Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 500: Retreat


After the orc army completely retreated, the sky was already bright and the early sun was rising, illuminating Longyi City, which had been completely turned into a millstone of flesh and blood.

Although they repelled the orcs’ attack at night, the human soldiers on the city wall still did not slack off. Except for some of the troops who had been fighting all night and rested against the city wall, half of the soldiers still clenched their swords and stared at the people below the city. Orcs.

“Quick, quick, quick, collect the corpses of these orcs, be careful, some guys are not dead, just give them a stab first.”

Another group of soldiers led Minzhuang to collect the corpses on the city wall. After a night of fighting, the entire city wall was covered with blood. In some places where the fighting was fiercest, corpses had been laid out on two or three floors. There is no place to stand, which is quite disadvantageous for city defense. The roads on the city wall must be kept clear.

Of course, the corpses of our own people must be carefully screened, the wounded must be treated, and the deceased must be put into a prewritten body bag according to the dog tag.

The orcs who were still alive were stabbed a few times, and the dead ones were allowed to have their weapons and armor stripped off by civilians, and thrown into the pit together. Although some wounded orcs were buried in the pile of dead people, they were still able to move. When the civilians went up to move them, they were even able to resist and injured several people. The humans who clean up the battlefield are not polite for this. Anyway, in the war between humans and orcs, basically no prisoners are taken. It is always right to strike first when encountering suspicion.

After a night of fierce fighting, Gru did not rest, but observed the movements on the city wall that continued to affect the orc camp. Although the orcs’ final attack was repelled by him, his crazy performance from general to soldier was still It left a deep impression on Gru. Gru had to admit that he was a little overconfident in this battle and underestimated the orcs’ combat effectiveness.

Although the combat effectiveness of these orcs is not as good as that of the barbarians on the continent of Erathia, what they lack is only high-end combat power. In terms of combat madness, they are no less than those barbarians.

Fortunately, his strength is still superior to the opponent’s commander, otherwise Longyi City may be really struggling in the face of the orcs’ attack at night.

In the end, when Sean escaped, Gru did not try to pursue him. There was no qualitative difference in strength between the two. They were both sky-level masters. Even if Sean was not in good condition, it would not be easy for Gru to catch up and kill him. It still takes some effort, and outside is the orc camp. Although the attacking orcs are in a rout, the orcs in the camp are still ready. With Sean’s strength, he can return to the camp soon after jumping off the city wall. Gru Even if they are extremely powerful, they would not dare to rush into the orc camp alone. Even the holy masters may be surrounded and killed if they are trapped in the army and do not escape in time.

However, in Gru’s eyes, Sean is actually a dead person, it’s just a matter of dying early or dying late.

The orc army is short of food and has its retreat cut off. Now it has failed to break through Longyi City with all its strength. Even though the strength of the army is still there, its vigor has been worn down by the defenders of Longyi City. If they want to break through Longyi City again, The city is impossible.

The only option is to retreat towards the Dragon Scale Castle. As long as the Dragon Scale Castle with a small number of troops can be captured, a passage back to the northern dense forest can be opened. The orc army will have a chance to return to the northern dense forest to re-supply. Licking Licking the wound, the next pressure is to return from Dragon Wing City to the direction of Dragon Scale Castle.

It’s just that since Gru has made the tactical arrangement of closing the door and beating the dog, naturally he will not let the orcs easily succeed in Dragon Scale Castle. Originally attacking a small Dragon Scale Castle, there is no need to send out almost all high-end combat power and air power. , all the outstanding swordsmen and champion knights are fighting in Dragonscale Castle. If some of these forces are left in Dragon Wing City, the battle to defend the city will not be so difficult. In the end, it will take Gru personally to defeat Sean. The three outstanding The swordsman can clearly arrange the opponent’s situation.

Gru placed so many powerful troops in Dragon Scale Castle in order to completely block the way the orc army fled eastward and eat the entire opponent’s army.

Dragon Scale Castle seems to have only a few thousand garrison troops, but it has several sky-level masters and dozens of earth-level existences. The actual difficulty of breaking through Dragon Scale Castle is not much easier than taking down Dragon Wing Castle. The remnant orc army under the city is actually a turtle in the urn. Sean, who was seriously injured, can’t escape today, but he can’t escape tomorrow. When the orc army has been without food for a few days, Gru will lead the army out of the city to slowly clean up.

