Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 502: Night Raid


In the night, the orcs’ attack on Dragonscale Castle still did not stop. They were numb to death, as if they had completed their mission as long as they rushed to the city wall.

In addition to climbing up the city wall through the well, a large number of orc warriors directly climbed up the dragon scale castle on long ladders. Even if the ordinary human soldiers were divided into two groups to rest, they were exhausted by the orcs at this moment. The speed of throwing rocks and pouring hot oil was much slower. Some soldiers were even too tired and accidentally threw the hot oil when pouring it. It knocked over the city wall, causing chaos.

Although the outstanding swordsman is still nailed to the city wall and kills all the orcs who climb up, due to the consumption of fighting spirit, the killing efficiency has been reduced a lot. Most of the time, the outstanding swordsman has relied on his own strength. The physical fitness is in battle.

Except for the direction Elena was guarding, it was still difficult for the orcs to break through. The three city walls held by outstanding swordsmen more or less stopped the attacking orcs several times, although they were soon defeated by the Griffin Knight and Silver Flying. The horse drove off, but this was a bad sign.

The orcs attacked without fear of casualties, and their goal of consuming the fighting spirit and physical energy of the sky knights on the city wall had been achieved. Although the two-day attack left tens of thousands of corpses, compared to the annihilation of the entire army, these The loss is bearable.

However, just when the orcs gradually saw hope, a group of cavalry emerged silently from the deep jungle.

Although the wolf cavalry had been on guard around the army, the scale of these dozens of cavalry was too small, and they were advancing in the dark. When they arrived at the orc camp, the orcs had not noticed the approaching danger.

“After the attack begins, don’t think about fighting, attack directly towards the orc engineering camp, destroy the orc’s siege equipment and then fight out.”


The orc engineering camp is full of orc craftsmen, and the camp is also stocked with a large number of siege equipment prepared by the orcs during this period. If half of it can be destroyed, it will be difficult for the orcs to launch a threatening attack in a short period of time.

But breaking into the orcs’ engineering camp is easier said than done. The orcs themselves are also very aware of the importance of the engineering camp, and have always placed the engineering camp at the core of the camp, far away from the orcs’ handsome men. The tent is not far away, and is actually protected by the orc army. A direct attack on the engineering camp is no different from an attack on the orcs’ handsome tent. Even a cavalry of thousands of people may not be able to rush in under the cover of night.

However, it seems that it is not difficult for the cavalry led by Taris and Mrak to break into the 100,000 orc army and cause destruction.

“Da, da, da…”

“Da, da, da…”

The speed of the champion knights and the unicorn holy beast led by Sir Mrak was increased to the extreme, and they quickly arrived in front of the orc camp.

“Enemy attack!”

“Human cavalry is approaching!”

The frightened roars of the sentries came from outside the orc camp.

Although the champion knights have superb riding skills, and under the leadership of Sir M’Lak, they quickly bypassed the wolf cavalry who were surrounded by Sean, but the champion knights with heavy armor and horses could not defeat them no matter how superb their riding skills were. Hearing the sound of charging iron hooves, the orc sentry looked in the direction of the sound of horse hooves. He saw the faint armor light on the champion knight’s body under the moonlight and issued a warning without hesitation.

However, it was obviously too late to issue a warning at this time. The champion knights had already launched a charge following Talis without concealment.


In order to facilitate the breakthrough, Taris led the champion knights and the unicorn holy beast to form a cone formation, charging forward with the strongest Taris and Mrak as the cone heads. Looking down from the sky, dozens of knights After finishing shrinking into a point, he broke through into the orc camp.

The patrols and sentries arranged by the orcs on the outside tried to block it, but they were killed by the fighting spirit before they could even touch the edge.

The outer tunnel used to trap horses was also jumped over by the champion knights, and the fence was directly opened by the knights in the front row with their fighting spirit, allowing the champion knights to break through. These defenses used to deal with ordinary cavalry all lost their original effectiveness in front of the cavalry led by Talis. In a short period of time, the dozens of cavalry who had shrunk into a single point rushed into the interior of the orc camp.

