Heroes of Might and Magic: Knight Chapter 499: Success and failure (3)


On this battlefield where personal combat power can be extraordinary, there is no doubt that the battle between the masters of both sides has an impact on the trend of the war. However, the basis of the war is still not divorced from the large-scale military combat, even if the personal force is more prominent. In the world of Invincible Heroes, ordinary soldiers still play a key role in the war.

On the city wall, Gru and Sean were fighting fiercely. Gru was obviously stronger, but Sean was not a soft persimmon. After getting familiar with Gru’s style of play, he also worked hard to remain undefeated and tried his best to delay Time is waiting for changes in other directions. In his opinion, he has held back the most dangerous strong man in mankind. Several powerful legion commanders have also boarded the city wall. After entering the close-quarters fighting stage on the city wall, How can humans be the opponent of the orc warriors? As long as he holds on here, the collapse of the human army will be a matter of time.

The development of the war was as Sean expected at the beginning. Several orcs on the wells were not driven down immediately after they attacked the city wall. Soon they covered more orc warriors and rushed to the city wall. , In some places, the orc warriors even occupied dozens of meters of city walls, and hundreds of orc soldiers rushed up.

“Gun! Spear!”

“Raise your shield!”

Although a section of the city wall was lost, the organizational skills of the human soldiers were still strong. Soon a knight-level officer stepped forward to reorganize the scattered army.

Although these soldiers of the Northern Route Army were dispersed by the strong orcs who came to the city, their will to fight has not been lost. As soon as they encountered someone organizing a battle, they immediately moved closer to the opponent, quickly lined up in several rows, and formed a counterattack A complete gun and shield formation, trying to block the orcs’ attack.




However, the orcs attacking the city were extremely fierce in their fighting spirit. Facing the gun and shield formation formed by human soldiers, the few orc warriors at the front had no intention of backing down. These low-level orc officers were always rushing in front of the soldiers. . He ignited a reddish fighting spirit, raised his shield diagonally, and crashed into the gun-shield formation formed by the human soldiers.

Orc warriors are generally over 2.23 meters tall, wearing heavy armor and weighing nearly 500 kilograms. With the bonus of charging speed, they already have considerable impact. Coupled with the bonus of fighting spirit, when they crashed into the gun-shield formation without fear of death, the power of the impact was not much weaker than that of the cavalry. Several gaps were knocked out of the newly organized gun-shield formation at once.

Of course, although several orc warriors broke through the gun-shield array, they themselves felt uncomfortable. They used themselves as consumables and took the initiative to meet the human soldiers with their spears, already lined up in four or five rows. The spearmen are not a mob that can collapse at the first touch. They have to stab the opponent with the spear in their hands despite the impact of the orc warriors. With the combined force of the two parties, the orcs’ heavy armor cannot withstand the impact. Those thorns The well-positioned spears pierced the heavy armor of the orc warriors. Two of the more unlucky orc warriors even had two spears pierced through their bodies.

However, since they dared to face the gun-shield formation, they had naturally put life and death aside. Although they were wearing long spears, the human soldiers who used these long spears had long been knocked down and were not sure whether they were alive or dead. He used his sword to cut off the gun barrels that were in the way. The gun heads were still in his body. He waved his big hand to signal the orc warriors behind him to continue moving forward. They would fight again.

It’s not that they don’t want to pull out the gun head along the barrel of the gun. Human spears are made very viciously, because it is difficult to break through the defenses of orcs. In order to cause greater damage to the orcs, part of the tail of the gun head is equipped with a It’s hooked, and a small piece is inserted into it. If it is pulled out, a large piece of flesh will be gone, and it will definitely not be able to be processed on the battlefield.


“Charge up! Kill!”

There were orc warriors who set an example by bravely marching into the human gun-shield array. The ordinary orc soldiers behind them had a surge in morale. They roared and waved their weapons and continued to attack the human soldiers.

Under the frenzied attack of the orcs regardless of casualties, some human soldiers on the city wall finally became timid. Even with strong pressure from officers, some soldiers quietly wanted to retreat from the city wall. Maybe for a while, those The fear of the crazy orc warriors outweighed his fear of the war team.