“Order the army to rest in rotation, not to let down your guard, and to scout out the city to monitor the movements of the orc army.”

“Yes, Lord Gru!”

The defenders of Longyi City have experienced the toughest battle. Although they are still nervous, most people know that the possibility of the orcs attacking again is extremely low, and they can take a break.

But the orc camp outside the city was in a gloomy state. The more than 200,000 troops lost tens of thousands under Longyi City, and the battle damage was close to 30%. For most troops, this casualty rate is already a dangerous red line. , but the orc army is the most elite Royal Capital Forbidden Army, but the morale is low, and the basic army order is still maintained. If Gru dares to lead his troops out of the city to pursue, the orcs will still be able to fight.

In the big tent, Sean summoned the orc army commander together with his injuries to discuss matters. The original dozen orc senior officers were now missing several people. In last night’s attack, two orcs who faced the snake demon were killed. The legion commander was killed on the spot, and another was chopped into a leaky sieve. Although he was snatched back by his men, his injuries were so serious that it was doubtful whether he could survive. He was still wrapped like a rice dumpling and lying on the witch doctor’s bed. In the tent. The remaining ones are all injured, but they can still continue to fight.

The atmosphere in the big tent is still dull. Now even the ordinary soldiers know that the situation is not good. They have not taken down Longyi City. There is little hope of breaking through Longyi City next, and the army rations are already exhausted. It hasn’t been delivered for a few days, and the remaining military rations are less than a week’s use. A decision must be made.

“The main responsibility for this battle lies with me. It was my decision-making mistakes that caused heavy losses to the army. Now it is in extreme danger. If we break through successfully this time, I will personally apologize to His Majesty. Next, everyone must fight Come on, we haven’t lost yet.”

In the end, it was Sean who spoke up to break the dull atmosphere. As the coach of this army, the fact that the war ended like this was closely related to his greed for success and erroneous decision-making. Sean was mainly responsible.

Xian came out first to take responsibility, which made his generals look panicked.

“It’s all because of our offensive disadvantages. If we are to blame, we should also bear it.”

“Yes, how can General Sean be held responsible alone?”

“Okay! There is no need to argue about this matter. Longyi City is difficult to break and the army is short of food and grass. We must consider a retreat.”

“Lord Sean, according to the intelligence, the human army stationed at Dragon Scale Castle will definitely not exceed 10,000 people. We can definitely recapture Dragon Scale Castle quickly.”

“Yes, there are not many human defenders in Dragon Scale Castle. Maybe a small force can retake Dragon Scale Castle.”

The number of defenders of Dragon Scale Castle did confuse many orcs. Most of the orc officers felt that retaking Dragon Scale Castle was just a piece of cake. Therefore, although the atmosphere in the big tent was dull, it was not desperate. This was just a battle defeat. That’s all, it’s far from as serious as Sean said.

However, there were still orc officers in the big tent who raised objections.

“Don’t be careless. If the human army really only had that little strength, Dragon Scale Castle would not have fallen so quickly. The human army that broke through Dragon Scale Castle was weird, so be careful when dealing with it.”

“What Gris said makes sense. We can no longer underestimate the enemy this time. We must go all out to recapture Dragon Scale Castle and ensure the army’s retreat.”

The legion commander named Gris and Sean thought together. Since humans can capture the Dragon Scale Castle where he has deployed a lot of troops, no matter whether the opponent’s troops are weak or not, there is definitely something weird and cannot be treated as ordinary. The human army came to deal with it.

And he didn’t believe that the other side’s commander had spent so much effort to push his army to such an extent that he would leave such a flaw here.

“So, shall we begin to retreat?”

“Well, we don’t have much food and grass, so we can’t delay under Longyi City any longer. We will start to retreat today. The Sixth Army and the Seventh Army are still relatively complete. The Sixth and Seventh Army will be the vanguard of the army and serve as the main attack. Task.”

“Yes, sir!”

The two orc officers stood up quickly to receive the order.

The Sixth and Seventh Legions are not the main legions under Sean, and their legion commanders are slightly less powerful, with only the peak strength of a great warrior.

