set off.”

Sini glanced at these selected elites. There was some reluctance on their faces, or maybe some luck, glad that they were not the part that was abandoned.

“Let’s go, don’t let the sacrifice of the Devi Army Commander be in vain.”

“Let’s go!”

“Let’s go!”

The soldiers who can be selected to escape are all the elite. Almost half of the orc warriors in the army are concentrated in these 30,000 people. There are at least more than 500 orc warriors in this 30,000 army. The other legions are almost exhausted.

Although the operation was in the dark, these orc warriors had excellent eyesight and could find the direction with just some faint light. Other orc warriors followed these warrior-level officers and marched silently in the dark night. , trying to hide it from the human army.

On the other side, Devi, who was commanding this suicide attack, was still looking at the fallen orc warriors one after another with an expressionless face, as if he wanted to see clearly every orc warrior who fell to the ground wailing.

“Legion Commander, we can’t attack anymore. The soldiers can’t get to the city wall at all. If we continue to fight like this, our morale will be lost.”

“Continue to attack, no retreat without my order!”

Faced with Devi’s order, even the orcs, who had always been forbidden to follow orders, hesitated.


“Didn’t you hear my order?”

Seeing that the officer who delivered the order did not hesitate, Devi glared at him.

“Yes, Lord Legion Commander!”

“Continue the attack!”

Although Devi was seriously injured, his majesty was not lost at all. After being glared at by Devi, the officer just now did not dare to hesitate any longer and immediately went down to convey the order.

In the night, Sydney quietly left with a small number of elites, while Devi continued to attack Dragonscale Castle with an abandoned team, trying to attract the attention of the defenders…



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