Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 503: Success


“You have some courage!”

Although Sir M’Lak praised Sean’s courage, his movements were not slow at all. Although Sean was seriously injured when fighting Gru, he was still able to perform after a few days of rest. If the sky-level strength is used freely, it may cause casualties to the champion knight. These high-level troops are all treasures, and losing one of them can make people feel heartbroken.


The weapon in Sir Mulak’s hand is not an ordinary sword, but a ferocious-looking bolas. The main part of the bolas is repeatedly forged from fine iron, with some spikes on it. It looks really lethal. Not small.

But this kind of strange weapon is rarely used on the battlefield. It is not unreasonable to say that the weirder the weapon, the faster it will die. Any weapon suitable for use on the battlefield has long been summarized by predecessors with their lives. Yes, weapons like the meteor hammer, although not weak in lethality, have obvious flaws. After the hammer is thrown, it is easy to have a gap period without a weapon in the hand. The battlefield is not fought alone, there is more than one enemy, and the battlefield People who lose their weapons can easily become targets of enemy attacks.

However, in the hands of Sir Mulak, this meteor hammer was extremely smooth, and the iron chain could be controlled freely. Every blow could take away the life of an orc. There was never an embarrassing situation where the weapon could not be recovered, and No one dared to regard Sir M’rak who threw the bolas as a soft persimmon. At this time, facing Sean who was blocking the way, Sir M’rak did not say a word. The bolas was thrown towards Sean with white fighting energy, turning into A ray of white light, as its name suggests, hit Sean like a meteor.

Mlak’s use of the meteor hammer has a lot of advantages. Other sky knights want to attack from a long distance. Except for sharpshooters like Gru who can attach fighting spirit to arrows and shoot, most of them, including Richard, You can only rely on the outward release of fighting energy to form a fighting spirit slash to attack, and rely on the outward release of fighting energy to stimulate the fighting spirit slash. The consumption of fighting energy is obviously much higher.

But Sir Mulak can use this meteor hammer to directly bring seven or eight meters of the whole body into the attack range. The fighting spirit is attached to the hammer and then smashed out with one hammer. Its power is not inferior to the fighting spirit slash, but it can Save a lot of fighting spirit.


After all, a strong man of Sean’s level cannot be defeated as easily as an ordinary soldier. The meteor hammer in Mrak’s hand hit Sean’s face, but Sean dodged it sideways. Then he stirred and wrapped the chain around the ax handle.


What a strength!

Sean held the battle ax in both hands, and as soon as he calmed down and exerted his strength, he wanted to pull Mrak off the horse. The two sides were in a slight stalemate across the chains for a few seconds. Although Sean was naturally stronger as an orc, he still had a weak waist. In addition, the old injury suffered by Gru has not recovered, which affects his strength. As a system hero, Mlac is not a type known for his strength, but he is not a weak hand either. The two sides were locked in a stalemate in mid-air, holding the chain.

But soon, Sean had to give up and retreat. Sean and Mrak were not the only sky-level experts present. There was no fair fight on the battlefield. Seeing the stalemate between Mrak and Sean, Tower Reese rushed forward without hesitation, raised his knight’s sword and slashed at Sean who was wrestling with Mrak.

“Let go!”

Facing the charging Taris, more than a dozen orc warriors around Sean rushed up and tried to stop him, but the moment they approached Taris, they flew out like a kite with a broken string.

Sean was helpless and did not dare to continue the stalemate with Mrak. He could only give up the battle ax in his hand and dodge back to temporarily avoid Talis’ attack.

Mlak was not polite here. The moment Sean let go, he took back the meteor hammer and snatched the weapon from Sean’s hand.


“Lord Sean!”

There is naturally no shortage of weapons on the battlefield. The moment the battle ax in Sean’s hand was taken away by Mrak, the orc warrior on the side handed over the weapon, but this weapon was never as good as his own battle ax. After using his hands smoothly, he barely blocked Taris’s blow, and the meteor hammer in Mrak’s hand hit him again.


This time Sean did not block it like before. Sean, who was fighting with Taris, had already noticed the danger coming from the side but was completely unable to get away to resist it.

The bolas attached to the fighting spirit hit Sean’s chest with a bang, and a hole was dented in the solid breastplate due to the heavy hammer. Sean was knocked backwards and flew out by the hammer. Within a few meters, two ribs were broken.


Sean coughed twice in pain, and did not dare to lie down. He immediately rolled over on the spot and stood up. Talis’ long sword was already chasing after him.

“Lord Sean!”

“Protect Sir Sean!”

Even Sean in his heyday may not be able to defeat Talis and M’rak who teamed up, let alone Sean who is now seriously injured. Sean was under the joint attack of M’rak and Talis Frequently in danger, almost unable to fight back. The surrounding bodyguards risked their lives to rush up and stand between Sean and Taris, trying to buy Sean some breathing time.



Although these orc warriors are commendable for their courage, in order to kill Sean, Taris completely ignored the consumption of fighting spirit and directly used fighting spirit to clear the way. All the orc warriors who stood in front of her fell to the ground, and the fighting spirit was everywhere. Only the remains of corpses were left on the ground.