“I am Paine, commander of the Third Army of the Northern Route Army. You are all here with me. If I take a step back, any one of you has the power to execute me. But if I see anyone who dares to take a step back without an order, this is End! ”

“Fight me!”

“Kill the orcs!”

“Kill the orcs!”

When the situation on the city wall first became unstable and a very small number of soldiers escaped quietly, Pain, the commander of the Third Army, received the order and rushed to the city wall with the general reserve of the Northern Route Army to support him. As soon as he arrived at the passage, he blocked several escaping soldiers and cut down several of them himself without saying a word.

Pine was not originally the commander of the Third Army of the Northern Route Army, but an elite unit assigned to Richard by Saul from Longxiguan. Richard renamed the army after he took over. At first he was a little repelled, but after Richard’s consecutive victories, he gradually recognized the number of the Third Army of the North Route Army. At this time, the registration number was also reported to be the Third Army of the North Route Army.

Pine himself is a young talent in the Longxingguan Legion. He has the strength of a senior knight at the age of less than forty and has become the leader of a legion. Because of his strength and prestige, he was arranged by Gru. He held an important position and led a part of the elite to be used as a reserve force for the city defense army.

In the previous battles, Pine had never had the chance to dispatch. Finally tonight, Pine received the order to dispatch. After receiving the order, Pine quickly took dozens of his knights and the troops who had been recharging their strength for a long time. Five thousand soldiers rushed up the city wall.

With his ferocious style, he first frightened the deserters and stabilized the situation. Then he did not think of any way to form a formation to resist. He directly took the lead and fought with the orcs who had just dispersed several troops.

At this time, the battle was no longer structured. The two sides were fighting in a melee. What they fought for was resilience and fighting will. Under the conditions of racial hatred, the fighting will of both sides was not bad, not to mention the two warring parties. They are all elites and have a higher tolerance for casualties.

It’s just that the will to fight is the will to fight. This kind of attrition-style fighting is very detrimental to human beings. The orcs’ military strength is already stronger, and the combat power of ordinary soldiers is also higher than that of humans. The attrition on the city walls continues. The ones who can’t afford it first are definitely humans.


“No retreat! Push the orcs down!”

Pine, who came up with the reserve team, also knew very well that if he could not drive away the orcs that were rushing up now, and more and more people were waiting for the orcs to come up, his reserve team would be in a hard fight again.

However, no matter how hard Pain fought, he could only temporarily maintain the balance of power on the city wall, and it was difficult to drive the orcs off.

However, Gru not only prepared Pine’s reserve team, but also came up with Pine’s support, and there was another army that looked a little strange.


Dozens of knight-level Crusaders and hundreds of halberdiers and war dancers pressed onto the city wall. There was also a small group of blue creatures walking through the team. This strange half-floating creature gave The orcs caused a lot of pressure. After all, all creatures have a certain fear of the unknown. These enemies of unknown species float in the sky and come up from time to time. Even the orc warriors can’t resist them.

These blue creatures in the eyes of the orcs are all gods and monsters that Richard recruited from Snowfield City. They are not many in number, and their strength is only average among fifth-level creatures, but they can still deal with the orc warriors.

Furthermore, the Lord of Gods and Monsters can randomly apply buff spells to nearby allies. Some of the Crusaders at the forefront have states such as Holy Spirit Blessing, Joy and Bloodthirsty Thaumaturgy, which can increase a lot of combat power. With spells, the best ones were even painted with prayers. The strength of the few crusaders who carried the prayers had reached the level of great knights. With these system soldiers leading the attack, the new reserves gradually suppressed the orcs’ attack. Attacking, the orc army that had just broken through the well was suppressed back to the corner of the city wall.



“Legion Commander!”

When the human army, led by the system soldiers, gradually suppressed the attacking orc army, the casualties on the orc side also began to increase suddenly, especially an orc army commander who had previously been entangled with the snake demon. Finally, he could no longer hold up under such an attack. Although the battle ax in his hand blocked the attack of the snake demon’s two weapons, it was injured by the weapons in the snake demon’s other hands. First, his shoulder was hit by the broad back of the snake demon’s hand. The short blade made a deep wound that could see the bone, and then he was directly disemboweled by the short sword. This injury was considered very serious even for a strong man on the earth level.