“Stop them!”

“Lance formation!”

In the night, the orc soldiers who were attacked were briefly panicked, but soon they organized themselves in an orderly manner under the control of the officers and began to try to stop the charging human cavalry.

The military quality of these orc soldiers is indeed not bad. Their response speed and organization when encountering a night attack definitely surpassed that of most armies. When Taris and Mrak led the cavalry to break through the fence outside the camp, On their way forward, several thousand orc phalanxes appeared, ready to block them.

These orcs are not a savage race that fights mindlessly in some movies, but a fighting race whose military literacy is equal to or even exceeds that of humans. The orcs in the front row hold up a large shield with both hands and insert the bottom of the shield diagonally into the ground. , increasing the stability of the shield.

The rows of orcs at the back pointed their nearly five-meter long spears at the charging cavalry. There were more orcs holding axes and guns and other melee weapons gathered behind the spears. If a human cavalry broke through the shield formation and spear formation, , it’s time for these axe-lancers to rush forward and fight.

Normally speaking, no cavalry would dare to collide head-on with this kind of large shield and spear formation. Even heavy cavalry with full armor would not be able to do well in front of this formation. Normally, the cavalry can only use their speed advantage. Circling around the large formation, slowly harassing and nibbling, finding an opportunity to take another bite, slowly wearing the opponent to death, but it is obviously unrealistic to slowly consume the orcs in this camp, surrounded by orc soldiers, etc. More soldiers reacted and surrounded them. It was not certain who would be killed, and a direct attack would most likely result in a **** blow.

But that is a way to deal with ordinary cavalry, and it has no effect at all when used on champion knights. Talis and Sir M’rak at the front of the team are both sky-level masters. Although their strength is not as good as legendary heroes like Gru, they are At least they were on the same level as the outstanding swordsmen. How could the large shield and spear array of ordinary soldiers stop them? Neither the champion knight nor the unicorn holy beast behind them was easy to deal with.




In the dark night, a few rays of fighting spirit were very dazzling. The shield bearers and spearmen on the outermost layer felled dozens of people at once, and a big hole appeared in the orcs’ originally tight formation. Before the surrounding orc warriors had time to block the gap, the human cavalry had already entered through the gap.


“Stop them!”


The destruction of the outer gun shield array did not affect the determination of this group of orc warriors to stop the cavalry. More orc warriors rushed forward with axes, guns and other weapons in their hands, trying to fight the human cavalry. The combat initiative is not bad at all.

It’s just that the gap between these ordinary orc warriors and this human cavalry can no longer be described as a chasm. When the orc warriors raised their battle axes and tried to stop the champion knight from charging, without exception, they all became souls under the sword. Some of them didn’t even need the champion knight to slash with their swords, and were directly knocked down and trampled to death by the red flame horse.

The unicorn holy beast continuously releases blinding spells in the team to create chaos for the orcs, preventing the orcs from re-forming an effective formation to resist the impact of the cavalry. After a while, the cavalry led by Taris broke through several formations and rushed close to the core of the orc camp before a large number of orc troops had time to react.

“Lord Sean!”

“The human cavalry rushed in! Please hide for a while!”

Near the headquarters of the orc camp, due to the surprise attack by the human cavalry, a large number of personal guards had already gathered to protect Xi En. There were at least a dozen orc warriors in this bodyguard of more than a thousand people. An officer at the pinnacle of the Great Samurai command, who can be said to be the most elite member of the orc army.

“Why hide! The target of the human cavalry is the engineering camp!”

“Come with me to guard the engineering camp and order the surrounding soldiers to move closer to us. We must block this human cavalry.”


“Nothing to worry about, execute the order immediately!”

“Yes, Lord Sean!”

“The Guards follow me! Protect the engineering battalion!”

After Sean finished speaking, he took his weapon and rushed towards the engineering camp not far away without looking back. The handsome flag behind him also moved towards the engineering camp. Naturally, more than a thousand personal guards followed Sean to the engineering camp. Together with the orc warriors gathered around, there were at least thousands of orc warriors near the entire engineering camp.

