Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 504: Measures



After a fire burned all the equipment in the orc camp, Talis and Sir M’rak broke out with all their strength, leading the champion knight and the unicorn beast.

At this time, the orc army has not had time to encircle them, and most of the more than 100,000 troops are still confused. Because Sean’s death was so sudden and it was nighttime, the orcs in each legion only knew that the camp had been raided by humans. Most of them did not realize the seriousness of the matter before Talis and others set fire to it.

Only after knowing that the raging fire started from the engineering camp and the fire lit up half of the night sky did the commanders of the orc legions realize that something was wrong.

At this moment, Sean died in battle again, and the same schedule cannot be carried out. The actions of each legion all depend on the reaction speed of their respective legion commanders. Those who react faster have already brought some elites close to the center of the fire, while those who react slower have brought some elites closer to the center of the fire. Haven’t started taking action yet.

There is nothing wrong with being cautious at night, but this caution has left Taris’s cavalry with a huge breakthrough. Originally, the orcs still had a chance to use the numerical advantage of the army to keep Taris’s cavalry, at least A certain amount of casualties were caused, but at this time the actions of the troops in the orc camp were somewhat out of touch. Taris led the cavalry to keenly find the loopholes of the orc army, and almost did not collide with the large group of orc troops. After solving several small troops blocking the road, they rushed out of the orc camp. Only the orc camp was left in a mess, and a group of orc officers who had not yet realized what was going on.


Morning light dew

The sun slowly illuminated the entire orc camp. The orc army, which had been in chaos in the middle of the night, had basically restored order. Each legion was ordered by the officers to count the number of people and count the number of casualties and missing persons.

The direct casualties caused by Taris and others to the orcs last night were not too many. Counting the injured, they only caused a few thousand casualties. Although this number does not seem small, considering the cavalry, The lowest strength in the team is also an earth-level being, so this number of casualties is not difficult to accept.

The reduction of a few thousand men, for the more than 100,000 orcs in the army, may be painful to say the least, but it will not break the bones, and it will not play a decisive role in the direction of this war. What really made the orcs uncomfortable was the burning of a large number of siege equipment and the death of Sean.

“Legion Commander, we found Lord Sean!”

“Where is it, take me there and have a look!”

Although many soldiers saw the scene of Sean’s death during the night battle, several orc army commanders still had the attitude of wanting to see people alive and dead, and strictly ordered the soldiers to remove Sean’s body. It may not be easy to find the body of an ordinary soldier among the messy corpses, but it is still easy to find a commander-level general like Sean. Shortly after dawn, the orc soldiers found it among a pile of corpses. Sean’s headless body was soon found nearby.

“Lord Sean!”

The orc army leader, led by his soldiers, saw Sean’s body that had just been restrained, and couldn’t help but pounce on him and howl.

As a warrior who protects the country and has been in charge of the Royal Guards of the Royal Capital for many years, Sean has a high prestige among these orc officers. Seeing Sean’s body at this time, some of his true feelings were revealed.

“Commander of the Xinni Army, please restrain Sir Xian now. We have more important things to deal with.”

At the beginning, when the surrounding orc warriors saw the commander of the Xini Army crying, they could only watch dryly, and even were affected to cry together.

It wasn’t until another orc army commander came over that Sydney’s meaningless crying stopped.


Sini bent over, wiped the blood on Sean’s face and then stood up. Just now, he was just a little out of control due to the army’s series of defeats.

As a senior general, he quickly adjusted his mentality after being reminded by his colleagues, but he did not take the words of another legion commander for the time being.

“Lord Russ, wait a moment.”

“Where is the captain of Sir Sean’s personal guard?”

“He also died in battle last night.”

“What about the soldiers of the Guards?”

“Most of them died in the battle, and a few collapsed during the battle. They haven’t recovered yet.”

“Lord Sean is dead, how can these personal guards still have the dignity to live? Send me an order that all deserters from the personal guards will be executed.”

“Yes, Lord Sydney!”

Sini gave an order, and hundreds of heads fell to the ground. Logically speaking, Sydney was not qualified to execute the Guards soldiers. He could only manage the men of his own legion.

