Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 501: An impenetrable fortress


Dragon Scale Castle is stuck at the throat of the northern dense forest. If the orcs want to enter the human territory from the northern dense forest, Dragon Scale Castle is a must-pass. It is the gate to the northern section of the Dragon Breath Pass defense line, and it can also be regarded as a barrier. A battleground for military strategists.

It’s just that in the past, the orcs attacked from the northern dense forest from east to west, but now it is just the opposite. The orcs are attacking from west to east, from the direction of human territory towards the northern dense forest. Fortunately, there are no positives or negatives in the construction of Dragon Scale Castle. The city defenses on all sides are very solid. Even if the orcs attack from west to east, they can still deal with it calmly.

Outside Dragon Scale Castle, autumn is getting thick, and the orc flags are flapping in the autumn wind. Coach Sean stands in the camp and looks at the battlefield with an awe-inspiring look on his face, where there are endless cries of killing.

As expected, Dragon Scale Castle is not that easy to win.

This is already the second day after the orc army arrived at the Dragon Scale Castle. When hundreds of thousands of troops arrived at the Dragon Scale Castle, the army only had enough food and grass for three days, and the supplies were only one city away from the army. , as long as the Dragon Scale Fort is captured, the army’s logistics supplies will be able to keep up immediately.

After the army arrived at the city, Sean started without hesitation. The orc craftsmen quickly assembled the catapult. Because it was the last siege battle, all the stone bombs and kerosene bombs stored in the army were poured into the dragon. On the walls of Dragon Scale Castle, at the most violent moment, stones covered the entire Dragon Scale Castle like rain. Then the orc army quickly pushed siege weapons such as wells, ladders, and shield carts towards the four sides of Dragon Scale Castle and launched a ferocious attack. attack. Because they were eager to take down the Dragon Scale Castle, the orcs did not engage in any tactics of surrounding three and missing one. They came up with a posture that they would immediately defeat the Dragon Scale Castle.

Although the large-scale stone bullets are bluffing, they cannot cause enough damage to a strong castle like Dragon Scale Castle. They only make some stone holes in the wall. The soldiers on the city are all experienced veterans. , there was almost no fear of the orcs’ stone bullets, and they each found angles to hide, without suffering too many casualties.

The war will ultimately be decided by the way the orcs attack the city with ants. It stands to reason that this city with only 5,000 people garrisoned should be easily defeated under the full attack of the orc army. After all, the orc army not only has individual soldiers. The advantage in combat power and the absolute advantage in numbers, and the complete range of siege equipment offset many of the advantages of sticking to the city.

But the actual situation was exactly the opposite, which completely fulfilled Sean’s previous worries. The army besieged Dragonscale Castle for a whole day, but made no progress at all. Every time they withstood the defenders’ arrows, stones and heat. Soon after oil rushed to the city, he was driven back by the defenders.

It’s not that the orc warriors are not brave enough, but that the human defenders on the four walls are actually guarded by sky-level warriors. Three outstanding swordsmen and Elena each guard one of the walls. Dragon Scale Castle is originally a small city. , the area that needs to be defended is not wide, and a sky-level strongman can just take care of a city wall.

Every time an orc warrior rushes to the city wall, he will be struck by the thunder of a sky knight-level master. A dozen warrior-level orcs can’t withstand a few swords from a sky-level master. The defense of Dragon Scale Castle In fact, it became mainly four sky-level masters, and the remaining thousands of human soldiers were auxiliary operations to prevent these masters from falling into the siege of the orcs.

What’s even worse is that there are hundreds of precious flying troops in the sky. These flying troops are not the weak sword eagle knights before. Compared with the sword eagle knights, the combat power of these human air cavalry in the sky is much stronger. , especially those female knights riding Pegasus, all of them are knight-level masters, and can support any position on the city wall at any time. A dragon scale castle is actually guarded airtight by this small force.

At this time, under the Dragon Scale City, armors, weapons, and corpses were scattered on the ground. The ground was soaked with blood and was a little soft. Most of these corpses belonged to orcs. Because there was no time to clean up the corpses, the orc corpses were almost surrounded by The Dragon Scale Castle was paved with one layer. Almost all the orcs who attacked today stepped on the corpses of their companions to attack.



Amidst the shouts of killing, another well gate approached the wall of Dragon Scale Castle, and the wooden planks hit the wall heavily. The leader was an orc warrior, wearing thick double-layered heavy armor. Only a tall orc can wear such a heavy armor. It was like a human bulldozer. When the orc warrior landed on the board, the entire board shook, and the orc warriors behind him were pinched by the sight. He sweated, fearing that he would directly crush the only passage.