After the snake demon succeeded, it was even more unforgiving. Taking advantage of the opponent’s injured reaction speed to slow down, the weapons held on its six arms were slashing at the opponent crazily. This action might be like a perverted murderer. Like a corpse venting.

Although the snake demon is a sixth-level soldier, just like the sixth-level terrifying knight in the cemetery, you can treat it as half a seventh-level soldier. It is definitely the strength of the peak earth level, and the orcs it fights against Although the legion commander is also a good player at the earth level, he is obviously several levels behind compared to the snake demon.

After several consecutive chops from the snake demon, the orc army commander was already taking in too much air and outgoing. He was grabbed by several orc warriors and then retreated.

After the earth-level legion commander was seriously injured, the snake monsters in this direction were less restrained, and they were even more aggressive against ordinary orcs. The orc warriors could not support two hands under him, and all six arms The snake demon is almost not afraid of siege. After rushing into the orc formation, it can easily face the siege of the orcs from several directions on its own.

As for the human soldiers, they did not just stand and watch the fun after the snake demon invaded the enemy formation. Originally, these soldiers were beaten back by the orcs due to the gap in combat power. However, when the snake demon attacked several orc warriors, they fought back. After severely injuring the opponent’s strong men, the human soldiers quickly launched a counterattack. Following the pace of the snake demon, they forced the orc soldiers here back into the corner. The situation gradually developed in a direction that was beneficial to the human side.

“Damn it!”

Sien, who was struggling to support Gru’s attack, became anxious when he saw that the situation on the city wall was reversed by the human reserve team. The importance of the reserve team in the war is self-evident, and it is often the last resort for both sides. The trump card, or the last straw that breaks the opponent’s back.

Sean had already expected that humans still had reserves, but in his opinion, as long as the army established a firm foothold on the city wall, the army would continue to rush up the city wall, even if humans were prepared The reserve team is just a waste of energy.

Who would have thought that the human reserve team could be so strong, and that there are still such a large number of knights and great knights that have not been mobilized. After so many days of fighting, the human defenders still retain so many.




Gru’s scimitar slashed at Sean from the side. Although Sean turned sideways and tried to dodge, he still could not avoid the knife at this tricky angle. The scimitar easily broke through the double-layer armor on Sean’s waist. A large cut was made, and the internal organs on the waist had been injured.

“How dare you lose your focus when fighting me!”

Sean and Gru were already at a disadvantage. After dozens of battles, Gru not only suffered a lot of physical and fighting energy, but didn’t even have any minor injuries on his body, but Sean was already covered in bloodstains. The armor was also in dilapidated condition. Although every wound was not fatal, there was a lot of bleeding. If it weren’t for the strong vitality of the sky-level warriors, he might have bled to the point of weakness and died.

But just as he was slightly distracted by the changes in the battle situation, Gru took the opportunity to hit him hard.

“We can only retreat.”

After Sean was severely injured by Gru, he no longer had the ability to fight again. At this time, his condition was extremely bad. If he did not withdraw, not to mention that the siege would fail, even he himself would be trapped here immediately.

After a little assessment of the situation, Sean made the decision to retreat. Sean, who was originally the leader, swung his ax and temporarily swept away Gru, winning a little space for himself, and then used the remaining fighting spirit to fight. Jumped off the city wall.

“Order, retreat!”


As Sean jumped off the city wall to escape, the golden sound of retreating in the orc camp sounded simultaneously. The orc warriors who had been fighting on the city wall with their breath began to retreat. In the panic, many orcs were squeezed from the top of the wall. Fall down.

“Lord Gru, do you want to pursue me?”

Looking at the retreating orcs, the officers on one side seemed a little eager to try. The orcs’ energy had been almost worn away by the city wall. Just now, the general was severely wounded by Gru. It was actually a good time to pursue.

But looking at the brightly lit orc camp in the dark night, Gru still shook his head.

“It’s too dark. There’s no need. The orcs are not in disorder. It might still be a tough battle to chase them. We can guard Longyi City and wait until the orcs are in chaos.”

“Yes, Lord Gru.”




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