In the previous siege battles, the 6th and 7th legions were not used as the main force, but now their strength is intact, and the most elite legions have lost their troops and generals in the siege battles, and their combat power has been greatly reduced. The casualty rate of both legions was more than 50%, and even the legion commanders died in the battle. It would be difficult to restore combat effectiveness without replenishing soldiers and officers and reorganizing them for a period of time.

“The wolf cavalry does a good job of covering to prevent human pursuit.”

“Yes, sir!”

“When retreating, the 9th and 10th legions are in the rear. If humans pursue them, the wolf cavalry will try to entangle the opponent and counterattack at any time.”

“Yes, sir!”

“All armies should prepare immediately and act quickly.”

Although the morale of the orcs was a little low, their action efficiency was still very high. After Sean gave the order, the entire camp started moving like clockwork. A large amount of cumbersome supplies were abandoned, and some siege equipment was reinstalled. It was disassembled into parts for easy portability, and the orc craftsmen could quickly assemble them when they got to the place.

At night, the orc army, which was almost resting, began to gradually retreat. More than 100,000 troops held torches and formed a long dragon with no end at a glance. It was continuous and felt a little oppressive.

On the other side, the city wall of Longyi City is also brightly lit. Of course, the movements in the orc camp cannot be hidden from the defenders of Longyi City. A large group of human soldiers are waiting for danger. Gru and several officers gather together. Observing the movements of the orcs.

“Lord Gru, the orcs actually chose to withdraw at night, do you want to pursue them?”

“No need, the orcs and wolf cavalry at the rear are difficult to deal with. The orcs are not retreating and are prepared. If we pursue them now, we will probably stumble.”

The strength of the orcs is still there. If the humans see the orcs withdraw their troops and pursue them, the orcs will still have the power to fight back. If the human army that can kill them is defeated, they may even have a chance to seize the city again.

Although night is not a good time to withdraw troops. It would be difficult for ordinary troops to march at night. However, due to food source issues, orcs often have the habit of eating animal offal. There is no night blindness, and the troops led by Sean are all The elite troops from the royal capital, marching at night is not difficult for them.

“Be vigilant and don’t let your guard down. Scouts are always paying attention to the movements of the orc army.”

“Yes, sir.”

In the end, Gru chose to close the city gate tightly and not go out. Although the team marching in the dark was more likely to cause chaos after being attacked, Gru did not have the power to harass the orcs at this time. If Taris and the champion If the knight is still there, Gru may take the initiative to attack. Now the cavalry power in his hand cannot even deal with the thousands of wolf cavalry of the orcs, so why pursue them.

Just as Gru and others watched the orc army leave, Dusien, who was in the middle of the team, also looked back at the city. The gate of Dragon Wing City was closed tightly in the dark night. After several days of fighting, both sides suffered unknown casualties on the city. Damn it, you can smell the blood in the city from miles away.

Sighing, Sean gave the final order with a deep sense of reluctance on his face.

“What a pity. Order the Third Army and the Fourth Army not to hide, but to light up the torches and march quickly.”

“Yes, sir!”

After Sean’s order was given, tens of thousands of torches lit up the dark spots on the two wings of the orc army, turning into two small fire dragons and chasing the long dragon.


“Lord Gru is wise.”

The human generals on the city were a little frightened when they saw the sudden appearance of torches on the two wings of the orcs. These orcs actually set up an ambush when they retreated in the dark. If they pursued them as they thought, they would have played into the orcs’ hands.

Gru nodded noncommittally. He didn’t think much about it. He just didn’t take the risk because he thought the ordinary soldiers of the Northern Route Army were not strong enough. If he had his own ranger regiment, or It’s the Royal Knights of Erathia, so he doesn’t care if the opponent has an ambush. If they dare to retreat under his nose, he will definitely launch an attack under the cover of night to bite the opponent.

“Leave some guards behind and let the soldiers go back and rest.”

“Tomorrow, all the knights who can be mobilized from the North Route Army will be gathered together, so that the First Flag Regiment can take a good rest and be ready for dispatch at any time.”

“Yes, Lord Gru!”

Gru is not ready to wait for the orcs to starve to death. He still wants experience. Orcs who starve to death have no experience…


(I crawled back. I went out for a few days on May Day. I will take a break and resume normal updates. I will find time to catch up later.)


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