Sean’s judgment is very accurate. The craftsmen of the engineering battalion and the siege equipment are the key to the orc army’s attack on Dragon Scale Castle. If these equipment are destroyed, the orcs will have to climb the wall when they attack tomorrow. , it would be better to surrender directly.

So when Sean found that the surrounding armies were unable to stop the human cavalry from breaking through, he decisively led the guard battalion and prepared to personally guard the equipment of the engineering battalion.

“Da, da, da…”





In the night, there were still brave orc soldiers rushing towards Talis and others sporadically, but like moths to a flame, they could not stop Talis and others from charging.

With M’lak’s speed bonus, the team quickly rushed to the vicinity of the orc engineering camp. In addition to the equipment being used in front, almost all the siege equipment of the army was piled here. As long as the thousands of orcs outside the engineering camp are broken through, the goal of this battle can be achieved.


Taris and M’lak had nothing to hesitate. Although the orcs’ gathering speed when they were attacked at night was a bit faster than they initially expected, they still had great confidence.

From the beginning of the night attack, they broke through the obstruction of at least tens of thousands of orcs and killed no less than a thousand orc warriors without any casualties. This was their confidence.


“Stop these humans!”


The strong attack of the human cavalry quickly caused a large number of casualties to the orcs. This cavalry, composed entirely of combat forces above the earth level, rushed into the orc formation as easily as an iron needle inserted into tofu. Not even the most elite bodyguard battalion in the orc army can stop the champion knight.

All the orcs blocking the charging path were either directly knocked away by the red flame horse, or simply killed by the outward fighting spirit before they encountered the champion cavalry. Before the champion knight exhausted his fighting spirit, These ordinary orc soldiers could hardly pose any threat to them.

“This human cavalry army is actually real!”

“How is it possible, how is it possible!”

Sien, who saw the Champion Knight fighting the Unicorn Holy Beast at close range, finally realized that the miraculous cavalry team that was rumored by the defeated soldiers was actually real. Humanity has a team composed entirely of earth knights. The cavalrymen actually hit his face directly at this moment.

No wonder the more than a thousand wolf riders sent out before disappeared without even rolling over the waves.

No wonder the outer defense line was broken through without having any effect at all. How could these arrangements used to deal with ordinary cavalry stop an army composed entirely of earth-level warriors.

“Lance, spear!”

“Shield Hand!”

“Go! Stop them!”

After being attacked by the cavalry led by Taris, the orcs gathered here responded not slowly, and could even be described as positive. Without waiting for Sean’s order, the guards behind began to use shield formations and spear formations. In the defense line, there were even some crossbows that fired directly at the charging champion knight, regardless of the fact that there were more friendly troops around them. However, these crossbows had no effect at all and quickly stopped.

Arrays of orcs blocked each other, trying one after another to block the charge of the champion knights, but they still had little effect after paying huge casualties. The cavalry was still getting closer to the orcs as the key engineering battalion.

“Follow me!”

“Lord Sean! We can take shelter for a while. The Seventh Legion has organized a flag regiment and is approaching…”

“It’s inevitable, kill me! Either block this human cavalry, or let them step over our corpses!”

Sean was ready to risk his life at this time. This time he led the army to attack from the northern section. Originally, he was not the main attacker. It was just to contain the human army. He only needed to attack steadily and contain the human army, but because He was greedy for credit, and now the army was trapped in this dilemma, only one step away from overturning.

If humans are allowed to destroy these siege equipment at this time, the army will basically have no hope. Without the army, he himself will have no shame in going back alive alone, but he simply leads the surrounding people with a determination to die. Orc soldiers came up to stop the human cavalry.

Sean’s actions immediately boosted the morale of the surrounding orcs. The coach had to fight desperately, but how could ordinary soldiers be greedy for a living? The orc army, which had lost confidence after being killed by the human cavalry for a while, actually broke out again. With an astonishing fighting will, he would rather die than rush forward to block the progress of the horse’s hooves with his body.

With Sean’s move toward death, Taris and others’ pace lags for the first time…



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