Fortunately, the thick wooden board withstood the test of this overweight orc warrior, and did not collapse after shaking. The orc warrior roared, raised his battle ax, and followed several orc warriors and dozens of others. An orc warrior rushed towards the city wall.

There was just a vague feeling of uneasiness in this roar. He was not intimidating the enemy, but emboldening himself. After a day of fighting, the attacking orcs also knew what they were going to face.

It only took a blink of an eye for the orcs to rush from the well to the city wall. The leading orc warriors quickly rushed to the city wall of Dragonscale Castle. Originally, there should be heavy troops beside the passage connected to the well. Encircle and suppress as much as possible the space for the enemy troops to rush down.

But after the orc warrior landed, there were only a few sparse human soldiers around him, some distance away from him, and only one human on the opposite side looked at him.

That was a human who was not inferior to him in size. If it weren’t for the fact that the skin color of the other person’s exposed skin was clearly human, he would have suspected that the other person was also an orc.

The human opposite held a heavy sword that was even more exaggerated than his battle axe. He was wearing a short scarlet cloak that was too conspicuous on the battlefield. His entire face was covered under his helmet, but Just through the eyes exposed in the holes, the orc warrior could feel a strong sense of crisis and oppression, as if he was being targeted by some extremely dangerous creature.

The strong survival instinct gave him the urge to escape, but the next second, the orc warrior felt ashamed for his cowardly thoughts. In shame and anger, the orc warrior took the initiative to take action. He raised his battle ax and attacked the opponent.




“It’s so fast…”

Courage cannot make up for the gap in combat power. It is difficult for a great warrior to make waves in front of a superb swordsman. In this kind of battle formation, the superb swordsman is better than the top troops such as archangels. What’s even more terrifying is that compared to other top-level arms that rely on racial advantages to gain great strength, the outstanding swordsmen are ordinary humans who are truly killed from the mountains of corpses and seas of blood, and the battlefield is completely their home field.

Although the great orc warrior took the initiative to attack the great swordsman, he did not even have a chance to swing his axe. The great swordsman was obviously wearing heavy armor, but he moved surprisingly fast. He turned sideways to avoid facing the great orc warrior. During the conflict, the giant sword in his hand was as flexible as a light sword. The moment he turned sideways, he took off one of the opponent’s arms, and then added a sword from the side, directly cutting off half of the orc warrior’s waist.

The thick double-layered armor still looks fragile in the face of the fighting spirit of the outstanding warrior Sky Level.


The orc warrior, who was almost cut in half by the outstanding swordsman, fell to his knees heavily. He held a battle ax in one hand and tried to keep his kneeling position. He seemed to want to struggle to get up and fight again, but even his spine was cut in half. The orc warrior couldn’t stand up no matter what. Blood overflowed along the edge of the armor and slowly flowed to the ground.

The outstanding swordsman did not look back after drawing his sword and continued to rush towards the orc warriors coming up and down the well. He was very clear about the damage caused by his sword. The opponent had almost no chance of survival, and there was no need for him to waste any more time. Energetic.




Excellent swordsmen rushing into several orc warriors are like tigers entering a flock of sheep. These heavily armored orc warriors usually cause a lot of trouble to the human army when they appear on the battlefield, but at this time However, he was knocked down by the outstanding swordsman like he was chopping melons and vegetables. Wherever the heavy sword passed, there was blood and broken limbs. The dozen orcs who had just followed the orc warrior down were killed by the outstanding swordsman.

Just like that, the outstanding swordsman still felt that it was not enough, and actually followed the road down from the well to kill inside the well.



The orcs attacking along the well never expected that there would be defenders coming along the well. They were not prepared at all. After being killed by the outstanding swordsman, the attack was interrupted. Not to mention, the orcs who were originally waiting to attack in the well collapsed collectively, unable to hold on and escaped from the well.


Seeing that Zhuo Jue Swordsman had interrupted the opponent’s attack, he did not pursue him deeply. It was better to fight on the well, where the orcs could not spread out, so he would not be besieged. If he chased outside the city and was besieged, even if he was The outstanding swordsman is so powerful that if he doesn’t consume his fighting energy in time and flies out, he will run the risk of being surrounded and killed.

“The soldiers who have just escaped from the well fence will be executed immediately. The orcs do not need such cowards.”

“Yes, Lord Sean!”

Sean also saw the battle on the city wall from a distance. Of course, he also knew that a strong man like the outstanding swordsman was not something ordinary soldiers could fight against. But military orders are military orders. It may be understandable logically, but military law is absolutely Can’t tolerate mercy.