It’s just that now that Sean is dead, Sydney is the only earth-level legion commander left in the army. The other legion commander Russ on the side is only at the peak of the great warrior, and he is inferior to Sydney. Across the entire hierarchy, Sydney now had almost the most say in the army than any of the legion commanders, and no one would go against his will on such “little things”.

After Sydney casually decided the life and death of hundreds of guards, the few remaining orc army commanders also entered the big tent to discuss the next action.

Originally there were eleven people in the big tent, but now only five people were seated. Only these five people were left who were qualified to participate in the military meeting at this level. During the battle of Longyi City, Three legion commanders were killed. In the past two days of the attack on Dragonscale Castle and last night’s night battle, two more legion commanders were killed. Even the commander, Sean, died unexpectedly in the battle. The big tent is now so empty that it makes people feel a little confused.

What makes the remaining orc army commanders even more worried is the current situation.

“How much food and grass are there?”

“Because of the isolation of Dragon Scale Castle, the food stored in the dense forest cannot be delivered. No matter how much the army saves food and grass, it will only be enough for three days at most.”

The lack of food and grass is something that several legion commanders expected. If there was enough food and grass, they would not withdraw and try to break through Dragon Scale Castle. They should still besieging Longyi City at this moment. Regarding this They were somewhat mentally prepared. Even though the army would be hungry in three days, there was still no difference on the faces of the several legion commanders.

“How many siege engines do we have left?”

“Almost all of it was burned down last night. There is still one usable shaft and a small number of ladders that were saved.”

When it comes to the problem of damaged siege equipment, several orc army commanders in the big tent showed bitter faces almost at the same time. Without the siege equipment, it almost declared that it was impossible for them to take the Dragon Scale Castle. They could not let it go. Soldiers, use your hands to climb the city wall. The nearly ten-meter-high wall of Dragon Scale Castle is not that easy to climb even for warrior-level experts.

Completely trapped within enemy territory, with no food, no siege equipment, no possibility of breaking through the enemy’s blockade, and the general has just died. In most cases, this army will probably consider surrendering. things to come.

But the several orc army commanders in the big tent, and even all the orc warriors outside, would not consider surrender. They could run away as deserters, but it was absolutely impossible for them to surrender to humans.

The two races have a feud, and the result of surrender is almost certain. Human prisoners never end well with the orcs, and if this orc army surrenders to Gru, Gru will definitely not keep them. Killing and surrendering is his only option. s Choice.

After ruling out the option of surrender, no matter how difficult the next battle is, we must find a way to proceed.

“Now after excluding the wounded, we still have 130,000 soldiers, and we still have the strength to fight.”

“Unfortunately, humans will not give us a chance to fight.”

Now that the orc army is trapped in a desperate situation, as long as Gru is in his right mind, he will not take the initiative to attack again. When these orcs are hungry for another week and cannot even hold their weapons, they will lead the army to attack. , isn’t it an easy thing?

“We must find a way to break out.”

“Where to attack? Can we capture the Dragon Scale Castle in front of us or the Dragon Wing City behind us?”

“We can bypass Dragonscale Castle and get back through the woods.”

“Bypass Dragonscale Castle?”

“The detour will take at least ten days. The army only has enough food for three days. Besides, except for the road to Dragon Scale Castle, other places are not suitable for the army to pass. It is almost impossible to detour.”

“What if we give up part of our army?”

When Sydney said this, the entire tent fell silent. The four army commanders all focused on Sydney at the same time. They had not thought of the detour plan.

The main problem is that when detouring through the forest, firstly, it is difficult for the army to pass smoothly, and secondly, the remaining food and grass are not enough to support them in detouring, so they directly rejected this plan from the bottom of their hearts.

But at this time, Sydney brought up this plan again, and also proposed a vicious and highly feasible plan.

Xini was stared at by four people, but he was not timid at all. The so-called kindness is not in charge of troops. Most of the senior generals who can occupy this position will only regard their armies as a bargaining chip, rather than as living things. Life, whether to give up on them, just depends on whether the exchange chips are suitable.