Taris once again chased Sean. Without any unnecessary nonsense, he raised his sword and slashed at him. Both Talis and Mrak knew that tonight’s battle, as long as the orc general was eliminated, it would be almost equal to The goal was achieved.

“Come on, come again!”

Sean has suffered many serious injuries now. He seemed to know that he would not be able to pass tonight’s test. He raised his tomahawk and started fighting with Taris. He only attacked but not defended, and he did not hesitate to use up his fighting spirit. , Talis, who was overwhelmed for a moment, took a few steps back.


However, the momentum that Sean had just raised was broken by a meteor hammer within a few moves. Mrak used the meteor hammer again to carry out a sneak attack, and hit Sean’s right wrist with the hammer, directly knocking Sean’s The wrist was smashed into a 90-degree right angle. It was obvious that all the bones inside had been broken by the hammer, leaving only some skin and flesh connected. Sean’s offensive stopped instantly.



The moment Sean’s wrist was broken by the meteor hammer, a long sword was thrust out from Sean’s back. Although Taris is a knight, the knights of Erathia never pay attention to knights on the battlefield. Spirit.

When Sean was defeated by Mrak, Taris seized the opportunity, raised his sword and knocked the tomahawk from Sean’s hand, and then launched an attack, piercing Sean’s body.


Xiong looked at the long sword that pierced his body, as if he wanted to say something, but he didn’t make a sound for a long time. He grabbed Talis with both hands and wanted to resist.


The strong people of the sky level have strong vitality. Even if their bodies are fatally injured, they will not die for a while. They may even survive under the influence of some supernatural forces. Taris did not hesitate after piercing Sean’s heart. He suddenly drew his sword to avoid Sean’s returning hands and then slashed towards Sean’s head. A blood-stained head rose into the sky, leaving A headless corpse fell to its knees heavily.

“Lord Sean!”

“Lord Sean is dead!”

Sean’s death caused a great shock to the surrounding orc warriors. The orc warriors who had suffered heavy casualties under the sword of the champion knight relied solely on Sean’s bravery and prestige to persist until now. Seeing Sean’s death in battle, most of the orc warriors lost their will to fight.

“Those humans don’t have much fighting spirit anymore!”

“Don’t run!”

“If humans invade the engineering camp and destroy the equipment, we will all…”



The person who stood up to try to stabilize the situation after Sean’s death was an orc warrior. This warrior was also a senior officer in Sean’s personal guard. He was quite a big player among this group of orc warriors. Originally, with his maintenance, the orc warriors still had a chance to get out of the panic.

However, this idea was stopped by Sir Mrak the moment it emerged. They were all veterans of the killing field. How could they give the orcs a chance to regroup their morale? After the other party roared twice, , the meteor hammer followed the sound and hit it.

This orc warrior was not as capable as Sean. He had no strength to resist the meteor hammer that was thrown at him. His whole body was sent flying and he fell to the ground struggling to get up for a long time.

After the officers who tried to maintain the situation were cleared away, the orc army gathered around the engineering camp was completely shaken. Under the impact of the champion knights, they began to flee in all directions. The night was the most testing of the army’s morale and will. After Sean’s death, most of the frightened orc warriors here who were killed by the champion knights completely collapsed and fled to all parts of the camp under the cover of darkness.

After the orc army guarding the engineering camp collapsed, there were no manpower around to guard these equipment. Talis and Sir Mrak did not pursue them, but quickly rushed into the engineering camp and came to these siege cities. Next to the equipment.

“Move quickly, the surrounding orc armies are approaching, and the champion knights have exhausted their fighting spirit and cannot be surrounded by them.”


“Lift the fire curtain quickly!”

Of course the orcs’ engineering equipment cannot be left open in the open like this. The orcs are not stupid either. Humans have absolute air superiority. If they just leave these equipment open like this, they won’t need Talis and M’rak. They rushed in with the champion knights, and just asked the gryphon knights and silver pegasus to throw down some kerosene barrels from the sky and light the fire. There was no need to rush to the orc camp to take risks.

These siege equipment are covered under fire-proof curtains, separated by flame-retardant sand. If you want to burn these equipment, you must first remove these flame-retardant curtains.


Several champion knights joined forces and quickly opened the curtains on the siege equipment. The sand in the compartments slid to the ground, revealing the true appearance of these equipments. There were more than just things covered under the curtains. There are more than ten wells, as well as a large number of rams, ladders and other objects. These are almost all the siege equipment of the orcs outside Dragon Scale Castle.

Several champion knights poured the oil they had prepared on the siege equipment, and then threw several torches over it.


Under the influence of the oil, the fire started instantly. Within ten seconds, several wells that had been cared for were turned into flames.

“Let’s break out!”

Waiting in place for a while, when the fire burned to the point where it was difficult to save, the orc army around the camp was gradually approaching. Outside the firelight were densely packed orc armies. They were surrounded under the command of several orc army commanders. Come here to keep this amazing cavalry force.

After completing their goal, Talis and the two men no longer stayed, and dozens of riders began to break out towards the south of the orc army.


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