“Lord Sean, it is not an option to continue fighting like this. The soldiers rushing forward are as if they are committing suicide.”

The casualties of the orc attack became more and more heavy, and even the officers around Sean couldn’t stand it anymore. The attacking troops bumped into the outstanding swordsmen one by one on the city wall, as if they were hitting the edge of the knife themselves. The waves cannot stir.

“There is no time to take into account the casualties. Order the troops to continue the attack and invest the strength of two legions. Within three days, Dragon Scale Castle must be breached, otherwise everyone will fight on an empty stomach.”

“Yes, Lord Sean!”

If it were normal, Sean would not fight like this. Four sky-level strong men were guarding the city opposite. In a place like the city wall where it is difficult to exert numerical superiority, it would be difficult to even besiege. The soldiers who rushed up were completely It’s just a fueling tactic, which is very undesirable.

Either there are enough strong men to lead a team to forcibly break the situation, or to simply carry out a siege, but obviously neither method will work here. Sean has only one choice, and that is to continue to use the lives of his soldiers to fill the gap.

The sky-level masters are also flesh and blood creatures, and their fighting energy will always be exhausted, and there will always be times when they are tired. He does not believe that the sky-level masters on several city walls are made of iron and can continuously attack an army of hundreds of thousands. In continuous fighting, even if it is made of iron, an army of hundreds of thousands should wear away a layer of iron.

Under Sean’s strong orders, the orc army that had just been repulsed launched another attack on Dragon Scale Castle. After additional siege troops were dispatched, the orc offensive was even more fierce than before.

“Charge forward!”


“Those who retreat will die!”

Sean’s idea is correct. Although the outstanding swordsman and Elena are powerful, they are not made of copper and cast iron. Even if they don’t have to face too many orcs at once on the city wall, their fighting spirit will still be exhausted. When the energy is exhausted, after a day of fighting, more than a thousand orcs have died in the hands of each of them, but the fighting energy is basically consumed. Even if they try to control the use of fighting energy, but with the intensity of the orcs, Under the attack, it can only last for one more day at most. Fighting continuously for two days and two nights is basically the limit of the sky-level powerhouse.

When Elena and the outstanding swordsman can no longer hold on, it will be absolutely difficult for ordinary soldiers on the city wall to withstand the attack of the orc army.

However, the defender of Dragonscale Castle had already thought of this problem. When Elena led the army to hold on to Dragonscale Castle, Sir M’rak had already lurked around the battlefield with Talis and the cavalry. It is very easy for a team of only a few dozen people, including the unicorn holy beast, to hide around the forest.

“If the orcs attack like this, is there no problem on Elena’s side? Should we take action?”

The intensity of the orcs’ attack made Taris a little worried. They took away a new force from Dragon Scale Castle but were delayed in sending out. Now Dragon Scale Castle is under fierce attack. Taris is afraid that they haven’t taken action yet. Dragon Scale An accident occurred in the fort.

“Believe in Elena and the others. You can always trust the outstanding swordsmen on the battlefield. If they can’t hold on any longer, there’s still some fire left. We’ll go to rescue them at night.”

Before the orcs attacked the city, Sir Mulak and others took this mixed cavalry team composed of champion knights and unicorn holy beasts to lurk outside the city. After all, it was too much to use champion knights as infantry to defend the city. Wasted, it is in the wild that a champion knight can do his best work.

With such a force, Sir M’rak and Talis are confident that they can turn the orc army upside down with them.

“Start taking action when it gets dark, see clearly where the orc army’s siege equipment is stacked, and try to destroy them all.”


The goal of this team is also very clear, which is to destroy the siege equipment prepared by the orcs. Once the orcs’ siege equipment is destroyed, the orcs will lose their means of siege in a short period of time, and they will wait for them to build another batch. When the siege equipment arrived, famine began to break out in the camp.

Amidst the sounds of fighting, the sun slowly set on the top of the mountain, and the blood-red sunset formed a contrast with the blood-red ground.

As night falls, the moon gradually replaces the sun in the sky, and a layer of white gauze covers the earth.

Although the orc attack has slowed down as night falls, there are still a large number of orc soldiers holding torches and continuing to attack. Sean has no intention of giving Dragonscale Castle any breathing space. The outstanding swordsmen on the wall are His movements began to become sluggish, and the double consumption of physical strength and fighting spirit was a little too much for even the most powerful swordsman.

The orcs seem to see that the hope of destroying the city is just around the corner…


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