Now, it’s time to give up on some people.

“What does Sir Sydney want to do?”

After a moment of silence, Russ, another orc army commander, broke the silence.

“Gather all the food and grass among the generals. You go back and select some elites. Take no more than 30,000 people with you at most, and divide your troops to leave. The remaining people will leave a small amount of food and grass for them and let the commander of the Devi Army lead them, and Humanity fought hard.”

Xini’s plan was quite determined. It was equivalent to giving up an army of 100,000 and taking a small number of elites to escape in a detour. Letting them stay and fight with humans is just a show. Except for Dragon Wing City and Dragon Scale Castle, there are not even humans around here. Whether there are siege equipment or not, they can’t find anyone even if they try their best. They say they stay and wait to die. More relevant.

This is not called tail-cutting to survive, it is simply cutting off half of the body to survive. However, this crazy plan was not opposed by any of the legion commanders below, and they all remained silent.

Silence is acquiescence. As long as there is some way, they are unwilling to accept this plan. But at this time, the army has reached the end of its rope. It is better to leave with some elites than to starve to death here. Some.

Seeing no one objected, Sydney said immediately without further delay:

“We don’t have much time. The matter of taking away the food must be kept secret. Now we go back to the legion to select people. We will set off tonight.”


The several legion commanders who had remained silent at first finally agreed to Sydney’s order.

“It’s just the commander of the Devi Army…”

There is another key point in this plan to survive. There must be an officer with sufficient prestige and status to stabilize the situation, especially to maintain the stability of the camp during and after their departure, otherwise they will go around. Failure is likely to directly cause a major collapse.

The five army commanders present are all valuable forces. Naturally, they cannot stay among the abandoned army of 100,000. The most suitable candidate to take on this important task is the seriously injured Devi.

Devi was also a former warrior of the orcs, equivalent to a master of the earth level. He was also the most powerful among the ten orc army commanders, and his strength and prestige were even higher than that of Sydney.

However, he was seriously injured in the battle and is still being treated in the witch doctor’s tent. He has almost lost all his strength. Now he can barely move. He may not even be able to defeat an ordinary orc warrior.

But what Sydney needs now is not the opponent’s strength, but the opponent’s status and prestige…

“I will go find Mr. Devi personally, and you all will prepare on your own to ensure that you can set off on time in the evening.”

A camp in the southwest corner of the orc camp.

“This medicine is too bitter!”

“My life is almost gone and I’m still afraid of suffering, so drink it!”

“Ahem! There are actually ants in your medicine!”

“Drink or not!”


Nearly all the wounded in the orc army gathered here. Before they even got close, they could smell the strong smell of medicine. Occasionally, there would be one or two terrifying screams. It should be the witch doctor treating the wounded.

The wounded who can come here are considered lucky. At least in the eyes of the witch doctor, they still have the value of treatment. More wounded people on the battlefield have no chance to receive treatment and die in despair.

Besides several large tents in the camp, there is also a separate tent, where the orc army commander Devi is receiving treatment. With the strength of the earth level, Devi is finally out of danger. After resting for a period of time under his care, he was even able to walk a few steps.

But at this time, the witch doctor was driven out of the tent, leaving only two orcs inside.

“I didn’t expect you to have such courage, Sydney.”

Sitting in the tent, Devi couldn’t help but sigh after hearing Sydney’s plan. Although he was seriously injured, he still understood the current crisis very well. He was just anxious at first, but he didn’t expect Sydney to finally… There is a solution that is not a solution.

“The plan also needs the help of Lord Devi.”

“Go ahead and execute it. I will try to stabilize the camp here.”

“Thank you Lord Devi!”

Sini’s gratitude was sincere. After all, Devi was asked to stay and sacrifice in order to give them a chance of survival.

“No need to thank me, your plan finally makes me feel that it has some effect.”

Sini stopped being pretentious and turned around to leave after nodding to Devi.

After watching Sydney leave, Devi also picked up the battle ax in the tent and walked outside. Two soldiers who had been guarding not far away rushed over immediately.

“Legion Commander!”

“Come on, give me some armor!”


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